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ELEC 401: Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit Design

Set 6
Opamp Design
References: “Analog Integrated Circuit Design” by D. Johns and K. Martin
and “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits” by B. Razavi
All figures in this set of slides are taken from the above books
Shahriar Mirabbasi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of British Columbia
SM 1
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
General Considerations
• Gain
• Small-signal bandwidth
• Large-signal performance
• Output swing
• Input common-mode range
• Linearity
• Noise/offset
• Supply rejection

SM 2
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
One-Stage Op Amps

SM 3
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
One-Stage Op Amp in Unity Gain

SM 4
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Cascode Op Amps

SM 5
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Unity Gain One Stage Cascode

SM 6
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Folded Cascode Op Amps

SM 7
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Folded Cascode Stages

SM 8
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Folded Cascode (cont.)

SM 9
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Folded Cascode (cont.)

| Av | gm1 {[(gm 3 gmb3 )ro3 (ro1 || ro5 )]|| [(gm 7 gmb 7 )ro7 ro9 ]}
SM 10
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Telescopic versus Folded Cascode

SM 11
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Example Folded-Cascode Op Amp

SM 12
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Single-Ended Output Cascode Op Amps

SM 13
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Triple Cascode

Av app. (gmro)3/2

Limited Output Swing

Complex biasing

SM 14
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Output Impedance Enhancement

Rout A1 g m 2 ro 2 ro1

SM 15
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Gain Boosting in Cascode Stage

SM 16
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Differential Gain Boosting

SM 17
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Differential Gain Boosting

SM 18
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Differential Gain Boosting

SM 19
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Two-Stage Op Amps

SM 20
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Single-Ended Output Two-Stage Op Amp

SM 21
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Two-Stage CMOS Opamp
• Popular opamp design approach
• A good example to review many important design concepts
• Output buffer is typically used to drive resistive loads
• For capacitive loads (typical case in CMOS) buffer is not

V in A1 – A2 1 V out

Differential Second Output

input stage gain stage buffer

SM 22
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Two-Stage CMOS Opamp
• Popular opamp design approach
• A good example to review many important design concepts
• Output buffer is typically used to drive resistive loads
• For capacitive loads (typical case in CMOS) buffer is not

V in A1 – A2 1 V out

Differential Second Output

input stage gain stage buffer

SM 22
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Two-Stage CMOS Opamp Example

SM 23
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Gain of the Opamp
• First Stage
Differential to single-ended

• Second Stage

Common-source stage

• Output buffer is not required when driving capacitive loads

SM 24
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Gain of the Opamp
Third Stage

• Source follower

• Typical gain: between 0.7 to1

• Note: go=1/ro and GL=1/RL
• gmb is body-effect conductance (is zero if source can be tied to

SM 25
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Frequency Response


Q1 Q2
vin– 300 300
v1 v2

A3 1

–A2 A3 vout
150 i = g m1 vin
Ceq = CC 1 + A 2
Q3 Q4

SM 26
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Frequency Response
Simplifying assumptions:
• CC dominates
• Ignore Q16 for the time being (it is used for lead compensation)

Miller effect results in

• At midband frequencies

SM 27
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Frequency Response
• Overall gain (assuming A3 1)

which results in a unity-gain frequency of

• Note: ta is directly proportional to gm1 and inversely

proportional to CC.

SM 28
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Frequency Response
• First-order model

20 log A1 A 2

Gain – 20 dB/decade

ta gm1 CC

0 Freq
p1 ta (log)


0 Freq
Phase ta
– 90

– 180

SM 29
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Slew Rate
• Maximum rate of output change when input signal is large.


Q1 Q2
vin– 300 300
v1 v2

A3 1

–A2 A3 vout
150 i = g m1 vin

Q3 Q4
• All the bias current of Q5 goes either into Q1 or Q2.
SM 30
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Slew Rate

SM 31
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Slew Rate

• Normally, the designer has not much control over ta

• Slew-rate can be increased by increasing Veff1

• This is one of the reasons for using p-channel input stage:

higher slew-rate

SM 32
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Systematic Offset Voltage
• To ensure inherent (systematic) offset voltage does not exist,
nominal current through Q7 should equal to that of Q6 when the
differential input is zero.
Vbias 300
I b ia s

Q1 Q2
Vin – 300 300
Vin +

Vo ut

150 150
Q3 Q4 Q7
SM 33
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Systematic Offset Voltage
• Avoid systematic offset by choosing:

• Found by noting


then setting

SM 34
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
N-Channel versus P-Channel Input Stage
• Complimentary opamp can be designed with an n-channel input
differential pair and p-channel second-stage
• Overall gain would be roughly the same in both designs
P-channel Advantages
• Higher slew-rate: for fixed bias current, Veff is larger (assuming
similar widths used for maximum gain)
• Higher frequency of operation: higher transconductance of
second stage which results in higher unity-gain frequency
• Lower 1/f noise: holes less likely to be trapped; p-channel
transistors have lower 1/f noise
• N-channel source follower is preferable (less voltage drop and
higher gm)
N-channel Advantage
• Lower thermal noise — thermal noise is lowered by high
transconductance of first stage

SM 35
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Feedback and Opamp Compensation

Y H (s)
( s)
X 1 H (s)

• Feedback systems may oscillate

• The following two are the oscillation conditions:

| H( j )| 1
H( j ) 180

SM 36
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Stable and Unstable Systems

SM 37
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Time-domain response of a feedback system

SM 38
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
One-pole system

H ( s)
1 s

Y 1 A0
X s
0 1 A0

Sp 0 1 A0
Bode plot of the Loop gain

SM 39
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Multi-pole system

0.1 p2 10 p1

Bode plot of the Loop gain

SM 40
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Phase Margin

Loop Gain -20 dB/decade

20 log LG (j )

0 Freq
p1 t

(gain margin)
p1 t
Phase Freq
0 (log)
Loop Gain

(phase margin)

SM 41
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Phase Margin

j 175
H( 1
) 1 e

Y 11.5

Closed loop frequency response

SM 42
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Phase Margin (Cont.)

PM 180 H( GX )

Phase Margin = 45
SM 43
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Phase Margin (Cont.)

Phase Margin = 45

SM 44
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Phase Margin (Cont.)

• At PM = 60o results in a small overshoot in the step response.

• If we increase PM, the system will be more stable but the time
response slows down.

SM 45
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Frequency Compensation

• Push phase crossing point out

• Push gain crossing point in

SM 46
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Telescopic Opamp (single-ended) -example

SM 47
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Compensation (Cont.)

• Assume we need a phase margin of 45o (usually

inadequate) and other non-dominant poles are at high

SM 48
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Compensation of a two-stage opamp

Miller Effect Ceq CE (1 Av 2 )CC

f pE
2 Rout[CE (1 Av 2 )CC ]

SM 49
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Compensating Two-Stage Opamps
Q5 Q6
300 VDD
Vbias1 300

Q1 Q2
Vin- 300 300 Vin+ Vout2


Q16 Cc

150 150
Q3 Q4 Q7

SM 50
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Compensating Two-Stage Opamps
v1 RC CC

gm1 v R1 C1 g m7 v R2 C2
in 1

• Q16 has VDS16 = 0 therefore it is hard in the triode region.

• Small signal analysis: without RC, a right-half plane zero occurs

and worsens the phase-margin.

SM 51
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Compensating Two-Stage Opamps
• Using RC (through Q16) places zero at

• Zero moved to left-half plane to aid compensation

• Good practical choice is

• satisfied by letting

SM 52
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Design Procedure
Design example: Find CC with RC=0 for a 55o phase margin
– Arbitrarily choose C’C=1pF and set RC=0

– Using SPICE, find frequency t where a –125 phase shift

exists, define gain as A’

– Choose new CC so t becomes unity-gain frequency of the

loop gain, resulting in a 55o phase margin.
Achieved by setting CC=CCA’

– Might need to iterate on CC a couple of times using SPICE

SM 53
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Design Procedure
Next: Choose RC according to

– Increasing t by about 20 percent, leaves zero near final t

– Check that gain continues to decrease at frequencies above the
new t

Next: If phase margin is not adequate, increase CC while leaving

RC constant.

SM 54
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Design Procedure
Next: Replace RC by a transistor

SPICE can be used for iteration to fine-tune the device

dimensions and optimize the phase margin.

SM 55
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Process and Temperature Independence
• Can show non-dominant pole is roughly given by

• Recall zero given by

• If RC tracks inverse of gm7 then zero will track p2:

SM 56
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Process and Temperature Independence
• Need to ensure Veff16/Veff7 is independent of process and
temperature variations
Q11 Q6
25 300


25 Q16 CC
Vb 300

• First set Veff13=Veff7 which makes Va=Vb

SM 57
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Process and Temperature Independence

SM 58
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Stable Transconductance Biasing

SM 59
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Stable Transconductance Biasing
• Transconductance of Q13 (to the first order) is determined by
geometric ratios only.
• Independent of power-supply voltages, process parameters,
temperature, etc.
• For special case (W/L)15=4(W/L)13


• Note that high-temperature will decrease mobility and hence

increase effective gate-source voltages.
• Roughly 25% increase for 100 degree increase
• Requires a start-up circuit (might have all 0 currents)

SM 60
ELEC 401 Set 6 - Opamp Design
Stable Transconductance Biasing
• Transconductance of Q13 (to the first order) is determined by
geometric ratios only.
• Independent of power-supply voltages, process parameters,
temperature, etc.
• For special case (W/L)15=4(W/L)13


• Note that high-temperature will decrease mobility and hence

increase effective gate-source voltages.
• Roughly 25% increase for 100 degree increase
• Requires a start-up circuit (might have all 0 currents)

SM 60
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