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TOFTY CASTING Fax: S10-S89-0367 Sep 32008 01:1fom POO8/016- Scene BA TRACY SIDES IND, SUBURBAN HOUSE — BASEMENT - NIGHT TRACY and JENNY, both 17. Tracy’s dressed in @ cheerleader uniform. Jenny, also pretty in another TED sexy costume, but clearly the beta to Tracy’s alpha. The girls stand over a metal tub. Chat up DEREK from the golf team. ors nsact oma vane, ‘tracy throws Jenny a look, takes @ step toward Derek, then. + ossss her head back, OPENS her mouth WIDE, and DIVES out of ON DEREK'S salacious admiration, then-— ‘Tracy WATPS into view: face WET, hair DRIPPING, a RED APPLE clenched in her teeth... it’s better than a beer commercial. DEREK (CONT'D) 1 stand corrected. Tracy takes a bite of the apple, smiles at Derek. Jenny edges to the tub, kncelo down. Deep breath, then she DIVES. ON JENNY UNDERWATER: blinking, then lunging at apples. She tries for one, then another. Huh. Harder than it looks. Running out of breath... Fuck it. Jenny tries to pull her head out of the tub. OFF her puzzled expression-~ \SEWATISAS , a ON Derek and Tracy. Tracy takes another bite of the apple. DEREK (CONT’D) Wow. She can really bold her breath. ‘Tracy nods, then—— Jenny's HANDS fly to the edge of the tub. She PUSHES against it. Her legs SCUFF the floor, locking for traction—— TRACY Jenny? \ TOFTY CASTING Fax: S10-S89-0367 Sep 32008 01:1fom POOS/016- dracy drops to her knees, grabs one of Jenny's arms and BULLS. To Derek-— TRACY (CONT'D) Oh my God! Help met Derek grabs Jonny's other arm. ‘Thay THROW their weight against the tub. Jenny doesn’t budge. The water starts to BUBBLE! ON JENNY, face down in the BOTLING WATER. She SCREAMS in AGONY-- @s she’s BOILED ALIVE. DEREK (backing away) What is going on. Jenny's legs KICK. Her ams FLATL. Tracy, CRYING, Btruggling to wrap hor arms around her friend, then-— the water STOPS. As Jenny's body goes LIMP ‘TRACY (sobbing) Jenny! Tracy PULLS her friend from the tub, turns her over. —a ee, eck turns and PUES 0.S., as we SEE what he saw—— JENNY. Her face PUFFED, RED, still STEAMING. Boiled to death. INT, SUBURBAN HOUSE ~ BASEMENT - NIGHT the window. Sam and Dean pean eyes Tracy, wrapped in @ blanket POLICE OFFICER. (ottgfied) wee T woul ON sam. Yuh—ht Tracy who's fP sam moves int) the room. Dean approaches ling hex story to the Offices. 2h TOFTY CASTING Fax: S10-S89-0367 Sep 3 2008 01:18pm PD10/016 Serne BU Wee (sniffing) It's just so weird, you know? The water in the tub-—'it wasn’t hot. I’d just been in there myself. She shivers. DEAN Your friend happen to know a man named Luke Wallace, by any chance? Tracy and the Police Officer look to Dean. Who the hell are you? Dean flashes the badge. DEAN (CONT’D) Agent Seger. FBI. TRACY Who’s Luke Wallace? DEAN Ho died last night? ‘TRACY 1 don't know who that is. ‘Dean looks across the room to: Sam, pushing the couch back S against the wall. Sam surreptitiously holds up another BEX BAG. Sceere *? INT. TEACHER’S HOUSE - BASEMENT ~ CONTINUOUS «.-A very, VERY, scary witch. bon the art teacher INTONES in GaulishAtranslation to come): pow Adve; adveri move REVEAL: Don stands be: covered in tho CREEPY A muffled SCREAM. REVEAL: Tracy. GAGGED ick wooden joist. She STRUGGLES, tries to BACK TO DON. As he firishes the INCANTATION.

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