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Media and mental illness: Relevance to India

Article  in  Journal of Postgraduate Medicine · April 2014

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Susanta Kumar Padhy Siddharth Sarkar

Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research All India Institute of Medical Sciences


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April-June 2014 | Volume 60 | Issue 2

Journal of Postgraduate Medicine • Volume 60 • Issue 2 • April-June 2014 • Pages 113-226
Narrative Review
Media and mental illness: Relevance to India
Padhy SK, Khatana S, Sarkar S

Department of Psychiatry, Abstract

Nehru Hospital,
Media has a complex interrelationship with mental illnesses. This narrative review takes a look at the various
Postgraduate Institute of
Medical Education and
ways in which media and mental illnesses interact. Relevant scientific literature and electronic databases
Research, Chandigarh, were searched, including Pubmed and GoogleScholar, to identify studies, viewpoints and recommendations
India using keywords related to media and mental illnesses. This review discusses both the positive and the
negative portrayals of mental illnesses through the media. The portrayal of mental health professionals and
Address for correspondence: psychiatric treatment is also discussed. The theories explaining the relationship of how media influences
Dr. Siddharth Sarkar, the attitudes and behavior are discussed. Media has also been suggested to be a risk factor for the genesis
E-mail: sidsarkar22@
or exacerbation of mental illnesses like eating disorders and substance use disorders. The potential use
of media to understand the psychopathology and plight of those with psychiatric disorders is referred to.
The manner in which media can be used as a tool for change to reduce the stigma surrounding mental
illnesses is explored.
Received : 31-05-2013
Review completed : 26-06-2013
Accepted : 05-09-2013 KEY WORDS: Media, mental illness, portrayal, psychiatric

Introduction India being the largest democracy and with fairly unrestricted
media is likely to be a case in point about how media influences

T      he term media collectively refers to the main means

of mass communication. The means of media can be in
the form of Internet (the World Wide Web), television, radio,
the perception of mental illnesses. This narrative review takes a
look at the interface of media and mental illnesses from various
perspectives, including how media portrays mental illnesses,
newspapers, magazines, newsletters and various forms of print how it impacts patients with mental illnesses, how it can act as a
media. The primary aim of the media is communication, with risk factor for mental illnesses, how it can be used to understand
the goal of educating, informing and entertaining the audience. psychopathology and how it can be used as a tool for change.
Media acts as a mirror of the society and, in turn, influences
the perception and behavior of individuals. Portrayal of Mental Illness, Mental Health Professionals
and Treatment
Media and mental illnesses interact with each other in many
complex ways as shown in Figure 1. Media may act as the It has been shown that media portrayal can influence one’s
primary source of information about mental illnesses and may perception about mental illnesses. Media influence can
shape the perceptions and attitudes about mental illnesses. override personal experiences in relation to how mental illness
Media portrayal may stigmatize mental illnesses as well as act are viewed.[1,2] Media can perpetuate the negative stereotypes
associated with mental illnesses. Often, persons with mental
as a means of reducing inaccurate perceptions. Media can act
illness are depicted with negative attributes like being unlikable,
as risk factors for certain forms of mental illnesses. Specific
dangerous, aggressive, violent, asocial, untrustworthy and
forms of media, especially films, can be used as a means of
incompetent.[3-8] Media reports of homicides attributed to the
understanding psychiatric disorders and the treatment methods
mentally ill seem to be depicted in a more stigmatizing manner
that are available.
as if to emphasize that they were different from homicides
committed by others.[9] Labeling people with mental illnesses
Access this article online as dangerous and violent reinforces the public view of fear and
Quick Response Code: anxiety toward the mentally ill.[7,10]

Website: Perpetuation of stigma by the media towards mental illness
is an important problem that requires concerted attention.
One feature of depiction of mental illness in the media is
the omission of specifics. Often, the description is carried out
of a “psychiatric patient” or “mentally ill.” Because there is a

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Padhy, et al.: Media and mental illness

In very few films like Good Will Hunting (1997) and Ordinary
People (1980) have they been depicted as empathic. In Indian
cinema too, as in the West, psychiatrists have been caricatured
and at times shown as vile or unprofessional.[20,21]

In both Bollywood and Hollywood movies, the depictions of

psychiatric treatment, especially electroconvulsive therapy
(ECT), were inaccurate, distorted and dramatized. ECT
was shown to be administered by force to punish, to torture,
to obliterate identity and to induce insanity.[21] The clinical
evidence of safety and usefulness of ECT, which is one of
the most effective forms of psychiatric treatment in severe
mental illness, had been largely overlooked.[22] ECT treatment
has been depicted to cause mental disturbance and amnesia
without clinical improvement in movies like Raja, Damini,
Khamoshi, Jewel Thief, Rat aur Din, etc.[23,24] Other extreme
forms of treatment like lobotomy and forced medication
Figure 1: Media and mental illness – interplay have been depicted in movies without a clear indication and
rationale, suggesting a rather coercive side to psychiatric
variety of mental disorders each with different manifestations, treatment.[25]
giving a common label to all may lead people to generalize.[12,13]
The qualifiers like “severe” if used indiscreetly may lead to an It seems likely that psychopharmacological treatments have
been subjected to a negative portrayal too. Psychotropic drugs
inaccurate portrayal of mental disorders and misunderstanding
have been found to have a lower acceptance than cardiac drugs,
of psychiatric diseases. Movies like “Psycho” and “Halloween”
and were believed to cause significantly more severe side-effects
may increase the anxiety and fear about the mentally ill patients
and provoke more fear of losing control. Such opinions rather
among the general public and lead to further distancing and
seemed to be fueled by media reports.[26] Psychotropic drugs
are apparently discussed less objectively in the medical context
than the other medications.[27] Such negative attitudes have
Whether particular forms of media impart a balanced view of
been apparently decreasing with time.[28]
the mentally ill has been scrutinized. Some forms of media like
general circulation magazines have been suggested to present
At times, live electronic and print media give a comparatively
a more accurate and positive depiction of mental illness than
positive picture of psychiatrists and psychiatric treatments.
prime time television.[15,16] Individuals who reported receiving
Some magazines and newspapers publish columns and write-
their information primarily from the electronic media (e.g., ups about psychiatric illnesses and their treatment, and aim to
television, film) reported less tolerance toward individuals with dispel myths. Live chats and interviews also give an opportunity
mental illness than those receiving information primarily from to hear out practicing professionals and ask pertinent questions
the print media.[17] about psychiatric disorders.

Media not only portrays mental illness in a negative manner but, Attempts have been made to understand how media imparts
at times, also provides positive depictions. Movies, newspapers, knowledge and influences the attitudes, behaviors and views of
magazines and newsletters have made attempts to correctly individual. Two mass communication theories are particularly
inform and educate people about mental illnesses. Personal relevant in this regard: The “social cognitive theory”[29] and the
accounts of patients and sensitive depictions in movies like “cultivation theory.”[30] A major component of social cognitive
“As Good As It Gets” have attempted to deliver a fairly accurate theory is “symbolizing capability,” which means that people
image of psychiatric illnesses and their sufferers. Mass media process and transform transient experiences into cognitive
provides an opportunity to fill the knowledge gaps of the general models using symbols that act as guides for judgment and
public about mental illnesses. Whether the gap is filled by action. Depictions of people who are mentally ill act as symbols
accurate and correct description or by inaccurate inflated reports of mental illness as a whole and can also provide viewers with
remains a question that requires consideration. This question the virtual experience of what a person with a mental illness
is especially important as the knowledge about psychiatric must be like. Television is a primary example of a tool used
illnesses is generally low in India and misconceptions about to provide people with such vicarious experiences. Heavy
mental illnesses abound.[18] exposure to these vicarious experiences may become reality
to the viewer through the cultivation theory. The cultivation
As with mental illnesses, media portrayal of psychiatrists and theory states that the more one views certain material, the
mental health professionals might not have been always positive. more likely it becomes the reality for him, i.e. people who
They were quite often portrayed as neurotic, unable to maintain watch a lot of television are more likely to express opinions
professional boundaries, substance users, rigid, controlling, and hold values similar to those represented on television and
ineffectual, uncaring, self-absorbed or mentally unstable.[19] the content watched.

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Padhy, et al.: Media and mental illness

Does Media Act as a Risk Factor for Mental Illness? Media and substance use
Media can play a key role in the initiation and accentuation of
Whether media predisposes a person to mental illness has been substance use. Research has revealed that advertising may be
a matter of query. The association of media and various mental responsible for up to 30% of adolescent tobacco and alcohol
illness and psychiatric disorders has been evaluated. use. [50,51] Exposure to tobacco marketing and advertising
increases the smoking initiation rates in teenagers more than
Media and eating disorders two-fold.[52] Advertisements and promotion of cigarettes have
Exposure of women to glamorously thin images in the media been increasing in developing countries like India due to a
has been suggested to lead to body image dissatisfaction and sharp decline in sales in Western countries, and pose as a
low self-esteem. This has been suggested to lead to a drive for major concern.[53]
thinness and a quest for dieting, which may result in eating
disorders.[31-34] It is difficult to conclude whether media plays Media research also shows that, alcohol and tobacco appeared
a causal role, acts as a trigger or is just another confounder for in the majority of the movies. Illicit drugs were commonly
those who are otherwise predisposed. It is possible that only shown in a large proportion of movies[54] as well as through the
those individuals having pre-existing anxiety, depression, low television.[55] Characters in the movies or television are often
self-esteem or genetic liability are vulnerable to cultural demand shown smoking as a part of daily life. Covert sponsoring of mega
and develop symptoms of eating disorders. sport events like international cricket matches and bravery
awards surreptitiously aim to promote tobacco products. These
Regional variations exist in the body image dissatisfactions in may attract the vulnerable adolescents toward smoking as a
relation to the media. In Iran, ban on Western media after the desirable “grown up” activity.[56] A study from India suggests
fall of the Shah precluded being exposed to the thin body beauty, that those children who are exposed to cigarette brand names
leading to a higher body esteem of Iranian female students.[35] through television are more likely to smoke, while those exposed
Eating disorders had not been recorded until the advent of to anti-tobacco messages are less likely to smoke.[57] Such
televised media on the Fiji islands.[36,37] Countries like India and marketing strategies need to be countered to reduce initiation
China also reported cases of eating disorders after 1990 with to substance-taking behaviors.
wider exposure to the Western media.[38] Muscular dysmorphia,
a type of “reverse anorexia” in males with preoccupation on Media and internet addiction
muscle bulk, has emerged as a male counterpart of anorexia Internet addiction has emerged as a new form of behavioral
nervosa seemingly fuelled by media portrayal of lean and addiction with the popularization and easy access of the World
muscular men.[39] Wide Web.[58] Dependence on the Internet seems to have
criteria similar to that of pathological gambling and other
Media and suicide substance use disorders. It has been seen that Internet addiction
The role of fictional portrayal of suicide-leading imitative acts is present in a significant proportion of the youth in countries
began in the late 18th century, when Goethe released his novel like South Korea and Taiwan.[59] It has been suggested that
“The Sorrows of Young Werther,” wherein the protagonist Internet addiction coexists with other psychiatric disorders like
ends his own life due to unrequited love. A few deaths by the substance use disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
same means as the protagonist led to use of the term “Werther depression and anxiety.[59,60] Because India also possesses a
effect” to describe the hypothesized association between gradually expanding Internet-using population, it is likely
media portrayal of suicide and imitative acts by observer. Such that Internet addiction and comorbid problems would be
imitative suicidal behavior has been observed worldwide.[40] encountered more frequently.[61]
In India, Chowdhury et al.[41] reported 18 cases of copycat
suicides after media reports of a judicial hanging, and 17 other Media and sexual behavior
imitation acts. Such copycat suicides and attempts have even Media in the form of television, magazines or movies has
been observed in young children,[42] and have otherwise led to been found to be an important source of sexual information
political repercussions.[43] to the teenagers.[62] Adolescents who selectively viewed more
sexual content on television were more likely to have sexual
Many factors have been evaluated as risk factors of imitative intercourse in the preceding year.[63,64] Media exposure to
suicidal behaviors. It has been seen that imitative suicides are pornography may lead to experience of conflict, suffering and
more common within 2 weeks of the first event, with greater sexual dissatisfaction.[65] Media exposure to sexual themes may
media coverage, repeated coverage and high-impact stories, have a negative effect on the attitudes toward women, and may
when the person described in the story and the reader/viewer portend to a greater propensity to indulge in coercive intimate
are similar in some way, when the person described in the encounters and experimentation.[66-68] On the other side, when
story is a celebrity and is held in high regard by the reader/ used correctly, media can have significant positive impacts on
viewer and particular subgroups in the population (e.g., young sexual health-related attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.[69,70] Mass
people, people suffering from depression and substance use media can provide knowledge about healthy sex, contraception,
disorder).[44-47] Farmer suicides is another issue that has been family planning, sexually transmitted diseases and treatment
highlighted by the media, constructively raising awareness of sexual disorders. Viewing advertisements about human
about the stress and plight of the farmers[48] and sensitizing immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have led to a reduction in the
the authorities.[49] reported number of sexual partners by both men and women

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and increased condom usage.[71] In India too, mass media in later life.[83,84] The time spent on the media devices has been
including television and radio were the most important sources found to be a better marker of further violent behavior than
of information about HIV.[72] Several international studies have the actual content.[85] On the other hand, there are studies to
found that women who view more family planning messages suggest that television violence does not influence children’s
on television, radio and print media are more likely to use behavior or make them excessively prone to violence.[86,87]
contraceptives than those who see fewer messages.[73,74] Neurogenetic and environmental factors apparently interact to
increase the risk of the development of aggression in violence-
Media and depression prone personalities.[88] Media may just act as a stylistic catalyst,
Exposure to significant levels of television and other electronic i.e. when an individual with high-violence proneness decides to
media during the teenage years has been suggested to influence act violently, he or she may model it on what was encountered
depression during young adulthood, especially among men.[75] through media. However, because aggression is multifactorial in
Media exposure at night may disrupt sleep, which is important origin, no single factor including media influence can be pinned
for normal cognitive and emotional development. In addition, down as a dominant influence.[89]
messages transmitted through the media may lead to fear,
anxiety and aggression. The new face of social media in Media to understand psychopathology
the form of Facebook and others may cause depression in Media can be used to understand psychopathology and learn
teenagers.[76] The association between social media use and about mental illnesses. Although movies are rarely made to depict
depression may not be a very robust one as there evidence to psychiatric illnesses per se, they often aim to show real human
the contrary.[77] Whether media multitasking is used by persons beings with emotions and afflictions. Psychiatric disorders
who are depressed and anxious as a means of distraction needs that are out of the ordinary experience are often used to build
to be evaluated.[78] characters that intrigue and entice. Such character depictions
may provide an opportunity to understand psychopathology in a
The rise and acceptance of social media has been particularly far interesting manner rather than conceptualizing from books.
marked in India. Although it may act as a means of making Some of the representative movies with depiction of specific
friends and gathering social support, it may lead to stress in psychiatric disorders are shown in Table 1.
some individuals.[79] Because social media websites are among
the most commonly accessed websites in India with a large Through movie club discussions, psychopathology can be
quantum of users,[80] it is likely that social media may negatively deliberated and understood better. [90] It can be used to
affect a large segment of the population through concerns about understand the dynamics of suicide – about the intent to
social image. die and the wish to be rescued, which have been depicted in
films like Scent of a Woman (1992), Ordinary People (1980)
Media and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Night Mother (1986). Traumatic experiences related
Media viewing of tragic events may produce PTSD symptoms to dissociative disorders include death, witnessing death or
in vulnerable populations such as children. It was seen that exposure to death (as in Three Faces of Eve).[91] Bipolar disorders
5.4% of children who indirectly witnessed through media the have been suggested to fuel the creative process of numerous
terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 developed symptomatic artists and composers, and some of the movies have been able
PTSD.[81] The amount of television viewing predicted increased to capture this effectively, e.g. Patch Adams (1998). Movies
risk of PTSD. Similarly, in adults, PTSD symptoms markedly can be helpful in understanding not only specific psychiatric
developed in those who had high-trait anxiety and were exposed disorders but also for unconscious defense mechanisms, e.g.
through the media to the terrorist attacks.[82] altruism of a doctor who devotes himself to people in India in
City of Joy (1992), suppression in Gone with the Wind (1939)
Media and aggression and intellectualization in Lorenzo’s Oil (1992).
The potential relationship between media exposure to violence
and subsequent violent behavior has been a matter of clinical Indian cinema has also aptly depicted psychiatric ailments.[20,92,93]
enquiry for quite some time. Reports have shown that childhood While Raaz deals with personality disorder, Taare Zameen Par
television watching is associated with higher rates of aggression takes dyslexia as a theme of the movie. Devdas dwells on alcohol

Table 1: Depiction of psychiatric disorders in the movies

Disorder Hollywood movies Bollywood movies
Dissociative disorders The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1986), Three Bhool Bhulaiya (2007), Kartik Calling Kartik
Faces Of Eve (1957) (2010)
Schizophrenia A Beautiful Mind (2001), Running With Scissors (2006) 15 Park Avenue (2005), Who Lamhe (2005)
Substance use disorders Requiem For A Dream (2000), Clean And Sober (1988) Devdas (2002), Dev-D (2009)
Personality disorders Prozac Nation (2001), A Clockwork Orange (1971) Raaz (2002), Sholay (1975)
Anxiety disorders As Good As It Gets (1997), The Aviator (2004) Chhoti Si Baat (1975), Anupama (1966)
Mental retardation, pervasive Rain Man (1988), The Black Balloon (2008) My Name is Khan (2010), Barfi (2012)
developmental disorder

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abuse and dependence and My Name is Khan talks about to reduce stigma as well.[103,104] When used correctly, media can
Asperger’s disease. Indian cinema is among the most productive have significant positive impacts on health-related attitudes,
in terms of the number of films made per year, and many other beliefs and behaviors. Documentary films can be used to educate
examples abound about the depiction of psychiatric disorders. the general public about mental health and disease. Viewing
a documentary about schizophrenia led schizophrenia to be
Apart from cinema, the television and print media in the perceived as less dangerous.[105] Reading an article containing
form of books and magazines can be useful in understanding corrective information has led to a greater acceptance of persons
psychopathology. Therein too, the character development with mental illness and less fear about mental illnesses.[106]
recourses on certain attributes placed on the protagonist and Keeping this in view, the National Mental Health Program of
the other supporting individuals. India has attempted to use media publicity to reduce the stigma
and encourage treatment seeking. The new Mental Health Care
Impact of Media on the Mentally Ill Act also aims to use media to dissipate effectively the various
provisions relating to the new law.[107]
Media portrayal can influence those who suffer from psychiatric
disorders. About half of the patients with mental health
The manner of media reporting can also have an important
disorders reported that media coverage had a negative impact
influence on the behavior of the people. It has been seen that
of their lives, about one-third reported that it increased their
introduction of media guidelines regarding reporting suicides
anxiety and depression and one-fourth endorsed that they
on the Vienna subway resulted in a reduction in the rate of
had hostile behaviors from their neighbors due to newspaper
suicide.[108] Correspondence with newspaper editors led to a
reports.[94] Patients with mental illness are usually shown as
victims of verbal and/or physical abuse in entertainment media, marked change in the manner in which suicides are reported
who when pushed “too far” become dangerously aggressive in the press.[109] Thus, collaboration with the media can help in
and even violent.[13] Being stressed and the trauma of being reducing the stigma toward mental illnesses and implementing
victimized can increase an individual’s sense of vulnerability strategies to reduce harm.
to further victimization and exacerbation of symptoms of
the mental illness.[95] Negative portrayals of mental illness Various guidelines have been developed with regard to reporting
has been suggested to interfere with the social integration of by media, especially about suicide.[110,111] These are aimed at
patients with psychiatric illnesses and hamper their self-image reducing the negative impact of suicide through the media –
and family life.[96] Not only the patients but also their families either in the form of copycat suicides or exacerbation of stigma.
can be affected due to “courtesy stigma.” The most common The essential elements of these guidelines are as shown in
depictions of mental illness in the popular media involving Table 2. Although specific guidelines are available for suicide,
mentally ill people as violent and criminal is not in keeping with similar responsible reporting of the psychiatric illnesses is also
the epidemiological data that suggests that rates of violence likely to prevent misconceptions about psychiatric illnesses.
with only schizophrenia are not greater than that in the general
population.[97] Similarly, suggestions have been made about how psychiatrists
and mental health professionals should interact with the
Media can have an impact on the course and outcome of mental media while discussing about psychiatric illnesses. A sensitive
illness. Stigma due to negative media reporting can impair the use of language and terminology that preserves the dignity
self-confidence, impede recovery and create barrier for seeking of those with mental illnesses, and at the same time avoids
treatment.[98,99] Stigma due to negative media coverage can miscommunication, is beneficial. Interaction with media should
increase anxiety, distress and depression and cause hesitancy in be taken as an opportunity to dispel myths and give a clear
disclosing difficulties.[100] People who suffer from a mental illness account of the psychiatric illnesses in question. Speculation
may internalize negative references and develop avoidant coping should be avoided and clear information should be provided
mechanisms that become obstacles to treatment. Experiences of about how to avail services when in need.
discrimination and violence can result in psychological distress.

Additionally, inaccurate portrayals of mental illness and

Table 2: Suggestions for responsible reporting of suicides
psychiatry in films may have a range of adverse effects, including Avoid sensational coverage and over-reporting
promoting inaccurate knowledge in the society, accentuating Avoid front page reporting, reporting in boxes and enlarged headlines
negative attitudes, increasing the stigma perceived by patients, Avoid details of the method and how it was arranged
their families and mental health professionals and causing Avoid photographs/recording of the deceased, the method or scene
patients to be less willing to seek psychiatric help.[10,101] Avoid reporting identity of the deceased
Avoid correlating with a cause that is common and applicable to many
Media as a Tool for Change Not to glorify victims as martyrs, care in celebrity suicides
Take opportunity to educate public about suicide
Media is a tool that can be effectively used to increase
Acknowledge presence of psychiatric or physical disorder in the deceased
knowledge, create favorable attitudes and change overt
Show due consideration for people bereaved by suicide
behavior.[102] If the media can exacerbate stigma in the field of
mental illness, it is reasonable to assume that media can be used Provide information about where to seek help

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