PR-1721 - Shutdown Management

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document Title: Shutdown Management

Document ID PR-1721

Document Type Procedure

Security Unrestricted

Discipline Operations and Engineering

Owner Functional Operations Manager - UOP

Issue Date July 2014

Revision 3.1

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of
this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in
any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior
written consent of the owner.
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i Document Authorisation
Authorised For Issue – July 2014

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ii Revision History
The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all
revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department.

Revision Date Author Scope / Remarks


Rev. 3.1 3 July 2014 UOP/61 Revisions to incorporate Audit findings

Rev. 3.0 12 Jan 2012 UOP3 Enhanced step-in form with detailed check list.
Added Statement of Fitness.
Added authorisation level of step in after PSM
challenge elevated to Operations Manager and
before PSM challenge by DTL.
Updated RASCI matrix.
Added 2 yearly station SD strategy statements.
Included OSO5 and ONO5F feedback.
Simplified milestones (reduced and specific).
Enhanced KPI.
Minor textual and graphical changes.
Updates RASCI (R&R)
Rev 2.0 Mar-10 UOP3 Reviewed and Re-validated. See Addendum 1 for
details of changes.
Rev 1.0 09-Dec-2008 UOP3 First Issue.

iii Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)
EP.13 Manage Supply Chain
EP.14 Manage Logistics
EP.71 Produce Hydrocarbons
EP.72 Maintain and Assure Facilities Integrity
ASS Manage Assets
IAP Integrated Activity Planning

iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF)

Refer to Appendix 12

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i Document Authorisation........................................................................................................ 3
ii Revision History.................................................................................................................... 4
iii Related Business Processes................................................................................................. 4
iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents........................................4
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Background 9
1.2 Purpose 11
Figure 2: Early Preparation Adds Value to the Business 11
1.3 Scope 12
Figure 3. Identify the Important Shutdowns for Milestone Tracking 12
1.4 Objective 13
1.5 Changes to the Document 14
1.6 Step-out and Approval 14
2 Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................................. 15
2.1 Responsibility Shutdown Review Board 15
Figure 4: Shutdown Review Forums 15
2.2 Responsibility Shutdown Director 16
2.3 Responsibility Operations Manager 16
2.4 Responsibilities Delivery Team Leader (DTL) 16
2.5 Responsibility Shutdown Coordinator 16
2.6 Responsibility Activity Owner 17
2.7 Responsibility Production Coordinator 18
2.8 Responsibility Shutdown Planner 19
2.9 Responsibility Attendees to SD Meetings 20
2.10 Responsibility external Shutdown Planning Challenger 20
2.11 Responsibility AI-PSM Challenger 22
2.12 Responsibility Programmer 22
Figure 5: Overall Deferment (Including Preparations And Start Up) 22
2.13 Responsibility CDFP IAP 22
2.14 Statement of Fitness 23
2.14.1 Intent 23
2.14.2 Requirements 23
2.14.3 Application of SoF for Asset Restart 23
2.14.4 Maintenance 23
2.14.5 Incidents 24
Figure 6: Value of the Process Variable 24
2.14.6 Signatories 25
2.15 Responsibility Matrix 25

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3 General Shutdown Management Rules...............................................................................26

4 Shutdown Milestones.......................................................................................................... 28
5 Mitigation Registers............................................................................................................. 29
Individual Activity Risk 29
Overall Shutdown Risk 29
6 Activity Readiness............................................................................................................... 31
7 Deliverables......................................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Shutdown Review Board Responsibilities 32
7.2 Directorate Deliverables: 32
7.3 Individual Shutdown Deliverables 32
8 Performance Monitoring...................................................................................................... 33
9 Change Control................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 7: Change Control flow chart 36
Appendix 1 – Shutdown Terms of Reference.............................................................................37
1. Shutdown Review Board Meeting Level 1 (PDO) 37
2. Review Team Meeting Level 2 (Directorate) 38
3. Shutdown Meeting 39
4. AI-PSM Challenge 40
Appendix 2 - Action Tracking List............................................................................................... 43
Appendix 3 – Example of Job Hazard Analysis..........................................................................44
Appendix 4 - Shutdown Driver Sheet.........................................................................................46
Appendix 5 – Check Lists........................................................................................................... 47
1. Job Preparation Safety Checklist 47
2. SAP Activity Attributes Check List 49
3. Checklist for Non-SAP Activity Attributes 50
4. Pre and Post-Shutdown Activities Check List52
5. Shutdown Strategy Content Check List 55
6. Completion Check List and Statement of Fitness 56
Appendix 6 - Lessons Learnt Data Requirements......................................................................59
Appendix 7 – Change Request Form (Step-In, Step-Out, Change)...........................................60
Appendix 8 – Generic Shutdown Execution Plan Content..........................................................62
Appendix 9 – Guide to After Activity Review..............................................................................64
Appendix 10 – Management Summary......................................................................................65
Appendix 11 - Terminology, Definitions and Abbreviations........................................................66
Appendix 12 –Reference Documents......................................................................................... 70
Appendix 13 - User Feedback Page........................................................................................... 72
Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 2.0....................................................................................73

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Figure 1. Cyclic IAP Planning Versus Additional Separate Shutdown Planning 9
Figure 2. Identify The Important Shutdowns For Milestone Tracking 12
Figure 3: Early Preparation Adds Value To The Business 11
Figure 4: Shutdown Review Forums 15
Figure 5: Overall Deferment (Including Preparations And Start Up) 22
Figure 6: Value of the Process Variable 23
Figure 7: Change Control flow chart 36

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1 Introduction
Management Summary
The objective of this procedure is to provide consistent Shutdown Management within
PDO. This procedure is largely based on historical good practices and on the Shell
Shutdown Management Guidelines.
A shutdown is the ultimate form of integration often capturing a high density of high risk
activities in a short window and constrained work site. HSE, deferment reduction and
cost optimisation are the key drivers to well manage these shutdowns. Shutdowns are a
key focus area for Process Safety Management.
A Level 1 Integrated Shutdown Plan (ISDP) across directorates shall be maintained,
with a window of between 2 to five years. The ISDP is extracted from the directorate 2
year IAP plans and includes relevant management information.
The Shutdown Review Board oversees the high level shutdown management. It
consists of the operations managers and is chaired by the operations and engineering
functional director. The board meets twice a year and appoints Shutdown Directors for
the major impact cross directorate shutdowns.
‘Critical shutdowns’ must adhere to all the requirements in this procedure. These are
shutdowns with more than 1000 m 3 deferment, significant gas capacity outage, high
potential business impact or important impact on other directorates (deferment /
capacity / power). Critical shutdowns are treated as projects with relevant milestones
that must be met.
Shutdowns with over 1000 m3 deferment shall be overseen by the Delivery Team
Leader (DTL). The key role of the Shutdown Coordinator is to drive preparation as per
milestones and elevate issues (such as late readiness) timely to management level. In
addition to this preparation tracking, dedicated shutdown performance indicators are
developed to measure success of a shutdown.
All master activity data shall be SAP based. Additional necessary data must be added
to the shutdown plan and maintained based on existing linked SAP orders.
The lessons learnt database shall be used to record and share lessons of shutdown
planning and execution across the directorates.
This procedure contains a number of mandatory checklists that help stakeholders
preparing better in building high Shutdown Documents. Checklists help reducing
potential problems. Checklist are recognised methods in many industries such as
aviation and medical (simple surgery checklists save lives).
Shutdowns durations must be based on detailed bottoms up activity optimisation (with
reference to previous or comparable shutdowns) and full adherence to all relevant
procedures. Deviation to procedures shall be in accordance with PR-1001e –
Operations Procedure Temporary Variance.
The main risks shall be identified, mitigated and documented as part of the shutdown
plan at activity and overall shutdown levels.
The shutdown driver sheet will be completed for the critical path, and near critical path
activities. Activity owners and contractors must be fully transparent with sharing scope
and material readiness at all times during any shutdown meeting.
After scope freeze all changes shall be managed via the change request form and
approved by the shutdown coordinator. After PSM challenge all changes shall be
approved by Operations Manager. Late changes cause re-thinking, re-work and may
introduce significant HSE risks to be analysed and mitigated.

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Critical Success Factors

 Agreed roles and responsibilities for each shutdown.
 Active driving of the preparation by shutdown coordinator (asks the right questions
and progress the preparation).
 Activity owners to adhere to the Shutdown milestones.
 Transparency of activity readiness (materials, work pack, resources) by contractors
and PDO.
 Effective Contractor interface.
 Availability and quality of SAP data and associated low level Contractor Primavera
schedule data
 Planning capability (PDO and contractors).
 Effective Shutdown Review Board (management feedback and improve loop).

1.1 Background
When first published, this procedure was the first CMF document detailing the
shutdown management process. The procedure is aligned with the Integrated Activity
Planning (IAP) process and does not cover detailed work execution at activity level, this
being detailed in SAP Maintenance Craft Procedures (MCP’s), detailed contractors’
scope of work or CMF documents. (i.e. Instructions for doing an overhaul on a
The key difference between Shutdown Management and IAP is that IAP is a cyclic
practiced integration routine (weekly, monthly, and quarterly); whereas Shutdown
Management is similar to projects where scope, timing and duration change each time
and the intensity of work during these ultimate integrations require special focus.

Figure 1. Cyclic IAP Planning Versus Additional Separate Shutdown Planning

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There are two parts on shutdown planning (see Figure 1):

1. High level shutdown planning which is part of the quarterly update of the 2 year
IAP plans. At directorate forums these high level shutdown scopes are
discussed, challenged, agreed and issued. The durations are set and
communicated with the production forecasting department. The most important
agreement is made in the 3rd quarter of the year during the program build
exercise when the reference forecast is set (promise to shareholders).
Managing the high level shutdown planning is core IAP responsibility carried
out by the XXO5 / UIP31 departments.
2. Detailed low level planning for each shutdown kicks off 6 months prior to
execution. These plans include the low critical path at hour resolution including
isolation and de-isolation activities, detailed leak testing activities and pre and
post shutdown activities. They also include detailed resources required i.e.
cranes, vendor support, welding units, vacuum tankers etc. Detailed shutdown
planning is also IAP planners’ scope. It is initiated at the coast (XXO5) and
handed over to the interior (XXO9); ideally after scope freeze.
The shutdown planning service is provided by the coastal IAP planning engineer and
interior planners. There may be circumstances where one dominant activity executer
can provide the detailed low level SD planning service if agreed with the SD owner (for
instance a shutdown consisting mainly of large engineering tie-ins, where a detailed
shutdown schedule is provided by the project engineer. This should be agreed with the
shutdown coordinator.
Shutdowns in PDO are managed and budgeted within the directorates by the
operations departments. The plans are prepared by the Integrated Activity Planning
(IAP) community. As per CP-156, IAP plans are owned by Operations. SD plans are
also owned by the operations, however, if operations has no significant work scope, a
Shutdown may be owned by Engineering.
One common risk to shutdowns is delay due to late scope or material readiness. This
has big potential impact on production promise. Delay can also have a negative impact
on other disciplines that have aligned work i.e. maintenance and contractor
mobilisation. Late delivery of scope more importantly, may result in identified risks
being poorly mitigated through lack of preparation time. Late preparation causes ad hoc
inefficiency amongst staff that already have routine duties to carry out. A shutdown that
follows the milestones will significantly reduce these risks.
IAP planners provide planning support to the shutdown owners and have a triple role:
 IAP planning.
 Shutdown Planning.
 Maintenance Planning.
Within Shutdown Management there are no full time roles. The challenge for PDO is to
manage shutdown safely in addition to routine roles.
A large part of the Shutdowns is a combination of multifunctional work (e.g. facility
upgrade, new facility, modifications, new wells tie-ins, headers, maintenance work,
static inspection and major technical integrity repairs).
The workload is carried out by routine staff supplied with EMC/ODC contractor staff and
The key shutdown drivers are HSE risk management and to minimise overall planned
deferment. PDO operates in a relative low cost environment. Oil deferment and gas
capacity constraints are the significant value drivers to minimise outage times. Costs
are generally not the main driver for shutdowns in gas is alignment with customer
demand (e.g. alignment with OLNG outages).

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The majority of shutdown resource costs are captured via internal PDO staff costs and
costs as per agreed rates in the contracts between ODC / EMC and the directorates.
Much work is carried out by contractors who work side by side with PDO staff and have
their base in the interior.
General information, lessons learnt and examples can be found on the Shutdown
Management  website
(Home page > UEOD > UOP > Shutdown Management).

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive standard across all
directorates in shutdown management and to continuously improve shutdown
preparation and planning.
The reason to prepare all our main shutdowns professionally is to execute the work
safely and timely as per shareholder cost and production promise.
Late preparation causes inefficient reactivity, potential additional mobilisation costs (up
to 0.5 mln US$), staff frustration and also sometimes disintegration of integrated work
scopes resulting in additional oil deferment or gas capacity reduction.
Figure 3 represents late effort required for late preparation.

Figure 2: Early Preparation Adds Value to the Business

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1.3 Scope
This procedure will provide the mandatory process of Planning of Shutdowns that occur
on hydrocarbon installations (oil, gas) or installations that effect hydrocarbon production
(e.g. power, water injection). This is applicable to the following 4 directorates: Gas,
North Oil, South Oil and Infrastructure. This document will discuss the role of tools but it
will not function as the instruction manual how to use the tools.
This procedure will be the only document that provides the mandatory process of
Shutdown Management in PDO. It is in line with Shells Global Shutdown Management
Process Guideline (EP 2006-5081, April 2006). It is basically a customisation of the
Shell Guideline with the following key differences:
 It is mandatory.
 It is specific. It includes PDO relevant customisation of the global guideline
(organisation, KPIs, classification, agreed templates).
 It includes requirements that are not captured in the global guideline (certain roles,
Contractors play an important role in successful Shutdown Management. Their
responsibilities are captured in section 2 under ‘activity owner’. A significant part of this
procedure describes the interface with contractors and the roles and responsibilities of
PDO staff and contractors.
Figure 2 below explains the minimum requirement of shutdowns that need to comply
with this procedure.

Figure 3. Identify the Important Shutdowns for Milestone Tracking

Some shutdowns can have direct impact, or potential impact, on other stations, areas,
or directorates including Infrastructure. It is important to identify and manage these
overall impacts well. Typical impacts are:
- oil deferment due to limited tank capacity in the interior,
- condensate impact to gas (MOL outage),
- shortage of gas, power constraint, and
- Constraints in resources (e.g. static resources).

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1.4 Objective
The objective of this procedure is to provide a clear consistent standard of Shutdown
Management, including roles and responsibilities, to all relevant stakeholders within
Shutdowns in PDO contribute for a significant part to total planned company deferment.
Better management of shutdowns will lead to reduction of planned deferment, better
management of HSE risks, and reduction in resource costs and improved overall
efficiency of staff utilisation (the preparation phase and close out phase e.g. lessons
Distribution / Target Audience
The audience of this document:
 Shutdown Review Board.
 Operations Managers and their leadership team.
 Engineering construction coordinators (interior).
 Functional Activity Owners (WRM Team Leads, Project Engineers etc).
 Functional Activity Planners.
 Production and maintenance supervisors and planners.
 Static equipment team leader, supervisors and planners.
 Planners and schedulers of activities in shutdown plans (e.g. project engineers, well
 MOL, SOGL coordinator.
 MAF Terminal Coordinator.
 Power Generation and distribution leaders, supervisors and planners.
 Commissioning Engineers.
 Integrated Activity Planning community (Heads of IAP, Planning Engineers, Area
Planners, and Area Schedulers).
 Contractor planners and schedulers.
 Contract Site Representatives.
 Production Programmers and team leaders.
 Material Expeditors.
 Logistic Support.

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1.5 Changes to the Document

Responsibility for the upkeep of the Document shall be with the Functional Production
Team Leader UOP, the Owner. Changes to this document shall only be authorised and
approved by the Owner.
Users of the Document who identify changes, revisions or update requirements can
notify the Custodian or his / her delegate and request changes be initiated. The
Requests shall be forwarded to the Custodian using the ‘User Feedback Page’ provided
in this Document.
The Document Custodian on behalf of the Document Owner shall ensure review and
re-verification of this procedure every 3 years or earlier as and when required.

1.6 Step-out and Approval

This procedure is mandatory and shall be complied with at all times. Should compliance
with the procedure be considered inappropriate or the intended activity cannot be
effectively completed or safely performed, then step out authorisation and approval
must be obtained in accordance with PR-1001e – Operations Procedure Temporary
Variance, prior to any changes or activities associated with the procedure being carried

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2 Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 Responsibility Shutdown Review Board

The ‘Shutdown Review Board’ is the highest level of Shutdown Management in the
company. It is a permanent cross directorate board and meets at least twice a year. It
is chaired by the Engineering and Operations Director and includes all operations
 Promote corporate alignment and consistent management of the critical
 Appoint shutdown Directors for cross directorate impacting shutdowns.
 Appoint senior challengers for the most critical shutdowns.
 Manage high level feedback.
 Steer the shutdown management process.
The level below the shutdown review board is at directorate level. It is chaired at
Operations Manger level and includes all Delivery Team Leaders. Detailed terms of
reference are in the appendix. The meeting could be held as part of, or after, one of the
routine 2y or 90d IAP meetings.
Both review forums have a Meeting Terms of Reference in the appendix.

Figure 4: Shutdown Review Forums

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2.2 Responsibility Shutdown Director

Ensure cross directorate impact is managed well.
Act as change control authority during cross directorate plan changes.

2.3 Responsibility Operations Manager

Member of the cross directorate SD review board
Approve step-in activities after PSM challenge.
Approve major scope changes after milestone PSM challenge.

2.4 Responsibilities Delivery Team Leader (DTL)

Appoint Shutdown Coordinators; preferable at Production Coordinator or
Maintenance Coordinator level, or Delivery Team Leader. Shutdowns are
complex non-routine events of higher risk activities that must not be delegate to
lower level leadership.
Oversee the Shutdown Coordinator and support issues for all critical Shutdowns.
Elevate milestone readiness delay at Coastal Directorate Team Leaders meetings or
other relevant forums.
Approve step-in activities prior to PSM challenge.
Approve major scope change (additional or different work) prior to PSM challenge.
Sign off the Statement of Fitness (SoF) prior to plan start up. The SoF check list can
be found in the Appendix 5 Item 6.

2.5 Responsibility Shutdown Coordinator

This is generally the Production Coordinator, but can also be the DTL. Shutdown
responsibility should not be cascaded down.
Own and manage the overall shutdown at 12 weeks prior to execution.
Manage (progress) the preparations as per milestones. This includes holding the
PSM challenge.
Communicate major issues timely within the directorate (IAP TL, DTL, and
Operations Manager) or with contractor.
Take actions if milestones are not met. Actively request activity readiness and data
transparency. Elevate issues where necessary.
Communicate issues within your directorate. Assess and communicate within
directorate if the Shutdown should be rescheduled for instance based on
insufficient readiness (risking incomplete scope completion and HSE risks).
Manage HSE at equipment level and overall shutdown level. Encourage risk
identification and mitigation both formal SD meetings and with activity owners
separately. Ask the right questions.
Ensure that staff use and understand the latest CMF PDO standards and apply PR-
1001e – Operations Procedure Temporary Variance when required. Avoid late
deviation request.

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Flag early if standards are not understood or not applicable. Communicate with
relevant CDFH for clarification, feedback or step out.
Conduct or facilitate the external planning challenge and Process Safety Challenge
timely. Chase and check activity owners to be ready for the challenge.
Sign off the Shutdown Execution Plan.
Manage changes (assess, authorise / reject and communicate).
NOTE: Change records will be administered by the planning engineer.
Manage the execution of the SD, or where applicable handover the execution to the
field coordinator1.
Ensure that a (station) focal point during the SD is recording the actual progress as
a minimum per day and preferred per shift at hourly resolution.
Organise After Activity Review and agree a list of lessons. See appendix 16.
Sign off the Shutdown Completion Checklist in Appendix 5 Section 6.
Ensure that lessons learnt are populated in the database and a one page
management summary is issued.
Communicate and celebrate success.

2.6 Responsibility Activity Owner

 Submit shutdown work timely via SAP at regular IAP meetings in line with the IAP
code of Practice 156.
 Fill in the shutdown driver sheet for activities that are critical path or near critical
path or for activities that clearly drive the need for the shutdown (without the
necessity to be the critical path)
 Before scope freeze submit level 4 activity detail2
 Attend shutdown meetings and after activity review or send a knowledgeable
 Bring the latest relevant information for the SD meeting (pictures of the site can also
be very effective)
 Support this latest status of information with relevant documentation such as scope
of work, Process Flow Diagrams, plot plans, ISO drawings, material lists,
management reports, emails and other information that can be referred to in the
 Organise pre-meetings with your stakeholders / discipline (e.g. an electrical tie-in
pre-meeting) to help progressing the shutdown preparations and to avoid wasting
unnecessary discussion time at the shutdown meeting.
 Raise only relevant problems at the shutdown meeting that cannot be resolved
 Ensure that proper handover if applicable.
 Raise relevant issues that are not on the agenda.
 Provide transparency in activity readiness:
o Budget.

For instance in the gas directorate where train outages can last several weeks.
Level 4 activity detail is at work order, or job card, or sub-equipment (e.g. lube oil system)
level. Level 3 activity is at system or equipment level (e.g. pump).

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o Resources.
o Risk mitigation.
o Material order status.
o Material on site status.
o Resource availability.
o Special tools and or vendor availability.
 Refer to historical similar situations with regards to scope of work that can be useful
to provide a better input in the shutdown plan (contact your peers in other area’s).
Access the lessons learnt database.
 Identify risks and mitigation of own activities including impact to others.
 Identify pre-fabrication work that can be executed in the yard or outside the fence to
minimise risks (e.g. hot work pre-work) or optimise the schedule.
 Contribute constructively to shutdown scope challenge sessions and risk
 Ensure that all resources to carry out the job are identified, booked, trained,
certified. This includes where necessary familiarisation visits for [new] staff that
unfamiliar to special locations or equipment.
 Meet the milestones; give early warning if you cannot meet the agreed milestones.
Please be ware that others may depend on your changes (such as due
maintenance work, technical integrity repairs, deferment booking or vendor
 Comply with PDO Company standards. Always refer to CMF Live link on the PDO
Homepage (not to hardcopies) for the latest standards.
 Raise issues timely with the SD coordinator
The activity owner is defined as the budget owner of the activity. In cases where the
execution party is different from the budget owning party (e.g. ODC, EMC, Well
Services department doing WRM work), the budget owner is responsible to feed the
service provider timely with the right information to carry out the work in line with the
shutdown requirements. The service provider should flag issues at the shutdown

2.7 Responsibility Production Coordinator

 Review activities that require process break in

 Sign off approved isolation and de-isolation procedures
 Plan isolation (hydrocarbon free) and de-isolation (leak test) in line with company
procedures. Provide detailed plan to planner at hourly resolution with shift names.
 Request operational waivers with risk mitigation for deviation approval.
 Book timely sufficient resources to safely manage all work and minimum isolation
and de-isolation durations.
 Challenge the maturity and realism of activities (duration, sequence, scope,
materials, resourcing) based on your experience or from situation within PDO
that are similar.
 Ensure that activities can be adequately supervised.
 Ensure all PTW are timely prepared.

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 Be ready to be consulted on the Statement of Fitness (SoF) prior to plan start up.
The SoF check list can be found in the Appendix 5 Item 6.

2.8 Responsibility Shutdown Planner

 This role is carried out by the planning engineer followed up by the interior Area
 List the relevant activities as per SAP. Look ahead 3 years in order to achieve 2
yearly shutdown outage for all stations where this is possible to execute. Identify
major SD scope at PB level from SAP. Identify integration opportunities and/or
conflicts. Meet with scope owners to discuss scope.
 Compile shutdown strategy document (see chapter 9).
 Challenge the maturity and realism of activities (duration, sequence, scope,
materials, resourcing) based on your experience or from situation within PDO
that are similar.
 Carry out data quality check (the correct coding, station, work description etc)
 Prepare the detailed schedule in professional planning and scheduling tool. Identify
interdependencies across different disciplines.
 Maintain the schedule and maintain version control.
 Establish activity relationships (dependencies) between activities.
 Identify and optimise the critical path and highlight this in the plan or on lists
 Identify the near critical path(s) and float.
 Add the non SAP activity attributes to the plan such as resources requirements
(exact number of staff, cranes, vacuum trucks, coordinators, shifts etc).
 Communicate the SD activity plan. Save each version separately for reference and
 Provide the Gant chart as per requirement of the SD coordinator (station, work
centre, shift, focal point etc).
 Report Shutdown progress per shift based on station focal point feedback. For long
durations (e.g. Gas) report estimates of duration.
 Provide resource histogram or enlarged schedule (poster) on request.
 Compile the Shutdown Execution Plan (also known as the Shutdown booklet, or
handbook). This includes the detailed shutdown schedule, Roles and
responsibilities, Activity Risk – Mitigation list (equipment level), Shutdown Risk –
Mitigation (station level), HSE plan, Plot Plan, Approved and rejected change
requests, Signed off cover sheet and where helpful site pictures). See appendix
for the minimum content.
 Facilitate milestone status follow up and reporting.
 Handover the shutdown planning from XXO5 (coast) to interior (XXO9) after scope
freeze (MS13) or agree other timing with Shutdown coordinator.
 Attend progress meetings
 Save the base line SD plan revision 1, save another base line plan 1 or 2 days prior
to execution’. Save the Actual SD plan. Compare activities actual versus plan.
 Populate lessons learnt as per AAR minutes.
 Minute Shutdown meetings and maintain an action tracker.

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2.9 Responsibility Attendees to SD Meetings

These are generally PDO project engineers, engineering contractors, maintenance
supervisors, maintenance contractors.
 Attend SD meetings and after activity review meetings. If unable to attend, send a
knowledgeable and briefed representative that brings along the necessary
information to the meeting.
 Actively contribute to the meeting. Raise concerns or potential activity impact or
constraints from your activity or other activity owners including production.
 Read the previous Minutes of Meeting well in time.
 Hold pre SD meetings for your own activities where necessary.
 Bring the latest relevant information for the SD meeting. This includes a recent
update of work pack completions status, detailed materials status and issues that
you need support for.
 Ensure that you have had a proper handover (shutdown meeting actions) if

2.10 Responsibility external Shutdown Planning Challenger

External is defined as from another directorate of from the function.
 Review other relevant peer challenges carried out. Review SD lessons learnt
database prior to attending the meeting.
 Obtain all necessary pre-reading (Shutdown execution plan, plot plan, strategy
document, latest MOM, readiness tracking).
 Challenge the reported readiness. For instance request to demonstrate during or
after the meeting the actual material status (no. of SD items ordered, in country,
on site)
 Carry out a few spot checks in SAP (verify if the shutdown plan matches with the
SAP activity list). Bring a recent SAP work download.
 Check the critical path and ensure:
- sufficient low level detail [break down] is available?
- it is based at hourly time resolution?
- has it been reviewed if more resources can shorten the path without
increasing HSE risks significantly?
- timing correct i.e. is it based on 24 hr shift?
- resources experience matches the activity?
 Do the same for the near critical path(s). Has the SD team reviewed potential ‘new
critical paths’ that can overtake the old optimized critical path?
 Carry out a station visit. (Picture the critical path and resource intensive activities in
the plant. Does it make sense? Is the available working space sufficient for the
people, cranes etc? Is the site clear, clean and safe without trip hazards?)
 Challenge the status of resources (have gas testers an cranes been certified,
 Challenge the pre-SD activities. (Is all work that can be done prior to the SD
identified and planned to be done prior to the shutdown. E.g. shutting in high
water wells, positioning cranes, prepare PTW, road grading, extra transport and
food arrangements)

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 Question the activity owners on:

- materials status.
- Pre-fabrication status.
- risks involved with material delivery i.e. delays, non-availability.
- materials that are critical or long lead.
- status of materials on site i.e. are they being checked and tagged?
- how many site visits have been held when, what was reviewed.
 Challenge the operational assumptions:
- are the operations resources identified by shift and names and are staff
- what is the shifts pattern?
- what if extended hours get delayed?
- are drain times based on previous actuals and can they be optimised
- what if draining goes faster than planned?
- do operations provide the facility at the overall most convenient timing
 Verify if lessons learnt database has been used. Identify possible applicable
 Check that:
- the required stakeholders are present in the meeting.
- project engineering present?
- are the attendees knowledgeable?
- are the decision makers present?
- is there constructive team behaviour?
 Check if risk mitigation is included and reflected in the plan (the PSM challenge is
dedicated for risk challenge). This could be at overall shutdown level, equipment
level or crew level. e.g. has weather forecast been included when working at
heights, and is a what-if scenario agreed?
 Share practices or problems within your area of responsibility or experience and
feedback lessons learnt to you area.
 Issue a page (or more) report with main findings and advise on how optimized the
scope is and how ready the preparation is.
NOTE: Much of this work can be done prior to attending the challenge session.
The peer review is applied at least for the shutdowns with over 1000 m 3 and the main
gas train outages. It is preferable carried out by a planner peer from another
directorate. This is to provide objectivity and promote cross learning of practices and
standardization. In addition, or as an alternative, a CFDH or CDFP can be invited as a
peer challenger. This is advised in cases where the work scope is relatively large or
where the work scope is relatively new for PDO or the Area (e.g. invite the electrical
CFDH for shutdowns with a significant electrical work scope).

2.11 Responsibility AI-PSM Challenger

 Check activities preparations and activities comply with company procedures,
and if not advise on feasibility of waivers

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 Verify that the risk of any potential conflicts has been addressed fully.
 Be ready to be consulted on the Statement of Fitness (SoF) prior to plan start up.
The SoF check list can be found in the Appendix 5 Item 6.

2.12 Responsibility Programmer

 Issue the well close in and well start up program.
 Identify and align main well tests that can be integrated with shutdowns.
 Establish the latest deferment especially in relation with shutting down the station
and starting up the station (see figure 5).
 Update swing list.
 Gas lift program.
Figure 5 below provides a schematic overview of estimated deferment verified by the

Figure 5: Overall Deferment (Including Preparations And Start Up)

2.13 Responsibility CDFP IAP

 Ensure that the SD procedure is aligned with the IAP procedure and regularly
 Identify required competence and training requirements for SD planners.
 Provide the planning and scheduling tools to carry out effective and efficient SD
planning including SAP – Primavera interface.
 Provide cross functional IT Toolset governance on support, change control,
consistency, transparency and utilisation.
 Provide a fit for purpose lessons learnt database. Verify utilization and identify
improvement requirements.
 Carry out at least one shutdown challenge session per directorate.

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 Carry out internal and/or external assurances of the shutdown management

 Coordinate Process improvement sessions between the directorates.
 Coordinate internal lessons learnt database.
 Initiate or coordinate external or internal shutdown process assurances
 Maintain web site.
 Connect with other OUs (learning’s).

2.14 Statement of Fitness

2.15 Intent
The intent of the Statement of Fitness (SoF) is to ensure that when significant events that
could affect the integrity of a facility have occurred the appropriate authority has been
obtained at a senior level to confirm that necessary controls are in place to ensure a safe
restart of the facility. The SoF aims to apply a formal process to aid the Asset Manager in
confirming those controls are indeed in place.

2.16 Requirements
The AI-PSM Application Manual calls for a Statement of Fitness (SoF):
 After an overhaul or a turnaround
 After a major modification has been carried out
NOTE: Greenfield Projects are not included in this scope (the SoF is part of the HSE

2.17 Application of SoF for Asset Restart

The criteria outlined above fall basically into one of two categories:
 Maintenance - (overhaul, turnaround) and Major Interventions
 Incidents - (uncontrolled shutdown, excursion beyond equipment constraints,
environmental conditions beyond design limits)
Note: This is dealt with in PR-1418 and is not within the scope of this procedure

2.18 Maintenance
SoF following day-to-day maintenance is deemed to be adequately covered by a properly
functioning and effective Permit to Work (PTW) system; hence no separate SoF requires
to be completed. De-isolations, integrity checks, etc. shall be covered by the PTW system
and equipment start up shall be covered by existing operating procedures.
However, for significant maintenance shutdowns additional assurance in the form of a SoF
is required.
A significant maintenance shutdown is characterised by:
 High spend and/or,
 Long duration and/or,

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 Level of invasiveness (e.g. multiple interventions) and/or,

 Control system replacements or major upgrades

2.19 Incidents
SoF shall be completed following an incident that involves uncontrolled shutdowns,
operating conditions outside equipment constraints or environmental conditions beyond
design limits. In these cases, SoF shall, as a minimum, be applied following high risk
incidents (actual or potential consequences and likelihood are assessed High or Serious
on the RAM)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The definition of high/serious risk incidents also covers high/serious
potential near misses. Therefore in the case of a high potential near miss a SoF is
required. Asset management should take a view as to whether facilities or parts thereof
should be shutdown pending the outcomes of the investigation.

A. Uncontrolled Shutdown:
An uncontrolled shutdown is defined as “a situation in which equipment shuts down
(and/or blows down) in a manner that is not in accordance with the approved
shutdown procedures.”

B. Conditions outside the equipment constraints :

The most stringent equipment constraint is often the IPF trip function, or can be the
relief valve setting where the design does not include a trip function.

Figure 6: Value of the Process Variable

NOTE: Terminology used in ESP (Ensure Safe Production) and Alarm mgt

C. Environmental conditions beyond the original design parameters:

The Asset experienced environmental conditions beyond the original design
parameters. Examples include: earthquakes, hurricanes, waves higher than 100 year

2.20 Signatories
Signatories are, as a minimum, the senior person on site, responsible for confirming that
required actions have been taken on site, and the asset manager as the accountable

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party. The signatories are required to sign of the SoF at the time of the restart. SoF’s
signed pre or post start-up are not achieving the aims of the document.

2.21 Responsibility Matrix

A = Accountable, R = Responsible, S = Support, C = Consult, I = Inform.

The activity owner is general the sponsor of the activities: PDO Project Engineer, Maintenance
Coordinator or supervisor, Production Coordinator, PT from the WRM team or Inspection
Department. Services can be provided for the activity owner by contractor who should provide
all required details at the shutdown meetings.

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3 General Shutdown Management Rules

1. The head of IAP is responsible for the overall directorate integrated shutdown
plan that looks ahead at least 5 years and includes impact to shutdowns of other
directorates. This is the communicated inter-directorate Integrated Shutdown
Plan (ISDP).
2. The individual detailed shutdown planning is in principle executed by the IAP
planning engineer and Area planner.
3. Shutdowns in PDO are generally classified as medium (refer Shell Shutdown
Guideline), meaning; preparation starts 6 months ahead of execution.
4. Activities not in SAP shall not be accepted in the shutdown plan (excluding prep
and post work and attributes that do not exist in SAP such as walk-about, crane
number, shift number, isolation procedure, etc)
5. Deferment booking of each shutdown shall include and specify operational
duration to bring the station down and up and ramp up time of wells. See figure 5.
6. In addition to the critical path, the near critical paths shall be identified, analysed
and optimised by the shutdown planner.
7. For each major SD a contingency plan shall be made. This includes the most
relevant what-if scenarios as well as a point of no return and point of return.
8. Each activity shall have a readiness indicator based upon a checklist.
9. Any activity more than 200m3 (or combination of activities) deferment shall have
a SD driver sheet filled in3.
10. One jointly maintained SD list shall be used for communication in the directorate
IAP plans.
1. Shutdowns with over 1000 m3, or critical shutdowns, such as a train outage in the
Gas Plants, will be coordinated by the DTL. Daily execution may be left to the
2. Shutdowns over 1000 m 3, or critical shutdowns, shall have a peer planning
review from another directorate.
3. Criticality of shutdowns is agreed at the SD review board.
4. Late scope submission shall be managed carefully. The coordinator must ensure
that risk of additional work is identified and mitigated timely prior to acceptance.
Cross Directorate:
1. Where applicable a senior appointee will be nominated by the functional director
engineering and operations (UEOD) for those shutdowns that critical and cross
directorate. This will be reviewed twice yearly at the SD review board.
2. Shutdowns shall be held not at the end of a shift, and not overlap a shift unless it
is not possible due to the duration.
3. Shutdown impacting MOL or with high potential impact to MOL, shall be executed
not during weekends (due to central coastal MOL support) and exact dates (day)
must be agreed with the infrastructure team.

The shutdown driver activity, or group of activities, may not necessarily be the same as the
critical path activity. For instance a high volume static driven shutdown (correct or prevent
Technical Integrity) may be the driver to shut down the plant, whereas a minor CAPEX
modification that is carried out simultaneously but with less urgency may be the critical path
duration. In the gas directorate OLNG is often the driver to shut down trains.

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4. Shutdowns impacting Tank capacity or crude oil quality shall be discussed with
Infrastructure team
1. Maximum effort shall be applied in the 2Y IAP planning to plan for 2 yearly station
shutdown outages (with only ESD testing at required frequencies to maintain SIL
Classification), unless there is very good business justification within the asset
leadership team. Gas shutdown frequencies will generally be gas customer
demand driven, whereas for oil they will generally be activity driven.
The intention of the strategy is to optimise shutdowns to those necessary to
undertake Maintenance, Integrity or Flowline work.
2. There will be no major Shutdowns of two areas within in one directorate at the
same time (resource issues) unless agreed with the operations manager
3. Shutdowns shall be avoided as much as possible during public holidays,
Ramadan and the hot summer months (June, July, August).
4. Unless it is not economic or unsafe, nightshift or extended shift shall be applied
to minimise planned deferment. (this may require special night time activity
5. The shutdown scope shall only include station shutdown activities and major
deferring activities. Non station shutdown activities shall not be included unless
there is specific high value (.e.g. vendor availability or high unit deferment).
These non-SD activities must be flagged and prioritised lower than SD activities).
6. Contractors shall be involved from the beginning till the end.
1. SAP shall be used for creation and closure of work and maintaining the Level 3
work scope (for PM level 4 operations). Engineering can use level 4 scope from
Primavera but this must be aligned with the specific network activity as per SAP
instructions with the relevant coding (production impact).
2. The detailed shutdown plans shall be made in MS Project or Primavera 4.

Once the Primavera migration with the associated interface tool to SAP is successfully
implemented across all areas and all functions Primavera shall be the mandatory detailed
shutdown planning tool.

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4 Shutdown Milestones
Milestones will be measured for the agreed identified shutdowns 5 as per Shutdown
review Board. The directorate milestone plan will be included in the Medium term
directorate IAP plans. Milestones will be measured for each these individual shutdowns
within the directorates. It will be rolled up functional support directorate for the
shutdown review board meetings.
The key objective of the milestone measurement is to manage preparation better and
ultimately to have better (and more efficiently) prepared shutdown plans, better
optimization and no incidents.
Action Party from
Shutdown MS Milestones start
Shut Down 1 Kick Off Meeting: Appoint Shutdown XXO & XXO5 26
Strategy Coordinator.
  2 Issue Shutdown Strategy Data Sheet XXO5X 22

Front End Planning 3 First shutdown meeting. Contractors XXO9x / SD 20

and activity owners (maintenance and Coord
project engineers) to present their
scope and review the lessons learnt
from the last shutdown.
  4 Internal scope review meeting held. XXO9X / SD 14
Detailed Planning 5 Work packs Issued at AFC status to XXE2X & 12
interior construction; all maintenance XXEA2A
work orders set to REL status.
  6 Freeze Scope of Work at Level 4 XXO9X / SD 12
  7 Conduct Scope Optimisation Exercise SD Coord 11
(Internal challenge Session).
  8 AI-PSM and external scope challenge. SD Coord / 8
Pre Shutdown 9 Reconcile Materials. XXO45x & 6
Work XXE3X
  10 Issue signed approved shutdown XXO5X / 2
handbook. XXO9X
Shutdown 11 Station shutdown and S.O.F. for XXO1X 0
Post Shutdown 12 After Action review (AAR). Transfer XXO9X/UOP +2d
work finding to shutdown lessons learnt 3

The above milestones are minimum. Other milestones may be added.

Critical Shutdowns are estimated to be between 15 and 30 in number for a 2 year period.

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5 Mitigation Registers
Risks must be identified both at activity level as well as overall shutdown level. The aim is to
mitigate risks to an acceptable manageable level. Cross discipline risks should be identified and
discussed and mitigated the Shutdown Meetings (examples are hot work and welding in close
vicinity, potential clashes of cranes used for different activities and familiarity of the route for
the vacuum truck drivers)

Individual Activity Risk

Shutdown activities are often non-routine, or infrequent. The risk must be identified and
mitigated to an acceptable manageable level. Please refer to the PR-1172 - Permit to Work
Procedure and the associated Job Hazard Analysis.

Activity Risk H M L Mitigation Action

Heat exchanger Procure spare
fouling not properly X
cleared by flushing Carry out flushing

Separator internal
solid deposition Monitor produced
greater than fluids Measure Build up using nucleonic
Flare tip condition
not known until Pre-inspection during ESD. Inspect
shutdown during during SD. Replace parts.

Overall Shutdown Risk

This is aimed to reduce risks at plant level or at overall Shutdown level. Multiple cross functional
activities for different activity owners and contractors bring additional risks that are important to
identify. For every new added activity the overall risk must be reviewed. This is especially
important from the moment change control is applied. Activities must not be simply added to the
existing scope without reviewing the risk mitigation. This should be done prior to accepting the

Shutdown Risk H M L Mitigation Action

Focused joined crane driver HSE
briefing session with contract
Field visit with experienced peer
40 cranes and 40
crane drivers Pre site visits with all contractor
X supervisors
supporting 8
activities on 25 units. Pre-shutdown HSE briefing with all
crane drivers
Issue detailed crane plot plan
Position cranes prior to SD
Vessel Entry and Schedule activities not in parallel but in
nearby hot work series

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Shutdown Risk H M L Mitigation Action

Review total plant gas free versus
Semi depressurized systems gas free.
Clearly mark and create barriers
UOPA CFDH/CDFP personal to
approve or be on site.
Failure of DCS or Maintain UPS generator.
UPS after Shutdown
Maintain Batteries.
Book vendor post SD.
Shortage of Post Shutdown
X Arrange temporary support from other
contractor staff directorate

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6 Activity Readiness
All individual activities at level 3 (at the minimum level of work order, network activity) in
the shutdown plan shall have a readiness indicator. This readiness should mature over
time. The activity owners shall provide the status backed up by transparent information
at the shutdown meeting (e.g. material status print outs). The main reason to track
readiness at activity level is to provide good quality activity feed into the shutdown plan
and identify areas for extra focus.
Readiness element Shutdown stage
Preliminary Scope Update and Change
scope freeze Issue Rev 1 control
development Shutdown
-12w > -8w
Scope of work level
1 50% 100% 100% 100%
3 (WO, nwa)
Work pack level 4
2 50% 100% 100% 100%
(operations, nwae)
3 Budget available 75% 100% 100% 100%
All required
4 50% 75% 100% 100%
Resources booked
Activity Risks
5 identified and 50% 75% 100% 100%
Long lead items
6 identified and 50% 100% 100% 100%
Materials identified
7 50% 100% 100% 100%
and ordered
Materials Required
on site dates known
8 50% 75% 100% 100%
to be before SD
execution date
Isolation and de-
9 50% 100% 100% 100%
isolation procedures

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7 Deliverables

7.1 Shutdown Review Board Responsibilities

1. Minutes of meeting and updated action tracking list
2. Agree the cross directorate Integrated Shutdown Plan (major Shutdowns
across directorates in one plan)
3. Yearly shutdown management performance analysis and recommendations or
as and when required

7.2 Directorate Deliverables:

1. Minutes of shutdown meeting and updated action tracking list
2. Agreed directorate Shutdown Plan 6

3. Agreed overall Shutdown Strategy

4. Yearly Directorate Close out report of shutdown performance analysis and

7.3 Individual Shutdown Deliverables

1. Minutes of Meeting for each SD meeting. This includes:
a. An updated action tracking list
b. Attendance tracking list (based on invited stakeholders)
2. Detailed Shutdown Execution Plan (refer to appendix 15)
3. After Activity Review including:
a. Minutes of meeting Shutdown KPIs
b. 1 page management summary for the shutdown review board
c. List of lessons learnt at:
- Activity level (e.g. accessibility, spares, resources, tools)
- Station level (e.g. drain times, transport, food,)
- Corporate level (e.g. impact to others)

This is usually included in the 2 year Integrated Activity Plan

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8 Performance Monitoring
Performance of the actual Shutdown versus the planned shutdown shall be monitored
for critical shutdowns. These shutdowns are yearly agreed by the heads of IAP, CDFP
IAP and the SD review board (SDRB) along with the reference forecast and updates in
line with the 2Y IAP cycle.
Shutdown performance (date, duration, scope) will be measured against 3 base lines:
1. Reference STPF plan (promise to shareholders).
2. Frozen shutdown plan (change control applies from this point).
3. Latest version (including approved addendum scope) prior to execution.
Shutdown performance is considered to be successful if the actual performance against
all three baselines is good. The SD review board shall be briefed on the overall PDO
SD performance and provide business feedback where required (for instance repetitive
late submission) at management level.
The overall performance of a shutdown is measured via a number of composite
measures. Together they determine the overall performance. If 20% is not met, then a
shutdown is not successful. A shutdown with a serious HSE incident such as a fatality
or multiple incidents, is never a success.
Tracking against three baselines is necessary to measure real success and identify
improvement areas. Baseline 1 performance (promise to shareholders) indicates our
medium term planning capability/stability. Baseline 2 performance (IPP) indicates our
short term planning capability/stability. Baseline 3 performance (1 day prior to
execution) indicates our schedule versus execution performance. Baseline 1 and 2 may
indicate significant issues that are not captured with baseline 3 measurement (for
instance a shutdown that has delayed from February (cold season) into July (hot
season) due to scope growth or insufficient maturation or material readiness.
Baseline 1 performance
(reference: STPF 2Y IAP Plans - promise to
Good Fair Not good Note
Plan. & Sched.

1 Milestones +/- 15% +/- 40% >40%  

2 Start date +/- 30d +/- 30d - 60d > +/- 60d STPF promise
3 Duration +/- 15% > 40% +/- 40%  
4 Scope +/- 15% +/- 40% +/- 40% Scope change
5 Deferment +/- 15% +/- 40% +/- 40%  

Baseline 2 performance
(reference: scope freeze)
Good Fair Not good Note

1 Milestones +/- 10% +/- 25% >25%  

Plan. & Sched.

2 Start date +/- 5d +/- 6 - 15d > +/- 15d IPP promise
3 Duration +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25%  
mnhrs addendum
4 Scope +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25% scope
5 Deferment +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25%  
6 Resource utilisation +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25%  
7 Cost deviation +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25%  

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Baseline 3 performance
(reference: plan -1d with approved addendum
Good Fair Not good Note
1 Milestones All within 5% up to 10% >10% deviation  
2 Start date 0d +/- 2d > +/- 2d mobilisation
Plan. & Sched.

3 Duration +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10%  

4 Scope +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10% mnhrs discovery scope
5 Deferment +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10%  
6 utilisation +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10%  
7 deviation +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10%  
8 LTI/RWC None 1 RWC 1 LTI or 2 RWC  
9 Leaks None < 1 bbl 1 bbl or more  
1 10 minor or 1 2 big or > 10
0 Punchlist < 10 minor big minor  
Missing low Missing low level
level SAP data SAP data1

1 Asset Everything in 1 week after month after start

1 Registration SAP start up up  
Documents, and training Documents and
Training provided 1 training provided
1 provided prior to week after start 1 month after
2 Handover start up. up. start up.  
1 Risk Register 1 week after 1 month after
3 updated yes start up start up  
without TA
1 caused
4 defect 30 20 10 flawless start up

Closer to execution date, more accurate data is required (scope, duration, deferment,
impact, cost). Therefore the allowed deviations are smaller. Activity owners should
focus on the shutdown part of the scope of work well in advance so that the deferment
can be booked reasonably. 2 year planning requirements can be found in the IAP code
of practice. The 2 year and 90d IAP windows functions as a routine cyclic reviewed
dynamic radar screen where shutdowns and opportunities are identified, planned,
aligned and optimised whereas the shutdown meetings focus in detail on the activities.

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Baseline 1 Good (2) Fair (1) Not good (0) ACTUAL

1 Plan. & Sch. Milestones +/- 15% +/- 40% >40% 0
2 Start date +/- 30d +/- 30d - 60d > +/- 60d 0
3 Duration +/- 15% > 40% +/- 40% 0.5
4 Scope +/- 15% +/- 40% +/- 40% 1
5 Deferment +/- 15% +/- 40% +/- 40% 1 0.5
Baseline 2
1 Milestones +/- 10% +/- 25% >25% 0.5
2 Start date +/- 5d +/- 6 - 15d > +/- 15d 0.5
Plan. & Sch.

3 Duration +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25% 0.5

4 Scope +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25% 0.5
5 Deferment +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25% 1
6 Resource utilisation +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25% 1
7 Cost deviation +/- 10% +/- 25% > +/- 25% 1 0.7
Baseline 3
All within
1 Milestones 5% up to 10% >10% deviation 1
Plan. & Sch.

2 Start date 0d +/- 2d > +/- 2d 1

3 Duration +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10% 1
4 Scope +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10% 1
5 Deferment +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10% 1
6 Resource utilisation +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10% 1
7 Cost deviation +/- 5% +/- 10% > +/- 10% 1
8 LTI/RWC None 1 RWC 1 LTI or 2 RWC 1
9 Leaks None < 1 bbl 1 bbl or more 0.5
1 10 minor or 1 2 big or > 10
0 Punchlist < 10 minor big minor 0.5
Missing low Missing low

level SAP level SAP data1

1 Everything data 1 week month after
1 Asset Registration in SAP after start up start up 1

Documents, Documents Documents and

Training and training training
provided provided 1 provided 1
1 prior to start week after month after
2 Handover up. start up. start up. 1
1 Risk Register 1 week after 1 month after
3 updated yes start up start up 1
days successful
1 operation without TA 0.9
4 caused defect 30 20 10 1

Performance 0.7

If the milestone is met: 1

If the milestone is within fair band: 0.5
If milestones are not met: 0

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9 Change Control
Changes to the shutdown plan shall be managed in a structured way. Late Changes
must be prevented as much as possible as this causes inefficiency to staff and may
have negative knock on effect on other activity owners or the company’s production
promise. Changes often cause additional risk or HSE requirements that must be
reviewed in a controlled manner prior to accepting.
Changes consist not only of ‘step-in’ or ‘step-out’; they may also be significant change
of impact or duration that was not anticipated in the reference forecast and 2y IAP
plans (for instance impact on power that has been overlooked or overoptimistic
estimation of duration). A change that is submitted must be SAP based and the activity
must be matured (otherwise the impact and tasks cannot be assessed properly). All
changes shall be attached the Shutdown Execution Plan as a summary list or as
individual request.
Changes have to follow the following route:

Figure 7: Change Control flow chart

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Appendix 1 – Shutdown Terms of Reference

1. Shutdown Review Board Meeting Level 1 (PDO)
1. Agree yearly the top PDO shutdowns to be tracked via milestones and SD performance
2. Appoint senior management focal points and senior challengers for critical cross
directorate shutdowns
3. Review Corporate Performance and feedback issues to management. Identify high
level business improvement opportunities
4. Manage high level changes (management adjustments) and resolve inter-directorate
5. Steer the IAP community and Functional Activity Managers on management of
shutdowns and the shutdown process
Scope / Dimension
Main Stations shutdowns controlled by PDO within a 2 year windows
Engineering and Operations Director
Minute Taker
IAP Team Leader (alternating between North, Gas, South)
Board Members
 Operations Managers North, South, Gas, Infrastructure
 Engineering Managers North, South, Gas, Infrastructure
 Heads of IAP North, South, Gas, Infrastructure Planner
 Head of IAP Gas (or Delivery Team Leader Gas)
Optional Members
 Directors
 Petroleum Manager North, South or Gas
 Delivery Team Leaders
 Infrastructure power system department manager
 Head Infrastructure Terminal and Operations
 MOL/SOGL System Management Coordinator
 Heads of Programming
 CFDH Production / Maintenance, CDFP IAP or other relevant disciplines
 OLNG Representative

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 2 Year Directorate IAP plans (shared top SD plan)
1. Minutes of meeting with agreed actions
2. Yearly Top Shutdown Plan
3. Yearly Corporate Close out report of shutdown performance analysis and
Meeting Frequency
At least twice a year. One of the meetings shall be aligned with the Program Build
submission (Reference 2Y IAP Plan)
Engineering and Operations Functional Director
The IAP process manages the deferment agreements. The integrated SD plan is part of
2Y IAP. The individual detailed shutdown planning is in addition to the cyclic IAP. SD
planning is provided by IAP, SD ownership is with the line.
2. Review Team Meeting Level 2 (Directorate)
1. Establish Directorate Shutdown Strategy
2. Agree yearly the top Directorate Shutdowns to be tracked via milestones and SD
performance indicators.
3. Review Directorate Performance and feedback issues to management. Identify high
level business improvement opportunities
4. Manage high level changes (management adjustments) and resolve inter-area conflicts
5. Provide input to the overall PDO SD review board.
Scope / Dimension
Main Stations shutdowns controlled by Directorate within a 2 year window
Head of IAP
Operations Manager
Minute Taker
Head of IAP or Planning Engineer
Board Members
 Operations Manager
 Engineering Manager
 Delivery Team Leaders
 Head of IAP
 Planning Engineers
 Infrastructure Planner

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 Head of Programming
 TL Maintenance Strategy
Optional Members
 Petroleum Manager
 Infrastructure power system department manager
 Head Infrastructure Terminal and Operations
 MOL/SOGL System Management Coordinator
 2 year Area IAP Plans
1. Minutes of meeting with agreed actions
2. Yearly Top Shutdown Plan
3. Yearly Close out report of shutdown performance analysis and feedback
Meeting Frequency
At least twice a year. One of the meetings shall be aligned with the Program Build
submission (Reference 2Y IAP Plan) April / August.
Asset Director
The IAP process manages the deferment agreements. The integrated SD plan is part of 2Y
IAP. The individual detailed shutdown planning is in addition to the cyclic IAP. SD planning
is provided by IAP, SD ownership is with the line.
3. Shutdown Meeting
1. Progress the preparation
2. Agree the schedule
3. Resolve conflicts
4. Feedback main risks timely to directorate or SD review board.
Scope / Dimension
A specified Shutdown of specific Assets or sets of Assets
Production Coordinator or Delivery Team Leader, or, if it is critical cross directorate a senior
Minute Taker
Area Planner
Members (Mandatory if Activities)
 Production coordinator
 Maintenance Coordinator
 Construction Coordinator

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 Area Planner
 Area Scheduler
 Supervisors Mech / Elec / Instrument
 Contractors
 Project Engineers.
 Power representative
 Gas representative
 Infrastructure representative
 Static Coordinator
 Contractor Planner
Optional Members
 Delivery Team Leader (larger SD, kick off, challenge)
 Field Programmer, WRM TL, PT, WS
 2Y IAP and 90d IAP SAP
 Contractor Schedule (Primavera)
 Activity Owners
1. Minutes of meeting with agreed actions
2. SD Document
3. After Activity Review lessons learnt
Meeting Frequency
At least 6 times or bi weekly
Operations Manager
IAP team provides planning and scheduling service to the operations leaders who own the

4. AI-PSM Challenge
1. To confirm all necessary Process Safety measures have been taken in accordance with
applicable CMF standards such as: safely shutting down, flushing, purging, isolating,
making all surfaces and work sites safe to work on for the shutdown work scope, re-
instatement, pressure testing and start up.
2. Confirm with the team (as table below) all relevant PDO CMF standards understood
and complied with. Demonstrate approved deviation waivers for non-compliance areas
including risk mitigation.
3. To confirm all necessary HSSE measures have been taken in accordance with the
Shutdown guidelines and this is being (has been) implemented at site

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Scope / Dimension
Process Safety:
 Identification and mitigation of elements that could lead to a Process Safety
 Review of Shutdown Plan and main scope items from steady state operations though
the shutdown, back to steady state operation to ensure safe execution.
 Review of operating and maintenance procedure compliance pertaining to shutdown
scope of work.
 Site visit of the main scopes of work
Planning Engineer
Production Coordinator
Minute Taker
Production Supervisor
Mandatory Members

 Appointed PSM reviewer by UOM

 Delivery Team Leader
 Production Coordinator
 Contractors
 Project Engineers
 Maintenance Coordinator
 Maintenance Supervisors
 Production Supervisors
 Area Planner
 Area Planning Engineer
Optional Members

 IAP Team Leader

 Operations Manager
 CFDH / CDFP Operations
 XXO2/3/6
 Depending on the nature of the event (e.g. power, mechanical) that is assessed
applicable discipline experts should be included in the ASRP

 Safety Case
 IAP plans
 CMF framework (focussing on the top-10 procedures)
 Shutdown lessons Learnt database
 Shutdown Execution Plan (Scope summary, HSE plan, Activity Readiness, Detailed
Shutdown Schedule, Risk Register, Permit plan, Master isolation plan, Manpower
histogram, Logistics schedule)
Action List CC to Operations Manager

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Meeting Frequency
At least once per identified event. For shutdowns between 8 and 12 weeks prior to execution
date (between MS10 – MS17)
Functional Director Operations and Engineering (PSM Champion)

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Appendix 2 - Action Tracking List

The action Tracker is tracking the status of actions (closed, open, pending or changed) in one
single sheet or file (this as opposed to multiple lists after each meeting).
Every Shutdown meeting shall have minutes of meeting. Attached to those minutes will be a
master (single) action-tracking list that will be used to track all actions. It is advised to manage
this in one single Excel file so that closed actions can be filtered out (or hidden). The advantage
of having one single action list is to manage actions better (it is clear to action parties that there
is only one master action file, no confusion about the latest MOM, or the previous MOM
actions). A single action tracker may also promote progress and will be more efficient to for
after activity review (analyse) of the shutdown.
Below is an example of an action tracking list. The minimum required files are mentioned below.
The advantage of tracking all actions in one sheet is that all times the status can be seen,
hidden, filtered or sorted as per convenience of action owners or SD coordinators.
This also enables to see how long issues are ‘pending’ or to look back which decision have
been made in the past and may have to be revisited in light of new changes.

Action Meeting Status Raised on Action Who When Remark

nr Description
1 Closed 1st Aug Check as built 1st Oct
1 A.A.
1 Closed 1st Aug Check if new 15th Oct Z6 is raised
2 equipment in B.B. for K-5153
SAP (new)
1 Closed 1st Aug Identify Long 10th Oct
3 A.A.
Lead Items
1 Deleted 1st Aug Review 12th Nov
4 D.D.
Previous SD
2 Open 14th Aug Confirm FCP 10th Oct
5 A.A.
6 2 Open 14th Aug
7 2 Open 14th Aug
8 3 Open 21st Aug
etc etc Etc

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Appendix 3 – Example of Job Hazard Analysis

Job Hazard Analysis

Activity Name Team Composition Date
Work Involving Construction Activity Hazard 19-10-1999
Naked Flames Analysis Workshop
Step Description Hazard – Who or what Control / Recovery Measures Responsible
No of Task / Step potential might be Action Party
incident harmed
1 Prepare the Crude Personnel and • Hot work permit is obtained.
site (accumulated or assets
under pressure) • The area is free of crude
– fire • Fire blanket over any crude containing pit
• Drain Tundishes closes or plugged
• Hydrocarbon line spaded or double blocked
• Adjacent pipe work is leak free
• Clear escape routes are available
• Communication means
(radio, alarm button) are available
• Fire extinguisher, fire hose, firewatcher ready
• Non-asbestos fire blanket is available on site
• Sand bins are available on site
Gas – fire and Personnel and • Work is allowed to commence according to
explosion assets PTW
• Gas testing equipment on location
• Permanent gas detectors available
• Isolation is checked
• The area is ventilated
Diesel – fire Personnel and • Diesel tank is at safe distance from flame and
assets, heat radiation
• Diesel tank is earthed
• The integrity of the diesel tank is checked
• Emergency shutdown switch is available
and functioning
Bottled gas Personnel and • Gas bottles are at safe distance
under pressure – assets
explosion • Gas bottles are properly secured
• Gas bottles are equipped with flashback
and check valve
• Gas bottles are certified and properly
• Equipment checked
• Gas bottles are not in confined space
Oil based sludge Personnel, • The area is free from sludge
– fire environment

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Job Hazard Analysis

Activity Name Team Composition Date
Work Involving Construction Activity Hazard 19-10-1999
Naked Flames Analysis Workshop
Step Description Hazard – Who or what Control / Recovery Measures Responsible
No of Task / Step potential might be Action Party
incident harmed
Work planning – Personnel, • Hot work permit is available
concurrent assets and
operation on live environment • Work scope has been discussed with
system operation and agreed
• Climate conditions have been taken into
• Planning made to avoid extending work to
dark hours
Untrained Personnel and Flame torch operator is approved/certified
personnel –• asset integrity
harm to
personnel and
poor quality
2 During work Personnel below Personnel • Proper ventilation is available
grade – toxic
atmosphere • Portable gas detectors are installed
and functioning
Hazardous hand Personnel • All hand tools (grinding m/c) checked
tools, grinding
m/c – harm to • Adequate PPE is worn
personnel • Access is restricted
Ultraviolet Personnel • Adequate PPE is worn
radiation –
health hazard • Protective screen is used

Fumes – toxic Personnel • Adequate ventilation is available

• Old paint is removed
• Torch operator position is upwind
Manual material Personnel • Welded piece is properly supported
handling – harm
to personnel • Adequate lifting means is available
• Additional resources are available
• Torch operation can be carried out in
comfortable position
Heat stress – Personnel • Adequate ventilation is available
health hazard
• Heat stress exposure of the staff is limited
(working shifts, alternating work with fitter)
• Enough cold water is available
• Sunshade is provided

The above table is not exhaustive and should be added to where applicable

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Appendix 4 - Shutdown Driver Sheet

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Appendix 5 – Check Lists

1. Job Preparation Safety Checklist
The Job Preparation Safety Checklist below shall be used to provides a visual
reminder and ensure that critical safety measures / precautions are not overlooked.

Work Involving Naked Flames Tick When

Work Planning
1 Hot work permit is obtained
2 Work scope has been discussed with operation and agreed
3 Climate conditions okay for work, no heavy rain/thunderstorm, no electrical
work in rain
4 Planning made to avoid extending work to dark hours
5 Clear escape routes are available
6 Communication means (radio, alarm button) are available
7 Fire extinguisher, fire hose, fire-watcher ready
8 Sand bins are available on site
Crude (Accumulated or Under Pressure) – Fire
9 The area is free of crude
10 Fire blanket cover any crude-containing pit
11 Drain tundishes closes or plugged
12 Hydrocarbon line spaded or double blocked
13 Adjacent pipe work is leak free
14 Non-asbestos fire blanket is available on site
Gas – Fire and Explosion
15 Gas testing equipment on location
16 Permanent gas detectors available
17 Isolation is checked
18 The area is ventilated
Diesel – Fire
19 Diesel tank is at safe distance from flame and heat radiation
20 Diesel tank is properly earthed
21 The integrity of the diesel tank is checked
22 Emergency shutdown switch is available and functioning
Bottled Gas Under Pressure – Explosion
23 Gas bottles are at safe distance
24 Gas bottles are properly secured
25 Gas bottles are equipped with flashback arresters and check valves
26 Gas bottles are certified and properly colour-coded
27 Equipment checked

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28 Gas bottles are not in confined space

Oil Based Sludge – Fire
29 The area is free from sludge
Untrained Personnel
30 Flame torch operators are approved/certified
Personnel Below Grade
31 Proper ventilation is available
32 Portable gas detectors are installed and functioning
Hazardous Hand Tools, Grinding M/C
33 All hand tools (grinding m/c) are checked
34 Adequate PPE is worn, i.e. leather gloves, face shield, glasses
35 Access is restricted
Ultraviolet Radiation
36 Proper PPE for flame work is worn, i.e., gas weld glasses, leather gloves, etc
37 Protective screen is used
38 Adequate ventilation is available
39 Old paint is removed
40 Torch operator position is upwind
Manual Material Handling
41 Welded piece is properly supported
42 Lifting means available as per Work Description requirement
43 Additional resources are available
44 Torch operation can be carried out in comfortable position
Heat Stress
45 Adequate ventilation is available
46 If ambient temp. >40°C prepare second crew to take turns to work and rest
47 Enough cold water is available
48 Sunshade is provided

The above table is not exhaustive and should be added to where applicable

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6. Completion Check List and Statement of Fitness

Statement of Fitness – Asset Restart Link

Completion Check List following Major Interventions

Description :
Date: Yes No
1 Has all shutdown work scope been completed or has suspension
been agreed?
2 Have all points of intervention been correctly secured as per the
associated method statement, all flanges assembled as per SP-2020,
or vendor documentation?
3 Have all disturbed flanges been subjected to reinstatement leak test
as per PR-1073?
4 Have all SCADA/DCS/Safeguarding systems been tested and
reinstated fully?
5 Have all electrical distribution systems been fully reinstated?
Are copies of any authorised step outs included in the close out
6 Has all material and equipment not required for start-up been
removed from site? (cranes, trucks, mobile units)?
7 Have all process lines involved in isolation or intervention been line
walked (visually checked) against marked up PEFS (drawings) to
ensure that they are in the correct operational start up position?
Are correct isolations as per PR- 1076 in place to segregate from
non-operational parts of the plant? Or are they part of the Extended
Period Isolation (EPI) Register?
Are as built drawings available for any plant modifications?
8 Have all modifications been risk assessed as to impact on existing
Any Actions Required*:

I am satisfied that the above requirements are all Signed/date

in place, and that the following facility:


Production Coordinator
is safe to start up.

*Note: For Action Required please mention the actions, action party and closure time lines and
attach these details with this form.

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2. SAP Activity Attributes Check List

Every activity owner shall use SAP to create, confirm and close work, and manage the
schedule. At engineering level the high level tie-in must be represented in SAP; lower
level may be represented in Primavera. For wells every well entry must be in SAP
(the schedule engine should synchronise with SAP).
The following SAP fields are Mandatory in the detailed shutdown plan:
SAP Field
1. Location
Station Code
Order type
Work centre
Earl. fin. Date
Normal duration
Norm.duratn un.
System Condition
IAP Flag7
Funct Location

Some of those fields can be hidden when representing / printing the data in a practical
format or size. It is important to have this data available when maturing the plan and / or
running scenarios or identify risks.
The following SAP fields are Optional in the detailed shutdown plan:
SAP Field
1. Planner group
2. Deferment
3. Priority Type
4. Description
5. Operation Short
6. Operation Long
7. Text, Long text
9. Min. duration,

IAP relevance can also be identified by system condition .A SAP BP IAP coding enhancement
is agreed and planned to be implemented in 2010

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3. Checklist for Non-SAP Activity Attributes

Non-SAP Activity Attributes are applied for each individual activity (pre-shutdown,
shutdown and post-shutdown) on the detailed shutdown plan). The attributes are not
only important for the individual activity owner, but also for shutdown as a whole. The
Shutdown planner will establish overall cumulative shutdown characteristics based on
input from the activity owner. For instance overall drain volume (providing input for the
production drain plan), overall crane number and type requirement and location
(identifying crane clashes or opportunities to share), overall transport capacity, overall
bedding and meal requirements etc.
Where applicable the following data shall be recorded preferably in the master
Primavera schedule

Activity Attributes YES NO
1 Number of staff required in total
2 Detailed resource requirements (welders, riggers,
supervisors, crane drivers, watchmen, labourers)
3 Shift ID (e.g. shift 1, or night shift. Include staff names
to the shifts in the shutdown execution plan)
4 Permit number
5 Name Permit Holder (Name)
6 Name watchman
7 Work pack progress status (percentage complete)
8 Crane ID + boom length / maximum lifting capacity
9 Facility isolation Procedure Number
10 Drain volume
11 Purge Volume
12 Leak Test volume
13 Nitrogen Unit ID
14 Vacuum Tanker ID
15 Breathing Apparatus (BA) Sets ID
17 H2S
18 Mercury
19 Radiation
20 Approved deviation to procedure (Y/N)
21 Approved deviation to original due date (Y/N)
22 Approved change request (Y/N)
23 Hot Work
24 Confined Space Entry (Tank/Vessel)
25 Vendor requirement (Name)
26 Relationship to other activities (FS, SS, FF, SF, lag)

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Activity Attributes YES NO
27 Highlight critical path activity
28 Flag near-critical path activities
29 start time and finish time (hours: minutes)
30 Station Coordinator (Name)
31 Scaffolding
32 HSE standby requirements (e.g. ambulance, fire truck,
33 Priority
34 Potential regret
35 Site Accessibility (for cranes / people, restrictions)
36 Special non-routine tools (If Yes specify which)
37 Spade numbers
38 Blind numbers
39 Working at height
40 Material Tag numbers
41 Exclusion Areas (e.g. partially depressurised plant)
42 Cleaning resources required
43 Logistics requirements (transport to site)
44 Material costs
45 Resource Costs
46 Bedding requirements
47 Colour code (e.g. separate colours for PDO
48 Relevance to other directorate

The above table is not exhaustive and should be added to where applicable

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4. Pre and Post-Shutdown Activities Check List

It is Recommended that these activities (where applicable) are included in the detailed
shutdown plan either as milestones or activities 8:
Pre-Shutdown Activities:
Milestone / Activity
1. Permits validation staff, contractors and vendors (e.g. H2S,
2. Test HSE equipment such as fire extinguishers and fire
water pumps
3. Lowering liquid levels tanks and vessels
4. Position large resources such as cranes and trucks
5. Arrange temporary or additional Breathing Apparatus (BA)
6. Tag valves
7. Provide materials to site
8. Cut drums
9. Road maintenance / upgrading
10. Dig sludge pits
11. Contractor briefing or site awareness pre-visit
12. Toolbox talks
13. Operational site visit (re-visit shortly before the shutdown
and each time after rain)
14. Engineering Field visit
15. Arrange required tested gas testers on site
16. Install shades
17. Non-shutdown pre work related to SD work (drill holes for
power overhead line poles)
18. Radios supplies
19. Off site pre-fabrication
20. Mobilise, Train and Orient Personnel
21. Set up Utilities
Arrange temporary air (install & test)
Arrange temporary lightning (install & test)
Arrange temporary power (install & test)
Arrange temporary UPS
Water supply
Cleaning facilities, especially for tube bundle cleaning
Catering, drinking water outlets and smoking areas

This list is not intended to be complete, each shutdown has its own characteristics and

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Milestone / Activity
22. Scaffolding Erection
23. Make programming requirements
Update swing list
Gas lift program
Test program
Sequence of shutting down wells
Sequence of starting up wells
Overall gas liquid production flow
24. Make operational preparations
Sequence and control of spading
Quality of hydrocarbon-freeing; dryness of internals
Speed of issue of work permits, quality and accuracy of
Control of safety aspects including lockout/tag out
25. Position portable equipment
Welding units
Cutting units
General hand tooling for contract labour personnel
Adequate rigging/scaffold equipment
Air powered tools and utility air distribution equipment
Specific power generation or utility air compressor
(if shutdown activities require loss or interruption of
facility utility supplies)
Precision tooling for bolt make-up (i.e. torque wrenches
Lighting systems of adequate design/standard (i.e. for
vessel entry etc)
B/A equipment for all vessel entry type activities
Site work stands/benches
Specialist personnel lifting equipment as required
Adequate cleaning equipment
Field communications equipment.
26. Provide tools and easy access to them

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Milestone / Activity
27. Inspect rental equipment
28. Mark spades9
29. Identify minor tag jobs
30. Provide drawings and specifications
31. Prepare relevant barriers/safety signage

Post-shutdown activities, for example:

Milestone / Activity
1. After Activity review
2. De-mobilise small and large resources
3. Inspect and store / scrap left over materials (this may
require lifting activities)
4. Scaffolding
5. Re-instate infrastructure (e.g. fences, shades, temporary
pits or access roads)
6. Acceptance Testing New Equipment
7. Punch list items
8. Painting
9. SAP Asset registration (FLOC, equipment, mcp, history)
10. Verification that new equipment is registered in SAP
11. Site Cleaning

During the last week prior to the start of shutdown date, the isolation spades should be hung
at the relevant flange joints, with a tag showing the activity and permit reference. It is
recommended that critical spade locations be identified by distinctive paint marks: Blind
locations are identified and tagged, Blinds placed at pre-tagged locations, Tie-in points,
Decontamination injection systems.

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5. Shutdown Strategy Content Check List

Once the Shutdown Planning / Execution Team has been set up, the draft shutdown
strategy document should be created. The Check List below can be used to ensure that
the strategy is fully inclusive.
NOTE: Often the high level strategy is already established within the directorates.
1. Third party involvement
2. Weather conditions
3. Technical Integrity Requirements
4. The shutdown objectives
5. Shutdown driver (reason) versus shutdown critical path
6. Driver sheet
7. Previous lessons learned reviewed
8. Organisation chart/responsibility matrix
9. Shutdown performance measures
10. Provisional estimates for the budget
11. Resource planning
12. Management of vendors and contractors
13. Management of long lead items
14. Materials on site
15. Quality Management Plan
16. Project Management
17. Risk Management
18. Long Lead Items
19. Concurrent Operations Philosophy.

NOTE: The directorates should establish their own strategy (e.g. one station per year,
not more than one station per month, winter based, OLNG driven etc). This needs to be
reviewed yearly aligned with the PB cycle.

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6. Completion Check List and Statement of Fitness

The Completion Check List link

Completion Check List following Major Interventions

Date: Yes No
1 Has all shutdown work scope been completed or has suspension
been agreed?
2 Have all points of intervention been correctly secured in line with
agreed method statement, all flanges assembled as per SP-2020, or
vendor documentation.?
3 Have all disturbed flanges been subjected to reinstatement leak test
as per PR-1073?
4 Have all SCADA/DCS/Safeguarding systems been tested and
reinstated fully?
5 Have all electrical distribution systems been fully reinstated?
Are copies of any authorised step outs included in the close out
6 Has all material and equipment not required for start-up been
removed from site? (cranes, trucks, mobile units)?
7 Have all process lines involved in isolation or intervention been line
walked (visually checked) against marked up PEFS (drawings) to
ensure that they are in the correct operational start up position?
Are correct isolations as per PR- 1076 in place to segregate from
non-operational parts of the plant? Or are they part of the Extended
Period Isolation (EPI) Register?
Are as built drawings available for any plant modifications?
8 Have all modifications been risk assessed as to impact on existing

I am satisfied that the above requirements are all Signed/date

in place, and that the following facility:


Production Coordinator

is safe to start up.

Note: The checklist is to be completed by the Production Co-ordinator to indicate that all pre-
start up checks are complete.

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Statement of Fitness – Asset Restart Link

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7. Shutdown Management Compliance Checklist

Below list is a quick shutdown management self check for a single shutdown, an area,
a directorate or PDO. This is an addition to the formal Operations Excellence Review
Questionnaire (blade 9 IAP and Shutdown Management).
Question Remarks
1 Is the Shutdown Review Board Meeting regularly held?
2 Is a cross directorate Integrated Shutdown Plan maintained
in line with the IAP/STPF based on SD review team
3 Are all the shutdown milestones all monitored & met?
4 Are [PDO] lessons learnt reviewed prior to the shutdown?
5 Are regular shutdown meetings conducted?
6 Is a SMART action log being maintained and issued timely
after each SD meeting?
7 Are the right representatives / activity owners and executors
attending all the meetings well prepared?
9 Are activity owners identifying, ordering and progressing the
delivery of materials in time (long lead, bulk). Are they
sharing the detailed status and follow up?
10 Are the activity owners providing level 4 detail with required
resources and transparent readiness in time?
11 Do activity owners, contractors, service providers and, the
operations team identify all relevant pre and post shutdown
12 Are risks per activity and risks for the overall shutdown
identified and mitigated?
13 Are the overall cumulative shutdown requirements identified
and controlled (cranes, drainage, shifts)
14 Is a detailed shutdown schedule with critical path and
resource requirements produced?
15 Are the interdependencies of activities well identified and is
the plan well optimised with everyone’s input?
16 Is the Shutdown plan professionally challenged by a peer?
17 Is the overall Shutdown Execution Plan issued as per
content guideline and signed off?
18 Are changes formally managed and are associated risks re-
assessed properly?
19 Are dedicated shutdown KPIs measured?
20 How good is the after activity review? Are all relevant
stakeholders constructively sharing all practices and
21 Does the Shutdown Review Board get the right feedback
Average Overall Score:

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Appendix 6 - Lessons Learnt Data Requirements

The following Data is required from the Field on Lesson Learnt:

 SD name
 Directorate
 Area
 SAP station code
 SD start date
 Observation as per AAR meeting
 Recommendation as per AAR meeting
 Clarify
The following Data is required by Coordinator of the Lesson Learnt Database:
 Lesson ID
 Status
 Rating
 Corporate Action
 Action Party
 Corporate Lesson learnt
 Level
 Category
 Discipline(department)
 Type
 Relevance
 Analysis
 Analysis Comment
Optional Data required:
 Work order, contractor, department, and supervisor.
Lessons learnt shall be shared on the Shutdown web site (accessible at the website of
CFDH Production, UOP).

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Appendix 7 – Change Request Form (Step-In, Step-Out, Change)

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Appendix 8 – Generic Shutdown Execution Plan Content

The overall shutdown document is the Master Document and the Main Reference to the
shutdown. It is a compilation of different files, merged together into a single document;
preferable converted a single Acrobat file in ‘pdf’ format. The document should be presented in
Sections as detailed below:
Cover Page Shutdown Description and signatories i.e. Shutdown Coordinator, Shutdown
Planner and Applicable Stakeholders
Content Page
Section 1 Management Summary
 Shutdown driver activity.
 Main HSE risk and mitigation.
 People on site.
 Critical path.
 Interfaces with other areas.
 Dates, duration, deferment.
For a large shutdown, a fact sheet can be added that stipulates the numbers
of resources, shifts, etc.
Section 2 Organisation
 Roles and Responsibilities.
 Organogram (with names).
Section 3 HSE Plan
 Objectives, Focal Points.
 Hazard and Recovery to the team members, Emergency Management,
Site Emergency Team, What to do in an emergency.
 Logistics, Communication.
 PPE Check List.
 Entry LOG.
 Working Hours.
 Material Handling and Storage, General Safety Instructions, Food and
Refreshments, working in hot temperatures; shading)
 Risk and mitigation register at overall shutdown level.
 Risk and mitigation register at critical equipment level.
Section 4 Shutdown Operations
 Introduction, Shutdown Key Data, Integration information, Shutdown
 Applicable Procedures references (isolation, draining, start-up
Procedure, Hot Bolting Procedure, B-6 Stringing Procedure, Welding
Procedure, Variance Control.
 Tool Box Talk.
 Special Tools.
 Lifting Equipment.

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 Plot Plan.
 ESD List (Station wise Shutdown Sensitive ESD's’.
Section 5 Planning
 The low level detailed shutdown plan:
o SAP based work orders (or operations level) and net work
o critical path identified.
o near critical paths known.
o pre and post shutdown activities.
o This plan must be at hourly resolution. (in Primavera or MS Project
where Primavera has not been implemented yet).
 Contingency plan (what if scenario).
 High level management schedule (if required).
 Shutdown KPI’s.
 Shutdown milestones.
 Provide plan per station if required.
 Non SAP mandatory fields are: critical relationships (Activity links),
activity ID starting at 1, department, name of supervisor or focal point,
crew name if needed (crew-1, night crew) and comments or special
constraints (e.g. vendors) if necessary. This has to be populated in the
MS Project or Primavera schedule.
Section 6 Approved and Rejected Changes.

SAP is the master source. Activities such as well survey, pipe line pigging, commissioning
etcetera should also be present in SAP.

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Appendix 9 – Guide to After Activity Review

An After Activity Review (AAR) should be held within two days after the completion of the
Shutdown, with all disciplines, including contractors, who were involved with the planning and
execution of the shutdown. The AAR should be in the form of brainstorming sessions and only
challenge feedback for clarity, rather than judgmentally. The AAR should identify equally items
that worked well and improvement opportunities. The following questions should be asked:

1: What Did We Set Out to Do? What was our intent? What should have happened? Did
leader and team intents differ? What was on your mind?

2: What Did We Actually Do? Why? How? What would a video camera have shown? Are
we discussing facts? No blame. Look at Key Events,
Chronological Order or Functions/Roles.

3: What Have We Learned? Focus on what we have learned, not what we will do next.
What do we know now that we didn’t know before? What
strengths and weaknesses have we discovered? What
advice would we give to someone starting out now?

4: What Are We Going to Do? Exactly who will do what and when? Use descriptions
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-
based). Sustain strengths and improve weaknesses.

5: Who Are We Going to Tell? Submit lessons learnt in the lessons learnt database and
provide a one page management summary for the
Shutdown review board. Feed essential urgent matter to

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Appendix 10 – Management Summary

A one page management summary shall be shared with the shutdown review board in order to
review overall PDO shutdown management and retain relevant historical information within the
Shutdown characteristics Plan & actual data Remark
Shutdown description
Shutdown station/area
Shutdown date dd/mmm/yy
Shutdown coordinator
Shutdown driver activity
STPF booked duration
STPF booked deferment
Scope frozen duration
Scope frozen deferment
Actual duration
Actual deferment
Learning’s captured in database?
Shutdown Characteristics (e.g. people on site, cranes, drained volume, shift pattern,
number of tie-ins)



Compiled by
(Planning Engineer)
Attach the shutdown KPI.

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Appendix 11 - Terminology, Definitions and Abbreviations

Terminology and Definitions

Activity Owner The person who approves the budget to execute the work.
Addendum Scope Scope change approved or rejected after scope freeze
Asset Integrity The ability of the asset to perform its required function
effectively and efficiently whilst safeguarding life and the
Change Change Management includes all basic steps to manage
Management changes against an agreed plan: requesting, registering,
(against activity reviewing, deciding (approve or reject), incorporating in plan,
plan) communicating, executing, reporting and analysing & improve.
Contingency Plan Alternative plan or solution based on what-if scenario
Compliance Practice to each and every mandatory step as per mandatory
Critical Path The critical path is the longest duration path through a network
diagram and determines the shortest time to complete the
project or shutdown.
Cut Off Date Last date submission is allowed.
Discovery Scope Scope change identified during shutdown
Effective Delivers the desired result.
Efficient Delivers the result smooth.
Float The amount of time a task can be delayed without affecting the
required due date.
Function Well engineering, facility engineering, well services, operations
& maintenance, exploration (in other words ‘activity owners’).
Functional support Process support (in other words the CFDH/CDFP organisation
that sets standards and is responsible for assurances and
Hot Bolting Is not allowed except LP water system. Refer to CMF
Mature Development of activity details over time: availability of specific
details such as material availability, resources, duration,
production impact, etc.
Milestone A significant point or event (with zero duration).
Near Critical Path Activities that have little total float and could easily become
critical as a result of unforeseen circumstances or conditions
during project or shutdown execution.
Operation Activity one level below SAP work order at sub equipment and
work centre level detailing out the task to be done.
Opportunity Identified possibility to optimise, often not yet scoped out or
Driver Activity or process that drives (dictates) another activity or
process or the shutdown reason or shutdown duration.
Global Shell EP Globally.
Integrated Activity IAP is defined as the integration of critical 11

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Planning activities (on functional work plans that are identified and
planned by the functions) on hydrocarbon installations, with
the main objectives to:
 minimise planned deferment.
 maximise opportunities and [early] production.
 reduce costs & HSE exposure.
 form the basis for plan execution.
 reference for changes.
All above in the best interest of the company.
Process Safety The management of hazards that can give rise to major
accidents involving the release of potentially dangerous
materials, release of energy (such as fire or explosion) or both.
Readiness Indicator how matured the activity is for execution in terms of
budget, materials, manpower, scope, vendor etc.
Shutdown Event where a station or major part of the facility (train, MOL,
tank) needs to be shut down for a temporary period causing
direct or potential deferment, in order to execute maintenance,
inspection, repairs, modifications and or tie-ins; often a
combination of cross functional high density of activities in a
short time frame.
Shutdown Execution The overall integrated document that contains the detailed
Plan schedule and all relevant information relevant to the shutdown
(See appendix). This document is signed off by the Shutdown
Coordinator and stakeholders.
Time Resolution Required accuracy in plan type.
Very Short Term Plan window of 14 days.
Short Term Plan window of 90 days.
Medium Term Plan window of 2 years.
Shall This identifies a mandatory action that must be followed.

Critical is defined by the plan content criteria in the IAP code of Practice CP-156.

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2Y 2 years
90d 90 days
AAR After Activity Review
ARP Asset Reference Planning
ASRP Activity Safety Review Panel (also known as the PSM Challenge)
Bbs Barrel
BP Business Plan
BW Business Warehouse
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CDFP Corporate Discipline Focal Point
CFDH Corporate Functional Discipline Head
CMF Corporate Management Framework
CP(A) Critical Path (Activity)
CP Code of Practice
DTL Delivery Team Leader (manages the operations of one area)
EMC On Plot Engineering Maintenance Contractor
EPBM Exploration and Production Business Model
HSE Health Safety Environment
IA Integrity Assurance
IAP In this document: Integrated Activity Planning, or Integrated Activity Plan.
IPP Integrated Production Plan
ISDP Integrated Shutdown Plan
KPI Key Performance Indicator
L3 Level 3 (Work order, network activity level)
L4 Level 4 (Operations, detailed scope of work level at sub equipment level)
LTI Lost Time Incident
MAF Mina Al Fahal
MCP Maintenance Craft Procedure
MEI Maintenance Execution & Integrity
MOL Main Oil Line
MS Milestone
MT Medium Term (1 year – 2 year)
NWA Network Activity (SAP)
NWAE Network Activity Element (SAP)
ODC Off Plot Contractor
(O)LNG (Oman) Liquefied Natural Gas
OPEX Operational Expenditure

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PB Programme Build
PDO Petroleum Development Oman
PF Production Forecasting
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PSO Production System Optimisation
PSM Process Safety Management
PTW Permit To Work
RASCI Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consult, Inform
RWC Restricted Work Case
SAP Systems, Applications and Products
SD Shutdown
SDEP Shutdown Execution Plan
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time
SOGL South Oman Gas Line
ST Short Term (90-days up to one year)
SoF Statement of Fitness
STPF Short-term Production Forecast. This is a rolling 2-year forecast, based on well
potentials and constraints, which takes account of individual activities, however
also – where necessary - utilises historical averages for allocation of
deferments. Note that ‘short-term in production means two years where as in
IAP short term means 90 days.
TDG Technical Directorate Group
VST Very Short Term (14 days period)
WIMS Well Integrity Management System
WO Work order (SAP)
WRM Well Reservoir Management
WSAM Well Services Activity Manager (tool)
14d 14 days
Z6 Code for notification request for SAP change

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Appendix 12 –Reference Documents

Corporate Management Framework (CMF) PFAIMS
Policies PL-11 - Integrity Policy
PL-06 - Information Management Policy
Codes of Practice CP-102 - Corporate Document Management - CoP
CP-107 - Corporate Management Framework - CoP
CP-114 - Maintenance Code of Practice
CP-115 - Operate Surface Product Flow Assets - CoP
CP-117 - Project Engineering - CoP
CP-122 - Health, Safety and Environment Mgmt System - CoP
CP-129 - Contracting and Procurement - CoP
CP-131 - Risk Management - CoP
CP-132 - Logistics Services - CoP
CP-136 - Planning in PDO - CoP
CP-145 - Optimisation Management - CoP
CP-153 - Production Forecasting - CoP
CP-185 - Code of Practice for Technical Integrity Management
Procedures PR-1001c Temporary Override of Safeguarding System Procedure

PR-1001e Operations Procedures Temporary Variance

PR-1005 - Maintenance and Inspection Activity Variance Control
PR-1013 - Static Equipment Maintenance and Inspection
PR-1029 - Competence Assessment & Assurance
PR-1032 - Maintenance Plans Approval Procedure
PR-1040 - Well Services Operations Programming
PR-1042 - General Operational Safety
PR-1047 - Well Integrity Maintenance
PR-1050 - Preparation of Work Practice Procedures by Contractors
PR-1073 - Gas Freeing, Purging & Leak Testing of Process
Equipment (Excluding Tanks)
PR-1076 - Isolation of Process Equipment Procedure
PR-1078 - Hydrogen Sulphide Management Procedure
PR-1079 - Gas Freeing and Purging of Tanks Procedure
PR-1081 - The 'Buddy System' Procedure
PR-1086 - Locked Valve Control Requirements
PR-1093 - Pressure Relief Valve Isolation and Locking Procedure
PR-1095 - Operations Asset Management Procedure

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PR-1148 - Entry into a Confined Space Procedure

PR-1160 - PDO Planning System Procedure
PR-1172 - Permit to Work Procedure
PR-1178 - Product Flow Asset Procedure
PR-1235 - Main Oil Line (MOL) Management System Procedure
PR-1236 - South Oman Gas Line System (SOGLS) Management
PR-1248 - Functional Criticality Assessment Procedure
PR-1259 - Infrastructure Management Procedure
PR-1444 - Well Engineering Management Procedure
Guidelines GU-484 - Planning and Scheduling Guidelines [facility engineering]
Specification SP-1240 - Production Forecasting
Training Material SAP PM
Primavera Project Management. Course 102
Primavera Advanced Project Management. Course 106
CMCS Planning & Scheduling Theory Training Manual (2007)
PDO Web Sites IAP Process:
North IAP:
South IAP:
Shutdown Management:
Global TOE Global Process 03 Integrated Activity Planning: http://sww-
TOE Global Processes:
EPBM v4:
Shutdown Management (MIMS, EP2006-5081) website:

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Appendix 13 - User Feedback Page


Any user who identifies an inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to notify

the custodian so that appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested
to return this page fully completed, indicating precisely the amendment(s)
Ref ID Date:

Page Ref: Brief Description of Change Required and Reasons

Custodian of Document Date:

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Addendum 1 – Changes at Revision 2.0

Page Description of Change

7 Section 1. Introduction Management Summary – para 1 deleted
‘existing’, added ‘historical good’ Para 2 added ‘Shutdowns are linked
closely to the Process Safety Management’. Para 6 deleted ‘shall be
tracked by’, added ‘must meet the shutdown. Deleted ‘better
preparedness’ added ‘a quality end product that is a the reference for
safe execution’. Added ‘These shutdown shall all undergo an PSM
challenge (Milestone 19 which is 6 weeks prior to execution)
12 Section 1.6.1 – Terminology and Definitions added ‘Asset Integrity’,
added ‘Process Safety’.
13 Section 1.6.2 Abbreviations added ‘ASRP’. Added ‘PSM’
16 Section 2.2 added ‘This includes holding the PSM challenge’
20 Section 2.6 added ‘Planning’ to title
22 Section 2.9 – Replaced matrix
25 Section 3
Coordination point 2 added ‘planning’
Strategy point 1 added ‘for Gas they will generally be gas customer
demand driven, whereas for oil they will generally be activity driven’
27 Section 4 – Added new milestone M19 – Process Safety Challenge
34 Appendix Re-worked and rationalised

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