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Dengue and dengue vectors in the WHO European region:

past, present, and scenarios for the future
Francis Schaffner, Alexander Mathis

After 55 years of absence, dengue has re-emerged in the WHO European region both as locally transmitted sporadic Lancet Infect Dis 2014;
cases and as an outbreak in Madeira, driven by the introduction of people infected with the virus and the invasion of the 14: 1271–80

vector mosquito species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Models predict a further spread of A albopictus, particularly Published Online
August 27, 2014
under climate change conditions. Dengue transmission models suggest a low risk in Europe, but these models too
rarely include transmission by A albopictus (the main established vector). Further information gaps exist with regard to S1473-3099(14)70834-5
the Caucasus and central Asian countries of the WHO European region. Many European countries have implemented Institute of Parasitology, Swiss
surveillance and control measures for invasive mosquitoes, but only a few include surveillance for dengue. As long as National Centre for Vector
no dengue-specific prophylaxis or therapeutics are available, integrated vector management is the most sustainable Entomology, University of
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
control option. The rapid elimination of newly introduced A aegypti populations should be targeted in the European
(F Schaffner PhD, A Mathis PhD)
region, particularly in southern Europe and the Caucasus, where the species was present for decades until the 1950s.
Correspondence to:
Dr Alexander Mathis, Institute of
Introduction In this review, we aim to describe dengue in the Parasitology, National Centre for
Dengue is the most rapidly spreading mosquito-borne context of the European region. We have compiled data Vector Entomology, University of
Zurich, Winterthurerstr 266a,
disease, with a 30-fold increase in global incidence during for the historical and present occurrence of dengue and
8057 Zurich, Switzerland
the past 50 years, affecting more than 100 countries the incriminated mosquito vectors in this region, and
throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world.1 summarised models and risk maps of dengue and its
However, no concerted action has been taken against vectors as well as surveillance and risk plans in the
dengue. WHO has defined a global strategy for dengue European region. WHO’s European region includes
prevention and control, 2012–20,1 aimed at reduction of the 53 Member States, including geographical Europe and
burden of this disease. WHO estimates that 50–100 million its outermost regions (but not associated overseas
dengue infections occur every year, but a recent model2 territories), Russia, Turkey, Israel, countries in the
suggests that this figure is a substantial underestimation. Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia), and
Important drivers for dengue transmission dynamics are countries in central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
socioeconomic factors, including globalisation (rapid Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan).
movement of people infected with the virus and com-
petent mosquito vectors), urbanisation (high density of Outbreaks of dengue in the WHO European region
susceptible people, plethora of mosquito breeding sites),2 The early history of dengue is unclear because of the
and climate factors (eg, the capacity of mosquitoes to similarity of its clinical picture to other febrile illnesses.
transmit the virus is heavily dependent on temperature). Dengue was recognised as a specific disease entity in
Although nearly 75% of the global population exposed human beings in the late 18th century. However, many
to dengue is in the Asia-Pacific region, the WHO cases were probably confused with chikungunya,
European region is also affected. The 2010–13 reports of another arboviral disease transmitted by A aegypti.14 In
autochthonous cases in France and Croatia3–6 and the 1903, Graham hypothesised dengue was transmitted by
outbreak in Madeira7,8 are reminiscent of endemic or mosquitoes,37 and Bancroft confirmed this in 1906.38 A
epidemic dengue that affected many countries of the scientific literature search of dengue in the WHO
eastern hemisphere until the 1930s. At that time, the European region showed that several epidemics occurred
principal mosquito vector Aedes aegypti was endemic in during the 18th and 19th centuries, in ports of the
parts of southern Europe, and several outbreaks of dengue eastern Mediterranean (table) but also occasionally
arose in areas where this mosquito was established (table). inland (eg, in the cities of Andalusia in Spain and in
Subsequently, 13 southern Mediterranean and Caucasian Greece).10,11,21 At that time, the vector A aegypti was
countries agreed on an “international convention for repeatedly introduced into ports by vessels and was
mutual protection against dengue fever” in 1935,30,31 to widely established in southern Europe, which fuelled
limit the possible spread of dengue. Nowadays, concern yellow fever outbreaks in port cities and occasionally
about dengue and other tropical arbovirus infections such their hinterlands (eg, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Seville) in
as chikungunya is rising in the European region, driven the 19th century.39,40 The largest and almost last dengue
by several factors including the resurgence of A aegypti, outbreak in the Mediterranean (Greece and Turkey)
the widespread establishment of another efficient vector occurred in 1927–28, affected more than 1 million people
(Aedes albopictus), the increase in the number of pathogen (90% of the population in Athens), and killed
introductions by tourism and migration, the reports of 1000–1500.18,41 No historical dengue virus transmission
local outbreaks, and predicted environmental changes is known from eastern Russia or from the Caucasus and
including climate change.32–36 central Asia.42 Vol 14 December 2014 1271


Location Notes
1784, 1788, 1793 Cadiz, Seville (Spain)9,10 End of first pandemic, 1779–84
1861 Cyprus11 ··
1863, 1867 Cadiz (Spain), then Jerez, Seville, and other places in Andalusia10,11 Imported from the West Indies by troops
1865 Canary Islands (Spain)10 ··
1881 Crete (Greece)11–13 Half of the inhabitants affected
1887 Gibraltar10 Fifth pandemic, 1887–89
1888–1889 Cyprus10 ··
1889 Athens, Piraeus, Salonica (Greece),13,14 Greek Islands (Rhodes, Chios, and others), Around 80 000 cases in Izmir (80% of the inhabitants)
southern Turkey,10,11,16 Izmir,15 Manisa to Istanbul, Trabizon (Turkey),
Varna*(Bulgaria), Lisbon (Portugal), Israel10,11,16
1889–1890 Istanbul, Izmir (Turkey), Napoli (Italy)9,11,17 ··
1895–1897 Athens (Greece)14 ··
1899 Antalya (Turkey)11 ··
1910 Athens, Piraeus (Greece)12,16,18 ··
1912 Israel19 ··
1913 Cyprus11 ··
1916 Dardanelles, Trabizon (Turkey)11,20 ··
1921 Vienna*(Austria)21 ··
1927 Malta16 ··
1927–1928 Piraeus, Athens, Euboea, Gulf of Aegina (Greece), Izmir to south of Rhodes More than 1 million of people affected (90% of the
(Turkey)10,13,21, Israel16, Greece: DEN-1 and DEN-2 confirmed by retrospective population in Athens); 1000–1500 deaths
serological study22,23
1928 Cyprus, Andalusia24,25 ··
1929 Izmir25 ··
1929–1933 Greece22,26 Confirmed by retrospective serological study
1945 Turkey, Israel (and other Middle East countries)27 ··
2010 Croatia;3,5 three DEN-1 clinical cases (including one reported in Germany) plus Virus probably introduced from Indian subcontinent
15 recent infections
2010, 2013 France;4,6 DEN-1 cases (2010), one DEN-2 case (2013) Viruses probably introduced from West Indies
2012–13 Madeira;7,8,28 more than 2200 DEN-1 cases from October, 2012, to January, 2013, Virus probably introduced from Venezuela29
plus 74 cases reported from Portugal mainland8 and 12 other European countries

DEN-1=dengue virus serotype 1. DEN-2=dengue virus serotype 2. *Not clear whether data refer to a dengue outbreak or imported cases only, as there is no indication for the
presence of A aegypti in Varna and Vienna.

Table: Historical and contemporary outbreaks of dengue in the WHO European region

Dengue fever has been an imported disease in the The main dengue vectors A aegypti and
European region during the past few decades. As many A albopictus in the WHO European region
as 1143 confirmed cases were reported by the European Origins
Union or European Economic Area countries in 2010, The main (urban) vector worldwide A aegypti (figure 1)
rendering dengue the second most frequent reason, after originated from west Africa and was dispersed to tropical
malaria, for admission to hospital after return from or subtropical areas of other continents on vessels with
abroad.43 Few autochthonous dengue virus transmissions the slave trade and other trade routes.45 A albopictus
were reported in 2010 from France (two cases) and Croatia (figure 1), native to southeast Asia and invasive in many
For more on A albopictus global (17 cases3). However, a large outbreak occurred in the countries, is generally regarded as the secondary vector
invasion see Portuguese autonomous region of Madeira, with more but has been incriminated as the main dengue virus
than 2200 confirmed cases between October, 2012, and vector in many disease outbreaks worldwide.46,47 The
January, 2013, and an additional 78 cases were reported in larval habitats of both invasive species are natural water
European travellers returning from the island.8 Finally, bodies, such as tree holes and man-made water
one case was reported in southern France in October, containers (figure 2).
2013.6 These autochthonous dengue cases in the
European region were caused by the arrival of people A aegypti
infected with the virus, the establishment of efficient There is evidence that A aegypti reached Europe before the
mosquito vector species (ie, A albopictus in France and end of the 17th century, when the first outbreaks of yellow
Croatia and A aegypti in Madeira), and a high population fever, for which it is also a vector, were reported in France
density of immunologically naive people.44 and Spain.39,48 We created a schematic historical distribution

1272 Vol 14 December 2014


map of A aegypti (figure 3) based on consistent reports

with localities and dates of collection from the literature.
By the 1950s, the species was established in almost all
Mediterranean countries and around the Black Sea and
east to the Caspian Sea, which included both coast and
inland areas.21,42,45,49–54 From these records, the species never
established north of latitude 44°30’N. Yellow fever

F Schaffner, University of Zurich.

outbreaks in port cities in more northerly areas (eg, Saint-
Nazaire, France, 1861, and Swansea, UK, 1865)49 were
triggered by the arrival of sailors infected with the virus
and the introduction of A aegypti, which could thrive locally
during the summer months. After the 1950s, A aegypti
seemed to disappear from the Mediterranean area.17 Figure 1: Aedes aegypti, adult female (A), and Aedes albopictus, adult female (B)
Between 1960 and 2000, A aegypti was incidentally reported
once from Italy (1972)55 and from Israel (1974),56 and
sporadically from Turkey (1961, 1984, 1992, 1993, 2001; and the threshold values used were annual mean
figure 3), without evidence of well established populations, temperature of 11°C, 1350 growing degree-days (measure
although these findings suggest the persistence of small for heat accumulation), average annual precipitation of
populations in Turkey.54,57 However, the species has 500 mm, summer average temperature of 15–30°C
established in Madeira in 200458 and has again populated (optimum 20–25°C), and January mean temperatures of
the northern coast of the Black Sea (Russia and Georgia) in 0°C.66–70 However, data showed that mean January
2008.59 The temperature thresholds for the persistence of temperature, annual mean temperature, and annual
A aegypti populations are thought to be the January precipitation were lower in newly invaded areas.71,72 All
isotherm of 10°C53,60,61 or the annual mean of 15°C.62 generated maps suggest that in particular coastal areas
Furthermore, eggs of A aegypti have a high mortality when of Mediterranean countries, and to a lesser extent of the
exposed to frost, which might occur at the cool margin of eastern Black Sea, are suitable for A albopictus. Central
its geographical distributions only during severe winters.62 Europe and the inland Balkan region seem less suitable,
There is only one study in which a regional European except in one model.63 When applying climate change
risk map for A aegypti has been developed63 (appendix). scenarios released by the Intergovernmental Panel on See Online for appendix
Coastal regions of the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian Climate Change (IPCC, 2007),73 all models suggest a
seas, and areas along large lowland rivers (Ebro, Garonne, slight decrease of suitability in southern Europe, but an
Rhone, and Po) were identified as suitable habitats for increase of the suitability of central Europe and, with
A aegypti. The spread of A aegypti in the Black Sea region some delay, of eastern countries. However, these models
strongly advocates to strengthen communication and neither include the effects of cold spells (A albopictus
collaboration within the whole European region as has eggs have a high mortality when exposed to temperatures
already been achieved in the European Union under the below –7°C74) nor can they predict transient summer
umbrella of the European Centre for Disease Prevention expansions. Additionally, there is a gap in the risk
and Control (ECDC). mapping of the Caucasus and central Asian countries.

A albopictus Other potential mosquito vector species

Details of the history of the invasive mosquito A albopictus The major vectors (A aegypti and A albopictus) are
in Europe are given elsewhere,64,65 and updated distribution mosquitoes of the subgenus Stegomyia, which contains For more on distribution maps
maps are available. By the end of 2013, A albopictus was other species present in the WHO European region see

widely established and spreading in the western including Aedes cretinus (distributed in Crete, Greece
Mediterranean basin, from Spain to Greece. Its presence mainland, Turkey, Black Sea coast of Ukraine, Russia,
is also confirmed around the Black Sea coast (Bulgaria, and Georgia)42,75 and Aedes galloisi, Aedes flavopictus, and
Romania, southern Russia, and Turkey). The distribution Aedes sibiricus (in far-eastern Russia only).42,76 Whether
map provided by the ECDC is based on data from the these species could act as vectors is unknown because
European Network for Arthropod Vector Surveillance for none of them have been subjected to experimental
Human Public Health (VBORNET) that seem complete infection. However, A cretinus, if competent, might have
and updated because we identified no additional data in contributed to virus transmission during the severe
our scientific literature search. Incursions of A albopictus outbreaks in Greece and Turkey (table).
have been reported in more northern countries, but no Aedes japonicus (subspecies japonicus) originated from
establishment has been confirmed to date. Asia and was introduced into Europe. It has rapidly
Several series of maps have been generated to anticipate dispersed in central Europe and proved to have a high
the future distribution of A albopictus in the European vector competence when tested in the laboratory.77
region (appendix). The metrics applied in these models Additionally, it shows a pronounced anthropophilic Vol 14 December 2014 1273


The anthropophilic Aedes vittatus is occasionally

A mentioned as a vector of dengue virus in India,10,79,80
but because of its restricted larval habitats (water-fi lled
rock pools) and low distribution in Europe (western
Mediterranean), 75,81 its role as dengue virus vector is
likely to be very restricted.

Factors that determine the vectorial role

Many factors define the vectorial capacity (C) of a
mosquito population—(ie, its efficiency to act as a vector
in the field), shown by the equation C=bma²pn/–ln p,82
where b is the vector competence, (ie the proportion of
vectors in which infective pathogen stages develop); m is
the vector density; a is the vector’s daily blood-feeding
B rate on a host species; p is the vector’s daily survival rate;
and n is the time in days for the pathogens to reach the
saliva (extrinsic incubation period [EIP]).
The vector competence (b) is similar in A aegypti and
A albopictus.83–85 However, A aegypti is the epidemic vector
of the dengue virus because A aegypti females also bite
indoors and almost exclusively bite people. Furthermore,
they feed multiple times during a gonotrophic (egg
-producing) cycle.86 Subsequently, they attain distinctly
higher values of a than does A albopictus, which feeds on
blood only once per gonotrophic cycle and is thought to
be a generalist outdoor feeder.46,87 However, predominant
feeding on people for A albopictus has been reported
from some European cities (Barcelona and Rome).88,89
Population densities (m) of A aegypti generally seem to be
low.90,91 By contrast, A albopictus can be very abundant,
causing biting nuisance.92 A albopictus was the in-
criminated vector of dengue outbreaks in Hawaii at
places with high abundances where up to 90 biting
mosquitoes per person were counted in 5 min.93
Dengue virus development in the mosquito vector (EIP,
n) was estimated to be 15 days at 25°C and 6·5 days at
30°C in a model in which data from eight studies
investigating realistic transmission from viraemic to naive
hosts were used.94 Another model of dengue virus trans-
D mission estimated 28°C as the optimum temperature for
transmission.95 In Australia, dengue epidemics were
recorded only at average temperatures above 20°C, ceasing
at 14°C.96 All these temperature estimates nearly exclusively
refer to dengue virus transmission by A aegypti.
F Schaffner, University of Zurich.

Models and risk maps for dengue

During the past few years many studies have modelled
dengue risk at a global, regional, or local scale, with
evidence-based consensus mapping, spatial modelling,
and other modelling techniques.2,63,95,97–106 Some models
have been reviewed,26,107–109 and those producing risk
Figure 2: Typical larval habitats of container-breeding Aedes spp in Europe.
Natural sites: tree hole (A) and rock pool (B). Man-made sites: vases and flower pot maps for Europe are discussed in the appendix.
dishes (C) and catch basin (D). Dengue transmission dynamics are driven by climate
factors and socioeconomic factors. Socioeconomic
behaviour and high abundance in urban or suburban factors were considered only recently in two reports.2,106
environments. Therefore, A japonicus is a potential Most of the models investigated the distribution of
dengue virus vector.78 dengue through the association between the vector or

1274 Vol 14 December 2014


the pathogen and the environment, and the possible

changes due to climate changes (mainly temperature) A Sporadic records in ports
Established populations
were modelled and projected. However, associations No data
between climate variables (temperature, rainfall, and
humidity) and dengue virus transmission are highly
complex.90,110,111 General shortcomings of models are their
sensitivity to temporal and spatial heterogeneity, the
stochasticity of many metrics, the restricted availability
of data, and the still insufficient understanding of the
effects of factors on the occurrence of the disease.107,112
Under present conditions, Europe still seems to be
at low risk of dengue virus transmission.63,106 Biological
models based on vectorial capacity show that dengue
virus transmission is possible in Greece, but only
during summer months, and an increased risk is
predicted for various climate change scenarios.97,98
Empirical models suggest temperate regions are free
of risk, and a global increase of populations to be at B Sporadic records (NUTS3)
risk under climate change scenarios.100,101 Indeed, parts Established populations (NUTS3)
No data
of the Mediterranean are projected to be at a greater
risk, with some parts of central Europe becoming
suitable for virus amplification within A aegypti, which
was shown by a model exploring the association
between temperature and the extrinsic incubation
period.104 Modelling of environmental distance also
suggests that large areas of Europe are quite similar to
southern USA where dengue has occurred in 2009–10
and in 2013.106 Integration of human population
density into such models suggests that more areas are
suitable for dengue virus spread (ie, major towns and
cities106) but the predicted suitability is likely to be an
overestimation, especially in areas where temperature
needs for dengue virus amplification in vectors are not Figure 3: Distribution of Aedes aegypti in the WHO European region.
met.104 Models analysing environmental distances are Historical distribution up to 1960 (A) and contemporary distribution. (B) Data shown as territorial unit NUTS/
based either on transmission mediated by A aegypti nomenclature of territorial units for statistics, level 3, source ECDC/VBORNET database (small areas encircled).
only,63 or on a few outbreaks mediated by A albopictus.106

Dengue surveillance and risk plans in the WHO cases and in areas where A albopictus is established and For more on the distribution of
European region active were added. All these measures, together with Aedes aegypti in the WHO
European region see http://
Programmes to prevent or reduce the burden of dengue other complementary measures such as public
and chikungunya in Europe have existed since 2006, information about mosquito bite prevention, are applied vectors/vector-maps/Pages/
after a dramatic increase of chikungunya virus according to risk that is based on both vector occurrence VBORNET_maps.aspx
circulation was reported from the Indian Ocean and and virus circulation. Such an integrated plan supports
Asian territories. Because of strong connections with preparedness and allows rapid implementation of
such territories (overseas territories), the chikungunya adapted responses. Although several European countries
outbreak in Reunion led France to adopt a national plan have implemented surveillance and control measures
for its mainland to prevent the dissemination of both for invasive mosquitoes, integrated plans (comprising
chikungunya virus and dengue virus.4,113 A national surveillance and control of both vector and disease) exist
mosquito control programme existed from 2000 to 2005, only at regional level in Italy (since 2008) where
aiming to survey introductions of A albopictus and chikungunya virus was locally transmitted.113 Addition-
prevent its establishment by immediate application of ally, Switzerland has drafted a national plan, but the
control measures. In 2006, this programme evolved into control programme is effective in only one canton
an integrated surveillance programme combining (Ticino). Belgium is also developing a plan, following
surveillance and control of both vector and disease. the recommendations of the ECDC guidelines for the
Thus, surveillance measures of dengue and chikun- surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe.114 These
gunya cases (both introduced and autochthonous) and guidelines provide support for the implementation of
application of focal vector control measures around such tailored surveillance of invasive mosquito species as Vol 14 December 2014 1275


part of the control of mosquito-borne diseases, including causes are widely proposed for the disappearance of the
integrated vector control, among other methods to A aegypti species. First, piped water supply systems
manage mosquito-borne disease risks in Europe. reduced the availability of larval habitats, which was
probably the major factor in the range contraction of
Discussion this species in Australia.96 Second is the wide application
The high efficiency of A aegypti in the transmission of of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in residual
dengue virus has been shown once again by the dengue sprayings for malaria mosquito control operations,
outbreak in Madeira, which occurred only 6 years after which also affected A aegypti.17,54 However, natural
the first appearance of this mosquito species on the extinction was also reported in areas where these
island. The mosquito population in Madeira is a conditions did not apply.17
possible source for repeated introductions to Portugal Another vector species, A albopictus, is spreading in
via the biweekly ferry traffic or the plant and flower Europe and has substantial potential to further expand
trade.58 A aegypti might also spread along the Black Sea its range because of its overwintering capabilities in
coast. There are no predictive models with regard to a temperate climates and in the context of climate change
potential distribution of A aegypti under climate change as predicted in several models. Generally, A albopictus
scenarios. Historical data show that A aegypti was plays a minor part in global dengue epidemics but has a
widespread in southern Europe, then seemingly proven high vectorial capacity in some contexts. The
disappeared. Re-introductions are continuously occur- conceivable (but unpredictable) emergence of dengue
ring, as shown in the Netherlands where A aegypti virus lineages adapted to enhanced transmission by this
temporarily reproduced in a used tyre yard, after its species might substantially change the dengue risk.
import from the USA.115 Of particular interest, however, Further, dengue virus has adapted to the peridomestic A
is the disappearance of historical dengue and A aegypti albopictus in Asia and to what is nowadays thought to be
in the WHO European region and whether this was an the main vector species A aegypti, which originates from
effect of mosquito control measures. Vector control Africa,83,116 and might in the future exploit other mosquito
measures along the northeastern Black Sea coast51 were species as a vector.117,118
implemented in the wake of the large dengue outbreak Models show that Europe has a low risk of dengue
in Greece in 1927–28. These measures resulted in a transmission, although managing dengue risk remains
sustained reduction of the mosquito as “it has not been challenging (panel). Travel-related or migration-related
found there in recent years”.42 Few targeted control influx of dengue virus into the European region, however,
campaigns directed towards A aegypti have been will continue to increase as long as the dengue situation
implemented in the Mediterranean area. Two main worsens in endemic countries.119 When the virus originates
from an infected patient, secondary transmission is
possible in areas where a vector is established, at least
Panel: Challenges related to dengue in the WHO European region during summer. Large parts of Europe have high summer
• Models imply that geographical Europe is at low risk of dengue transmission, but no temperatures and environmental characteristics similar to
such models are available for the other parts of the European region. those of the dengue endemic subtropical and tropical
• Models focus on climatic metrics as key drivers for dengue virus transmission. areas.40,106
Environmental (eg, land use) and socioeconomic factors, which also affect Most biological models use only temperature as a
transmission in complex interactions, have been considered only in the most recent climatic variable to show and quantify the effect of
models. All developed risk maps rely heavily on Aedes aegypti-transmitted dengue, but possible changes,97,98 whereas rainfall (and water storage)
Aedes albopictus might be the relevant vector in most of the European region. No might also have an effect. Other limitations are the low
model exists on the potential distribution of transmission by A aegypti under climate number of metrics used for vectorial capacity, and not
change scenarios. enough consideration given to other variables and to
• Surveillance and control programmes for dengue vectors exist in several European local conditions. These factors include social factors,
countries, but only few also include the disease. Integrated programmes should be health services, virus reservoir, mosquito densities, virus
generalised, at least in southern Europe and the Caucasus where the highly efficient introduction and synchronicity with high vector density,
vector A aegypti was present for decades until the 1950s, and where proactive human population susceptibility, indirect effects of
surveillance of this species with rapid elimination should be the aim. A albopictus, climate change on human and mosquito population, and
predicted to spread particularly under climate change conditions, is an efficient vector demographical changes. Most of the empirical models
when highly abundant or under conditions that favour anthropophilic feeding account for interactions between climatic variables100 but
behaviour (cities), and mosquito populations should be suppressed under these do not consider the local variables. A larger panel of
conditions. Awareness for other potential mosquito vectors of dengue virus (native, predictor variables has been used in a biological model,
invasive) thriving in the European region should be created. including vegetation or moisture, urbanisation, urban
• As long as no dengue-specific prophylaxis or therapeutics are available, sustainable accessibility, and relative poverty, besides precipitation
vector management is the only available approach for prevention and control. Novel and temperature variables.2 However, all models are
mosquito control methods are being developed and merit further support without delay. based on reports of dengue cases, which are known to
underestimate the disease, particularly in African

1276 Vol 14 December 2014


countries1,105 and also use pseudoabsence points rather

than recorded absences.63,106 Search strategy and selection criteria
New data sources and computer techniques contributed We identified references for this review through searches on
to increase the resolution of climate datasets and map OvidSP (including BIOSIS Previews and Ovid MEDLINE), CAB
outputs, and subsequently to produce regional risk maps direct, and Web of Science, in any language between 1900 and
for Europe.63,106 However, a biological gap exists because all February, 2014. Search terms were defined according to five
models rely heavily on transmission by A aegypti, whereas search strings: (1) past, current, and future distribution of
A albopictus might be the vector in most of the WHO Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in countries of the WHO
European region. Additionally, a geographical gap exists European region; (2) identification of other potential
in that the current models do not cover the Caucasus and mosquito vector species; (3) outbreaks of dengue in the
central Asian regions and most parts of Russia. Thus, the European region; (4) models and risk maps for dengue; and (5)
area is being further explored with ongoing projects of dengue surveillance and risk plans in countries of the European
three European dengue research consortia.120 region. We identified additional references by snowballing and
As long as neither vaccines nor specific treatments reference tracking, which was particularly relevant for old
(antiviral drugs, therapeutic antibodies) are available,121–123 papers (distribution data for A aegypti and dengue outbreaks)
two types of measures can be implemented to reduce the and grey literature.
burden of dengue:1 stopping of the invasion of efficient
vector mosquitoes; and diagnosis of disease early,
improved case management, and active disease sur- transfer that exploits adult mosquitoes to disseminate a
veillance leading to enhanced outbreak preparedness. substance that disrupts larval development to breeding
However, early diagnosis can be compromised because sites,139,140 and the application of mosquito-specific
the proportion of unapparent (asymptomatic) cases can pathogens.141 Additionally, the use of transinfected
vary from 50% to 90%.124 endosymbiotic bacteria of the genus Wolbachia limited the
Control of dengue vectors needs vector surveillance and transmission of dengue virus.142 Finally, other alternatives
sustainable integrated vector control. Commonly applied to control disease transmission consist of reduction of the
control measures vary little from those applied 60 years human—vector contact through the use of insect repellents
ago, except for the use of modern insecticides. The focus and insecticide-treated materials (eg, clothes and screens),
on elimination of larval habitats includes community which remains the main and most effective control
participation (eg, properly disposing of solid waste and measure in endemic developing countries. Of paramount
removal of artificial man-made water containers; covering, importance is that measures must be adapted to the local
emptying, and cleaning of domestic water storage circumstances. In the context of the European region,
containers on a weekly basis) and application of larvicides effective dengue prevention and control depends on the
or predators.125–127 Effectiveness of spatial spraying with prompt response to introduced cases, whatever the applied
adulticides against adult dengue virus vectors is poorly measures are.
assessed,128,129 but is still included in emergency responses.4 Contributors
Experience has suggested that contact insecticides applied FS did the literature search and edited the table and figures. FS and AM
inside dwellings might be effective.130 Newly established extracted and interpreted the data and wrote the manuscript.
populations of A albopictus could be eliminated in some Declaration of interests
places (France, Netherlands) by the rapid implementation We declare no competing interests.
of targeted control measures (a combination of spraying Acknowledgments
with larvicides and adulticides).64,131 However, elimination This work was commissioned and partly financed by WHO Regional
Office for Europe, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
is almost impossible once the species is established, at Program coordinated by Bettina Menne, with support by the German
least in southern Europe.64,132 The control of A aegypti and A Federal Ministry for Environment, Nuclear Safety and Nature Protection.
albopictus is complex and needs to involve the community We thank Bettina Menne for her text contributions throughout the
with public health education, the modification of human development of the paper, and critical comments from Maha Bouzid
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control measures).60,65,133–135 The use of insecticides, a (ECDC), Norbert Becker (KABS), and William Wint (ERGO). Additionally,
reduction in potential breeding sites, and an increase in we thank Paul Torgerson (University of Zurich) for linguistic revision.
public health awareness has thus far not eliminated the We acknowledge ECDC and VBORNET experts for providing vector
distribution data, and the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office
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