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LEVEL 12 ° C


In this work we will present the differnt applications and methods
that we have had to use due to Covid-19 (pandemic), in them
we cant mention:
-Technology platforms.
- Technology apps.
-Asynchronous and Synchronous Classes.
-Education in times of pandemic.
-Human life in times of pandemic.
The temporary closure of educational centers due to high
risk contagion forced teachers to opt for the modality
online education, applying new strategies of learning and
continue the development of activities through various
technological platforms such as: Google Classroom, Meet,
Facebook, Zoom and internal platforms of each institution.
The above has provided solutions to interact with students,
conduct forums to
distance instructional video recordings, tutorials,online folders
(Drive), tasks and layout online labs.
Virtual education allows greater flexibility regarding the
management of times, spaces, distances, and provides greater
and better learning opportunities to educational communities.

Technology applications are computer programs designed as tolos

to perform operations with specific functions. Generally, they are
designed to facilitate certain tasks and make people’s
computing experience easier. These applications fulfill a
specific function and are designed
to be commonly used, such as: the applications that arise from
the incorporation of information and communication
technologies in the teaching and learning processes.
Technological equipment (cell phone, computer, tablet, smart
watches, among others) have the facility to already bring applications
or the possibility of installing them. One of the ways to get an
application is through the application stores. Depending on the
device you have, you will find a store to download and install them.

Some applications that have been useful for education in times of pandemic:

Microsoft Teams: Allows teamwork to be

carried out more efficiently. Through the
creation of chat groups within the interface
itself, the possibilities of collaboration and
immediate communication with these
groups during the execution of certain

Zoom: Improve and expand your classes

with collaboration tools for young and old.
It includes video rooms for small groups,
one-click exchange of content in several
networks (multisharing), voting and group

Classroom: Allows you to share relevant

information about the course of the course
with the students. This way they can easily
find out when there is an exam or on what
date they have to deliver a work.
What is synchronous learning?

Synchronicity means doing something at the same time and with

learning, it is no different. Synchronous learning refers to a learning
event in which a group of participants is learning at the same time.
The benefits of synchronous learning
• Interaction between participants.
• Exchange of knowledge and experience
among the participants.
• Real-time feedback for the instructor.
• Training happens on a scheduled schedule.
Synchronous learning: advantages and
The greatest advantage of the synchronous model is the disadvantage of
the asynchronous one, since in synchronous learning there is a real-time
interaction between teachers and
students, causing any problem or doubt
they have to be solved right there, in
addition to the fact that in this modality
the students You can see and interact
with your classmates.
On the other hand, the disadvantage of
this type of learning is that it depends on technology to make it happen:
whether or not a student has a computer to connect to, or has access to a
stable internet connection, for example.
These advantages and disadvantages only evidence the fact that both will
not be effective if they do not have a pedagogical methodology that takes
into account technology and how to optimize it. The quality of the classes or
learning depends on good planning and design that allows students to
better understand the content, as well as a continuous review and
evaluation of the effectiveness of each modality or type of learning
What is asynchronous learning?
If synchronous learning happens at the same time, asynchronous
learning refers to the opposite. The instructor, student, and other
participants are not going through the learning process at the same
The benefits of asynchronous learning
• Participants can learn at their own pace and schedule
• Less work for trainers and HR managers
• Automated assignments reduce repetitive work such as online classes and
test scores
• Employees and customers spend less time in a classroom or amphitheater
during work hours.

Asynchronous learning: advantages and disadvantages

One of the greatest advantages of this type of learning is that it allows the
student to be independent since it gives them the opportunity to organize
their time. In addition, they are
available at all times, even the student
can download the content and
access it, even if they do not have
internet. This also helps the student
return to a lesson or activity and review
if in doubt.
The only and biggest disadvantage
of this model is that there is no
real interaction between educators and their students, and even between
peers themselves, so if they have a question, it will not be resolved at
that time.
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has triggered an unprecedented
crisis across the board. In the field of education, this emergency has led to the
massive closure of face-to-face activities of educational institutions in more than 190
countries in order to prevent the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact. The
Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has stated
that, even before facing the pandemic, the social situation in the region was
deteriorating, due to the increase in poverty and extreme poverty rates, the
persistence of the inequalities and growing social discontent. In this context, the crisis
will have significant negative effects on the different social sectors, including
particularly health and education, as well as on employment and the evolution of
poverty. For its part, UNESCO has identified large gaps in educational outcomes,
which are related to an unequal distribution of teachers, in general, and of the best-
qualified teachers, in particular, to the detriment of countries and regions with lower
incomes and lower income. rural areas, which also tend to concentrate the
indigenous and migrant population. In the educational field, a large part of the
measures that the countries of the region have adopted in the face of the crisis are
related to the suspension of face-to-face classes at all levels, which has given rise to
three main fields of action: the
deployment of distance
learning modalities, through the
use of a variety of formats and
platforms (with or without the
use of technology); the support
and mobilization of the
educational staff and
communities, and the attention
to the health and integral well-
being of the students. The
objective of this document is to
make visible the diversity of
consequences that these measures will have on educational communities in the
short and medium term, as well as to propose the main recommendations to cope
with the impact in the best possible way, projecting opportunities for learning and
innovation in post-pandemic education.Educational measures during the crisis
generated by the COVID-19 pandemic .-- II. Continuity of learning and curricular
impact .-- III. How prepared were countries for online educational continuity:
exacerbation of digital divides .-- IV. Adaptation of the evaluation processes .-- V.
Support needs for teachers and school directors .-- VI. Psychological and socio-
emotional impact on the educational community .-- VII. Prioritization of vulnerable
groups .-- VIII. By way of closing.
The coronavirus is instantly changing the way education is delivered, as the school
and the home now become the same place after the necessary regulations.
According to UNESCO, more than 861.7 million children and young people in 119
countries have been affected by having to face the global pandemic that has hit
us this year. Millions of families in the US have had to join the 1.7 million children who
are enrolled in homeschooling. As in Mexico, where the Ministry of Public Education
(SEP) has extended the vacation period from March 23 to April 17, 2020. These
measures end up illuminating the reality of the many other roles that the school offers
in addition to academics. As for some, it turns out to be an uncomfortable
complication, while for others, the situation is even more worrying. In cities where
70% of students come from low-income families, bringing school home means facing
not being able to offer adequate meals, much less the technology or connectivity
necessary for online learning. "This is a huge educational equity challenge that can
have life-altering consequences for vulnerable students," said Ian Rosenblum,
director of The Education Trust-New York. Unfortunately, there are not many schools
that can offer a full virtual academic experience, with students who have electronic
devices, teachers who know how to design functional online lessons, and a culture
based on technological learning. The reality is that most schools are not prepared
for this change, which allows us to recognize that unequal access to the internet is
just one of the many problems that our educational system faces at a global level,
as Tara García raises for The Hechinger Report . According to the World Economic
Forum, only about 60% of the world's population has access to the web. Generating
that many institutions seek provisional solutions to this crisis, such as the Mexican
educational system, which outside of private schools or university faculties, did not
welcome the implementation of online learning for the public sector. The digital
divide continues to expand as students in vulnerable sectors continue to fall behind
in their learning.

The coronavirus pandemic could set global human development back for
the first time since 1990, calculated as a combination of educational,
health and living conditions factors in the world, the United Nations
Development Program warned on Wednesday.
After a little while, however, the same crisis begins to show that the human,
which undoubtedly passes through the biological / sanitary, is much
broader, more complex. The pandemic generated by the coronavirus
has more relevant dimensions. For example, mental well-being,
sociability, physical contact with others, the role of work, production
and services,
the public space of politics, to name just a few. We have witnessed
that certain phenomena have been exacerbated - inequalities,
racism, discrimination, human rights violations, and gaps of different
kinds, problems that had already been raised during the Chilean
social outbreak
and that show us that the pandemic is installs on underlying structural
The virus attacks our biological bodies equally, but its effects are
experienced differently depending on the material conditions of existence
of each social group, country or region. It is essential to consider the
sociocultural dimension, since the pandemic is not only installed in deeply
unequal societies, but these are made up of diverse cultures.
Thus, after the death of 300,000 people due to COVID-19, estimates for this
year point to a 4% drop in world per capita income.
Another factor to take into account is that, with the closure of schools, the
UN Program estimates that the dropout rate * causes 60% of minors not to
receive any type of education, which places global out-of-schooling at
levels unprecedented since the eighties of the last century.
The study highlights that "the joint impact of these shocks could lead to an
unprecedented decline in
levels of human development."
"In the last thirty years the world
has witnessed many crises,
including the global financial
crisis of 2007-2009. All have hit
human development hard,
but, in general, progress has
been made at a global level
each year", explains the
Administrator from UNDP, Achim Steiner. "The triple impact on health,
education and income levels caused by COVID-19 can alter this trend."
ith my own words I can say that this pandemic directly
affects us all, whether we are big or small, it has ruined the economy
of several countries, the academic education of all students is more
difficult to learn, adults have been left without work.
Apart from that, it has made us have more anxiety and psychological
problems, damaging our emotional stability and especially millions of
people with hunger due to the poverty generated by the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic can seriously affect the full enjoyment of human
rights of the population due to the serious risks to life, health and personal
integrity posed by the COVID-19; as well as its immediate, medium and
long-term impacts on the societies in
general, and on people and groups in situations of special vulnerability.
In other words, the same contagion leads us to remember, with Víktor
Frankl, that there is no other way to be happy than by giving to others, to
such an extent that the very meaning of life is played out in this radical
openness to others.
To end this work, we want to emphasize the importance that technology
has been for people in times of pandemic, as we have continued with
workers and with education in the world. We know it has been difficult but
despite that we have achieved our goals and we will continue to do so.
Technology has caused a great impact and generated thousands of jobs
globally. The Ministry of Education has tried to reform distance education
with excellent television programs and platforms where students are taught
the plan they should follow, although this teaching method has not
reached a significant level for students. The arrival of the pandemic was a
hard blow to the world and caused a great stir in society. These are difficult
times but we will carry on.




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