Development and Psychometric Validation of An Eating

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Development and Psychometric Validation of an Eating

Disorder-Specific Health-Related Quality of
Life Instrument
instrument, a disease-specific HRQOL
Scott G. Engel, PhD1* ABSTRACT
self-report questionnaire designed for
Objective: Health-related quality of
David A. Wittrock, PhD2 life (HRQOL) has been used increasingly
disordered eating patients.
Ross D. Crosby, PhD1,3 as an outcome measure in clinical
Results: The EDQOL demonstrates
Stephen A. Wonderlich, PhD1,3 research. Although the generic quality
excellent psychometric properties.
James E. Mitchell, MD1,3 of life instruments has been used in
Ronette L. Kolotkin, PhD4,5 previous research, disease-specific Conclusion: The application of the
instruments offer greater sensitivity and EDQOL as an outcome measure in eating
responsiveness to change than generic disorder research is considered. ª 2005
instruments. No such disease-specific by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
instrument is currently available that
applies to eating-disordered samples. Keywords: health-related quality of
Method: The current article reports on life; eating disorders
the development and validation of the
Eating Disorders Quality of Life (EDQOL) (Int J Eat Disord 2006; 39:62–71)

important outcome variable in many, if not most,

areas of clinical research, eating disorder research-
Eating disorders impact people in a number of ways ers have used HRQOL measures infrequently.
across a broad range of domains. It is increasingly A small body of research has begun to investigate
well documented that patients with eating disorders HRQOL in people with eating symptomatology.
have serious physical (Pomeroy & Mitchell, 2002), This research has shown that individuals with eat-
psychological (Godart, Flament, Lecrubier, & Jaem- ing disorders have lower HRQOL than those with-
met, 2000; Munoz & Amado, 1986; Ross & Ivis, out eating disorders (Hay, 2003; Keilen, Treasure,
1999), social (Mitchell, Hatsukami, Eckert, & Pyle, Schmidt, & Treasure, 1996; Padierna, Quintana,
1985), and role functioning difficulties (Casper & Arostegui, Gonzalez, & Horcajo, 2000; Spitzer,
Troiani, 2001; Strober, Morrell, Burroughs, Salkin, Kroenke, & Linzer, 1995). Furthermore, more severe
& Jacobs, 1985; Strober, Salkin, Burroughs, & Mor- eating-disordered symptomatology is associated
rell, 1982). These domains of functioning have been with greater HRQOL impairments (Padierna et al.,
identified by Spilker and Revicki (1996) as being 2000). Although HRQOL has been shown to
central to the concept of health-related quality of improve in eating disorder patients after treatment,
life (HRQOL). Although HRQOL has become an many HRQOL domains remain impaired relative to
normative population values (Padierna, Quintana,
Arostegui, Gonzalez, & Horcajo, et al., 2002).
Accepted 12 June 2005
*Correspondence to: Scott Engel, PhD, Neuropsychiatric Although the above mentioned research is an
Research Institute, 700 First Avenue South, Fargo, ND 58107. excellent start in investigating the relation of eating
1 disorders and HRQOL, it is limited by the reliance
Neuropsychiatric Research Institute, Fargo, North Dakota
Department of Psychology, North Dakota State University, on generic measures of HRQOL. Generic measures
Fargo, North Dakota of HRQOL assess general aspects of HRQOL that
University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health are applicable to any disease state or person. One
Sciences, Fargo, North Dakota
Obesity and Quality of Life Consulting, Durham, North
of the strengths of generic measures of HRQOL is
Carolina that they allow comparisons across diverse groups
Department of Community and Family Medicine, Duke of people and diseases. One of the limitations of
University Health System, Durham, North Carolina generic measures, however, is that they may lack
Published online 27 October 2005 in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/eat.20200
sensitivity to detect differences across groups and/
ª 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. or responsiveness to detect changes in patients’

62 Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006


HRQOL after treatment (Fayers & Machin, 2000). consulted and provided feedback and suggestions
The lack of sensitivity and responsiveness asso- regarding how to appropriately diagnose an individual.
ciated with generic instruments has led to the Eleven of the SCID-based interviews were audiotaped
development of disease-specific HRQOL instru- and recoded by a master’s-level eating disorder assess-
ments. Disease-specific measures assess the parti- ment specialist for reliability in the categorization of
cular concerns and common conditions related to participants. Agreement between the two raters was
particular disease states, such as eating disorders. 100%, yielding a kappa coefficient of 1.00 and thus sug-
Because they are more sensitive than generic gesting that participants were reliably placed in their
instruments, disease-specific instruments will respective groups.
more likely demonstrate significant differences Eating Attitudes Test (EAT). An abbreviated version of
due to their ability to yield larger effect sizes the EAT, the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26; Garner,
(Cohen, 1988). For example, a recent study com- Olmsted, Bohr, & Garfinkel, 1982), was used as an indica-
paring obese patients with and without binge eat- tion of symptom severity. The EAT-26 is highly correlated
ing disorder (BED) before gastric bypass surgery with the original EAT (r ¼ .98), a commonly accepted
has demonstrated greater effect sizes for a dis- measure of symptom severity in eating-disordered
ease-specific measure (de Zwaan et al., 2002). patients. The EAT-26 also has excellent test-retest relia-
There is a paucity of research that uses quality of bility (Garner et al., 1982). A cutoff score of 20 or higher
life (QOL) or HRQOL measures in eating disorder was used to allocate participants into the eating disorder
research. Although generic HRQOL instruments group (King, 1991). The alpha coefficient for the EAT-26
have been used with some success, the field lacks in the current study was 93.
an HRQOL instrument that offers the psychometric
advantages of a disease-specific instrument. The Development of Items for the Eating Disorders Quality of
Life Instrument (EDQOL). The generation of individual
purpose of the current article is to describe the
questions on the EDQOL was conducted in three primary
development and validation of an HRQOL measure
steps: domain generation, content generation, and item
for eating disorder patients.
generation. To develop domains, six experts in eating
disorder research and treatment identified areas of
HRQOL that were most important and impacted eating-
disordered patients. These experts were all doctoral-level
Methods clinicians and researchers with several decades of treat-
ment experience and many hundreds of eating disorder-
Participants related publications between them. The experts were
The 538 female participants in the current study were specifically asked to think about HRQOL as it applies
relatively young (mean age ¼ 21.99 years, SD ¼ 8.54, across a broad range of eating-disordered patients (clin-
range ¼ 18–66 years), primarily unmarried (90.4% ical and subclinical BED, bulimia nervosa [BN], and
described themselves as single), mostly Caucasian anorexia nervosa [AN]; from very mild to very high in
(95%), and most described themselves as college stu- severity). They were also asked to make use of their
dents with part-time work (51.4%) or college students familiarity with the eating disorder research as well as
without employment (37.5%). their clinical experience. Once these broad domains were
generated, they were aggregated to remove redundancies
Measures and overlapping domains. This step produced six general
Diagnostic Measures. Structured Clinical Interview for domain areas: physical, psychological, financial, social,
DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID). To place participants work/school, and legal.
into diagnostic groups, we used an abbreviated form of Content generation was completed next. Five of the six
the patient version of the SCID (First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & experts listed relevant areas of functioning under each of the
Williams, 1995). The SCID is a well-studied and fre- broad domain areas. Next, items meant to tap each of these
quently used semistructured interview of DSM Axis I content areas were generated. Each of the experts then
psychiatric disorders. In addition to the SCID, a number volunteered to focus on one domain area (with two of
of probes from the Eating Disorder Examination (EDE; them taking two areas) in which they were considered to
Carter, Stewart, & Fairburn, 2001) were implemented to have particular expertise. The raters then generated items
help differentiate between subjective binge episodes for each of the content areas under each domain. They were
(SBE) and objective binge episodes (OBE). specifically reminded of the multidimensional nature of
Close contact was maintained between the interviewer many of the constructs and that many or most of them
on the project (SGE) and a group of eating disorder may need to be assessed with several questions. (e.g.,
assessment specialists. If any questions arose during the depression would likely need a number of items to measure
course of an assessment, the assessment specialists were it adequately given its multidimensional nature.) Next, all

Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006 63


generated items were collected and redistributed so that EDQOL. The instrument has good internal consistency
each expert was able to add additional items to all of the (a ¼ .86) and is based on the NEO Personality Inventory
domains. This step was completed to ensure that a compre- Revised (NEO-PI-R), which has demonstrated excellent
hensive set of questions was developed for each domain psychometric properties (Costa & McCrae, 1997). The
area. The sixth expert, an eminent psychiatrist and alpha coefficient for neuroticism in the current study
researcher in the field (JEM), then carefully evaluated each was .92.
of the items in each domain to again ensure that all of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The BDI (Beck,
domains were sufficiently assessed. Finally, generic HRQOL Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979) is a commonly used and
instruments were also reviewed and searched for items that well-accepted measure of depression. It has demon-
may be applicable, but had not already been included. One strated excellent psychometric properties for a consider-
hundred thirteen items were generated, with response able time (Beck, Steer, & Garbin, 1988). The alpha
options being never, rarely, sometimes, often, and always. coefficient for the BDI in the current study was .92.
Responses of never were scored as 0. Responses of always Social Adjustment Scale–Self-Report (SAS-SR). Items
were scored as 4. from the Work subscale of the SAS-SR (Weissman &
As suggested by past researchers who have developed Bothwell, 1976) were used for convergent validity with
HRQOL instruments (Juniper, Guyatt, & Jaeschke, 1996), the social domain of the EDQOL. These items were
steps were taken to pilot the generated items before slightly revised items from the work outside home and
participants in the study completed them. Twelve college school sections of the instrument (both found in the
students read the items and provided feedback regarding Work subscale). The items that applied to ‘‘work’’ only
which items were confusing or easily misinterpreted. or ‘‘school’’ only were reworded to include ‘‘work or
Next, 6 patients with diagnosed eating disorders piloted school.’’ The SAS-SR has demonstrated adequate internal
the instrument to provide feedback about the content of consistency (a ¼ .74) with a 2-week test-retest reliability
the items and directions for the instrument. Patients of .80. Also, the SAS-SR has demonstrated both good
explained, in their own words, what they believed each convergent and discriminant validity (Weissman, 2000).
item and the directions for the instrument meant. Items In the current study, the alpha coefficient for the Work/
or directions associated with common misinterpretations School subscale of the SAS-SR was .71.
were revised. Financial global ratings. To assess convergent validity
for the financial domain of the EDQOL, a number of
Collateral Measures for Convergent and Discriminant global ratings of functioning in financial areas were
Validity. SF-36 Health Survey. To demonstrate conver-
developed. These items were primarily generated
gent and discriminant validity, the SF-36 (Ware, Snow,
through talking with experts in relevant areas: financial
Kosninski, & Reese, 1993) was administered to all sub-
counselors, business professors, criminal justice profes-
jects. The SF-36 has demonstrated good psychometric
sors, and sociology professors. The alpha coefficient for
properties in the past with alpha coefficients generally
the financial scale in the current study was .77.
above .80. Test-retest coefficients have been acceptable
Grade point average (GPA). Self-reported GPA was
to good (.60–.81 for a 2-week interval; Ware, 2000). Valid-
collected for convergent validity with the occupation/
ity information has also been good for the SF-36 with
school domain of the EDQOL.
moderate correlations to other well-known HRQOL
instruments. Also, factor analyses have demonstrated
verification of the two-dimensional structure of the Procedure
instrument (Ware, 2000). Alpha coefficients for the SF- The methods and procedures of the current study were
36 subscales in the current study ranged from .80 to .87. approved by three different institutional review boards.
Nottingham Health Profile (NHP). To demonstrate Participants completed the study individually. After
convergent validity, the Emotional Reaction and Social informed consent was obtained, participants completed
Isolation subscales from the NHP (McKenna, Hunt, McE- the brief SCID-based interview followed by the comple-
wen, Backett, & Pope, 1984) were used. The NHP has tion of the questionnaires in the protocol. Generated
demonstrated good test-retest reliability. The patterns EDQOL items were given first, with the remaining instru-
of correlations among its subscales suggest that the ments given in random order. Some of the participants
NHP, like a number of generic HRQOL instruments, (n ¼ 27) completed the EDQOL items 1 week after initial
measures both physical and emotional components of administration of the instrument for purposes of test-
HRQOL (Anderson, Aaronson, & Wilkin, 1993). The retest reliability.
alpha coefficient for the NHP in the current study was Compensation for completing the study came in two
.84. forms. Introductory psychology students were awarded
Neuroticism. The Goldberg (1992) 10-item self-report five extra credit points upon the completion of the study.
measure of neuroticism was used to demonstrate con- Other participants received $20 for completion of the
vergent validity with the psychological domain of the questionnaires. For the 27 participants who completed

64 Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006


the second administration of the questionnaire, an addi- Statistical Analysis

tional $10 was awarded (a total of $30).
A combination of both classical test theory (CTT; Ana-
Participants entered the study through one of three stasi & Urbina, 1997) and item response theory (IRT;
possible means: (a) ongoing research studies/clinics, (b) Verstralen, Bechger, & Maris, 2001; Weiss & Yoes, 1991)
a survey given to introductory psychology students that techniques was used in item selection. The statistical
identified high-risk students, and (c) students in several software used for data analysis included SPSS (SPSS,
introductory psychology classes completed the self- Inc., 1999), Mplus (Muthen & Muthen, 1998-2004), and
report instruments for extra credit. Participants who PARSCALE (Muraki & Bock, 1997).
were recruited from ongoing research studies/clinics
The combined use of CTT and IRT has been imple-
were in eating disorder research projects at the Neurop-
mented to develop a number of recent tests (Verstralen et
sychiatric Research Institute (Fargo, ND) and the Univer-
al., 2001). The current study made use of both CTT con-
sity of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN).
cepts, such as item-to-total correlation, as well as useful
Advertisements were also placed in the Eating Disor- information from IRT such as the application of item
ders Institute (an eating disorder specialty clinic in Fargo, characteristic curves (ICCs) and item information curves
ND) and potential participants who came to the clinic (IICs). ICCs provide information regarding the level of
were invited to contact the researchers on this project. HRQOL functioning associated with each response for
Because they qualified for other eating disorder research any one item. IICs provide the amount (the height of
studies at these locations, nearly all of these participants the graph) and the range (the width of the graph) of
met criteria for the eating-disordered group in the cur- information that each item provides about the latent
rent study. construct that it purports to measure. Finally, test infor-
The brief survey of the introductory psychology stu- mation curves provide an aggregate of the IICs for a scale
dents simply asked if they engaged in any compensatory informing the reader of the amount of information about
behaviors or other efforts to lose weight. Students who the latent construct across a range of HRQOL function-
reported compensatory behaviors or diet or exercise to ing. IRT analyses allow the selection of items that provide
lose weight were interviewed with the SCID-based inter- maximal information about HRQOL across a broad range
view. Also, students who reported an absence of any of HRQOL functioning.
compensatory behaviors and a lack of diet or exercise Data analyses were completed in a number of steps.
(for the non–eating-disordered group) were interviewed. Frequencies were run on all items to identify and remove
Finally, female college students in an introductory those items with high rates of missing data or no var-
psychology course completed the EDQOL. Most of iance. Next, corrected item-to-total correlations were run
these participants were placed in the non–eating-disor- to remove items that were not correlated or were nega-
dered group (n ¼ 327). However, 46 of them were placed tively correlated with the total test score. Next, point
in the eating-disordered group due to the fact that their biserial correlations were calculated between group sta-
EAT-26 score was 20 or higher. As suggested by King tus (eating disorder diagnosis vs. no eating disorder diag-
(1991), this cutoff score seems reasonable for identifying nosis) and individual items to remove items that were
those who have significant eating symptomatology. more frequently endorsed by asymptomatic respondents.
These three means of recruitment lead to the categor- Then, item-to-HRQOL collateral instrument correlations
ization of three groups of participants: the eating-disor- were calculated to identify items that associated well
dered, diet and exercise, and non–eating-disordered with HRQOL measures. Next, PARSCALE was used to
groups. The eating-disordered group met criteria for provide IRT-based information. Both IICs and ICCs
AN, BN, BED, or a subclinical variant of one of these were used to remove items that demonstrated weak psy-
disorders, as outlined in the 4th ed. of the Diagnostic chometric properties (i.e., items that did not discriminate
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American well across a level of HRQOL functioning or items that do
Psychiatric Association, 1994). The diet and exercise not offer a broad range and/or depth of information
group reported (on the survey to introductory psychology about HRQOL). After the initial use of IRT information,
students) using diet and exercise to lose weight, but did an iterative series of exploratory factor analyses were run.
not meet criteria for the eating-disordered group. These After the initial factor analysis, decisions regarding the
participants reported a level of eating symptomatology number of factors were made. Further item reduction
(as measured by the EAT-26) in between the eating-dis- was completed based on poor factor loadings (<.5) and
ordered and non–eating-disordered groups, suggesting cross-loadings (>.2). Next, a second factor analysis was
that they are appropriately categorized in this ‘‘in run. Additional item reduction was completed making
between’’ group. Finally, the non–eating-disordered use of item-to-scale correlations, the alpha coefficient
group did not meet criteria for an eating disorder or a for each scale, and ICCs and IICs. A final exploratory
subclinical variant of an eating disorder and did not factor analysis was run with the remaining items. Final
report dieting or exercising in an attempt to lose weight. decisions regarding item selection were made based on

Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006 65


correlations with collateral measures. Finally, a confir- TABLE 1. Factor analysis

matory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to evaluate Factor Factor Factor Factor
the ‘‘higher-order’’ relation among scales. The CFA tested Subscales 1 2 3 4
a second-order model in which items were assigned to Psychological
scales, and scales were considered to be part of a higher- Feel embarrassed .97 .01 .14 .06
order construct, presumably HRQOL. This model, there- Feel worse about self .94 .06 .06 .04
Want to avoid people .94 .01 .01 .05
fore, provides a test of whether scales can be combined Not get better .77 .00 .10 .1
to create a total aggregate score. The adequacy of the Feel lonely .76 .05 .07 .11
models was evaluated using the Tucker-Lewis Index Less interest/pleasure .70 .17 .01 .07
Not care about self .70 .01 .14 .05
(TLI), the comparative fit index (CFI), and the standar- Feel odd .73 .04 .08 .12
dized root mean residual (SRMR). Adequate model fit Avoid eating in front
was based on values > .90 for the TLI and CFI, and a of others .69 .07 .19 .04
SRMR < .05 (Hoyle, 1995). Comprehend materials .01 .87 .05 .09
This research was reviewed and approved by an insti- Pay attention .01 .86 .04 .02
Ability to concentrate .01 .79 .01 .13
tutional review board.
Cold feet/hands .05 .67 .01 .01
Headache .01 .6 .07 .02
Weakness .16 .55 .17 .08
Cost problems .12 .13 .94 .05
Difficulty paying bills .08 .02 .73 .16
Results Significant financial debt .16 .02 .71 .17
Need to spend/credit card .16 .02 .70 .14
Generally, the eating-disordered sample (n ¼ 155) Need to borrow money .06 .19 .70 .02
was younger (p < .01), less likely to be married or Leave of absence .12 .01 .12 .9
divorced (p < .01), and more likely to attend college Low grades .08 .05 .15 .81
than the non– eating-disordered (n ¼ 327, p < .01) Reduce work hours .08 .09 0 .79
Lose job .12 .15 .13 .71
or diet and exercise sample (n ¼ 56, p < .01). All Failure in class .07 .13 .12 .69
group comparison analyses were run using age as a
covariate and without age as a covariate. Both ana-
lyses yielded virtually identical results. For the sake
of simplicity, analyses presented did not use of age itudinally with the EDQOL, the instrument must be
as a covariate. applicable to people who begin treatment quite
Exploratory factor analysis with categorical indica- impaired, and end treatment far less impaired.
tors (i.e., ordinal data) using MPlus software resulted One could still argue that the factor structure of
in a clear four-factor solution. The final extraction HRQOL may differ between the eating-disordered
method chosen was principal components and the group and the non–eating-disordered group. This,
final rotation method was Promax. Results from the however, does not appear to be the case. Factor
factor analysis are shown in Table 1. Factor loadings analysis was run on only those who reported ele-
within a factor are presented in bold type whereas vated levels of eating pathology (those with full
factor loadings with other factors are not. clinical or subclinical eating disorder diagnoses,
dieting and exercising individuals, and those who
Factor analysis was completed on the entire sam-
scored above 20 on the EAT-26) and the structure
ple of participants. There are several reasons why
was essentially identical to that which was found
this decision was made. First, there is a precedent
using the entire sample.
for using participants who ranged from very severe
to extremely mild on the latent construct of interest The second-order CFA demonstrated excellent fit
(e.g., Kolotkin, Crosby, Kosloski, & Williams, 2001). indices (TLI ¼ .99, CFI ¼ .99, SRMR ¼ .05), suggest-
Second, with no a priori rationale for why the factor ing that a single higher-order latent construct, pre-
structure should differ for eating-disordered versus sumably HRQOL, could be measured by summing
non–eating-disordered individuals, it seems rea- the subscales of the EDQOL.
sonable to include both groups in the factor analy- Data analysis resulted in the specification of a
sis. Third, one of the purposes of this instrument is 25-item instrument (the EDQOL)1 consisting of
to assess eating disorder-specific HRQOL across four subscales: Psychological (nine items), Physi-
the spectrum of mild impairment to serious
impairment. This necessitates that individuals 1
To obtain a complete copy and permission to use the EDQOL,
spanning this entire range of HRQOL functioning correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Scott Engel,
should be included in the factor analysis. Related to Neuropsychiatric Research Insitute, 700 First Avenue South,
this, given that individuals will be followed long- Fargo, ND 58107. E-mail:

66 Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006


TABLE 2. Convergent and discriminant validity

Subscale Convergent Validity Discriminant Validity

Neuroticism BDI SF-36 Mental Component SAS School/Work Financial global rating
Psychological .71 .73 .58 .35 .38

SF-36 Role Physical SF-36 General Health SF-36 Vitality Grade point average Financial global rating
Physical/Cognitive .41 .45 .48 .05 .28

Financial global ratings SF-36 Mental Component SF-36 Physical Component

Financial .64 .27 .26

SAS School/Work SF-36 Physical Component Financial Global Rating

Work/School .54 .19 .32

Note: SAS ¼ Social Adjustment Scale; BDI ¼ Beck Depression Inventory.

cal/Cognitive (six items), Financial (five items), and the Psychological subscale, .87 for the Physical/Cog-
Work/School (five items). A list of the content of all nitive subscale, .90 for the Financial subscale, .14 for
the items retained is shown in Table 2. Scale scores the Work/School subscale, and .93 for the total score.
are calculated by averaging the items of each scale. The Work/School subscale demonstrates a low
Total score is similarly calculated by averaging the test-retest correlation. One possible reason for
scores of all of the items of the EDQOL. Possible this is that the items of the Work/School subscale
ranges for each subscale and the total score are 0–4. appear to be most sensitive to quite severe levels
Lower scores indicate a better QOL. of HRQOL impairment in eating-disordered indi-
viduals. When one examines the IRT output for
Reliability the Work/School items, it is clear that the items
assess HRQOL most accurately in those who are
Internal Consistency. Reliability coefficients (Cron-
very impaired by their disorder. Therefore, indi-
bach’s alpha coefficients) for individual subscales
viduals must be very impaired in HRQOL for the
were as follows: .86 for the Physical/Cognitive sub-
items in this subscale to change markedly. This is
scale, .95 for the Psychological subscale, .84 for the
also demonstrated by the relatively low levels of
Work/School subscale, .86 for the Financial sub-
variability on this subscale between the two
scale, and .94 for the overall alpha coefficient.
administrations. When you consider that the
Also, the range of item-to-scale correlations (cor-
items on this subscale are most sensitive at
rected for the influence of that item) for items in
high levels of HRQOL impairment, it is not sur-
each subscale was .77–.85 for the Physical/Cogni-
prising that there is less variability on this sub-
tive subscale, .58–.74 for the Psychological sub-
scale than the others and that the test-retest
scale, .62–.67 for the Work/School subscale, and
reliability is lower than the other subscales.
.64–.76 for the Financial subscale.
Despite the fact that the Work/School subscale
Test-RetestReliability. Twenty-seven participants has low test-retest reliability, the subscale does
completed 1-week test-retest administrations of the appear to be internally consistent and demon-
EDQOL. Test-retest intraclass correlations were .97 for strates reliability (Cronbach’s a ¼ .84). Includ-

TABLE 3. Known groups validity

Eating-Disordered Group Diet/Exercise Group Disordered Group
(N ¼ 155) (N ¼ 56) (N ¼ 327)

M SD M SD M SD F df p post-Hoc Analysis Effect Sizea

Psychological 2.20 .96 1.14 .83 0.65 .64 214.80 2,535 .001 NED<D/E,ED .45
Physical/Cognitive 1.52 .92 0.93 .74 0.68 .54 78.07 2,535 .001 NED<D/E<ED .23
Financial 0.49 .80 0.13 .34 0.06 .18 46.26 2,534 .001 NED,D/E<ED .15
Work/School 0.29 .62 0.09 .25 0.04 .20 23.74 2,531 .001 NED,D/E<ED .08
Total 1.33 .67 0.69 .48 0.42 .34 196.49 2,535 .001 NED<D/E<ED .42

Note: NED ¼ non-eating disorder group; D/E ¼ diet and exercise group; ED ¼ eating disorder group.
Partial eta squared.

Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006 67


ing more participants, particularly more severely the SF-36). This was done using logistic regression
impaired participants, will likely yield more predicting group status (those who met a full or
acceptable test-retest reliability scores. subclinical diagnosis or scored 20 or higher on the
EAT-26 vs. the diet and exercise group). Given that
Validity the diet and exercise group reported considerable
eating, weight, and shape concerns, this test of the
Convergent and Discriminant Validity. Table 3 pro- EDQOL is a very conservative test of incremental
vides convergent and discriminant validity correla- validity. Results showed that although the SF-36
tions. All correlations demonstrating convergent predicted group status (Nagelkerke R2 ¼ .30, p <
validity are significant at p < .01. Convergent validity .001), the EDQOL predicted 22% more unique var-
can be seen in the data when theoretically similar iance above and beyond that predicted by the SF-36
measures correlate well with a subscale. Discrimi- (Nagelkerke R2 change ¼ .22, p < .001).
nant validity can be seen in the data when the
A final means of demonstrating validity would be
theoretically dissimilar measures to a subscale cor-
to replicate the findings of Padierna et al. (2000) by
relate relatively low with that subscale. Convergent
showing that EDQOL scores varied predictably as a
validity correlations for all four subscales are mark-
function of symptom severity. To replicate the ana-
edly higher than the discriminant validity correla-
lysis done by Padierna et al. (2000), participants
tions, providing good support for the convergent
were categorized into three severity groups based
and discriminant validity of the EDQOL.
on their scores on the EAT-26. Because Padierna et
Known Groups Validity. One means of showing the al. used the EAT-40, the exact same groups could
validity of the EDQOL would be to demonstrate not be replicated, but comparable minor, moder-
that groups that have been shown to differ in ate, and severe symptom groups were generated.
HRQOL would also differ on the EDQOL. Discrimi- Participants who scored 0–19 on the EAT-26 were
nant validity would be demonstrated by showing placed in the minor severity group (n ¼ 410), those
that groups differ in predicted ways on the instru- who scored 20–35 were classified in the moderate
ment. One would expect that the eating-disordered severity group (n ¼ 61), and those with scores of 36
group would show more HRQOL impairment than and above were placed in the severe group (n ¼ 56).
the diet and exercise group and the non– eating- Next, analyses of variance (ANOVAs) with Tukey’s
disordered sample. Table 4 provides subscale and hsd post-hoc tests were completed to test for dif-
item means and standard deviations comparing ferences among groups on the four EDQOL sub-
groups of participants. All four subscale scores dif- scales. Significant differences among severity
fer significantly between groups, with eating-disor- groups were found for all subscales (all at p <
dered patients showing greater impairment on all .001; see Table 4 for details). Post-hoc analyses
subscales. showed that all three severity groups differed from
As previously mentioned, a disease-specific each other on the Physical/Cognitive and Work/
HRQOL instrument should demonstrate greater School subscales and total score, and that the
sensitivity than a generic HRQOL instrument when severe and moderate severity groups differed from
used with the population of subjects for which it the minor severity group on the Psychological and
was designed. Sensitivity can be demonstrated in Financial subscales.
the current data by demonstrating that the EDQOL Related to symptom severity and the sensitivity of
significantly predicts unique variance above and the EDQOL, the EDQOL should predict significantly
beyond that predicted by a generic instrument (i.e., more symptom severity variance than the SF-36

TABLE 4. EDQOL by symptom severity

Minor Symptoms Moderate Symptoms Severe Symptoms
(N ¼ 410) (N ¼ 61) (N ¼ 56)

M SD M SD M SD F df p Post-Hoc Analysis Effect Sizea

Psychological 0.87 .82 2.20 .80 2.22 1.18 111.08 2,524 .001 Min<Mod,Sev .30
Physical/Cognitive 0.74 .58 1.52 .76 1.86 1.10 90.37 2,524 .001 Min<Mod<Sev .26
Financial 0.12 .36 0.38 .69 0.49 .87 18.49 2,520 .001 Min<Mod,Sev .07
Work/School 0.05 .26 0.24 .49 0.48 .73 36.35 2,523 .001 Min<Mod<Sev .12
Total 0.53 .44 1.29 .54 1.46 .85 124.77 2,524 .001 Min<Mod,Sev .32

Note: EDQOL ¼ Eating Disorders Quality of Life; Min ¼ minor symptoms group (Eating Attitudes Test-26 [EAT-26] ¼ 1–19); Mod ¼ moderate symptoms
group (EAT-26 ¼ 20–35); Sev ¼ severe symptoms group (EAT-26 > 35).
Partial eta squared.

68 Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006


(because it is disease specific rather than a generic Recent research has suggested that some eating-
HRQOL instrument). The data support this require- disordered individuals may be more appropriate
ment of a disease-specific instrument. Although the for certain types of QOL assessments than others.
SF-36 predicts a substantial amount of the variance of Mond, Hay, Rodgers, Owen, and Beaumont (2004)
symptom severity (R2 ¼ 0.42, p < .001), the EDQOL reported that restricting anorexic patients, for
accounts for additional unique variance on the EAT- example, may not provide useful information
26 (R2 change ¼ 0.25, p < .001), again supporting the from QOL measures that assess patients’ level of
incremental validity of the scale. happiness (e.g., the Satisfaction with Life Scale;
Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985), but
instead provide clinicians more useful information
when completing measures with greater objectivity
(e.g., the SF-36; Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2004). Some
Conclusion HRQOL researchers might argue that a person’s
happiness is the most important outcome measure.
The primary purpose of the current study was to However, restricting anorexics typically report that
develop and validate an HRQOL instrument for use further weight loss will make them happier, despite
specifically with eating-disordered patients. the fact that clinicians and family members can
Researchers and clinicians alike could potentially clearly see that further weight loss will lead to
benefit by having an instrument that is specifically greater impairment or even death. One has to cri-
made to address the key HRQOL concerns that are tically examine the specific QOL measure used in
associated with disordered eating. The current patients who lack insight or are delusional. A mea-
report describes a 25-item scale with four subscales sure that taps functional assessment (Bohn & Fair-
(Psychological, Physical/Cognitive, Work/School, burn, 2004) or HRQOL, such as the EDQOL, may
and Financial) and a meaningful total score. The provide useful information in such an instance.
instrument may be useful as an outcome measure
A major strength of the current study is the psy-
in clinical research, as a means of demonstrating
chometric properties demonstrated by the EDQOL.
patient improvement (or deterioration) in treat-
Measures of both reliability and validity appear to
ment, as a tool to facilitate communication
be in the range of adequate to very good. Although
between healthcare providers and patients, or pos-
the test-retest reliability of the Work/School sub-
sibly as a number of other common uses for
scale is the lone exception to this strength, collect-
HRQOL instruments (Pearson Assessments, 2002).
ing further test-retest data on the scale with more
Overall, the psychometrics of the EDQOL are severely impaired participants will likely improve
quite good. The EDQOL appears to have internally this reliability indicator considerably.
consistent subscales that generally demonstrate
Finally, the use of IRT in the current analysis is
good test-retest reliability. The EDQOL also appears
viewed as a considerable strength of the project. To
to be a valid measure of HRQOL for disordered
the best of our knowledge, no HRQOL instrument
eating patients. The instrument is sensitive to
has made use of IRT in its development and valida-
group differences between disordered eating and
tion. The merits of using IRT in instrument devel-
nondisordered eating groups, it differentiates groups
opment have been discussed elsewhere (Verstralen
based on symptom severity, it explains more symp-
et al., 2001), and augmenting the item selection
tom severity and group-related variance than a gen-
process with IRT-based information is viewed as a
eric HRQOL instrument, and it demonstrates
considerable strength of this instrument.
adequate convergent and discriminant validity.
As previously mentioned, the EDQOL is more
sensitive than a generic HRQOL instrument (the
SF-36) and, therefore, explains a larger percen- Despite the strengths of the current study, there
tage of variance than theSF-36 when predicting are limitations. First, the current sample is not very
group status (disordered eating vs. diet and exer- racially diverse. It was composed of approximately
cise) and symptom severity. The fact that the 95% white, 2% African American, and 1% Native
EDQOL explains more variance than a generic American subjects. This lack of racial diversity
instrument suggests that using the EDQOL over may impair the generalization of the data used in
a generic instrument to demonstrate responsive- the current study. Future research will proactively
ness to change in HRQOL may be beneficial. The attempt to achieve much better ethnic diversity in
extent to which the EDQOL may be responsive to the sample obtained.
change is not known and is subject to empirical Second, the instrument is not generalizable to
testing. men. To date, very little is known about gender dif-

Int J Eat Disord 39:1 62–71 2006 69


ferences in males and females with eating disorders another consideration that should be investigated
(Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2004; Woodside et al., 2001). is the extent to which the final items apply to BED
Because men and women appear to have different patients. Despite the fact that the experts who gen-
concerns and issues related to disordered eating erated items were asked to keep all three diagnoses
(Andersen, Cohn, & Holbrook, 2000), the develop- (AN, BN, and BED) in mind when they generated
ment of the EDQOL was conducted with females in items, it appears that many of the items may apply
mind. In fact, the experts who generated the initial better to AN and BN patients and less so to BED
pool of items were specifically asked to consider patients. Finally, as previously suggested, collecting
‘‘AN, BN, and BED patients who are female and enough new data to perform an independent CFA
range in severity from very mild to very severe.’’ By would provide meaningful and important informa-
generating items that apply to females from the very tion about the factor structure of the EDQOL.
beginning, the generalization of the final items
selected to men was likely hindered.
The third limitation of the current study has to
do with method variance and the fact that all of the The EDQOL provides an option for eating disor-
data collected in the development of the EDQOL der clinicians and researchers to assess HRQOL
were attained from self-report instruments. As using a measure that is disease specific (i.e.,
pointed out by Campbell and Fiske (1959), method designed to tap the issues and concerns of eating-
variance can be of particular concern in instrument disordered persons). The instrument may be used
development and is especially important when in clinical research to assess treatment outcome, by
considering convergent and discriminant validity. third-party payers to demonstrate treatment effi-
Although it is beyond the scope of the current cacy, or by psychotherapists and/or health care
project, future research might benefit greatly by providers to generate discussion that may be used
the use of multiple methods (i.e., interview or to inform treatment. The instrument demonstrates
behavioral observation) and by the application of excellent psychometric properties and appears to
Campbell and Fiske’s multitrait-multimethod be more sensitive than a generic instrument (SF-
matrix strategies. 36) when used with a disordered eating sample.
Finally, the current data do not offer adequate
sample size of each diagnostic group to make com- The authors thank Martina de Zwaan, Tricia Myers, and
parisons across these groups on the EDQOL. Lorraine Swan-Kremier for their help with content and
item generation of potential EDQOL items; Heather
Although making meaningful comparisons across
Simonich, Tricia Myers, Lorraine Swan-Kremier, and
groups must be done very carefully (Mond et al.,
Christianne Lysne for their help in assessing
2004), it has been conducted with generic instru- participants appropriately; Dr. Scott Crow for help with
ments (e.g., Padierna et al., 2000). Not surprisingly, data collection; and Wendy Troop-Gordon and Brian
this work with generic instruments that lack parti- Meier for allowing them to recruit participants from
cular sensitivity to eating-disordered individuals their classes.
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