International Business Global

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NIVERSITI NDIDIKAN ULTAN ae wetillale gies J “SULTAN IDRIS EDUCATION UN PERAKUAN UNTUK DITANDATANGANI OLEH PELAJAR : BERKENAAN DENGAN PENTAKSIRAN AKHIR Adalah saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa skrip jawapan/tugasan/projek yang dihantar adalah daripada hasil kerja Saya sendiri dan tidak melibatkan sebarang unsur plagiarisme daripada pelajar lain. Universiti boleh mengambil tindakan keatas saya sekiranya saya berbuat demikian. TANDATANGAN Are TARIKH : 26/er/a021 NAMA 2 NUP FITRI CHAHIRAR BINT! (ge auin NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 440223 - 03-5306 NO. PENDAFTARAN 5 020 1Slog 1437 FAKULTI pat ee PROGRAM ASIN PENGYRYSRN SumBER mMANUSIA INIVERSITI NDIDIKAN SULTAN [DRIS Alla aed FAKULTI PENGURUSAN & EKONOM! JABATAN PENGURUSAN PERNIAGAAN & KEUSAHAWANAN PENTAKSIRAN AKHIR SEMESTER 1 SESI 2020/2021 PENYATA KEJUJURAN AKADEMIK Dengan menandatangani Penyata Kejujuran Akademik ini, saya mengakui bahawa saya adalah pelajar yang sepatutnya mengambil pentaksiran, saya akan berusaha untuk melengkapkan penilaian secara sendirian, saya tidak akan berkongsi soalan mahupun jawapan pentaksiran di mana-mana platform, walaupun selepas menamatkan pentaksiran, saya tidak akan membincangkan jawapan saya dengan sesiapa pun, walaupun selepas menamatkan pentaksiran, dan ‘saya boleh diambil tindakan oleh pihak Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris jika saya didapati melakukan apa-apa perbuatan kecurangan akademik. S 8 gag FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & ENTREPRENEURSHIP FINAL ASSESSMENT SEMESTER 1 SESSION 2020/2021 STATEMENT OF ACADEMIC HONESTY By signing the Academic Honesty Statement, | acknowledge that lam the assigned student taking the assessment, % Iwill work on my own to complete the assessment, % | will not share the assessment questions and answers in any platform, even after completing the assessment, % Iwill not discuss my answers with anyone, even after completing the assessment, and % | will be penalized by the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris if | was found performing any academic dishonesty acts. TANDATANGAN/ SIGNATURE: 6&~ NAMA/NAME: NUP FITR! SHAHIRAH BINT! | BeAHIM NO. PENDAFTARAN/ REGISTRATION NUMBER: _02. 011081432 FAKULTI/ FACULTY: _F PE PROGRAM/ PROGRAMME: @8A HUMAN ZESOURCES man aGemenT TARIKH/ DATE: 2/01 | 2021 INIVERSITI DDN ULTAN [RIS seca ea PENDIDIKAN SULTAN IDRIS. PENTAKSIRAN AKHIR FINAL ASSESSMENT SEMESTER 1 SESI 2020/2021 SEMESTER 1 SESSION 2020/2021 CODE : PPB3213 COURSE : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND GLOBALIZATION INSTRUCTIONS - Please read the assessment instructions carefully. ._ Students are required to prepare the answer scripts based on the predetermined final assessment, . Students are required to submit their answer scripts to the lecturers within the specified time given (9am ~ 7pm). This question paper consists of three (3) printed pages including the front page. PROGRAMME: BEA HUMAN RESOVECES MANAGEMENT YEAR: 2eae/2°2! CLASS GROUP: REGISTRATION NO; D391 1081432. IDENTIFICATION CARD NUMBER: [4] ¢] 0] a] a ?lsls LECTURER: De. SIT! 2UBAIDAH BINTI MOHD ARIFFIN CONFIDENTIAL cal levels of (rm goes _threvgh fa lob! ? fo its oveg nize Were] design a8 francitions Prom domestic to inktmehons( te ts Gebel predvet ctesign Twis level appies aletelly obligation to seperate _opere bing, Bwsion within a company fav _spetifve proocts. hit Setign works well Of oraerizehon hes veriovs product Nines ov tf t4s predues vine eve attra tts hibvted in veviovs market while ngaieaizing the need for _cowdinehon across product liners a: Global ore des'gn Glekel ree Sesign arranger the operons of the _ovgeni2= 9 in _perbesler vegiont Ov @ vesions arouned the we vid Fo compe ies with = pelyntrit or _mulWolomeshe corperste [itestogy This method world be well suites A business whose eats _connot be _treneferred easily im atiffperent reson Iifely fo we 2 global ses detisn a eee Oe ae 3 Global fnehyene] design The _stebat__Greberet design allers 6 _compeny to _beilel sepertment aol aivsien with global roles. for exemple POR Guc noting 84) ool emer tees lowe Te Ghia cree TRE fy adic eormpoerg cempenies with Comperehvely smell or s7miler liner of _proctvet bene _cutfomer _ olesign [When en ovgeriraheon hes a vaviely of contmers or _greup? with per hevley Pr specie) skills or Consiclershon A soba} costmer design may be seed: Thy me thor © regutrrenments is sufeble when ¢ _Compeny “s dif fertat cuthmer goups ore ce divese thet afferent ana markeding methods ove needloo! SF: Global matrix design The global meth matrix aterisn as fhe mast comp ficekd Hype ef _internatore| orgeovzeafion. The _overlepping of en Bisena-honalsn vaengrcurliite euineabe aco ciel Bama tia r ae ef slobe! metry eeisn- The benef of 5lobel. linet design is it cm con bibute fo a com binchon of the _compny “+ finchoncl » ere ond proovct exgervence ine ES ee he creck nese, pracueyy ee ie chellenses on the 5le bel market — [T) Whet oe the three _mencqeria| hi losophi es thet guile iss ergrizehon oesign » be = Ethno centric | = (oven ie = Geocentic Ls vied globally ey ery jn Ake seme neaney as Ney, Anternaily « as Relycentre con be wed by ench interne fronel Loerkeh _emcon: Novsinesses thet _specielize thew oyerefrone| ac hvi her. 3 Geecentvit con be wed by compenses thet evelvele their pertner “s needs _inktenetionelly ond Aken incorporated — streemlined — operstion tn ll markets Be een whet ave the roles of’ the inferaahonc/ mont tery fytfem mo hon ps end balance of payments accoenfng syslem in the of faternatonal fracle onol FOI ? The internckona] menttary system focuses on the francis | operching syrtem thet fermeed of frnancie! inshtudionr anol mov lina fon! companies «The ayclem war _crertee’ _ Secnvre majorite majority of compres have their own currency? In orcler Fo finchen eeccene acrots country bovndariet 4 procers of’ sunpping there cumencies is _reguireds Deer) ere perme che teed rele tied separ | wrhich contrite mere anol trace dherr currencies This system late werves_os 0 tool to fx inequalities between foresgn s pececipes a2) peyments ef 2 erenfucer com try + xs [| Balarce of payment accouning ryshem is en accom fing by froli viclvn _ betucen Syskon thet recorclt the _perchare ane! selling, corporations, ono government enthes of densa | countries . THs syste only recorel [aes | between putti countvies Beth of the sryrhene heve their oom role in __the on economic ettentachor then involved _mronttory valves Lprometion oft infernahona) tele ono foreign olirect inves trent (FOI). The infernatonal monetery system font furetrens te simplify the yrouss of erthanging currency between hee combits {het _| vs Aheerent cowencits. While balante of payment fraccoun ing syslern is med@ fe many any foreign olive t Linves brent » Whi Ah need all the information ree abort |ahe investment _vecoroleol dan me ina secured Systems ee Date! ane ts flight copitel 2Who vies Ciighd capibel 2 Define PGi ts BOP ano hy fight captia! 1s oflen not _inclvdleo! jn ROP ctabshe: light capita] ic fhe money thet ues frnsftrres! to foreign combits t2 escape taraheon ov interest rafes or _onfespefe for fete emisre tren. Vavally | dhe cowrdeies with gmalfer inome or _problemahe _ tcone mie det ie flight capil in oreler te aveld any actibens! Cort chen rapidly flow ovt the money. RUCMEBAlexceleneP iu psterent COOP on dowmentafen oft ail frantachiens ceeried owt tne given fue, which is lqavertr er year The twnachors ase male _ between eee one ee eee around the uvorlel. The mejor comporenty of Bor is cure nt accont, copitel accovnt official rerewel eral er70K ond ome Onit iva. BoP Stepske swpport ond assist te becagnize prodvcts maf Services in developing ihe economies. BOP stabshe alse Vill inforen abort fhe pelerisl new policies thet corto! eller Ake busines} ema environment of « covntry hat will affecting its proGtabilily- Flight cepitel is ofken not included in BOP stehshe Stefment beewse the monty always atsvmed at missing money Gon the Lbelene of peymer 9p a combys Ata contegvence Aight capital cannot be approved with! otBning the origin in Ane banking syslem ssanckan end Wet fhe Various eceef globally. Senekon refer to restvichion thet enforce by « comty te chenge dsevlew coun dey -_ Sor undetivable policy thel _relefeo! commerce __acpintt__the esl ioe Goncken mey _ocevy in _sevtrel weys , inelyding preven hy access te advenced prodvct eecnavat removal of preferen@ ty Jeviff cre banning tne rots of particular country ont refwsel off new seb Wype_ ef Seeth sanchon - embargo = dvel\ -v5e product = entre tevritevie Wi ky [fL) Tilestrele yew cnreer with an epemple Peete the _somte where [the evemple as _teten flor Embese vtfer te full eepbrichon ogainst all commerte —ith. A pekeley country. Womey be enforeed by counties el tage thee er alone The eremple of embers shod by Unit Nabors chen + all trade Arensechon with Ireq afer [rag ‘s 40 | Aheg folly vent jnwesion in Vow. [Expert contre) of dvel-wse prove refer to exportehen contre] fonordls Ligh: fethnolesy goots becese if may be ~se beth in seveenment or milifary Fer cyample, McDonell Dowels rem afer! of ung. otal -vte HH ated eaphisheated machines tomls ty the Chine Ne Aare Vechalasy Import onal Expert Company , hich claimed fhe enteels he the eqvipment worl’ be veel to _bvilel _eivillien air erapy. aa contve\ _besiness ec hvibies thet -e¢ condve-eal Noowndeviey For instance, companits ore liable nd ik, bh VANS Slaks onk-dwst gabon ie they parkpete in wen- US. preebtes ted limit compe hen in the UES: mera An Sele fev Sencken is when Unitd €F Nabens Ampsted _Kinentie| canthont against Sierra Leone ened Liberia fo cot the flee 00 vm te the, ew - torn counteies: CAL the evemples were teten from a book named Internehena| Business A Mangere] Perspechve by Ricky WW Griffin ene! Michee! W- Pestay . 2015 ) Dis Krewe Compedence refers fo whet the pory_ geet [It may be _evitingmrdse echnolosy ,effeent avsbibehon nefeorhe, Ae Uke their theensth or atte’ = Me SRN Sieh their’ competstori, phe S4perior orsenizefons! prachres or well respec! brand Memes thet [Ker evemple, Angle tncarporet el, {hey prooscod ne rst cell -designed ek thet ne other compeny con replete it on mer ket OO es . : fipeBesenrtes ‘Delejment af tone) stit etiae Ta i Com pony will pte frm po Edesraphicsl_iatenaes or fh alee mney fees on mate or pomived niches aithin Mo tndiceks te neve the Momey ve aeGaed one or mart estan: For tvemple, dominsle the _ sl Somseng_end Hynix company ty phatoys el mremery chip one Resources deployment refty fe ew the company menese or f | allele _thete _F vesowrers _to_comgtl in pereater meclet they invalved f Kor er exemple, Bocing compery sespite hwing limifeed oft rerowrees e ta here covsty they ceoneged fe key ant sell Thete praokeots f- globally: eel tal ah 3 Synergy _ LH implies te how cnn verithy ep business element bene R¢ ovether Wi Pewey on 2 ool shit fetty skIflly plan to om. the profit: For eromple, Disaty company. Mavies pradvets a colleberstny 2 _inceewse their prof Bath ee een : a en vit infegreh J _povise VN fee fede at even removes tree berries emons its member, tet cach member seb _ife oun _fredle _aspee ment. for_noncmembent A? a conteguente, they were exposed! iemeereGlechecttMnch nen renter retenGart epee a_Mnember State With fhe tewast- levest external berient fo frede (nm _croter fe sober solve the pestle, mort of the free fede policy speerfy rls oP ovsin , which Clas ed when lec the member seo or nonmember good Fer evenple urcter fhe VARTA wet of onigin, most prodvets ore eligible fr special consideration at a North American prod ct only rf they vnderso signe fitent manefechring ov instellahen in Mexico, Creda or dhe United States an A cuslems vation removes iff members inktrnel rede hurdler erat ectept rect hone! evlerne| commercial polices _esrinst non=member: The shenda edad af erence bee sar minimizes the tesve of trade deflection: Fer ins fence a business from nen-member _ Steter poji_evey. member of the Cestem vnion the seme teanf fe refe on eeports: SA commen market xedlvees intenel freole obstecles bebe een Hs members orl Shines commen freisn _fraslé Policy . nensmember comjpits [f aloe removes _basriers fo the flow of fectey freduchen emons member. For exemple, the Ewsopeen * T Economie crea, eMCK iy en agreement befween EU members erd_meny other Europeen countre fo feeri'tate the free movemert of workes , Coprfel oval feckrolesy eee Date: ce Ztonemie union reflects the complete vnificohor of tue or more _cowntiits “ ecenomi tts Members remeve berries te infernal Wede, implement Common foreign trade policies andl removed wettwetiens on the mobility of prodvehion fuckers omen meerbet-\n order fe merge their econsmits inty a single Steve jon ecomemice| union would also _encble its vember te coordincle ecenemic policvess As veseld econemic —_vainn members chy Weve Laken tre eure Mheir nehencl cerrenty PEM Crnineenttetonenst Silom with Welach'e _Siker S-Voiel vriow is the PIL potthcal as well as Frenciel riGeber ef we ov mot coumbies essenblly making then into ort country Tow evemple, potibcel vaton is the incorpere fen inte a single nation the united Stelter of Americs of fhe Ye independent colonics ers ting vader the _Ardvela of Confeder=hen ° Dempins, mey _ecewr siete) mer ke + ts home movket. Woe Guth agge of a a insken(e , most Dogenese _dompia es ere New Yok Gty- The secon type whch they nee ITA deferm if Sienna ? Vt when shel crothe + well -kease Teyote will las hed sump tag efter essere is erol whet ere the foe f _demping 2 sells that business below 4 vehen 142 prow eh! on t herged at price & deserts les cri mine bor” $ Japenese Nhat pre seis represent Tok ys then, dem gin ts. alt fies: Statin west polihicen te thet hisher in in solo! at prices befer the te predetory cort + For ieyaei Genes cont prove ns of __otempin prite + fo define ines the cort for cart ot meiginel evenple of when elect) wes Omplicekd _especielly vend neme multnebons| Company Such oy net dumping hes cece vritel ? herl to be consi resvis fron dumping pritins: Both of Aker the _prodvet: Loceey or not cumping he _ocevered or sot » Rosed! cort of a _prodvet fiom _perfieviey company dey to see teode whe ther _ the on _endtolyma ing Gen epee eith fee frm Wet is internecine! price Ade iminshon ancl _preebotory f f dumping were related te pice of Therefre we need fo Conder brut the cit when menvfectred the products firm Company « = I f this iz becovse we cennot _defermine whether the seeps ving retell _ priter-

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