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System Engineering for Intelligent Transport Systems


Dr. Ali Kamrani

Submitted By

Shivraj Gadekar
System Engineering for ITS


This book tells about implementation of system engineering in ITS. How system
engineering applied to all phases of ITS, such as planning, designing and implementation. It
explains us step by step approach of system engineering in ITS project life cycle. By using
popular ‘V’ model to explain step by step implementation of systems in ITS projects. It
minimize risk involved in ITS. Also gather all the information of stakeholders through all
over life cycle of projects.

What is ITS?

ITS is defined as Use of advanced technology to make travel smoother, faster, easier, more
convenient and finally most important safer. Advanced technology means computers,
sensors, cameras and communication to the transportation system. ITS is collection of all
these technology to improve roadways and transit systems.

ITS help us by following ways:

 Reduces waiting time on signals
 Reduces pollution by reducing standing time of vehicle
 Provides correct, easy and short root towards destination
 Also provides safe mobility to pedestrian and bicyclist.
 In short we can say ITS makes travel safer and less time consuming.

What is Systems Engineering?

It is a deep study of existing system to improved system. It focuses on start to end of the
system. It takes all the aspects of the system from requirement generation to disposal
phase of a product or service.

A system is defined to be “a combining effort of hardware, machines, Information

technology, software, man force, facilities, and procedures organized to accomplish
improvement in predefined objective. The objective of the engineers for a system is to
provide a system that accomplishes the primary objectives set by the stakeholders,
including those objectives associated with the creation, production, and disposal of the
system. To accomplish this engineering task, the engineers must identify the system’s
stakeholders throughout the system’s life cycle and define the objectives of all of these

System Engineering for ITS

A major characteristic of the engineering of systems is the attention devoted to the entire
life cycle of the system. This life cycle has been characterized as “birth to death” and “lust to
dust.” That is, the life cycle begins with the gleam in the eyes of the users or stakeholders, is
followed by the definition of the stakeholders’ needs by the systems engineers, includes
developmental design and integration, goes through production and operational use,
usually involves refinement, and finishes with the retirement and disposal of the system.
Ignoring any part of this life cycle while engineering the system can lead to sufficiently
negative consequences, including failure at the extreme. In particular, developing a system
that has not adequately addressed the stake holder’s needs leads to failures.

Systems engineering is a robust approach to the design, creation and operation of systems.
Systems engineering is management technology to assist clients through the formulation,
analysis, and interpretation of the impacts of proposed policies, controls, or complete
systems upon the perceived needs, values, and institutional transactions of stakeholders.
Systems engineering is an appropriate combination of theories and tools, carried out
though use of a suitable methodology and set of systems management procedures, in a
useful setting appropriate for the resolution of real world problems that are often of large
scale and scope. The purpose of systems engineering is information and knowledge
organization that will assist clients who desire to develop policies for management,
direction, control and regulation activities relative to forecasting planning, development,
production and operation of total systems to maintain overall integrity and integration as
related to performance and reliability.

Benefits of Using SE

SE gives more project controls that were created for the improvement and simplicity of
complex systems.

• It Reduces risk of failure and overhead costs

• Meets all the requirements of the users
• Gives more stakeholder participation
• More adaptable and resilient systems
• Gives Verification and validation functionality and fewer defects
• Better documentation

System Engineering for ITS

Project Success Rate

Following figure shows that study of 280,000 projects. From this total only 34% projects
are succeeded. 15% failed and 51% project over budgeted. So by this study we can see the
importance of system engineering. System engineering considers all the aspects of the

SE gives us a base to make sure that projects are on time and on schedule.



Figure 1: Project Success Rate [1]

Architecture and Standards Rule

1. The systems engineering analysis shall include, at a minimum:

2. Identification of portions of the regional ITS architecture being implemented
3. Identification of participating agencies roles and responsibilities
4. Requirements definitions
5. Analysis of alternative system configurations and technology options to meet
6. Procurement options
7. Identification of applicable ITS standards and testing procedures
8. Procedures and resources necessary for operations and management of the system

System Engineering for ITS

“V” Model

One of most popular SE methods representation of step by step system development and
improvement process all project lifecycle are take into account compare with the
traditional project development process.

Figure 2: V Model [1]

1. Using the Regional ITS Architecture

The project related data from the regional ITS architecture is identified and
gathered at one place. Other document of the planning and programming processes
which are related to the project are collected and used as a blue print for project
development. This is the first step in defining your ITS project.

The regional ITS architecture is a tool that is used in transportation planning,

mapping, programming, scheduling, and project implementation for ITS. It is a
baseline for institutional agreement and technical integration for ITS projects and is
the place to start when defining the basic scope of a project. If we improve the
architecture at early phase of the V model it gives best impact on progress of the

System Engineering for ITS

2. Feasibility Study/Concept Exploration

A business plan is made for the project. All the aspects of the project are taken in to
account like Technical, economic, and political; also benefits and costs are
estimated; and major risks are identified. Alternative concepts for meeting the
project’s purpose and need are explored, and the superior concept is selected and
justified using trade study techniques.

3. Concept of Operations

The project stakeholders reach a shared understanding of the system to be

developed and how it will be operated and maintained. The Concept of Operations is
documented to provide a foundation for more detailed analyses that will follow. It
will be the basis for the system requirements that are developed in the next step.

4. System Requirements

The stakeholder needs identified in the Concept of Operations are reviewed,

analyzed, and transformed into verifiable requirements that define what the system
will do but not how the system will do it. Working closely with stakeholders, the
requirements are elicited, analyzed, validated, documented, and baseline. A
deficiency between what a client, stakeholder, or user group would like to have in
some situation and what generally they do have results in the identification of a
need for some new system or process.

This should trigger a set of activities on the part of the user group that results in the
identification of a set of requirements for a system or process. In defining
requirements, the user group may precondition the system to the use of some
specific micro enhancement tools or system development methods. It deals with the
overall framework of the system. Usually top-down approach is used to evolve the
architecture. Each system can be divided in to a number of sub-systems and each
sub-system can be further divided. This is an iterative process until we get all the
details or components in the system. This helps us to identify the relation between
the systems. These relations or interfaces may be physical connections, logical
correlation, and information flow.

System Engineering for ITS

5. High Level Design

High-level design means the all base line structure for the system. Proper work
break down structure should be done. Each department should be segmented in
small component. Subsystems of the system are identified and decomposed further
into components. Requirements are allocated to the system components, and
interfaces are specified in detail.

High-level design is commonly referred to as architectural design in most systems

engineering handbooks and process standards. Architectural design is used because
an overall structure for the project is defined in this step. IEEE defines architectural
design as “the process of defining a collection of hardware and software
components and their interfaces to establish the framework for the development of
a computer system”. Of course, ITS projects may include several computer systems,
a communications network, distributed devices, facilities, and people. High-level
design defines a framework for all of these project components.

6. Detailed Design

Each hardware and software should me detailed specified. Final product should be
selected from the best specified component.

Detailed design means the components which are used for making product also be
specified by use, dimensions, size, capacity, material, weight and cost. It is complete
specification of all hardware and software aspects. The software specifications are
described in enough detail that the software team can write the individual software
modules. The hardware specifications are detailed enough that the hardware
components can be fabricated or purchased.

7. Software / Hardware Development and Field installation

All Hardware and software solutions are meet the requirements as per
specifications of the system design. Even though we meet the specification some
part of the solution require custom hardware and/or software development, and
that part may be implemented with off-the-shelf items modified as needed to meet
the design specifications.

8. Unit/Device Testing

System Engineering for ITS

Testing is done on components and then they are delivered for integration and
installation. Operational implementation or fielding of the system engineering
contractor implements the system with support from the user or customer group.
Many beneficial approaches are provides for final acceptance testing of the
implemented system by the user. There can be minor adjustments in the system
after acceptance testing. These changes are documented as well.

9. Subsystem Verification

Individual software and hardware components are verified. After verifying these
components are integrated to produce higher-level assemblies or subsystems. After
production of assemblies, these assemblies are individually verified and then larger
assemblies are produced. After verifying each large assembly’s complete system is
integrated and verified. Depending on the individual systems, performance of ITS
can vary. Verification means making sure right system is built. Validation means
making sure system provides right functionality. In between system acceptance
plan can be built for example trial run must be done in front of customer.

10.System Verification and Deployment

System is transferred from system development team to the business where system
can be installed on the operating environment. These businesses own the system
and operate it. At the time of transfer supporting equipments, documentation,
operator training and other supporting products are also provided. These
supporting things are necessary for system maintenance and operation support.
After transfer, acceptance tests are conducted so that the system performance in the
operational environment is confirmed. A transition period and warranty is provided
for easy process of transition to full system operation.

11.System Validation

When ITS system is verified, it is installed on real operating environment. This

system is now validated by the system owner/operator. To make sure that system
meets specified requirements, some sets of tests are executed on the system.

12.Operations and Maintenance

System Engineering for ITS

After acceptance of the system by customer, system generally operates in the steady
state. There is periodic maintenance of the system which is necessary to monitor
performance measures. During the maintenance, if there are any issues,
improvements or technology upgrades needed, they are documented and
considered for addition to the system baseline, and incorporated according to the
business financial situations. System engineering process evaluates and implements
needed change. ITS system is changed and upgraded for whole lifetime of the

13.Changes and Upgrades

From installation time itself, ITS system needs planning to change and upgrade the
system similar to every computer system. Evolvement in the system can be done
throughout its lifetime as per stakeholder’s priorities and new technologies. There
can be some user reported issues and recommendations which leads to changes in
the system. Review of operational data can result in system improvements.
Sometimes according to need functionality of the system can be deployed during
deployment step, this functionalities can be further changed or increased according
to changed needs of the business.

14.Retirement/ Replacement

To determine efficiency of ITS system, after some constant period of time operations
of ITS system are assessed. There can be case where cost of operating and
maintaining existing ITS system is more than a new ITS system, in such situations
existing systems are considered for replacement. To retire existing system, a system
retirement plan will be generated.


[1] US Department of Transportation , Jan (2007). System Engineering for Intelligent

Transportation Systems. Page 1- 116

[2] Reilly, Norman B: Successful Systems Engineering for Engineers and Managers; New
York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1993.

[3] Sage, Andrew P: Systems engineering; New York: J. Wiley, c1992.

[4] Buede, Dennis M: The Engineering Design Of Systems; Wiley Series


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