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ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning

Santiago Paternain and Miguel Calvo-Fullana

Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

Thanks to: Juan Andrés Bazerque and José Lezama

Electrical Enginnering, Universidad de la República

August 27, 2019

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 1


I Lectures
⇒ Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-10:30 at Moore 212
⇒ Miguel Calvo-Fullana and Santiago Paternain
I Office hours:
⇒ Clark Zhang: Monday 5pm-7pm GRASP conference room
⇒ Kate Tolstaya: Wednesday 9am-11am 452C Walnut 3401
⇒ Arbaaz Khan: On demand
I Canvas:
⇒ Piazza

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 2


I Homework (50%): 5 Homework (10% each), groups of two students

⇒ Homework 1 : MDPs (Individual)
⇒ Homework 2 : Policy Gradient ⇒ Reinforce
⇒ Homework 3 : Policy Gradient with baselines
⇒ Homework 4 : Q-learning
⇒ Homework 5 : Actor-critic
I In-class Midterm (20%): October 17
⇒ MDPs and Policy Gradient
I Take-home Final (30%): Due on December 5
⇒ Theoretical questions
⇒ Implementation

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 3


I “Reinforcement Learning: An introduction ”, Second edition

⇒ Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto
⇒ Available Online at
I “Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning”
⇒ Csaba Szepesvári
⇒ Available online at

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 4

Reinforcement Learning

I Model-free framework to formalize sequential decision making

I At each time step t = 0, 1 . . . the agent is in state St ∈ S

I And it selects an action At ∈ A(s) possibly state dependent
I As a consequence of the action the environment produces
⇒ A numerical reward Rt ∈ R
⇒ The transition to the system to a new state st+1

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 5

Examples: Cart-Pole

I Goal is to keep the pole in vertical position

I State space S ⊂ R4
⇒ Pos, vel, angle, ang. velocity
I Action space A ⊂ R
⇒ Horizontal acceleration
I Dynamics of the system
ẍ cos θ + θ̈` = −g sin θ
ẍ(m+mp )+θ̈mp ` cos θ = F +mp `θ̇2 sin θ

I Can we set up this problem in the RL framework?

I How? Should we?

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 6

Mountain Car Problem

I State space S: position and velocity, Action space A is the force applied
I Goal is to reach the top of the mountain

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Mountain Car Problem

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 8

What Problems Can RL Solve?

I It considers Markov Decision Processes

⇒ Memory-less process ⇒ More in the next class
⇒ Given a state and an action the system transitions into a state
⇒ It receives a reward

I Previous examples are in this form ⇒ But they have infinite states

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 9

What is it Learned?

I In general we want to find a policy π : S → A that maximizes total reward

" T #
argmax E Rt

I The learning problem is to find such policy based on the rewards collected

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 10

What is it Learned?

I When the state is continuous it might be diffucult to describe such map


I What can we do?

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 11

What is it Learned?

I One possibility is to discretize the state-space


I Not always possible and we need to resort to other techniques

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Random Policies

I Gridworld example ⇒ Given a state we chose which direction we move

I Actions are A = {up, right, down, left}
I Rewards are −1 if the action pushes out of the board but no movement

I Transitions are deterministic or with probability one

I Policies might be random ⇒ for exploration mainly

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 13

Success of Reinforcement Learning

I “Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning” V.Mnih etal (2013)

I “Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning” V. Mnih etal

I Train a Neural Network

⇒ Inputs: Pixels
⇒ Output: Joystick command

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 14
Success of Reinforcement Learning

I AlphaZero Defeated in Chess, Shogi, and Go the world champion

programs and humans

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 15

Success of Reinforcement Learning

I How does AlphaZero play?

⇒ It learns the “value” of states
⇒ Uses the values to guide a
search of possible moves
⇒ Selects the action with larger

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 16

Success of Reinforcement Learning

I AlphaStar: Mastering the Real-Time Strategy Game StarCraft II

I Challenges
⇒ Imperfect information: Only part of the map is observed
⇒ Long term planning: Actions won’t pay off until end of game
⇒ Large action-space: 1026 legal actions per step
I One week of training ⇒ Equivalent to 200 years of gameplay
Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 17
Success of Reinforcement Learning

I OpainAI Five: Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning to play DOTA2

I Is a team of five artificial NN
I No explicit communication between the members of the team
I April 2019 ⇒ defeated the world champion team
I Multi-agent posses challenges
⇒ State-space grows exponentially
⇒ Reward assignment
⇒ 45000 years of Dota self-play over 10 realtime months

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 18
Success of Reinforcement Learning

I Helicopter Maneuvers ⇒ Good model is available

I Design of controller for those maneuvers was hard3

Santiago Paternain, Miguel Calvo-Fullana ESE680-005 Reinforcement Learning 19
Success of Reinforcement Learning

I Models are not so good ⇒ Experiments in controlled environment

I Lots of data is needed for training ⇒ Large training times
I But complex tasks are possible with these techniques4

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Not everything that shines is... RL

I Some of the most impressive robotic behaviors are achieved without RL5

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Characteristics of Reinforcement Learning

I What is different about Reinforcement Learning

⇒ There is no supervisor, only a reward signal
⇒ Feedback is delayed, not instantaneous
⇒ Time matters (sequential, data is not i.i.d)
⇒ Agent’s action impact on the subsequent data that it receives
I Frontier of Reinforcement Learning
⇒ Trying to apply Reinforcement Learning in robotics
⇒ Autonomous driving for instance
⇒ Fleets deployed: Not only to test but to collect data
⇒ Research in Safe Learning

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