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Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization

Regional Language Centre

(Batch 8)


1. Introduction
N’Trang Lơng High School for Ethnic Students of ĐăkNông province, reformed in 2007, plays a very important role
of educating and training the young who are the native minorities in the central highland region of Việt Nam. Unlike
other students in the provincial schools, most of the students of N’Trang Lơng School seem to lack of abilities of
expressing their ideas in Kinh (Vietnamese) language (which is officially used) during their schooling
communication and, this leads to a bad influence on teaching and learning foreign language process for not only
teachers but also students so far. Moreover, the un- synchronization between the facilities of the school and the
demands of new language teaching method adapting trends of the MOET of Việt Nam also causes a serious
limitation of improving using a foreign language during teaching-learning processing periods. In general, how to
teach well and to learn effectively English is the hardship that calls for a non-stop afford of teachers and students
whose influences are equal to the progress.
2. The reason for stimulus 2
For students whose English skills are not used as a communicative tool, listening to an English utterance seems to be
over their head while writing or reading a short paragraph could be more comfortable tasks. These are observable for
all who is learning a foreign language in Việt Nam since English or any other languages is considered an evidence
of an educational stage, not ability in use. As a result, for Vietnamese students in general, listening tests (which
closely involve to receptive skills) are unexpected due to: a. lack of listening competence; b, too many strange and
unclear sounds during listening; and, c, the weakness of contextual equals between English and Vietnamese.
The stimulus 2, suitable for a lesson unit ending testing, is chosen because of its clear ideas that suggest more clues
or predictions for my students (who are learning English 3periods per week in order to pass the final examination) to
deal with Lc, Ic and Eva level questions in which the students could manage to carry out the listening test. For test
designers, this stimulus seems not to be challenges to construct a test for the vast majority of L.O.T students of my
3. Table of test
Type of examination: Listening test------------------------------Name of test: in class listening test

Lang sub – skills Text types/ materials Question-

levels No. of items
Cur. Specs.

Q. types



1a a. identify facts & details  1

b b. identify facts & details Listen to a story  1

c c. identify facts & details 3 1

2a a. F&d, P.o and Mcc  1

b b. F&d and Mcc Listen to a story  3 1

c c. F&d and Mcc 1

3a Identify facts & details

Op-end Ordering

b Identify sequence of events Listen to a story

c Inferring meaning from    2
d contextual clues

4. Test paper
Student’s full name: English listening test Marks:
Class: Time: 30 minutes Comments:
You’ll listen to a story one time for each task and write your answers on the answer sheet.
1. Choose the correct answer by circle A, B, C or D
a. One day, two……….accidentally fell into a bucket of cream.
A. frogs B. birds C. flies D. snakes
b. “Keep on…...” said the other frog. “We’ll get out of this mess somehow!”
A. going B. swimming C. paddling D. sleeping
c. the bucket of cream was on……….
A. a pepper farm B. a sugar farm C. a dairy farm D. a rice farm
2. Put a () in T if it’s true and in F if what you hear is false
a. The two frogs managed to climb into the bucket of cream
b. They enjoyed paddling in the mess
c. One frog sank to the bottom of the bucket and did not live any longer

3. Arrange these sentences in the right order of the story

a. The other was very patient to remain alive.
b. The frog had found a precious lesson.
c. The two frogs happened to fall into a mess of scream.
d. One frog did not try successful to get out and died.
Your order is…
4. Answer the question
How had the little frog discovered the secret of success?
The end
5. Marking scheme

1.Choose the correct answer by circle A, B, C or D

a. Frogs 1
b. Paddling 1
c. a dairy farm 1
2.Put a () in T if it’s true and in F if what you hear is false
a. F 1
b. F 1
c. T 1
3.Arrange these sentences in the right order of the story
c- d- a- b. 2
4. Answer the question: (good, logical and creative) 2

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