Spiritual Self Material Self Sexual Self

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1. Below are ways to develop the spiritual self except:

a. Interaction
b. Observation
c. Reflection
d. Imitation

2. is the self that consists of the body, clothes, immediate family, home and other things one
considers to be his or her own
a. physical self
b. material self
c. the material possession
d. culture self

3. one of the basic components of our material self is

a. body
b. material possession
c. material self
d. self

4. are objects of instinctive preferences that may or may not be related with a person's most
practical interests in life
a. material self
b. material possession
c. body
d. primary component

5. It is social arrangement in which the relations between lived culture and social resources, and
between meaningful ways of life and the symbol and material resources on which they
depend on, are mediated through markets.
a. consumer culture
b. advertisement culture
c. society culture
d. modern culture

6. an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere or the supernatural along with
associated ceremonial practices
a. dualism
b. monism
c. religion
d. rituals
7. Animism is a belief in:
a. ancestral ghosts or spirits
b. otiose deities
c. spirits that are in natural objects such as trees, rivers, and mountains
d. minor supernatural beings such as leprechauns, elves, and pixies

8. According to Frankl, how do we discover meaning in life?

a. By creating a work or doing a deed
b. By experiencing something
c. By suffering
d. All of these are correct

9. ______ is belief in the existence of the souls

a. Religion
b. Animatism
c. Animism
d. Polytheism

10. Statement 1: To study religion productively, the author advises us to use words such as
“beliefs” or “opinions” rather than the word “truth.”
Statement 2: Frankl suggests that one should not search for an abstract meaning of life.
Everyone has his or her own specific vocation or mission in life.
a. Only statement 1 is true.
b. Only statement 2 is True.
c. All statements are true.
d. All statements are false.

Material Self

11. is the self that consists of the body, clothes, immediate family, home and other things one
considers to be his or her own
e. physical self
f. material self
g. the material possession
h. culture self

12. one of the basic components of our material self is

e. body
f. material possession
g. material self
h. self

13. are objects of instinctive preferences that may or may not be related with a person's most
practical interests in life
e. material self
f. material possession
g. body
h. primary component

14. It is social arrangement in which the relations between lived culture and social resources, and
between meaningful ways of life and the symbol and material resources on which they depend
on, are mediated through markets.
e. consumer culture
f. advertisement culture
g. society culture
h. modern culture

15. According to ______________, the self is everything that an individual considers to be his or
her, not only his or her body and material possessions but also his or her reputation and
a. Sigmund Freud
b. James Wills
c. William James
d. Russel Belk

16. Statement 1: Consumerism is the consumption of material goods and services in excess of
one’s basic needs.
Statement 2: Consumerism has nothing to do with materialism.
a. Statement 1 is true.
b. Statement 2 is true.
c. All statements are true.
d. All statements are false.
17. According to ______________, consumer culture is a social system in which consumption is
dominated by the consumption of commercial products.
a. Williams
b. Belk
c. James
d. Arnould

18. Why do people always strive to acquire more in life like his or her car, house, clothes, even
family and friends?
a. To keep up with the trend.
b. Because people want to value more things in life.
c. Because it is usually a reflection of a person’s success or failure.
d. Because the more the merrier.

19. Cars, houses, gadgets, and clothes are to some the most valuable possessions because they
are the most visible in the eyes of_________.
a. the tiger
b. the snatcher
c. Beholder
d. the others

20. Which statement best describes a materialistic person

a. giving more importance to material possessions than intangible values.
b. excessively concerned with the acquisition of material possessions.
c. Has a psychological dysfunction or impairment in functioning such as compulsive buying
disorder (CBD).
d. None of the above.


21. Statement 1: Reproductive system is system of sex organs designed for reproduction and
sexual function.
Statement 2: Reproductive system does NOT affect how individuals view themselves as well
as their sexuality and sexual relationships.
a. Only statement 1 is true.
b. Only statement 2 is true.
c. All of the statements are true.
d. Neither of the statements are true.

22. What governs the development of sex-related body characteristics other than the
development of ovaries or testes?
a. Secondary sex determination
b. Primary sex determination
c. Tertiary sex determination
d. Ultimate sex determination

23. The correct order of the stages of psychosexual development is

a. anal, oral, genital, latency, phallic
b. phallic, oral, genital, anal, latency
c. oral, anal, genital, latency, phallic
d. oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

24. What do you call the areas of the body which are highly sensitive and produce sexual
responses when stimulated?
a. Heterogenous zones
b. Erogenous zone
c. Sensitive zone
d. Sexual arousal zone
25. the fifth and final stage in Freud's theory, beginning in adolescence, in which sexual
maturation is complete and sexual intercourse becomes a major goal
a. oral stage
b. anal stage
c. genital stage
d. phallic stage

26. What is the correct order to the phases of the sexual response cycle?
a. excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasm, resolution phase
b. excitement phase, orgasm, plateau phase, resolution phase
c. excitement phase, orgasm, resolution phase, plateau phase
d. Plateau phase, excitement phase, orgasm, resolution phase, sexual attraction or arousal

27. Statement 1: Sexual orientation look at the environmental influences on his or her orientation
and not the biological makeup of the individual.
Statement 2: Sexual orientation is not solely determined by genital sexual involvement.
a. Only statement 1 is true
b. Only statement 2 is true
c. Both statements are true
d. Neither of the statements are true

28. According to psychologist Robert Sternberg, these are the three components of love
a. Attraction, Intimacy, Commitment
b. Attachment, Commitment, Passion
c. Intimacy, Passion, Lust
d. Intimacy, Passion, Commitment

29. According to Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist & expert in the science of human
attraction, the important ingredients of romantic love
a. Attraction, Attachment, Lust
b. Attraction, Commitment, Lust
c. Attachment, Passion, Commitment
d. Attraction, Intimacy, Commitment

30. A hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized structure at the
base of the brain. It's sometimes known as the "cuddle hormone" or the "love hormone,"
because it is released when people snuggle up or bond socially
a. Dopamine
b. Endorphins
c. Oxytocin
d. Serotonin
31. Is the process of making decisions that applies to all members of a group. Serves as the
mechanism by which individuals develop power and understand proper functioning of a
democratic society as a citizen.
a. Democracy
b. Politics
c. Citizenship
d. Monarchy

32. It is the most basic identification with the nation. It denotes the membership of a citizen in a
political society
a. Democracy
b. Politics
c. Citizenship
d. Monarchy

33. Below are definitions of politics except

a. man is by nature a political animal.
b. Most important basis of political self
c. For some people, politics is a central component of their identity
d. Important part of human development because it promotes ideologies about democracy,
citizenship, human rights, freedom, family, health, and other social issue

34. Which is an example of Institutions which influence the value of citizenship?

a. Family
b. Government
c. School
d. All of the above

35. This serves as the reference to other members in the political group or community where one
a. Politics
b. Political Self
c. Political Power
d. Political Influence

36. The ways people learn the knowledge, norms, values, motives and the roles appropriate to
their positions as a group
a. Through socialization
b. Through education
c. Through communication
d. Through time
37. These are origins of the political Self, except;
a. Family
b. Government
c. Church
d. Peers

38. It is a theory where a person can acquire learning through observation and imitation
a. Cognitive theory
b. Theory of political participation
c. Theory of Symbolic Interaction
d. Social Learning Theory

39. It is the lifelong process by which individual gain knowledge about politics
a. Political Education
b. Political Interaction
c. Political Knowledge
d. Political Socialization

40. It suggests that the mental activities of individuals are important determinants of behavior
a. Cognitive theory
b. Theory of political participation
c. Theory of Symbolic Interaction
d. Social Learning Theory

41. It suggests that behaviors are products of communication meaning and symbols
a. Cognitive theory
b. Theory of political participation
c. Theory of Symbolic Interaction
d. Social Learning Theory

42. It can be defined as citizen’s actions or activities anchored in politics

a. Cognitive theory
b. Theory of political participation
c. Theory of Symbolic Interaction
d. Social Learning Theory

43. It may significantly influence a person’s understanding of politics, and perhaps, the person’s
political actions in the future.
a. Political education
b. Political Socialization
c. Social Interaction
d. Social Understanding
44. It is an hierarchal structure which requires each member to perform his or her role. Each
position carries a set of rights, responsibilities and expectation.
a. Government
b. Family
c. School
d. Peers

45. Which is NOT a responsibility of school that helps the students to become patriotic and
morally upright citizens
a. Moral Values
b. Spiritual values
c. Political Values
d. Core Values

46. It is also important in influencing the political self where in the members are equal in status.
Thus, interaction encompasses and emphasizes the equal distribution of power, rights and
privileges among members of the group
a. Peers
b. School
c. Church
d. Family

47. According to Theory of Symbolic Interaction, people give meanings to symbols and they
express these meaning through ____________________
A. Language and Communication
B. Language and Socialization
C. Communication and Socialization
D. Communication and Interaction

48. Any activity concerning the government or governance of the state is an example of
a. Political interaction
b. Political Knowledge
c. Political Participation
d. Political Socialization

49. The teacher has a similar structure to the family, with the TEACHER acting as the
a. Mother
b. Sister
c. Head
d. Leader
50. Authority is necessary in the development of
a. Political self
b. Political identity
c. Political responsibility
d. Political self and Identity

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