BCH361 - Course Outline

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BCH 361 Course Outline and Schedule Fall 2019

Week Topic Text Reference (Appling 2/e)


Enzymes: Structure, Function, Kinetics Chapter 8

1 · Enzymes & Catalysis p233-250
2 · Protein-Ligand Binding
3 · Kinetics of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions p250-254
4 · Kinetics with Inhibition p254-259
4 · Control of Enzyme Action p260-266

Bioenergetics and Metabolism Overview Chapter 3

5 · Bioenergetics p60-64
5 · Biochemical Redox Reactions p64-68
5 · Introduction to Metabolism Chapter 11

Carbohydrate Metabolism Chapter 12

6, 8 · Glycolysis p375-386
STUDY WEEK - no classes or labs
7 STUDY WEEK (no lectures or labs)

8 · Fermentation p386-388
8, 9 - Entry of Glycogen & other Dietary Carbohydrates into
Glycolysis, Glycogen Metabolism p400-410
9 · Gluconeogenesis p390-394
10 · Regulation of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis p394-400

Respiration and the Citric Acid Cycle Chapter 13

10 · Conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl CoA p421-433
10-11 · The TCA Cycle p433-438
11 · Regulation of the TCA Cycle p438-443

Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation Chapter 14

12 · Electron Transport p451-463
12 · Oxidative Phosphorylation p463-469
13 · Structure and Function of ATP Synthase p469-472
13 · The Energetics of Aerobic Oxidation p477
13 · Regulation of Oxidative Phosphorylation p472-477

Schedule of Lecture Assignments and Tests

1. Assignments:

1. Chapter 8 post-lecture assignment: available on Sept 24, due on October 1, 2019

2. Chapter 3 post-lecture assignment: available on October 4, due on October 11, 2019
3. Chapter 11 post-lecture assignment: available on October 22, due on October 29, 2019
4. Chapter 12 post-lecture assignment: available on November 5, due on November 12, 2019
5. Chapter 13 post-lecture assignment: available on November 12, due on November 19, 2019
6. Chapter 14 post-lecture assignment: available on November 19, due on November 25, 2019

2. Midterm Test: Tuesday October 8, 2019 during class from 12:00- 2:00pm.

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