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P e e r R e v i e w e d

New technique for monitoring ink-water balance

on an offset press

SUMMARY ly water) and their preferential interaction transfer and thus the final print quality. A
with the lipophilic (ink accepting) image number of laboratory instruments are
An acoustic technique, with microphone
carrying area and hydrophilic (water available to determine tack and follow its
placed near the print nip exit on a sheet- accepting) non-image area, respectively, time evolution, e.g. the Hydroscope for
fed offset press during trial printing of on the printing plate. Ink and water are ink-fountain solution emulsions between
newsprint, was used to provide informa- delivered through separate roller trains rollers, and the Deltack (9) for ink (with-
tion relating to splitting of the ink-fountain and meet on the plate at the forme rollers. out water) between rubber blanket and
solution film. The average acoustic power At normal operating conditions the ink paper. For the reality of all four compo-
increased with tack of the ink used and will, by means of turbulent jet and shear nents (ink and water, paper and blanket)
with target optical density. Further, aver- action (1), partly emulsify the water dur- present on a lithographic printing press,
age power decreased during each run, ing nip film splitting, with the remainder such mechanical-electrical measurement
reasonably strongly correlated to increase left as surface water. From the plate cylin- principles (10-12) are though difficult to
in fountain solution consumption. This der the image is carried over, i.e. “offset”, implement non-intrusively.
indicates that average power is primarily to the paper via the blanket cylinder, thus The present study tests a non-conven-
sensitive to instantaneous tack of the ink- transferring both ink and water to the tional method, based on the noise emitted
fountain solution film, and can be used to paper. The lithographic printing perfor- by ink film splitting from the exit of an
monitor tack and indirectly infer ink-water mance depends primarily on the content offset print nip, as a possible means to
balance in the nip. Laboratory experi- of surface water (2), which ideally should non-intrusively monitor tack and thus
ments were also performed using the be eliminated by emulsification or evapo- interpret the ink-water balance at the nip.
Hydroscope instrument to simultaneously ration, so as to not interfere with ink The literature of acoustic emission (AE)
measure tack and average acoustic power transfer, or otherwise it has to be applications to printing is sparse com-
of the splitting of inked rollers during foun- squeezed away in the nip. pared to the wide use of such techniques
tain solution titration and evaporation. For this reason, ink-water emulsion in analysis of e.g. cracks and faults (13).
While these two measured parameters stability, with focus on both rheological One exception is the work published by a
were not directly correlated over all condi- (3) and thermodynamic properties (4), has Japanese research group in the early
tions of emulsification, both decreased in been studied extensively using a range of 1990’s, demonstrating that the offset ink
tandem over intermediate amounts of laboratory techniques and supported by film splitting generally gives rise to high
fountain solution. theory. Indeed, one such commercial frequency broad band noise, centred at
instrument, the Hydroscope (5), devel- 10-20 kHz. Its overall magnitude, or aver-
oped to characterise emulsification age power, was found to increase for tack-
behaviour on inked rollers in order to ier or structured inks, and decrease on
Offset printing, ink tack, ink-water
assess ink-fountain solution compatibility fountain solution addition (14-16).
balance, fountain solution, newsprint,
in press applications, is used in the cur- Further, Iwasaki et al (17) showed that the
linting, acoustic emission, lithography
rent study. By the same token, shear rates, transition from image to non-image on the
flows and timescales typically encoun- blanket cylinder on a sheet-fed press gave
tered in print nips are rarely accessible rise to an acoustic impulse pattern sensi-
Introduction with laboratory equipment. This necessi- tive to tack and printing speed through the
Offset lithography relies on the differ- tates a compromise between, on the one nip. More recent studies involving two of
ences in rheology and surface chemistry hand, the quality and amount of informa- the current authors observed an increase
between ink and fountain solution (most- tion obtainable at laboratory scale, and on of the acoustic average power with optical
the other, the reality of that which can be density when acoustically monitoring an
obtained by monitoring on-press. A num- IGT laboratory printer (18), a heat-set
1Postgraduate student and communicating author, ber of measurement principles to quantify web offset press (19) and a two colour
3Research Fellow water content can be adapted to on-press sheet-fed press (20), although the fount
YKI, Institute for Surface Chemistry
Stockholm, Sweden applications, based on, e.g. infrared (6,7) level was not measured in the latter study.
2Senior Lecturer, 4Postgraduate student and radioactive trace element (8) detec- The phenomenon of print nip splitting
Australian Pulp and Paper Institute, Monash tion. However, knowledge of the emulsi- noise (18) involves at least three sub-dis-
fied state of this water and how it influ- ciplines of fluid dynamics, namely
Melbourne, Australia
5Senior Scientist ences splitting force (i.e. tack) during acoustics (21,22), lubrication and cavita-
Norske Skog Research and Development transfer would require support from an tion flow (23-25). Lubrication represents
Boyer, Tasmania, Australia on-line tack measuring device. the ideal film flow (26,27), mostly pre-
*Present address: Dept. Applied Mathematics,
Australian National University, Canberra,
Knowledge of instantaneous tack on press vailing about the centre region of the print
Australia is important in itself, as it controls ink nip, whereas cavitation results from the

120 Appita Journal Vol 60 No 2

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sub-ambient pressures to which the

(incompressible) ink is subjected in the
diverging exit of the nip (28,29). As cavi-
ties extend and implode into a filament
break, they cause elastic volumetric strain
(22 p.7) of the enclosed air or vapour,
consequently producing a sound pressure
wave emanating from the nip exit. While
it is clear that no general, simple mathe-
matical relation exists between the tack,
i.e. tensile stress in the nip exit, and mag-
nitude of sound pressure produced, they
exhibit sufficient similarities in response
to ink amount and type and fountain solu-
tion amount to suggest that useful empir-
Fig. 1 Photograph of Hydroscope instrument, showing
ical relations may hold over the range of
the two brass rollers, the upper black rubber roller
fluid properties of relevance to offset placed in contact with the back brass roller and
printing. To this end, the current paper white tubing through which fountain solution is
first analyses emulsions of fountain solu- applied dropwise onto the front roller before enter-
tion in coldset offset inks on the ing the nip. The unit on the left controls the tem-
perature of the brass rollers.
Hydroscope, simultaneously measuring
tack and acoustic emission to determine by the manufacturer. The fountain solu- with one of the brass rollers. The test uses
the experimental correlation between tion used together with these inks in all 10 g of ink, equivalent to the very high
these two parameters. Similar inks and experiments and trials was 5% Eurofount amount of 105 g/m2 on the rollers, uniform-
fountain solution are then used in H (DS Chemport, Australia). The paper ly distributed through approx. 100 s of rota-
newsprint printing trials on a sheet-fed for the printing trials was A3 cut sheets of tion at the start of each run, after which
offset press, again monitored by micro- Norstar (Norske Skog), an improved fountain solution addition is commenced.
phone, and with the response compared to newsprint of grammage 52 g/m2 with ISO The solution is added dropwise at a fixed
simultaneous monitoring of fountain brightness 74, containing 5-8% filler. This rate of 1.3 ml/min to the middle of the other
solution consumption and optical density batch of Norstar was produced in a hori- brass roller, subsequently entering the nip
to provide deeper insight into tack and zontal gap former, with its bottom side between them. At the point of time when
ink-water balance in the nip. (facing downwards) receiving the print in fountain solution first becomes visible by
the trials. the operator along the entire length of the
Materials and Methods nip, its feed is switched off, after which
Materials Hydroscope instrument evaporation from this saturated state even-
The Hydroscope (5) measures the evolution tually returns the ink to the initial solution-
The inks for the laboratory experiments
and printing trials were all coldset test in ink tack from film splitting between free state and the experiment is concluded.
newsprint black inks supplied by Toyo. In motor-driven rotating rollers before, during The temperature and speed of the rollers
particular, the Hydroscope experiments and after addition of fountain solution. As were kept constant at 25°C and 40 m/min
used two such inks, labelled Ink C and D, shown in Figure 1, it consists of two brass respectively throughout the experiments.
of tack 6 and 9, respectively, while the rollers, both of diameter 79.5 mm and
printing trials used another two samples, length 145 mm, with a fixed gap between Printing press
Ink A and B, of tack 4 and 13.5, respec- them. Tack is measured from a smaller rub- The printing trials were performed on the
tively. These tack numbers were obtained ber roller of diameter 49.7 mm and again single-unit sheet-fed offset press
from Inkometer measurements performed 145 mm long, which is placed in contact (Heidelberg GTO-52) shown in Figure 2a.

a) b)

Fig. 2 a) Heidelberg sheet-fed offset press used in the printing trials, also showing the tripod upon which the micro-
phone was mounted, directed into the exit of the blanket-paper nip.
b) Removal of blanket deposits with adhesive tape after a printing run to determine lint weight.

March 2007 121

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The press was run at a speed of 8000 extract the measure(s) of interest was per- the press, with each period comprising
sheets/hour, corresponding to 2.22 revo- formed afterwards. Signal amplitude was sheet in-feeding followed by printing,
lutions per second of the blanket cylinder converted from voltage back to pressure, p, time filtration is necessary to isolate the
(of circumference 520 mm). The model using the microphone’s calibrated sensitivi- same sub-interval of the printing interval
print layout used comprised two square ty of 3.92 mV/Pa. The current study used to compare over the course of a printing
fields of 50% halftone followed by 100% only the simplest averaged measure, termed trial. Since the recording was not exter-
fulltone, both equally large and together the average power, defined as (30 p.6): nally triggered by press cylinder motion,
covering the entire A3 sheet aside from a as was the case in (19), the time shift
thin unprinted border. A total of 7000 [1] between records was instead determined
copies were printed per trial run. During by cross-correlating the running average
each run the fountain solution consump- power of each, relative to a reference.
where pk denotes the sound pressure
tion was monitored by manually reading This method proved to be fast since, com-
contribution from each of the N individu-
its level from a graded scale, and recalcu- pared to the full record, its running aver-
al samplings in the analysed record. The
lated as usage per sheet. The optical den- age power contained much less, but still
average power is proportional to the
sity of the 100% field was measured using potential energy density of the sound field sufficient, information. Since no low pass
a Gretag densitometer after every 500 (22 p.76). Spectral analysis was per- filtering was applied prior to sampling,
sheets. Further, the lint amount remaining formed via the power spectral density, aliasing errors are expected, in which
on the blanket in the two fields was mea- PSD, defined by (31 p.504): power is mirrored from frequencies above
sured at the conclusion of each 7000- the Nyquist frequency (50 kHz) into the
sheet run. For this measurement the print analysed region below 50 kHz (31 p.500).
[2] However, since the PSD decays before
cylinder was disconnected, to prevent fur-
ther transfer of ink and fountain solution this value, aliasing only gives a minor
to the blanket, and the press was then run Here Xn is the discrete Fourier trans- error, which is unimportant to the analy-
for 20 additional copies to remove the form (DFT) of the sampled pk array, sis. Further, it could be assumed that any
free ink and fountain solution remaining obtained by the Fast Fourier Transform extra aliased noise also originates from
on the blanket. Following this, the lint (FFT) algorithm (31 pp.504-510) and ∆f = the ink film splitting of central interest to
particles, as well as the small amount of fs/N, where fs is the sampling rate (here this study.
dried residual ink, were removed using 100 kHz). The DC (n = 0) and Nyquist (n
pre-weighed tape (Fig. 2b), with its = N/2) frequencies are omitted from Results and Discussion
weight increase then used to calculate the Equation 2. According to Parseval’s theo-
rem (31 pp.504,551), the discretised fre- The following presents the results and
lint amount in g/m2 . interpretations, first from the simpler situ-
quency integral of the PSD then gives
back the average power in Equation 1, or ation of the Hydroscope laboratory exper-
Acoustic monitoring and signal iments and then from the printing trials,
its filtered value on subsequent selection
processing with the role of ink and fountain solution
of whatever subinterval of n in Equation 2
The microphone was clamped in a fixed is deemed appropriate to exclude unwant- compared in these two cases.
position close to, and directed towards, the ed frequencies.
exit of the nip, in particular at an approxi- Uncorrelated white noise in the PSD Hydroscope tack and acoustics
mate distance of 2 cm for the Hydroscope was eliminated using the Welch method For each of the two inks, C and D, a pair
experiments and 5 cm for the printing trials (32), in which the time record is divided of Hydroscope experiments were per-
(Fig. 2a), to detect the local sound pressure into overlapping sub-intervals over which formed, with the details given in Table 1
as a voltage signal. This microphone com- each PSD is calculated and summed. The and Figure 3. Figure 3a, comparing the
prised a high level 1/4-inch condenser average power was used in both short and tack force evolution (i.e. the standard
microcapsule of type 40BE (G.R.A.S.), long time analyses. For the former, the information obtained from the
with its preamplifier connected to a battery average was calculated in a time window Hydroscope) of the two inks, shows that
power supply. Digital sampling was per- of 0.001 s and then slid forward in time Ink D reaches its minimum tack value, and
formed by a laptop connected to an ana- with 50% overlap, thus tracing the thus maximum capacity (i.e. amount of
logue-to-digital converter (DT9801). The dynamics during e.g. the printing of indi- added fountain solution at emulsion col-
detectable frequency range was 10 Hz-50 vidual sheets. In long time analyses, spe- lapse), slower than Ink C. This, together
kHz, with the upper limit set by the sam- cific time intervals were extracted and with the observation of the longer time
pling frequency of 100 kHz, and the sound summed to single averages, used to fol- taken for the tack of Ink D to return to its
pressure level (SPL) range 40 -168 dB. At low evolution over entire print runs or initial value after the addition of fountain
regular intervals over the course of the Hydroscope experiments. For scaling rea- solution is halted, indicates a higher affin-
Hydroscope experiments and printing runs sons all graphs below are presented in the ity to fountain solution for Ink D. The
a record of signal amplitude versus time unit dB SPL, using a reference of 20 µPa average acoustic power, measured simul-
was collected, with sampling duration of 2 corresponding to the lowest audible taneously with tack, is shown in Figure 3b.
and 5 s, respectively. Using LabView® and sound pressure: This power was high pass post-filtered to
DTLV-Link®, this signal was split into remove contributions from frequencies
buffers of 0.1 s, then concatenated into [3] below 2 kHz, as these were dominated by
larger recordings. machine and motor noise and remained
Processing of the sampled raw data to For the rapidly varying signals from essentially constant during the experi-

122 Appita Journal Vol 60 No 2

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extremely rapid fall (for both inks) around

Table 1
Total amounts of ink and added fountain solution at titration stop (FS capacity), and start- t = 200 s. The rise is presumably due to
stop times of addition of the latter, for the two inks and their pair of replicates in the the fact that the sound from the ink itself,
Hydroscope experiments. owing to its cavitation and subsequent
expansion, deformation and collapse of
Ink_Replicate Ink mass on Titration Titration FS capacity
roller (g) start (s) stop (s) (ml/g ink) these internal ink-air interfaces in the nip
exit, is now complemented by similar
C_1 10.2 96.4 258 0.34 contributions from the new sources, i.e.
C_2 11.2 96.4 308 0.41 the interfaces between ink and fountain
D_1 10.4 96.0 334 0.50
D_2 10.3 102 310 0.44
solution droplets. Thus average acoustic
power increases, despite the fact that
these extra sound sources lower the tack.
ments, in contrast to the sensitive response affinity for fountain solution, with the lat-
The lesser rise for Ink D then merely
of the retained high frequencies to the ter aiding in reducing both the size of
reflects the fact that its higher air-cavita-
titration and subsequent evaporation of the emulsified droplets (helping film cohe- tion noise gives proportionally less scope
fountain solution. sion) and increasing the rate of emulsifica- for further increase from the extra ink-
It is clear from Figure 3 that the tion (more rapidly removing surface water contributions on titration. As emul-
Hydroscope reproducibility, either mea- water). sification proceeds, the rate of creation of
sured in tack or average acoustic power, is The minima in tack are reached these new internal interfaces slows, at
reasonably good, taking into account the around the cessation of titration (which which time the expected effect of tack
slight initial shift in sample D_2 due to its takes longer for the higher ink amount of decrease on reducing the average power
somewhat later start, and the time-dilation C_2), at which stage the amount of excess then begins to dominate, producing the
of the curve for sample C_2 due to its 10% surface water is greatest. Following this rapid fall. After this time the slower fall in
higher ink amount. Further, it is clear that the tack of both inks rises relatively fast to average power to its minimum and subse-
both measures give roughly similar-shaped overshoot their starting values before quent fast rise after termination of titra-
curves, in the sense that both tack and rather slowly relaxing back to the initial tion (but again slower for C_2) both mir-
average power decrease to a minimum dur- level, often in a non-monotonic (oscillato- ror the corresponding trends in tack. Note
ing fountain solution addition, then return ry) manner. This overshoot is mainly due though that in the final stage, another dis-
to their initial states after fountain solution to the establishment over these long times tinction becomes evident, namely that
removal by evaporation. However, some of “better” emulsions, i.e. with smaller average power displays a basically mono-
differences in behaviour between these droplets and less surface water, compared tonic rise to its original level, without the
properties are also apparent, warranting to those hastily forced upon the ink during overshoot and oscillations in tack. This
closer inspection. In particular, beginning titration, with these smaller drops con- suggests that air cavitation once again
with the tack results, during the first tributing positively to both viscosity and largely dictates average power, with the
approx. 100 s of ink distribution prior to elasticity, and hence to tack. The oscilla- smaller, less deformable fountain solution
titration, Ink D displays higher tack than tory behaviour at long times is presum- droplets at this stage contributing little
Ink C, in agreement with their Inkometer ably caused by the interplay of changes in extra, and their effects on fluctuations
tack ranking. During the next 100 s, tack emulsion state and progressively decreas- about already-high tack levels apparently
drops linearly due to addition of fountain ing thickness of the emulsion film. also having little impact on average
solution, i.e. due to emulsified droplets While the average acoustic power in power.
lowering ink film cohesion, and any non- Figure 3b also initially ranks the two inks Figure 4 combines Figures 3a and b to
emulsified surface water that might be pre- in the order of their tack values, it then plot the two measures against one anoth-
sent, creating a weak boundary layer. This rises during the first approx. 50 s of titra- er, i.e. parameterised by time, for these
fall is slower for Ink D, presumably due tion (as could be heard too), and especial- two inks and replicates of each. The
both to its higher ink tack and its higher ly so for Ink C, before exhibiting an curves clearly illustrate that there is not a

360 102

320 96
Average power, dB
Hydroscope tack

280 90

240 84

200 78

160 72

120 66
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time, s Time, s

Fig. 3 Hydroscope results for Ink C and D (two replicates of each), with titration start and stop times indicated by the
vertical lines, in terms of a) tack and b) average acoustic power.

March 2007 123

P e e r R e v i e w e d

350 are reasonably well correlated.

Printing trial acoustics
Three printing runs, each of 7000 sheets,
were performed, with Run 1 and Run 2
using the low tack (4). Ink A and high tack
Hydroscope tack

(13.5) Ink B, respectively, in both cases
targeting an optical density of 1.0 in the
100% field, and Run 3 again using Ink B
200 but now targeting a lower optical density
of 0.7. Pauses of varying durations were
taken between these runs, and temporari-
ly during each, and will be detailed below.
As mentioned above, acoustic moni-
toring of the press in operation is some-
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 what more complex than for the
Average power, dB Hydroscope, in terms of the need for time
filtration to extract the sub-intervals of
Fig. 4 Combined plot of tack versus average acoustic
power from the Hydroscope for Inks C and D, interest (in our case during ink transfer
obtained by eliminating time from the graphs in Fig. 3. and splitting) and coupled to frequency
single linear correlation between tack and oscillation in tack, as well as the noise and filtration to separate this ink contribution
from the loud machinery noise obscuring
average power, but rather a history- slight delay in average power near the end
it. For this reason more attention will be
dependent loop driven by emulsification of titration. However it should be borne in
given to explaining the various steps in
on the way out and evaporation on the mind that the wealth of linked informa- processing the raw signal, leading up to
way back in. In particular, the deviation tion in Figure 4 gives a somewhat mis- interpretation of the processed results.
from linearity is chiefly due to the initial leading impression, distracting from the The processing is illustrated in Figure 5
maximum in average power and final fact that tack and average acoustic power for a representative record of 2 s duration
from Run 1. From the raw signal, the peri-
a) b) odic spike clusters (originating from the
6 80 in-feeding machinery) are partially dis-
cernable, but no useful information relat-
Sound pressure, Pa

Average power, dB

3 ed to the ink splitting and transfer events
occurring between these is apparent.
From this the corresponding running
65 average power, calculated from Equation
1 after high-pass filtration at 30 kHz and
60 shown in Figure 5b, much more clearly
distinguishes these periodic sub-intervals
-6 55 during which printing of each sheet
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
occurs. The PSD determined from
Time, s Time, s
Equation 2 from within such a printing
c) sub-interval is displayed in Figure 5c, and
90 compared there to that from the comple-
mentary sub-interval between sheet
80 impressions (i.e. containing the in-feed-
ing). The spectra are distinctly different

above around 15 kHz, with that from
printing possessing an extra contribution.
The nature of this contribution, i.e. a
50 broad band without sharp peaks or well-
defined frequency combinations, together
40 with the absence of sources of such bands
0 10 20 30 40 50 from press machinery during this printing
Frequency, kHz sub-interval, suggests that this indeed
Fig. 5 Illustration of acoustic signal processing, here for Run 1 with Ink A at arises from the ink film splitting. On the
optical density 1.0, showing a) typical sound pressure raw signal over an other hand, at frequencies below approx.
interval of 2 s, and b) corresponding average power of this raw signal 15 kHz the spectra from these sub-inter-
after high-pass filtration at 30 kHz. The two dotted vertical lines identify vals are more similar, suggesting their
one of the periodic sub-intervals during which ink transfer occurs, with
c) power spectral density (PSD) of this printing sub-interval compared to
dominant source to be machinery sounds
that from between impressions. from the rotating cylinders and their

124 Appita Journal Vol 60 No 2

P e e r R e v i e w e d

a) b)

75 90






50 50
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Frequency, kHz Frequency, kHz

Fig. 6 PSD of printing sub-intervals from a) three different times during Run 1, and b) the start of Runs 1, 2 and 3. Ink
tack was 4 for Run 1 and 13.5 for Runs 2-3. Target optical density was 1.0 in Runs 1-2 and 0.7 in Run 3.

motors, with that from the non-printing 20 min. of operation. The spectra from the ing time dependence of fountain solution
sub-interval also containing sharper peaks printing sub-interval obtained from the consumption and optical density for Runs
(both at low and high frequencies) arising start of Runs 1, 2 and 3 are given in 1 and 2 (the corresponding data for Run 3
from sheet in-feeding. Figure 6b. They again reveal strong simi- were unfortunately not measured).
Although these suppositions are con- larities at lower frequencies (below The error bars in Figure 8b show the
sistent with experiences of acoustic emis- around 10 kHz now) from common standard deviation (±σ, i.e. with 68%
sion from other printing trials (15,16,19) machine and motor noise, and clear dis- confidence interval) from ten measure-
further evidence of their validity is neces- tinctions at higher frequencies, as would ments across the width of the sheet, and as
sary, and is supplied by the spectra in be expected from their differing ink tack such, reflect the difficulty of attaining the
Figure 6. In particular, Figure 6a shows and ink film weight, if this contribution target density uniformly across the width
the PSD (although not for low frequencies derives largely from film splitting. of the machine in this case. Note that a
to allow better resolution of the high fre- On the basis of these observations, the 120 min. break occurred between Run 1
quency contributions in this graph) from PSD for the printing sub-intervals of all and 2, during which press cleaning and
printing sub-intervals taken at three dif- records was high pass filtered at 30 kHz change from Ink A to B was performed,
ferent times (0, 5 and 20 min.) during Run to only admit the very high (ultrasonic) with a shorter break of 30 min. between
1. This clearly illustrates that again 15 frequencies as far removed as possible Run 2 and 3. However, all runs are plotted
kHz appears to be the crossover point from press machinery contributions (Fig. in Figures 7-8 as starting from common
from similar to different responses at 5c). Note that the sub-intervals cover both time t = 0 for convenience of presenta-
these times. The implication is that, while the 50% and 100% fields; further subdivi- tion. Observe also from Figure 7 that
the press machinery itself, which domi- sion could be used to isolate the separate short pauses also occurred during runs
nates at low frequencies, is relatively sta- contributions from these two, but is not (with two such for Run 1), as the hopper
ble with time, the ink and fount borne and performed here. Figure 7 then presents containing the sheets to be printed was
transferred by it (manifested in the higher the evolution in the average power thus refilled.
frequencies) have not yet equilibrated, calculated over all three printing runs, From Figure 7 it is apparent that the
with their noise decreasing over the first while Figure 8 provides the correspond- average acoustic power contribution from
ink film splitting displays systematic dif-
81 ferences between the three runs, and also
decreases significantly during the course
78 of each, with these overall changes being
Average Power, dB

much larger than the fluctuations from

75 sheet to sheet. In particular, average
power increases from Run 1 to 2, i.e. from
Ink A (of tack 4) to B (of tack 13.5) at
common target optical density of 1.0.
Increasing ink tack serves to stabilise the
air cavities nucleated in the nip exit by
0 15 30 45 60 75 hindering their coalescence, enabling
Time, min their extension in elongational flow and
thus increasing the pressure pulse ampli-
Fig. 7 Evolution of average acoustic power from printing
tude up to and at collapse and according-
sub-intervals, high pass filtered at 30 kHz, during
all three runs of 7000 sheets each. ly the average power. This replicates the

March 2007 125

P e e r R e v i e w e d

a) b)

FS usage/sheet, ml

Optical density

0.05 0.8

0.04 0.6

0.03 0.4
0 15 20 45 60 75 0 15 20 45 60 75
Time, min Time, min

Fig. 8 Evolution of a) fountain solution (FS) consumption and b) optical density, for Runs 1 and 2, i.e. both with target
optical density of 1.0.

trend discussed above at the beginning of which remains constant, but reflects sys- results are due to the much wider range of
the Hydroscope experiments in Figure 3. tematic variations in ink splitting and fount concentrations used for the
For this higher tack ink B, the subsequent transfer. Thus it is expected that the Hydroscope. That means the Hydroscope
decrease in targeted optical density to 0.7 changes in Figure 7 bear some relation to results are consistent with the data in
in Run 3 causes a strong decrease in aver- the evolution in fount consumption and Figure 9 provided a restricted fountain
age power, to substantially below that in optical density in Figure 8. Despite the solution range is used. The much thicker
Run 2. The decreased thickness of the ink high scatter in the former data, due to lim- and less mechanically impacted ink film
film reduces its ability to seal the nip exit itations in the accuracy of the measure- on the Hydroscope, as compared to the
and thus promote cavity growth and ments, it is clear that fountain solution press, might also increase the emulsion
deformation, with air now having alterna- consumption increases over the runs to stability to initially increase the sound
tive routes to escape and equilibrate pres- slowly approach a plateau, in much the power up to a certain fount concentration.
sure through incomplete film coverage same way as average power decreases. To determine whether this reversed effect
and defects. This decrease is presumably Thus the plot of fountain consumption could also be manifested on a press would
stronger on newsprint compared to, e.g. versus average power in Figure 9 displays require a more accurate control of the
coated grades, due to the higher air per- a reasonable negative correlation, given fount feed than achieved here.
meability and roughness of the newsprint. these measurement limitations. In the Fountain solution effects are also
Note that these trends in ink tack and above-mentioned HSWO trials (19), aver- apparent at the start or recommencement
of print runs in Figure 7. In particular, the
amount are generally consistent with age power also decreased with increasing
lower average power at the start of Run 3
those obtained in previous studies, e.g. in water feed, at constant optical density,
is assumedly partly due to the presence of
heat-set web offset (HSWO) trials on thus supporting this explanation. Such a
emulsified fount remaining from Run 2 in
LWC paper (19). correlation also applies on average for the
the thicker film regions of the ink roller
As mentioned above, the change in Hydroscope as shown in Figures 3-4 but
train. The opposite effect is seen between
average acoustic power (for these high with a clear exception at early and late
all pauses during runs, with the average
frequencies) during a run does not arise times of titration. Presumably these dif-
power recommencing at a slightly higher
from press machinery and motor noise, ferences between laboratory and press level, presumably due to water evapora-
tion from the thin ink films on cylinder
and blanket.
Note from Figure 8 that, although opti-
FS usage/sheet, ml

cal density does not vary greatly over the

runs, relative to the magnitude of the error
bars, its average value does appear to
exhibit clear trends in evolution. Further,
given the sensitivity of average power to
target optical density (set to 1 and 0.7 for
runs 2 and 3 respectively) exhibited on
comparing Runs 2 and 3 in Figure 7, the
70 72 74 76 78 80 effect of these slight changes during Runs
Average power, dB 1 and 2 should be factored into the above
fountain solution-based explanation. In
Fig. 9 Correlation between average power and fountain
particular, at shorter times, up to the first
solution consumption for Runs 1 and 2, obtained
by combining Figures 7 and 8a. pause within Runs 1 and 2, optical densi-

126 Appita Journal Vol 60 No 2

P e e r R e v i e w e d

ty rises towards its target plateau. Thus more lint. after appropriate signal processing of the
the water-induced decrease in average A possible explanation begins with an film splitting component, decreased
power over these times is actually appreciation of the differences between remarkably during a one hour print run
stronger than expected on the basis of ink tack and printing tack. The Inkometer while at the same time the consumption of
water consumption alone, in order to can- registers the torque required to rotate fountain solution increased. For the ink-
cel and reverse the tendency to increase three rollers covered in a fixed weight of tack measuring Hydroscope, a corre-
due to rising density. After each pause, ink, with the measurements performed at sponding decrease in both average power
optical density on resumption is higher, a constant speed of 800 rpm. The large and ink tack was observed over a wider
and subsequently decreases (rather than differences in values obtained, e.g. range of fountain solution concentrations.
increases) towards its equilibrium value. between 4 and 13.5, tend to be diminished In addition, the average power increased
This is in accord with the above-men- on press by a number of effects, such as with the standard Inkometer tack value
tioned observation that average power on reduction in viscosity due to shear thin- and the target optical density. This sug-
resumption is higher, due both to reduced ning at the high shear rates in the nip, gests that acoustic sensors have potential
fountain solution and consequently higher presence of fountain solution (also cou- to be used as semi-quantitative on-line
ink transfer, both serving to increase tack. pling in the ink’s emulsification capacity), tack meters or as qualitative indicators of
Another factor potentially complicat- lower film weights and accordingly more other tack-related factors such as optical
ing the interpretation of trends is linting, limited ink-paper contact area. The aver- density, ink-water balance or linting
and in particular its occurrence to differ- age acoustic power reflects this reality, propensity. When accurately calibrated
ing degrees depending on run length, ink though not necessarily linearly correlated against any of these factors or even direct-
tack, and fountain solution. However, the to the printing tack. Thus, while the mea- ly to itself, the acoustic signal would pro-
quantification of lint amount on the blan- surements in Figure 7 for Run 1 and 2 vide a way to relatively easy follow the
ket at the conclusion of Runs 1 and 2 (see return the result that average power, on a dynamics at different press stations in real
Table 2) revealed that the increase in lint- linear scale, increases by a factor of time, which could be used as a monitoring
ing for the higher tack Ink B was only rel-
approx. 2 from Ink A to B (holding true tool to predict and control the offset print-
atively small, compared to the estimated
over the entire runs), this must be cali- ing process.
error of ±0.3 g/m2 in determining a single
brated in terms of printing tack for a
lint value. Thus in this study it can be con-
cluded that linting was not responsible for
quantitative connection to lint amount to Acknowledgements
be made. Given that such a calibration,
the trends obtained in Figures 7-9, nor The authors wish to gratefully acknowl-
i.e. the printing press equivalent of Figure
does it need to be taken into consideration edge the financial support of the Smartprint
4 for the Hydroscope, is still missing,
in their interpretation. CRC, the Bo Rydin Foundation for
other alternative, more amenable
Conversely though, the results of the Scientific Research as well as that of the
acoustic method could be used to develop approaches could be taken. One such
Australian Research Council and Norske
a more quantitative relation linking nom- alternative would be to acoustically mon-
Skog through the SPIRT grant scheme and
inal ink tack to “true” tack during printing itor tape peeling on newsprint (at peeling
the Monash Research Graduate Scheme.
and to linting. Previous trials on both the speeds similar to press speed), using a
The work was performed as a part of the
Heidelberg GTO-52 press tested here, as series of tapes of differing (unknown)
Swedish PrintTech Research (T2F)
well as a multi-colour commercial press, tack. In this way average acoustic power
Program. The authors would also like to
found no discernible effect on accumulat- from peeling could be correlated to
acknowledge the assistance of Grant
ed lint when printing with inks having (gravimetrically determined) lint amount
Brennan with the Heidelberg printing trials
tack (measured by Inkometer) in the adhering to the tape, thus providing the
and of Chamundi Gujjari with the
range of 4-9, and only a small increase in calibration required to predict linting on
Hydroscope measurements.
lint when the tack was increased to 13.5 press without the need to transform these
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