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Direct Instruction

History teacher 11th grade World History

What are some of the technological creations that the Roman empire used.

1. Standards:
I chose to do Social studies as my content standard. I’ve always loved history and found
it fascinating, and I would love to teach it to students, and peak their interests as mine
are. As students take their first steps towards learning the new subjects at hand, they
are exposed to everything the world has to offer “students will need to be open and
responsive to new and diverse perspectives with an understanding of how cultural
differences impact the interpretation of events at the local, state, national, and
international levels” (NDE social studies). The world is ever changing, we need to teach
and show our students why the world is changing. We need to show them the history
that has led to the very moment they are able to be in the position that they are in. We
need to teach our students to participate and work as a group to accomplish the goal at

2. Observable Objective:
Students will be able to recall some of the technological advancements the Roman
empire created and used.
Students will be able to identify the purpose of different technology, and how beneficial
it was for the Romans.

3. Instruction learning process:

4. Do First: How subject/concept is introduced?
• Okay class please get out your textbooks and turn to chapter 12 we are
going to pick up where we left off.
• Can anyone recall some of the technology we went over that the Roman
Empire used and created.
• Please raise your hand and I will write your answers on the board.
• The students will be able to recall the information we went over in the
previous lesson by giving answers to the question I posed.
• Having them give me the answer out loud in front of the class allows other
students to recall some of the information they may have forgotten, or they
get to learn about a new technology they didn’t know about before.
• I will continue my lesson on the Roman Empire and the technology I didn’t
get a chance to go over in the previous lesson.
• We will go over the uses of specific creations and how beneficial they
were to the way of life for the Romans.
• I will have my students take a pop quiz before the end of class to gage
who was paying attention and if the information, I taught stuck with them.
5. Resources:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs.

Sadker, David Miller, et al. “Chapter 11 Models for Effective Instruction.” Teachers, Schools,
and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education, McGraw Hill LLC, New York, 2022.

Social Studies,

6. Reflection
The Instructional model I chose to use was Direct Instruction. Growing up, this was the
main instruction model that most of my teachers used. The teacher starts their lesson
talks about a topic and asking the students to answer questions. After reviewing what
the lesson was about, the teacher then assigns homework, an assignment, or hands out
a test. The subject I chose to do was history, and I'm teaching to the 11th grade. The
concept I taught is on the technology and tools that the Roman Empire used or created.
With how I started teaching my lesson and the material I go over, I believe the student
engagement and active learning were pretty good. I reviewed what we went over in the
previous class, I asked my students questions to which they answered out loud, allowing
them to share their thoughts and ideas with their peers, and I quizzed them at the end
to see where they currently are on the subject. The strengths and weaknesses of the
instructional assignment are that we only go over a few things before I continue with my
lesson. The lesson for the day is a little rushed, and I didn’t review what we had learned
before I assigned my students a pop quiz. I could have gone a bit more in-depth with the
information, and I could have reviewed what we just went over before assigning a quiz
for my students to take.

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