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WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION & RECREATION HPHE 4990 — RECREATION/SPORT MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP. MID-SESSION SELF-EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP BY STUDENT INTERN To be completed by the student upon completion of one-half (approx. 300 hrs.) of the internship. intern_ Matt Murph: AGENCY. Ww Feetha| pate_OCtobe 15, Joa ee es 9 1. Briefly summarize to date your exposure to the agency's goals/objectives and practices. MM expesuce has been very hands-on. I set to YE at ers enerydey anda try +o sek the best oe of eae kasuce Preir talents are being used to the fullest. 2. Is this experience what you expected? Please explain: THiS internship 1S hot ciety whet I Nine expected. T lenew T wes Going te be doing & let s pul werk, bt T didn't as many cennectiens ue . are Players, E hove become close With Some s a. players, T hewe discovered & Possion sr And YWnrough 4 ot, Y have Coothing, 3. Explain how this experience is (is not) helping you gain your expected goals from field training. Tam Karaing bw ts Comnunicole etter cand ew te \earn on the £4 in a Fost-paced Envitonrseah, 4. Is the supervision (both University and Agency) you are getting adequate? Please explain: 5. How can the field work experiences be more meaningful? a) What can you do to make it so? T can Contine te aSle mort quesKens Gnd make myself USefl. b) What can the agency do to make it so? They con Sit down with me And be Mert, reflective. 6. What experiences would you like to see be given more emphasis during the remainder of your time with this agency? TL weld Wee mot of an emphasS Eun Yhe didbernh Excel programs Tam VSing, REMEMBER: Candid disoussions with the Agency Supervisor of your reactions expressed on this form is one step you can take to make your experience more meaningful.

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