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Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Gravitation Field
o Every point mass attracts another point mass with a force that is proportional to
the product of the 2 masses and inversely proportional to the square of the o A region of space surrounding a body possessing mass, in which any other body
distance between them. that has mass will experience a force of attraction.
o Gravitational Field Strength g (at a point in a gravitational field) is defined as the
mm m m Fg : is a vector, formula give the magnitude of
Fg ∝ 1 2 2 ⇒ Fg = G 1 2 2 the force only.
gravitational force per unit mass acting on a mass placed at that point.
r r : always attractive, acts along the joining Fg M g : vector
G: 6.67 x 10 Nm kg
2 -2
the 2 centres of mass g= ⇒ g =G : SI unit: N kg

Fg = mg m-1 2
Unit of Fg : N : to find resultant Fg due to multiple r : to find resultant g at a point, use vector addition.
masses, use vector addition. g / N kg
Fg / N
4 Inside Earth (r < RE): g = 4 Gπρr ⇒ g ∝ r
Inside Earth (r < RE): F = Gmπρr ⇒ F ∝ r
mg 9.81
g g 3
ME 1
M Em 1 Outside Earth (r>RE): g =G ⇒g∝ 2
Outside Earth (r>RE): Fg = G 2
⇒ Fg ∝ 2 r/m r 2
r r RE
RE r/m Factors affecting measurements of g
o Earth’s density not being uniform
F =− GRAVITATION o Earth is not a sphere but bulging at the equator
g dr o Rotation of Earth (apparent g = g’)
At the equator:
Gravitational Potential Energy Fnet = ma
o Work done by an external force in bringing the mass from infinity to that point in
a gravitational field. mg
mg − N = mRE ω 2
U : scalar mg ' = mg − mRω 2
U = −G 1 2 : SI unit : J
r : to find resultant U, use algebraic addition. N (= mg’) g ' = g − Rω 2

U is always negative. Since the gravitational force is attractive, work must be dφ

U g =−
done by external force to bring it to infinity. As infinity is taken to be zero
(reference), any other point in the g-field will have less GPE, hence negative. φ= dr
OR Since the gravitational force is attractive, positive work is done by the
Gravitational Potential
gravitational force to bring the mass from infinity to that point. Hence negative o Work done per unit mass by an external force in bringing that body from infinity to
work is done by the external force, GPE is negative. that point in a gravitational field.
o dU → negative of gradient of U-r
φ : scalar
Fg = − U M -1
curve gives the gravitational φ = = −G : SI unit : J kg
dr force F .
g m r : to find resultant φ, use algebraic addition.
o φ is always negative, as reference point, where φ = 0, is taken to be at infinity.
Motion and G-field
o Escape Velocity
Equipotential lines
1 M m 2GM E
mve ≥ G E → ve ≥

2 r r Gravitional. field lines

o Orbiting Satellite E/J
M Em v2 GM E
Fnet = ma → G 2 = m → v= KE
r r r
 2π  4π 3
2 RE
M m Motion and G-field (cont’d)
or G E2 = mrω 2 = mr   → T 2 = R → T 2 ∝ R3 ET o Geostationary Orbit: above a fixed point on Earth.
r T  GM E GPE
o Total Mechanical Energy of Satellite  Period = 24 hrs
1 GM E m GM E m GM E m  In plane of equator
ET = KE + GPE = + (− )=−  Moving from wst to east.
2 r r 2r

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