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SEMESTER: 2020/21.2 (2021.1)

Fakultas : FKIP/Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Kode/Nama MK : PDGK4304/Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD
Tugas :2

No. Soal
1. Perhatikan wancana berikut::

Hi. My name is Sasha. I am going to have a long holiday next month. It will be about two weeks. My
family and I are going to go to Hong Kong. We are going to spend five days there. We have planned a
trip to Hong Kong since January. Have you been there?

a. Berdasarkan wacana di atas analisa 2 bentuk auxiliary future tense yang ada, lalu Jelaskan
fungsi penggunaan Future Tense dan berikan contoh!
b. Buatlah 2 kalimat menggunakan auxiliary Future Tense!

2. Susunlah kalimat berikut menajdi dialog yang benar:

1. Dina : Good Afternoon. Who is speaking, please?
2. Aji : I am Aji. Can I talk to Riyani?
3. Dina : I’m sorry that Riyani is not at home now.
4. Dina : Sure
5. Aji : Please tell her that she has to come to the meeting this evening. This is a very important
6. Aji : Could you take my message for her?
7. Dina : Anything else?
8. Dina : Good afternoon
9. Aji : No, thanks. Good
10. Ali : Good Afternoon

3. Perhatikan Diaog berikut ini:

Ani : I want to buy lettuce, carrot, and potato
Sellerr : wait a second, ........
Ani : I want a kilo of lettuce, a kilo of carrot and a half kilo of potato
Ani : ……….?
Seller : it’s 70.000
Ani : could you give me a lower price. …… Rp 60.000?
Seller : okay fine, ............
Seller : Alright, ……….. for shopping in my store
Ani : ……..

Pertannyaan :
Berdasarkan dialog tersebut, tentukan pengunaan kata yang sesuai dan Jelaskan dalam bahasa
Inggris menurut pendapat anda dua perbedaan pengunaan ”How much” dan ”How many”

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4. Perhatikan wacana berikut ini:

Sport is important for our ... If you have indoor facilities you can exercise using treadmills and swimming
pools. ... if you prefer outdoor activity you can jog, cycle, or run. Well, if outside the house must wear a
mask. ... wash your hands and do not forget to keep your distance, not all people like sports. It should be
prepared by referring to the favorite of each individual especially for children who tend to play a lot.
For example, children like to play bike or kite, it's okay. They move and don't forget to wear masks. The
important thing is that the children have to like it first,
..., in addition to exercise, he said, people should also maintain a diet, consumption of vitamins C, E and
B1 and adequate rest so that their body is ... and fresh.

Pertanyaan :
a. Lengkapi wancana sesuai dengan kata yang tepat!
b. Jelaskan dalam bahasa Inggrs pentingnnya olah raga bagi anak berdasarkan wancana tersebut!

5. Perhatikan gamabr berikut ini :

Berdasarkan gambar, buatlah lima kalimat yang di sajikan dalam bentuk paragraph terkait kegiatan yang
di lakukan dengan memperhatikan subject dan verb!

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