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HISTOPATH Reed-Sternberg cells

 Large, abnormal lymphocytes that may contain more than

PATHOLOGY one nucleus.
Definition  These cell are found in Hodgkin lymphoma.
 Latin words: “Patho” and “logy” (Disease and Study)
 Scientific study of disease 2. Cytology
 Disease  The cells from cysts, body cavities or scraped from
 Abnormal variation in structure or function of any body surfaces as aspirated by fine needle from solid
part of the body lesions can also be studied under light microscope.
This study of cells is known as cytology and used
ASPECTS OF DISEASE widely especially in diagnosis and screening of
1. Etiology
 Cause of disease 3. Histochemistry (special stains)
 Primary etiology: cause of disease is known  The study of the chemistry of tissues, where tissue /
 Idiopathic etiology: cause of the disease is cells are treated with specific reagent so that the
unknown features of individual cells / structure can be
 Two major classes of etiology factors: visualized.
 Genetic
 Acquired 4. Immunohistochemistry & immunofluorescence
o Infections, nutritional, chemicals,  Utilize antibodies (immunoglobulins with antigen
physical, etc. specificity) to visualize substances in tissue sections
or cell preparations
2. Pathogenesis  Former uses monoclonal antibodies linked chemically
 Mechanisms through which the cause operates to to enzymes and later fluorescent dyes.
produce the pathological and clinical manifestations
 The pathogenetic mechanisms could take place in  Electron Microscopy (EM)
the latent or incubation period.  Useful to the study changes at ultra structural level
 Latent period: etiological agents takes some  The demonstration of viruses in tissue samples in certain
time to manifest the disease diseases
 Incubation period: time between exposure  Most common diagnostic use of EM: interpretation of
and the development of disease biopsy specimen from kidney.
 Pathogenesis leads to morphologic changes


 The structural alterations in cells or tissues that
1) Functional derangements
occur following the pathogenic mechanisms
 The effects of genetic, biochemical and structural
 Gross morphologic changes: changes that can be
changes in cells and tissues are functional
seen with the naked eye
 Cirrhosis of liver is characterized by total
 For example, excessive secretion of cell product
replacement of liver by regenerating nodules
(e.g. nasal mucus in the common cold); insufficient
 Microscopic changes: changes that are seen under
secretion of a cell product (e.g. insulin lack in
the microscope
diabetes mellitus).
2) Clinical manifestations
 Light Microscopy
 The functional derangements produce, clinical
1. Histopathology
manifestations of disease, namely symptoms and
 Sections are routinely cut from tissues and
processed by paraffin-embedding. The sections
 Disease characterized by multiple abnormalities
are cut from the tissue by a special instrument
(symptoms complex) are called syndromes.
called microtome and examined under light
microscope. In certain situations (e.g.
3) Prognosis
histochemistry, rapid diagnosis) sections are cut
 The prognosis forecasts (predicts) the known or
from tissue that has been hardened rapidly by
freezing (frozen section). The sections are stained likely course (outcome) of the disease and,
routinely by hematoxylin and eosin. (H and E). therefore, the fate of the patient.

 Pathognomonic abnormalities 4) Complication

o Structural changes are characteristic of  It is a negative pathologic process or event
occurring during the disease which is not as
a single disease / disease category.
essential part of the disease. It usually aggravates
o The diagnosis should not be made
the illness.
without them.
 For example, perforation and hemorrhage are
 Aschoff bodies: rheumatic heart
complications which may develop in typhoid ulcer of
 Reed-Sternberg cells: Hodgkin
5) Sequelae
Aschoff bodies  It is pathologic condition following as a
consequence of a disease. For example, intestinal
 Rheumatic heart disease
obstruction following healed tuberculosis of
 Nodules found in the hearts 0f individuals with rheumatic
intestine, mitral stenosis following healed rheumatic
heart disease
heart disease.
 Fully developed Aschoff bodies are granulomatous
structures consisting of the following: 6) Remission & Relapse
 Fibrinoid change
 Remssion
 Lymphocytic infiltration
 It is the process of conversion from active
 Occasional plasma cells
disease to quiescence. Some of the chronic
 Characteristically abnormal macrophages surrounding
diseases are interspersed by periods of
necrotic centres
quiescence when the patient is relatively in III. Abrasive cytology
good health.  Refers to methods by which cells are dislodged by
 Relapse various tools from body surfaces (skin, mucous
 It is the process in which the signs and membranes, and serous membranes). E.g.
symptoms of disease reappear. preparation of cervical smears
 Such cervical smears, also called Pap smears, can
DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES USED IN PATHOLOGY significantly reduce the mortality from cervical
The pathologist uses the following techniques to diagnose cancer
diseases:  Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer
a) Histopathology among women.
b) Cytopathology
d) Immunohistochemistry  This is a method by which abnormalities of the cells of the
e) Microbiological examination blood and their precursors in the bone marrow are
f) Biochemical examination investigated to diagnose the different kinds of anemia &
g) Cytogenetics leukemia.
h) Molecular techniques
 This is a method is used to detect a specific antigen in the
A. HISTOPATHOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES tissue in order to identify the type of disease
 Histopathological examination studies tissues under the
 During this study, the pathologist looks for abnormal  This is a method by which body fluids, excised tissue, etc.
structures in the tissue. are examined by microscopical, cultural and serogical
 Tissues for histopathological examination are obtained by techniques to identify micro-organisms responsible for
biopsy many diseases.
 Biopsy: is a tissue sample from a living person to identify
 Biopsy can be either incisional or excisional.  This is a method by which the metabolic disturbances of
disease are investigated by assay of various normal and
B. CYTOPATHOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES abnormal compounds in the blood, urine, etc.
The main applications of cytology include of the following:
1) Screening for the early detection of asymptomatic cancer. G. CLINICAL GENETICS (CYTOGENETICS)
For example, the examination of scrapings from cervix for  This is a method in which inherited chromosomal
early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. abnormalities in the germ cells or acquired chromosomal
2) Diagnosis of symptomatic cancer - to diagnose tumors abnormalities in somatic cells are investigated using the
revealed by physical or radiological examinations. techniques of molecular biology
3) It can be used in diagnosis of cysts, inflammatory
conditions and infections of various organs. H. MOLECULAR TECHNIQUES
4) Surveillance of patients treated for cancer - for some  Different molecular techniques such as fluorescent in situ
types of cancers, cytology is the most feasible method of hybridization, Southern blot, etc. Can be used to detect
surveillance to detect recurrence. genetic diseases.

Advantages of cytologic examination I. AUTOPSY

 Compared to histopathogical technique it is cheap, takes  Autopsy is examination of the dead body to identify the
less time and needs no anesthesia to take specimens. cause of death.
Therefore, it is appropriate for developing countries with  This can be for forensic of clinical purposes.
limited resources.
 In addition, it is complementary to histopathological THE CAUSE OF DISEASE
examination.  Disease can be caused by either environmental factors,
genetics factors or a combination of the two.
I. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS
 Cells are obtained by aspirating the diseased Environmental causes of disease are many and are classified into:
organ using a very thin needle under negative 1) Physical agents
pressure. Virtually any organ or tissue can be  These agents apply excess physical energy, in any
sampled by fine-needles aspiration. form, to the body.
 The aspirated cells are then stained & are studied  These may include the ff:
under the microscope. Superficial organs (e.g.  Trauma
thyroid, breast, lymph nodes, skin and soft tissues)  Radiation
can be easily aspirated.  Extremes of temperature
 Deep organs such as the lung, mediastinum, liver,  Electric power
pancreas, kidney, adrenal gland, and
retroperitoneum are aspirated with guidance by 2) Chemicals agents
fluoroscopy, ultrasound or CT scan  With the use of an ever-increasing number of
 FNAC is cheap, fast, & accurate in diagnosing many chemical agents such as drugs, in industrial
diseases. processes, and at home, chemically induced injury
has become very common.
II. Exfoliative cytology  Their effects vary:
 Refers to the examination of cells that are shed  Some act in a general manner, for example
spontaneously into body fluids or secretions cyanide is toxic to all cells
 Examples include sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, urine,  Others act locally at the site of application, for
effusions in the body cavities (pleura, pericardium, example strong acids and caustics.
and peritoneum), nipple discharge and vaginal  Another group exhibits a predilection for
discharge. certain organs, for example – the effect of
paracetamol and alcohol on liver.
3) Nutritional deficiencies & excesses
 Nutritional deficiencies may arise as a result of poor NATURAL HISTORY OF DISEASE
supply, interference with absorption, inefficient The different stages in the natural history of disease include:
transport within the body, or defective utilization a) Exposure to various risk factors (causative agents)
 Deficiency either of major classes of food, usually b) Latency, period between exposure and biological onset
protein and energy, or vitamins or elements of disease
essential for specific metabolic processes, e.g. iron c) Biological onset of disease; this marks the initiation of the
for hemoglobin production disease process, however, without any sign or symptom.
 Obesity has become increasingly common, with its Following biological onset of disease, it may remain
attendant dangers of type 2 diabetes, high blood asymptomatic or subclinical (i.e. without any clinical
pressure and heart disease. manifestations) or may lead to overt clinical disease.
d) Incubation (induction) period refers to variable period of
4) Infections & infections time without any obvious signs or symptoms from the
 Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and metazoa all time of exposure.
cause diseases. They may do so by causing cell e) The clinical onset of the disease, when the signs and
destruction directly as in virus infections (for symptoms of the disease become apparent. The
example poliomyelitis) or protozoal infections (for expression of the disease may be variable in severity or
example malaria) in terms of range of manifestations
 Others the damage is done by toxins infecting agent f) The onset of permanent damage
as in diphtheria and tetanus g) Death
 Like chemicals, they may have a general effect or
they may show a predilection for certain tissues.
5) Immunological factors
I. Clinical Death
 The immune process is essential for protection
against micro-organisms and parasites. However,  Reversible transmission between life and biological
the immune system can be abnormal which can death.
lead to diseases.  Period of respiratory, circulatory and brain arrest
 The abnormalities of the immune system include: during which initiation of resuscitation can lead to
A. Hypersensitivity reaction recovery.
 This is exaggerated immune response
to an antigen. For example, bronchial Signs indicating clinical death are:
asthma can occur due to exaggerated  The patient is without pulse or blood pressure and is
immune response to the harmless completely unresponsive to the most painful stimulus.
pollen.  The pupils are widely dilated
 Some reflex reactions to external stimulation are
B. Immunodeficiency preserved. For example. Respiration may be restored in
 This is due to deficiency of a response to stimulation of the receptors.\
component of the immune system  Recovery can occur with resuscitation
which leads to increased susceptibility
to different diseases. An example is II. Biological Death
AIDS.  Biological death (sure sign of death), which sets in after
clinical death, is an irreversible state of cellular
C. Autoimmunity destruction
 This is an abnormal (exaggerated)  It manifests with irreversible cessation of circulatory and
immune reaction against the self respiratory functions, or irreversible cessation of all
antigens of the host. Therefore, functions of the entire brain, including brain stem.
autoimmunity is a hypersensitivity
reaction against the self antigens. For
example, type 1 diabetes mellitus CELLS

6) Psychogenic factors INTRODUCTION

 The mental stresses imposed by conditions of life,
particularly in technologically advanced  The human body consists of 75 trillion cells that vary
communities, are probably contributory factors in considerably in shape and size yet have much in
some groups of diseases. common.
 Differences in cell shape make different functions
7) Genetic factors possible.
 These are hereditary factors that are inherited
genetically from parents Composite Cell

COURSE OF DISEASE A. A composite cell includes many different cell structures

The course of disease is shown with a simplified diagram as B. A cell consists three main parts
follows.  Nucleus
 Cytoplasm
Exposure Biological Onset Clinical Onset  Cell membrane
C. Within the cytoplasm are specialized organelles that
perform specific functions for the cell.
Latency Period Permanent Damage
Cell Membrane

Death 1) The cell membrane regulates the movement of

substances in and out of the cell, participates in signal
transduction, and helps cells adhere to other cells.
2) General Characteristics
a) The cell membrane is extremely thin and selectively
b) It has a complex surface with adaptations to
increase surface area.
3) Cell Membrane Structure:
a) The basic framework of the cell membrane consists i) Cilia and Flagella are motile extensions from the
of a double layer of phospholipids, with fatty acid cell; shorter cilia are abundant on the free surfaces
tails turned inward. of certain epithelial cells (respiratory linings, for
b) Molecules that are soluble in lipids (gases, steroid example), and a lengthy flagellum can be found on
hormones) can pass through the lipid bilayer sperm cells.
c) Embedded cholesterol molecules strengthen the j) Vesicles form from part of the cell membrane, or the
membrane and help make the membrane less Golgi apparatus, and store materials
permeable to water-soluble substances
d) Many types of proteins are found in the cell Cell Nucleus
membrane, including transmembrane proteins and  The fairly large nucleus is bounded by a double-layered
peripheral membrane proteins. nuclear membrane containing relatively large nuclear
e) Membrane proteins perform a variety of functions pores that allow the passage of certain substances
and vary in shape  The nucleolus is composed of RNA and protein and
f) Some proteins function as receptors on the cell is the site of ribosome production
surface, starting signal transduction  Chromatin consists of loosely coiled fibers of protein
g) Other proteins aid the passage of molecules and and DNA
h) Proteins protruding into the cell anchor supportive MOVEMENTS THROUGH CELL MEMBRANES
rods and tubules I. The cell membrane controls what passes through it
i) Still other proteins have carbohydrates attached; II. Mechanisms of movement across the membrane may be
these complexes are used in cell identification. passive, requiring no energy from the cell (diffusion,
Membrane proteins called Cellular Adhesion facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and filtration) or active
Molecules (CAMs) help determine one cell’s mechanisms, requiring cellular energy (active transport,
interactions with others endocytosis and exocytosis)

Cytoplasm Passive Mechanisms

1) Diffusion
1) The cytoplasm consists of a clear liquid (cytosol), a  Diffusion is caused by the random motion of
supportive cytoskeleton, and networks of membranes and molecules and involves the movement of molecules
organelles. from an area of greater concentration to one of
a) Endoplasmic reticulum is made up of membranes, lesser concentration until equilibrium is reached
flattened sacs, and vesicles, and provides a tubular  Diffusion enables oxygen and carbon dioxide
transport system inside the cell molecules to be exchanged between the air and the
 With ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) blood in the lungs, and between blood and tissue
is rough ER, and functions in protein cells.
synthesis. 2) Facilitated Diffusion
 Without ribosomes, it is smooth ER, and  Used membrane proteins that function as carriers to
functions in lipid synthesis move molecules (such as glucose) across the cell
b) Ribosomes are found with ER and are scattered membrane
throughout the cytoplasm. They are composed of  The number of carrier molecules in the cell
protein and RNA and provide a structural membrane limits the rate of this process.
support for the RNA molecules that come together 3) Osmosis
in protein synthesis  A special case of diffusion in which water moves
c) The Golgi Apparatus is composed of flattened from an area of greater water concentration (where
sacs, and refines, packages, modifies, and there is less osmotic pressure) across a selectively
delivers proteins permeable membrane to an area of lower water
 Vesicles formed on ER travel to the Golgi concentration (where there is greater osmotic
apparatus, which modifies their contents pressure)
 Osmotic pressure is the ability of osmosis to lift a
 The vesicle may then move to the cell
volume of water
membrane and secrete its contents to the
 A solution with the same osmotic pressure as body
fluids is called isotonic; one with higher osmotic
 Vesicles form a “delivery service”, carrying
pressure than body fluids is hypertonic; one with
chemicals throughout the cell (vesicle
lower osmotic pressure is hyptonic
4) Filtration
d) Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell
and contain enzymes needed for aerobic  Because of hydrostatic pressure, molecules can be
respiration. forced through membranes by the process of
 The inner membrane of the mitochondrion is filtration. Blood pressure is a type of hydrostatic
folded into cristae which hold the enzymes pressure
needed in energy transformations to make
ATP Active Mechanisms
 Very active cells contain thousands of 1) Active Transport
mitochondria  Uses ATP to move molecules from areas of low
e) Lysosomes are the “garbage disposals” of the concentration to areas of high concentration through
cell and contain digestive enzymes to break up old carrier molecules in cell membranes.
cell components and bacteria  As much as 40% of a cell’s energy supply may be
f) Peroxisomes contain enzymes that function in the used to fuel this process
synthesis of bile acids, breakdown of lipids,  The union of the specific particle to be transported
degradation of rare biochemicals and detoxification with its carrier protein triggers the release of cellular
of alcohol. energy (ATP), which in turn alters the shape of the
g) Microfilaments and microtubules are thin, carrier protein, releasing the particle to the other
thread-like structures that serve as the side of the membrane.
cytoskeleton of the cell  Particles that are actively transported include
h) A Centrosome is made up of two hollow cylinders sugars, amino acids, and sodium, potassium,
called centrioles that function in the separation of calcium, and hydrogen ions, as well as nutrient
chromosomes during cell division molecules in the intestines
 Hyperplasia
 Metaplasia
2) Endocytosis and Exocytosis A. Hypertrophy
 In endocytosis, molecules that are too large to be  Increase in the size. Increased workload leads to
transported by other means are engulfed by an increased protein synthesis & increased size &
invagination of the cell membrane and carried into number of intracellular organelles which, in turn,
the cell surrounded by a vesicle leads to increased cell size. The increased cell size
 Exocytosis is the reverse of endocytosis leads to increased size of the organ
 Three forms of endocytosis are pinocytosis,  Example: the enlargement of the left ventricle in
phagocytosis & receptor-mediated endocytosis hypertensive heart disease & the increase in
 Pinocytosis is a form of endocytosis in which skeletal muscle during strenuous exercise
cells engulf liquids
 Phagocytosis is a form of endocytosis in B. Hyperplasia
which the cell takes in larger particles, such as  Is an increase in the number of cells. It can lead to
a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium an increase in the size of the organ
 Receptor-mediated endocytosis allows the  It is usually caused by hormonal stimulation
cell to take in very specific molecules  It can be physiological as in enlargement of the
(ligands) that pair up with specific receptors breast during pregnancy or it can pathological as in
on the cell surface endometrial hyperplasia
 Decrease in the size of a cell but not in the
1) In one type of cell division, meiosis, four cell (sperm or number
ova) are produced, each of which contains half of the  Can lead to decreased size of the organ
parent cell’s genetic information
 Physiologic and pathologic
2) Mitosis is a carefully orchestrated division of the nucleus
 The atrophic cells shows autophagic vacuoles
of the cell that results in each daughter cell receiving an
which contain cellular debris from degraded
exact copy of the mother cell’s genetic material
3) Mitosis is describes as a series of four stages, but the
process is actually continuous  Atrophy can be caused by:
4) Prophase, the first stage of mitosis, results in the DNA  Disuse
considering into chromosomes, centrioles migrating to the  Under nutrition
poles, microtubules of the cytoskeleton reorganizing into  Decreased endocrine stimulation
spindle fibers, and the disappearance of the nuclear  Denervation
membrane  Old age
5) Metaphase occurs as spindle fibers attach to
centromeres on the chromosomes and the chromosomes D. Metaplasia
align midway between centrioles  Is the replacement of one differentiated tissue by
6) Anaphase occurs as the spindle fibers contract and pull another differentiated tissue. There are different
the sister chromatids toward the centrioles types of metaplasia. Examples include:
7) Telophase, the final stage of mitosis, begins when the
chromosomes have completed their migrations, the 1. Squamous metaplasia
nuclear envelope reappears, and the chromosomes begin  This is replacement of another type of
to unwind epithelium by squamous epithelium. For
example, the columnar epithelium of the
Cytoplasmic Division bronchus can be replaced by squamous
 Cytokinesis begins during anaphase of mitosis and epithelium in cigarette smokers
continues as a contractile ring pinches the two new cells 2. Osseous metaplasia
apart  This replacement of a connective tissue by
 The two daughter cells may be have varying amounts of bone, for example at sites of injury
cytoplasm and organelles, but they share identical genetic
Cell Differentiation
 The process by which cells develop into different types of  Even though there are many different kinds of reversible
cells with specialized functions is called differentiation. cellular changes & accumulations, here we will only
 Cell differentiation reflects genetic control of the nucleus mention fatty change & accumulation of pigments.
as certain genes are turned on while others are turned off
1. Fatty change
Cell Death  This is accumulation of triglycerides inside
 Apoptosis is a form of cell death that is a normal part of parenchymal cells. It is caused by an
development. imbalance between the uptake, utilization, and
secretion of fat. Fatty change is usually seen
in the liver, heart, or kidney. Fatty liver may be
GENERAL PATHOLOGY LECTURE 2 caused by alcohol, diabetes mellitus,
CELLULAR REACTIONS TO INJURY malnutrition, obesity & poisoning.
INTRODUCTION  These etiologies cause accumulation of fat in
 When a cell is exposed to an injurious agent the possible the hepatocytes by the following mechanisms:
outcomes are: a) Increased uptake of triglycerides into the
 The cell may adapt to the situation parenchymal cells
 The cell may acquire a reversible injury b) Decreased use of fat by cells
 The call may obtain an irreversible injury & may die c) Overproduction of fat in cells
o The cell may die via: d) Decreased secretion of fat from the cells
 Necrosis
 Apoptosis 2. The accumulation of pigments
 Pigments can be exogenous or endogenous
The types of cellular adaptation include:  Endogenous pigments include melanin,
 Hypertrophy bilirubin, hemosiderin, & lipofuscin
 Exogenous pigments include carbon
 Atrophy
 These pigments can accumulate inside cells
in different situations

A. Hypoxia
a) Melanin  Hypoxia is decreased oxygen supply to tissues. It
 Is a brownish-black pigment produced by can be caused by:
the melanocytes found in the skin 1. Ischemia
 Increased melanin pigmentation is caused by  Decrease blood flow to or from an
sun tanning and certain disease e.g. nevus, or organ. Can be caused by obstruction of
malignant melanoma arterial blood flow – the most common
 Decreased melanin pigmentation is seen in cause, or by decreased perfusion of
albinism and vitiligo tissues by oxygen-carrying blood as
occurs in cardiac failure, hypertension &
b) Bilirubin shock.
 Is a yellowish pigment, mainly produced 2. Anemia
during the degradation of hemoglobin. Excess  A reduction in the number of oxygen-
accumulation of bilirubin causes yellowish carrying red blood cells
discoloration of the sclera, mucosae, & 3. Carbon monoxide poisoning
internal organs. Such as yellowish  CO decreases the oxygen-capacity of
discoloration is called jaundice red blood cells by chemical alteration of
 Jaundice is most often caused by: hemoglobin
a. Hemolytic anemia 4. Poor oxygenation of blood due to
 Is characterized by increased pulmonary disease
destruction of red blood cells  The cell injury that results following
b. Biliary obstruction hypoxia can be divided into early & late
 This is obstruction of intrahepatic stages:
or extrahepatic bile ducts. It can 1) Early (reversible) stages of
be caused by gallstones. hypoxic cell injury
c. Hepatocellular disease  At this stage, hypoxia results in
 This is associated with failure of decreased oxidative
conjugation of bilirubin phosphorylation & ATP
synthesis. Decreased ATP
c) Hemosiderin leads to:
 Is an iron-containing pigment derived from a) Failure of the cell membrane
ferritin. It appears in tissues as golden Na – K pump, which leads to
brown amorphous aggregates & is identified increased intracellular Na &
by its staining reaction (blue color) with the water, which cause cellular
Prussian blue dye & organelle swelling. All of
 Hemosiderin exists normally in small amounts the above changes are
within tissue macrophages of the bone reversible if the hypoxia is
marrow, liver & spleen as physiologic iron corrected
stores b) Disaggregation of ribosomes
 It accumulates in tissues in excess amounts in & failure of protein synthesis
certain diseases
2) Late (irreversible) stages of
The excess accumulation is divided into 2 types: hypoxic cell injury
 This is caused by severe or
 Hemosiderosis prolonged injury. It is caused by
 When accumulation of hemosiderin is primarily massive calcium influx & very
within tissue macrophages & is not associated low pH, which lead to activation
with tissue damage, it is called hemosiderosis of enzymes, which damage the
 Hemochromatosis cell membrane & organelle
 When there is more extensive accumulation of membranes
hemosiderin, often within parenchymal cells,  Irreversible damage to the
which leads to tissue damage, scarring & organ mitochondria, cell membranes,
dysfunction, it is called hemochromatosis & the nucleus mark the point of
no return for the cell, that is
III. Cell Death after this stage, the cell is
 Cells can die via one of the following two ways: destined to die
1. Necrosis  Release of aspartate
2. Apoptosis aminotransferase (AST),
creatine phosphokinase (CPK)
1. Necrosis & lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
 In necrosis, excess fluid enters the cell, swells it, & leads to myocardial infarction
ruptures its membrane which kills it. After the cell has
died, intracellular degradative reactions occur within a B. Free radical –induced injury
living organism  Examples include superoxide & the hydroxyl
 Necrosis does not occur in dead organisms. In dead radicals. Free radicals are formed by normal
organisms, autolysis & heterolysis take place. metabolism, oxygen toxicity, ionizing radiation, &
 Necrosis occurs by the following mechanisms: drugs and chemicals, & reperfusion injury. They are
a) Hypoxia degraded by spontaneous decay, intracellular
b) Free radical-induced cell injury enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, catalase,
c) Cell membrane damage or superoxide dismutase & endogenous substances
d) Increased intracellular calcium level such as ceruloplasmin or transferrin.
 When the production of free radicals exceeds their
degradation, the excess free radicals cause
membrane pump damage
 ATP depletion & DNA damage. These can cause
cell injury & cell death
a) Cell membrane damage INFLAMMATION
 Direct cell membrane damage as in extremes of  Inflammation is a local response (reaction) of living
temperature, toxins, or viruses, or indirect cell vascularized tissues to endogenous and exogenous
membrane damage as in the case of hypoxia can stimuli. The term is derived from the Latin “inflammare”
lead to cell death by disrupting the homeostasis of meaning to burn.
the cell  Inflammation is fundamentally destined to localize and
eliminate the causative agent and to limit tissue injury
b) Increased intracellular calcium level  Thus, inflammation is a physiologic (protective) response
 The cell membrane damage leads to increased to injury, an observation made by Sir John Hunter in 1794
intracellular calcium level concluded: “inflammation is itself not to be considered as
 The increased cytosolic calcium, in turn, activates a disease but as a salutary operation consequent either to
enzymes in the presence of low pH. The activated some violence or to some diseases”
enzymes will degrade the cellular organelles
Causes of inflammation are apparently causes of diseases such
The types of necrosis include:  Physical agents – mechanical injuries, alteration in
1. Coagulative necrosis temperature and pressure, radiation injuries
 Coagulative necrosis most often results from  Chemical agents – including the ever increasing lists of
sudden interruption of blood supply to an drugs and toxins
organ, especially to the heart. It is marked by the  Biologic agents (infectious) – bacteria, viruses, fungi,
following nuclear changes: parasites
 Pyknosis – which is chromatin clumping &  Immunologic disorders – hypersensitivity reactions,
shrinking with increased basophilia autoimmunity, immunodeficiency states, etc
 Karyorrhexis – fragmentation of chromatin  Genetic / metabolic disorders – examples gout,
 Karyolysis – fading of the chromatin material diabetes mellitus, etc

2. Liquefactive necrosis Classification

 Liquefactive necrosis is characterized by digestion  Inflammation is classified crudely based on duration of the
of tissue. It shows softening & liquefaction of tissue lesion and histologic appearances into acute and chronic
 Results from ischemic injury to the CNS inflammation
 It also occurs in suppurative infections
characterized by formation of pus Acute Inflammation
 It is an immediate and early response to an injurious
3. Fat necrosis agent and it is relatively of short duration, lasting for
 Fat necrosis can be caused by trauma to tissue with minutes, several hours or few days
high fat content, such as the breast or it can also  It is characterized by exudation of fluids and plasma
be caused by acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis in proteins and the emigration of predominantly neutrophilic
which pancreatic enzymes diffuse into the inflamed leukocytes to the site of injury
pancreatic tissue & digest it
 The fatty acids released from the digestion form The five cardinal signs of acute inflammation are:
calcium salts (soap formation or dystrophic
calcification)  Redness (rubor) – which is due to dilation of small
 Elastase enzyme digests the blood vessels & cause blood vessels within damaged tissue as it occurs in
the hemorrhage inside the pancreas, hence the cellulitis
name hemorrhagic pancreatitis  Heat (calor) – which results from increased blood
flow (hyperemia) due to regional vascular dilation
4. Caseous necrosis  Swelling (tumor) – which is due to accumulation of
 Caseous necrosis has a cheese-like (caseous, fluid in the extravascular space which, in turn, is due to
white) appearance to the naked eye. And it appears increased vascular
as an amorphous eosinophilic material on  Pain (dolor) - which partly results from the stretching
microscopic examination & destruction of tissues due to inflammatory edema
 Caseous necrosis is typical of tuberculosis and in part from pus under pressure in as abscess cavity.
Some chemicals of acute inflammation, including
5. Gangrenous necrosis bradykinins, prostaglandins, and serotonin are also
known to induce pain
 This is due to vascular occlusion & most often
 Loss of function (functio laesa)- the inflammation
affects the lower extremities & the bowel
area is inhibited by pain while severe swelling may
 It is called wet gangrene if it is complicated by
also physically immobilize the tissue
bacterial infection which leads to superimposed
liquefactive necrosis
Events of acute inflammation:
 Whereas it is called dry gangrene if there is only
 Acute inflammation is categorized into an
coagulative necrosis without liquefactive necrosis
 Early vascular
 Necrosis can be followed by release of intracellular  A late cellular responses
enzymes into the blood, inflammation or dystrophic
calcification 1. The Vascular response has the following steps:
Apoptosis a) Immediate (momentary) vasoconstriction in seconds due
 Is the death of single cells within clusters of other cells to neurogenic or chemical stimuli
 Cell shows shrinkages & increased acidophilic staining of b) Vasodilatation of arterioles and venules resulting in
the cell increased blood flow
 Followed by fragmentation of the cells. These fragments c) After the phase of increased blood flow there is a slowing
are called apoptotic bodies of blood flow & stasis due to increased vascular
 It can also be seen in pathological conditions caused by permeability that is most remarkably seen in the post-
mild injurious agents capillary venules.
 Apoptosis is not followed by inflammation or calcification.
 The increased vascular permeability oozes protein-rich
fluid into extravascular tissues. Due to this, the already
dilated blood vessels are now packed with red blood cells
resulting in stasis
 The protein-rich fluid which is now found in the
extravascular space is called exudate. The presence of PHAGOCYTOSIS INVOLVES THREE DISTINCT BUT
the exudates clinically appears as swelling INTERRELATED STEPS
 Chemical mediators mediate the vascular events of acute
inflammation 1. Recognition and attachment of the particle to be
ingested by the leukocytes:
2. Cellular response  Phagocytosis is enhanced if the material to be
phagocytosed is coated with certain plasma proteins
The cellular response has the following stages: called opsonins. These opsonins promote the
a) Migration, rolling, pavementing & adhesion of adhesion between the particulate material and the
leukocytes phagocyte’s cell membrane.
b) Transmigration of leukocytes
c) Chemotaxis  The three major opsonins are:
d) Phagocytosis  The Fc fragment of the immunoglobulin
 Components of the complement system C3b
 Normally blood cells particularly erythrocytes in venules  Carbohydrate-binding proteins – lectins
are confined to the central (axial) zone and plasma  Thus, IgG binds to receptors for the Fc piece of
assume the peripheral zone. As a result of increased
vascular permeability, more and more neutrophils the immunoglobulin (FcR) whereas
accumulate along the endothelial surfaces (peripheral  3cb and 3bi are ligands for complement
zone). receptors CR1 and CR2 respectively

Migration, rolling, pavementing & adhesion of leukocytes 2. Engulfing

 Margination is a peripheral positioning of white cells along  During engulfment, extension of the cytoplasm
the endothelial cells
(psuedopods) flow around the object to be engulfed,
 Subsequently, rows of leukocytes tumble slowly along the
endothelium in a process known as rolling eventually resulting in complete enclosure of the
 In time, the endothelium can be virtually lined by white particle within the phagosome created by the
cells. This appearance is called pavementing cytoplasmic membrane of the phagocytic cell
 Thereafter, the binding of leukocytes with endothelial cells  As a result of fusion between the phagosome and
is facilitated by cell adhesion molecules such as lysosome, a phagolysosome is formed and the
selectins, immunoglobulins, integrins, (CIM) etc which engulfed particle is exposed to the degradative
result in adhesion of leukocytes with the endothelium
lysosomal enzymes
Transmigration of leukocytes
 Leukocytes escape from venules and small veins but only 3. Killing or degradation
occasionally from capillaries. The movement of  The ultimate step in phagocytosis of bacteria is killing
leukocytes by extending pseudopodia through the degradation. There are two forms of bacterial killing
vascular wall occurs by a process called diapedesis. a) Oxygen-independent mechanism:
 This is mediate by some of the constituents of
the primary and secondary granules of
 A unidirectional attraction of leukocytes from vascular
channels towards the site of inflammation within the polymorphonuclear leukocytes. These include:
tissue space guided by chemical gradients (including  Bacterial permeability increasing protein
bacteria and cellular debris) is called chemotaxis (BPI)
 The most important chemotactic factors for neutrophils  Lysozymes
are:  Lactoferrin
 Components of the complement system (C5a)  Major basic protein
 Bacterial and mitochondrial products of arachidonic
 Defenses
acid metabolism such as leukotriene B4 and
cytokines (IL-8)  Like the vascular events, the cellular events (i.e. the
 All granulocytes, monocytes and to lesser extent adhesion, the transmigration, the chemotaxis, & the
lymphocytes respond to chemotactic stimuli phagocytosis) are initiated or activated by chemical
 How do leukocytes “see” or “smell” the chemotactic mediators
o This is because receptors on cell membrane
Chemical mediators of inflammation
of the leukocytes react with the
chemoattractants resulting in the activation of  Chemical mediators account for the events of
phospholipase C that ultimately leads to inflammation. Inflammation has the following sequence:
release of cytosolic calcium ions and these  Cell injury --- Chemical mediators -- Acute
ions trigger cell movement towards the inflammation (i.e. the vascular & cellular events).
Inflammation Part 2
 Chemical mediators
 It is the process of engulfing and internalization by
specialized cells of particulate material, which includes  Morphologic types of acute inflammation
invading microorganisms, damaged cells, and tissue  Effects of acute inflammation
debris  Chronic inflammation
 These phagocytic cells include polymorphonuclear  Causes of chronic inflammation
leukocytes (particularly neutrophils), monocytes and
 Cells of chronic inflammation
tissue macrophages.
 Classification of chronic inflammation
 Systemic effects of inflammation
Multiple choices
1. what is the term that denotes the cause of a disease is 17. the endoplasmic reticulum functions to (transport
unknown in its origin (idiopathic etiology) materials)

2. which of the following is NOT a function of the cell (all 18. genetic material is contained within the ___ of the cell
function: metabolize & release energy, provides (nucleus)
communication, synthesize molecules)
19. this organelle is responsible for destroying worn out cell
3. this organelle function in cellular respiration parts (lysosomes)
20. the ____ controls what enters and leaves the cell (cell
4. the organelle functions to package and deliver proteins membrane)
(golgi apparatus) 21.
22. located within the nucleus, it is responsible for producing
5. it is cheap, takes less time and needs no anesthesia to ribosomes (nucleolus)
take specimens. The laboratory procedure examines
individual cells extracted from a tissue to determine the 23. which structure is directly responsible for the formation of
nature and cause of a disease (Cytopathology) proteins within the cell (ribosomes)

6. a method by which abnormalities of the cells of the cells 24. it refers to the structural alterations in the cells or tissues
of the blood and their precursors in the bone marrow that occur following the pathogenic mechanisms
(Hematopathology) (morphologic change)

7. used to detect a specific antigen in the tissue 25. this is a method by which body fluid, excised tissue, etc.
(Immunohistochemistry) are examined by microscopical and culture method
(microbiology method)
8. a method that uses biopsy in tissues to aid physicians in
the identification of a disease (histopatholgy) 26. It is a sure sign of death (biological death)
9. which of the following is NOT a method of cytopathologic
examinations (all: FNAC, Exfoliative cytology, Pap 27. The organelle of the cell which completes post
smear) translational modifications and the packages and
addresses proteins after being synthesized in the rough
10. a method by which body fluids, excised tissue, etc. are endoplasmic reticulum (golgi complex)
examined by microscopy, gram stain, culture and
sensitivity (Microbiological examination) 28. Its major role is the synthesis of various phospholipid
molecules that constitute all cellular membranes (smooth
11. a method in which inherited chromosomal abnormalities endoplasmic reticulum)
in the germ cells investigated using the techniques of
molecular biology (cytogenetics) 29. It is a complex network of proteins which determine the
shape of the cells, movement of organelles and vesicles
12. cell organelles are located within the _____ of the cell and movement of the entire cell (cytoskeleton)
30. It is a process of uptake of material wherein smaller
13. which of the following describes an attempt to preserve invaginations of the cell membrane form and entrap
viability & function? (homeostasis) extracellular fluid (pinocytosis)

14. which of the following describes how a disease develops

31. This is refers to the period between exposure and onset
and outlines the steps of development, such as cellular
of clinical symptoms is called (incubation period )
and molecular changes (Pathogenesis)

15. which of the following describes the origin of disease

16. pathology is concerned with the morphologic changes
that occur during states of disease (true)

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