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Vibrational Analysis of Machine Foundation Page 1 of 8

Vibrational Analysis of Machine Foundation

ACI 351.3R-04 (FEA Method)

Input Data
Machine Data

Foundation Type = Single Block

Machine Type = Rotating Machine

Resonance Limit = 50.00 %

Global Reference Point

Global Reference Point X = 0.00 in

Global Reference Point Y = 0.00 in

Global Reference Point Z = 0.00 in

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Machine Block Geometry

Block Length = 246.00 in

Block Width = 102.00 in

Block Thickness = 12.00 in

Pier Geometry

Pier Length = 222.00 in

Pier Width = 78.00 in

Pier Thickness = 83.56 in

Pier Location

X1 = 12.00 in

Z1 = 12.00 in

Machine Loading

Dynamic Machine Weight = 1976.00 lbf

Static Machine Weight = 24908.00 lbf

Primary Speed = 1780.00 rpm

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X Load Location = 111.50 in

Y Load Location = 143.06 in

Z Load Location = 54.00 in

Number of Mode Shapes = 50

Loading Type = Direct Loading

Soil Parameters

Soil Spring Generation Method = Richard Whitman Method

Consider Embedment Independence = Effect Considered

Soil Embedment = 4.50 ft

Back Fill Shear = 10.00 ksi

Soil Type = Cohesive

Consider Damping = Effect Considered

Concrete Damping Percentage = 0.00

Wet Soil Density (ρwet) = 100.00 lb/ft3

Shear Modulus (G) = 10.00 ksi

Poisson's Ratio (µ) = 0.30 ksi

Soil Springs

Equivalent Radius Calculation

ACI 351.3R-31

Translation Equivalent Radius : R=abπ = 89.37in ...(4-9a)

Dimensionless Freqency : a0=R×ωm×ρG = 2.04 ...(4-11)

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Richart Whitman Method

Vertical Spring = Dv=0.425Bv = 61286.37 kips/ft ...(4-13a)

Horizontal Spring = = 52226.64 kips/ft ...(4-13b)

Horizontal Spring = = 52226.64 kips/ft ...(4-13b)

Vertical Mass Ratio = Bv=1-ν4×mρ×R3 = 0.76 ...(4-12a)

Horizontal Mass Ratio = = 0.89 ...(4-12b)

Vertical Damping Ratio = Dv=0.425Bv = 0.49 ...(4-12a)

Horizontal Damping Ratio = = 0.31 ...(4-12b)

Soil Spring Adjustment Based on Material Damping and Soil Embedmentment

Adjusted Spring = kvadj=kv-2×βm×cv×ωm = 0.00 kips/ft ...(4-23)

Adjusted Damping Constant = cvadj=cv+2×βm×kvωm = 0.00 kips/ft ...(4-23)

Adjusted Damping Constant = cvadj=cv+2×βm×kvωm = 0.00 kips/ft ...(4-23)

(Equations for soil embedment correction are not shown.)

Calculated Modal Frequencies and Mass Participation

Number of Modes Shapes: 11

Frequency Period Participation Participation Participation Accumulated Accumulated Accumulated

(Hz) (sec) X (%) Y (%) Z (%) X (%) Y (%) Z (%)
1 6.94 0.14 0.00 0.01 74.14 0.00 0.01 74.14
2 11.30 0.09 74.19 0.10 0.00 74.19 0.11 74.14
3 15.62 0.06 0.26 91.80 0.02 74.45 91.91 74.16
4 18.25 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.03 74.45 91.91 74.19
5 23.38 0.04 24.80 0.78 0.00 99.25 92.69 74.19

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Frequency Period Participation Participation Participation Accumulated Accumulated Accumulated

(Hz) (sec) X (%) Y (%) Z (%) X (%) Y (%) Z (%)
6 26.19 0.04 0.71 7.21 0.68 99.95 99.89 74.88
7 27.88 0.04 0.01 0.11 25.06 99.96 100.00 99.94
8 53.61 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 99.94
9 56.46 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.06 100.00 100.00 100.00
10 0.00 1000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
11 0.00 1000000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Dynamic Displacement Summary

Node Displacement X (in) Displacement Y (in) Displacement Z (in)

3264 0.080911 0.004197 0.000034
2525 -0.000677 0.106802 0.066178
3264 0.000033 -0.006324 0.247406
515 -0.001354 0.105573 0.039364
3065 0.000520 -0.106839 0.066596
515 0.040773 -0.044858 -0.000599

Mode Foundation Frequency Machine Frequency

Frequency Check
No (Hz) (Hz)

1 6.94 29.67 Machine Frequency OK

2 11.30 29.67 Machine Frequency OK

Machine Frequency is within 50.00 % of Foundation

3 15.62 29.67

Machine Frequency is within 50.00 % of Foundation

4 18.25 29.67

Machine Frequency is within 50.00 % of Foundation

5 23.38 29.67

Machine Frequency is within 50.00 % of Foundation

6 26.19 29.67

Machine Frequency is within 50.00 % of Foundation

7 27.88 29.67

8 53.61 29.67 Machine Frequency OK

9 56.46 29.67 Machine Frequency OK

10 0.00 29.67 Machine Frequency OK

11 0.00 29.67 Machine Frequency OK

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Transverse Amplitude Check

Maximum Transverse Amplitude : 0.000000in

Vibration Criteria for Rotating Machine ACI 351.3R-04 Fig 3.9

A: No Faults. Foundation is safe for machine vibrations

B: Minor Faults. Foundation needs review
C: Faulty. Foundation should be resized
D: Failure is near. Foundation is unsafe for machine vibrations
E: Dangerous. Foundation is unsafe for machine vibrations
Maximum Transverse Amplitude is less than graph range specified by ACI 351.3R-04 Fig 3.9

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Severity Chart ACI 351.3R-04 Fig 3.10

Maximum Transverse Amplitude is less than graph range specified by ACI 351.3R-04 Fig 3.10

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Permissible Displacement ACI 351.3R-04 Fig 3.11

Maximum Transverse Amplitude is less than graph range specified by ACI 351.3R-04 Fig 3.11
Print Calculation Sheet

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