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To whom it may concern:

My name is Kyle Murray, and I am the Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning for the football
team at Western Michigan University. I’m writing this letter on behalf of Matt Murphy who interned for me at
Western Michigan University from August of 2021 through December of 2021. Matt’s work ethic, enthusiasm,
and desire to be successful would make him an outstanding candidate for any position.

With regard to interns that I have worked with in my career, Matt possesses a work ethic that is
second to none. Some of the main duties our interns are responsible for are the set up and break down of
each lifting/movement/conditioning session, collecting and recording of necessary data, and assisting with our
nutrition program. For our 6am workouts Matt was always ready to attack the task at hand. Once at the
facility Matt would waste no time in getting our workout for the day set up. This is a huge task for us; without
our workout being set up beforehand we would not be able to accomplish what we want to accomplish at a
high level. The same goes for the responsibility of collecting and recording of data. Recording body weights,
bar speeds, and collecting and distributing GPS units allowed us to program and monitor our athletes. This is
something we would not have effectively accomplished without his help. To aid with our nutrition program
Matt was always willing to pick up food orders and then stock them at our fueling station. This was a big help
to me and freed my time up so that I could work with our players directly.

Matt’s enthusiasm was truly contagious and rubbed off on those around him. There was no task too
big or too small for him. In addition to helping in our strength and conditioning program he also worked in our
recruiting department. He loved being in the building and getting to know our players. His contagious
enthusiasm and his ability to get along with just about everyone will take him far in future positions.

Throughout my many conversations with Matt I have come to learn that he has a strong desire to be
successful in this environment. Working in a sports environment isn’t for everyone. The time demands, the
physical and mental challenges, and the interactions with a multitude of different people would be enough for
most to not pursue it. Matt’s desire to be successful was shown to me time and time again by seeking people
on our staff with respect to their areas of expertise. Whether he had a sports science question, a programming
question, a recruiting question, or a nutrition question Matt knew who to seek out on staff.

Matt is in the early stages of what I know will be a long and successful career. During his internship, he
has showed me unequivocally that he has the work ethic, enthusiasm, and the desire to be successful to make
him an outstanding candidate for any position. I would welcome any further questions you may have about
him and can be reached using the email or phone number provided.

Thank you for your time,

Kyle Murray, MS, CSCS


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