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NAME: Gabriela Arevalo COURSE: 3rd Science A
DATE: 17-12-2021 TEACHER: lic. Rosa Ruiz

1. Read the following text about personalities from around the world.
2. - Answer the following questions in your own words in your notebook.
• What are some of the specific observations that researchers have been able to do
about people from some countries?
- Psychologists have developed a personality test that has been performed by millions of
people around the world. From these results, they can observe general trends by
country. However, these often do not match the stereotypes that most people have of
these countries.

• What do you think is the main point of this reading?

- Mastering the skills required to read is essential to improve intellectual and academic
performance. It requires systematic practice, dedication, and ongoing training. I believe
that the level that the student should have should be literal, because he could more
easily understand what someone wants to express to you. On the other hand, if you
study the rest, it will probably serve you even more for the future.

• List some of the personality traits you find in the reading.

- The five major personality traits, also called main factors, are usually called by the
following names: factor O (openness to new experiences), factor C (responsibility),
factor E (extraversion), factor A (agreeableness) and factor N (neuroticism or emotional
instability), thus forming the acronym. The five great personality traits, also called main
factors, usually receive the following names: factor O (openness to new experiences),
factor C (responsibility), factor E (extroversion), factor A (agreeableness) and factor N
(neuroticism or emotional instability), thus forming the acronym.

• Do you know what they are all? Do you consider yourself any of them?
-If I know what all of them are, and if I consider myself one of them, it is being responsible
because it helps me a lot and avoids problems that other people often have.

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