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BAUTISTA and FEATI Industrial Peace Act is applicable to educational

UNIVERSITY FACULTY CLUB institutions that are organized, operated and maintained
for profit. Hence, CIR has jurisdiction. It a settled
Facts: doctrine that the Industrial Peace Act is applicable to any
The President of Feati University Faculty Club wrote a organization or entity — whatever may be its purpose
letter to Victoria L. Araneta, President of petitioner Feati when it was created — that is operated for profit or gain.
University informing her of the organization of the WON the University is an employer within the
Faculty Club into a registered labor union. The Faculty contemplation of the law. YES
Club is composed of members who are professors The University claims that it is not an employer within the
and/or instructors of the University. They then sent contemplation of Republic Act No. 875, because it is not
another letter containing twenty-six demands that have an industrial establishment. At most, it says, it is only a
connection with the employment of the members of the lessee of the services of its professors and/or instructors
Faculty Club by the University, and requesting an pursuant to a contract of services entered into between
answer within ten days from receipt thereof. The them. But as defined by the Act, the term employer
President of the University answered the two letters, includes any person acting in the interest of an
requesting that she be given at least thirty days to study employer, directly or indirectly, but shall not include any
thoroughly the different phases of the demands. labor organization (otherwise than when acting as an
Meanwhile counsel for the University, to whom the employer) or any one acting in the capacity or agent of
demands were referred, wrote a letter to the President of such labor organization. In using the word "includes" and
the Faculty Club demanding proof of its majority status not "means", Congress did not intend to give a complete
and designation as a bargaining representative. The definition of "employer", but rather that such definition
President of the Faculty Club replied by rejecting should be complementary to what is commonly
Araneta's request for extension of time, and on the same understood as employer.
day he filed a notice of strike with the Bureau of Labor Congress intended the term to be understood in a broad
alleging as reason the refusal of the University to meaning because, firstly, the statutory definition includes
bargain collectively. not only "a principal employer but also a person acting in
The parties were called to conferences at the the interest of the employer"; and, secondly, the Act itself
Conciliation Division of the Bureau of Labor but efforts to specifically enumerated those who are not included in
conciliate them failed. A month later the members of the the term "employer", namely: (1) a labor organization
Faculty Club declared a strike and established picket (otherwise than when acting as an employer), (2)
lines in the premises of the University, resulting in the anyone acting in the capacity of officer or agent of such
disruption of classes in the University. Despite further labor organization [Sec. 2(c)], and (3) the Government
efforts of the officials from the Department of Labor to and any political subdivision or instrumentality thereof
effect a settlement of the differences between the insofar as the right to strike for the purpose of securing
management of the University and the striking faculty changes or modifications in the terms and conditions of
members no satisfactory agreement was arrived at. The employment is concerned (Section 11). Among these
President of the Philippines certified to the Court of statutory exemptions, educational institutions are not
Industrial Relations the dispute between the included; hence, they can be included in the term
management of the University and the Faculty Club "employer" (provided, the same is considered covered
pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 of Republic Act by the first issue).
No. 875 (The Industrial Peace Act). Employer encompasses those that are in ordinary
parlance "employers." What is commonly meant by
Issues: "employer"? The term "employer" has been given
WON CIR has jurisdiction over the parties even if the several acceptations. The Court, in the cases of the The
University is an educational institution. YES Angat River Irrigation System, et al. vs. Angat River
It is contended by the University that because it is an Workers' Union (PLUM), which cases involve unfair labor
educational institution and not an industrial practices and defined the term employer as one who
establishment, the CIR cannot take cognizance of the employs the services of others; one for whom
case. The faculty members are also alleged to be employees work and who pays their wages or salaries. It
independent contractors rather than employees. But in is also any person acting in the interest of an employer,
jurisprudence, the SC said that when it does not allow directly or indirectly.
CIR to take on cases of supposed unfair labor practice, it Under none of the above definitions may the University
is because the institutions involved are entities are not be excluded, especially so if it is considered that every
organized, maintained and operated for profit and do not professor, instructor or teacher in the teaching staff of
declare dividends to stockholders. In short, the Act does the University, as per allegation of the University itself,
not apply to educational institutions that are not operated has a contract with the latter for teaching services, albeit
or maintained for profit and do not declare dividends. for one semester only. The University engaged the
But Feati University is an educational institution which is services of the professors, provided them work, and paid
found to be making profits and declaring dividends. It is them compensation or salary for their services. Even if
not strictly for educational purposes and that realizes the University may be considered as a lessee of services
profits and parts of such earning is distributed as under a contract between it and the members of its
dividends to private stockholders or individuals. The Faculty, still it is included in the term "employer".
"Running through the word `employ' is the thought that she was dismissed due to her refusal to render overtime
there has been an agreement on the part of one person service. Publico then filed a case for illegal dismissal.
to perform a certain service in return for compensation to Version of NYK? Allegedly, they took the pains to verify
be paid by an employer. When you ask how a man is why Publico did not report for work on May 7, 1997 and
employed, or what is his employment, the thought that found out that her husband did not allow her to work at
he is under agreement to perform some service or night. As night work is a must in their line of business,
services for another is predominant and paramount." particularly when there are rush orders, petitioners
The contention of the University that the professors claimed that given Publico’s failure to render overtime
and/or instructors are independent contractors, because work, they were left with no other recourse but to fire
the University does not exercise control over their work, her.
is likewise untenable. This Court takes judicial notice
that a university controls the work of the members of its Issue: WON there was illegal dismissal. YES
faculty; that a university prescribes the courses or NYK contend that Publico’s refusal to render night work
subjects that professors teach, and when and where to is tantamount to abandonment of duties which
teach; that the professors' work is characterized by constitutes a just ground for termination of service.
regularity and continuity for a fixed duration; that The bare allegations of abandonment cannot stand. This
professors are compensated for their services by wages has been proven by the facts. NYK’s assertion that they
and salaries, rather than by profits; that the professors cannot be solidarily liable with Ng in this case as there
and/or instructors cannot substitute others to do their was no malice or bad faith on their part has no leg to
work without the consent of the university; and that the stand on too. In A.C. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU v.
professors can be laid off if their work is found not NLRC it was held that since a corporation is an artificial
satisfactory. All these indicate that the university has person, it must have an officer who can be presumed to
control over their work; and professors are, therefore, be the employer, being the “person acting in the interest
employees and not independent contractors. of the employer.” In other words the corporation, in the
WON the Faculty Club can be unionized and can exist technical sense only, is the employer. In jurisprudence it
as a valid labor organization. YES has been established that the corporate officers of the
The record shows that the Faculty Club is a duly employer corporation are to pay jointly and solidarily the
registered labor organization and this fact is admitted by private respondents’ monetary award, especially when
counsel for the University. illegal dismissal is involved.
Cathy Ng, admittedly, is the manager of NYK. She falls
NYK INTERNATIONAL KNITWEAR CORPORATION within the meaning of an “employer” as contemplated by
PHILIPPINES and/or CATHY NG v. NLRC and the Labor Code, who may be held jointly and severally
VIRGINIA M. PUBLICO liable for the obligations of the corporation to its
dismissed employees. In her capacity as manager and
Facts: responsible officer of NYK, cannot be exonerated from
In 1995, NYK hired respondent Virginia Publico as a her joint and several liability in the payment of monetary
sewer. Under the terms and conditions of her award to Publico.
employment, Publico was paid on a piece-rate basis, but
required to work from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 midnight. On ALLIED v. CIA MARITIMA
the average, she earned P185.00 daily. At about 10:00
P.M. of May 7, 1997, Publico requested that she be Under Article 212 of the Labor Code, as amended, the
allowed to leave the work place early, as she was not term “Employer” includes any person acting in the
feeling well due to a bout of influenza. Permission was interest of an employer, directly or indirectly. It shall not
refused but nonetheless, Publico went home. The include any labor organization or any of its officers or
following day, Publico called up her employer and agents except when acting as an employer. On the other
notified management that she was still recovering from hand, an employee is any person in the employ of the
her ailment. employer. The term shall not be limited to the employees
On May 9, 1997, Publico reported for work. To her of a particular employer, unless the Labor Code so
mortification and surprise, however, the security guard explicitly states. It shall include any individual whose
prevented her from entering the NYK premises, allegedly work has ceased as a result of or in connection with any
on management’s order. She begged to be allowed current labor dispute or because of any unfair labor
inside, but the guard remained adamant. It was only practice provided he has not obtained any other
when Publico declared that she would just complete the substantially equivalent and regular employment.
unfinished work she had left on May 7 that the guard let The said definition of “employer” excludes labor
her in. Once inside the factory, Publico requested to see organization or its officers or agents as employer.
the owner, one Stephen Ng. Her request was declined. However, they shall be considered as employer with
She was instead asked to come back the following day. respect to persons who render services to them as their
On May 10, 1997, Publico returned to NYK as instructed. employees. (Feati University vs. Bautista, 18 SCRA
After waiting for three and half (3½) hours, she was 1191). A labor organization which has substituting
finally able to see Stephen Ng. When she inquired why contracts with shipping companies for arrastre and
she was barred from reporting for work, Mr. Ng told her stevedoring services with organizational structure,
systems operational facilities akin to independent
contractors, is considered an employer insofar as its employees, private respondent no longer had the
laborers under its hire are concerned. personality to file the complaint for them.
Retirement results from a voluntary agreement between
PRODUCERS BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES v. NLRC the employer and the employee whereby the latter after
reaching a certain age agrees to sever his employment
FACTS: with the former. The very essence of retirement is the
Producers Bank was placed by the Central Bank under a termination of the employer-employee relationship.
conservator for the purpose of protecting its assets. The retirement of an employee does not, in itself, affect
When the private respondents sought the his employment status especially when it involves all
implementation of the CBA regarding the retirement plan rights and benefits due to him, since these must be
and uniform allowance, the acting conservator of the protected as though there had been no interruption of
petitioner expressed her objection to such plan, resulting service. It must be borne in mind that the retirement
in an impasse between the petitioner bank and the scheme was part of the employment package and the
private respondent union. The deadlock continued for at benefits to be derived therefrom constituted, as it were, a
least six months when the private respondent, to resolve continuing consideration for services rendered, as well
the issue, decided to file a case against the petitioner for as an effective inducement for remaining with the
unfair labor practice and for flagrant violation of the CBA corporation. It is intended to help the employee enjoy the
provisions. LA dismissed private respondent's complaint. remaining years of his life, releasing him from the burden
NLRC reversed LA and ordered the petitioner to of worrying for his financial support, and are a form of
implement the provisions of the CBA which were reward for his loyalty.
disallowed by the conservator. When the retired employees were requesting that their
retirement benefits be granted, they were not pleading
RATIO: for generosity but were merely demanding that their
While the Central Bank law gives vast and far-reaching rights, as embodied in the CBA, be recognized. Thus,
powers to the conservator of a bank, it must be pointed when an employee has retired but his benefits under the
out that such powers must be related to the law or the CBA have not yet been given, he still retains,
"(preservation of) the assets of the bank, (the for the purpose of prosecuting his claims, the status of
reorganization of) the management thereof and (the an employee entitled to the protection of the Labor
restoration of) its viability." It cannot extend to the post- Code, one of which is the protection of the labor union.
facto repudiation of perfected transactions, otherwise
they would infringe against the non-impairment clause of PAL v. PALEA
the Constitution. The conservator merely takes the place
of a bank's board of directors. What the board cannot do FACTS:
— such as repudiating a contract validly entered into PAL dismissed four employees (Fortuno Biangco,
under the doctrine of implied authority — the conservator Hernando Guevarra, Bernardino Abarrientos) who are
cannot do either. members of PALEA — and the CIR en banc passed
A conservator cannot rescind a valid and existing resolution, directing the reinstatement of said employees
contract and that the CBA is the law between the "to their former or equivalent position in the company,
contracting parties, it is obvious that the conservator had with back wages from the date of their reinstatement,
no authority whatsoever to disallow the implementation and without prejudice to their seniority or other rights and
of Article XI, Section 1 and Article X, Section 4 of the privileges. This was affirmed by SC.
CBA, especially considering that the ideals of social Said employees were reinstated and PALEA moved for
justice and protection of labor are guaranteed not only the execution of the CIR resolution as regards the "other
by the Labor Code, but more importantly by the rights and privileges" therein mentioned, referring, more
fundamental law of the land. When the conflicting specifically to: (1) Christmas bonus from 1950 to 1958;
interests of labor and capital are weighed on the scales (2) accumulated sick leave; (3) transportation allowance
of social justice, the dominant influence of the latter must during lay-off period; and (4) accumulated free trip
be counter-balanced by the sympathy and compassion passes, both domestic and international. CIR granted
the law must accord the under-privileged worker. this motion.
Granting that both the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC
indeed had no jurisdiction over the issue, petitioner RATIO:
cannot anymore plead such procedural flaw under the In ordering therein the "reinstatement" of said employees
principle of estoppel. It was only when the decision of the with "back wages from the date of their dismissal to the
NLRC was unfavorable that it raised the issue of date of their reinstatement, and without prejudice to their
jurisdiction. While jurisdiction may be assailed at any seniority or other rights and privileges," it is obvious that
stage, a party's active participation in the proceedings the resolution intended to restore the employees to their
before a court without jurisdiction will estop such party status immediately prior to their dismissal. Hence, it
from assailing such lack of it. directed not only their reinstatement, but, also, the
Finally, petitioner asserts since the employees have payment of their back wages during the period of their
retired, as a consequence of which no employee- lay-off — thus referring necessarily to a period of time
employer relationship exists anymore between it and the preceding their reinstatement — and the retention of
"their seniority or other rights and privileges" –at the time
of their aforementioned dismissal. In other words, the L-35206: Individual petitioners (numbering 127) and the
reinstatement was with back wages for the lay-off period, ALAP (Gaston) maintain that the CIR acted without
coupled with "seniority or other rights and privileges", jurisdiction and with grave abuse of discretion in
attached to the status of the employees when they were promulgating its resolution dated June 19, 1972 which
dismissed. To put it differently, the CIR treated said suspended the hearing of the said petitioners' plea below
employees as if they had not been absent from work and for reinstatement and/or return to work in the PAL or,
had been uninterruptedly working during the lay-off alternatively, the payment of their retirement and/or
period. separation pay, as the case may be, until this Court,
Republic Steel Corporation vs. NLRB held that, under a shall have decided L-33705.
decree of the CCA and Order of the NLRB directing the
employer to reinstate the striking employees without Antecedent Facts (in chronological order):
prejudice to their seniority or other rights or privileges, it There was a labor dispute between members of ALPAP
was the intention of the Board and Court to provide that, and PAL and a strike ensued. CIR issued a return to
upon reinstatement the employees were to be treated in work order which was complied by the workers, except
matters involving seniority and continuity of employment Felix C. Gaston who allegedly refused to take the flights
as though they had not been absent from work, and assigned to him; thereafter PAL terminated Gaston's
hence the reinstated employees were entitled to the services.
benefits of the employer's vacation plan for the year in A general ALPAP meeting was held and the members
which they were reinstated and subsequent years upon adopted a resolution amending its constitution and by-
the basis of continuity of service computed as though laws by providing in a new section thereof that — Any
they had been actually at during the entire period from active member who shall be forced to retire or forced to
the date of strike to the date of reinstatement. resign or otherwise terminated for union activities as
The employees involved in the case at bar are entitled to solely determine' by the Association shall have the
the Christmas bonus that PAL had given to all of its option to either continue to be and remain as an active
employees during said period, for said bonus, having member in good standing or to resign in writing his
been paid regularly, has become part of the active membership with the Association.
compensation of the employees. Said employees are, CIR issued an order commanding ALPAP members not
likewise, entitled to transportation allowance and the to strike or in any way cause any stoppage in the
corresponding sick leave privileges. These sick leave operation and service of PAL and for PAL not to lockout
privileges are subject, however, to the following any of such members and officers of ALPAP. BUT
qualifications, namely: (1) that the accumulated sick despite the order, a substantial majority of ALPAP
leave cannot exceed 140 days, pursuant to the collective members filed letters of retirement/resignation from the
bargaining agreement between the PAL and the PALEA, PAL.(These are the individual petitioners praying for
effective in 1959; and (2) that, pursuant to the same reinstatement in L-35206)
agreement, which denies sick leave privileges to retired An election of ALPAP officers was held and resulted in
employees, Onofre Griño and Bernardino Abarrientos, Felix C. Gaston as President by 180 votes. The next
who have retired, are not entitled to said privileges. day, about 45 pilots who did not tender their retirement
The PAL's appeal as regards the free trip passes is, or resignation the PAL gathered and elected Ben Hur
however, well taken, for the employees had no absolute Gomez as ALPAP President. (So they have 2 presidents
right thereto, even if they had actually rendered services –note that the new section provides that members who
during the lay-off period. The free trip passes were have resigned are considered still members of the union)
given, neither automatically, nor indiscriminately. The ALPAP, represented by Ben Hur Gomez, claiming to be
employees had to apply therefore and their applications its President, filed a petition with the CIR praying for
were subject PAL's approval. certification as the sole and exclusive collective
bargaining representative of "all the pilots now under
AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION OF THE employment by the Philippine Air Lines, Inc, and are on
PHILIPPINES (GASTON GROUP), CIR and ALAP active flight and/or operational assignments." The
(GOMEZ GROUP) petition which was opposed in the name of the same
association by Felix C. Gaston (who also claimed to be
L-33705: Air Line Pilots Association of the Philippines its President) on the ground that the CIR has no
(Gaston group) maintains that the CIR acted without jurisdiction over the subject-matter o" the petition
jurisdiction in passing upon (1) the question of which, in "because a certification proceeding in the Court of
a certification proceeding, between the set of officers Industrial Relations is not the proper forum for the
elected by the group of PAL pilots headed by Captain adjudication of the question as to who is the lawful
Felix Gaston, on the one hand, and the set of officers president of a legitimate labor organization."
elected by the group headed by Captain Ben Hur CIR certified ALPAP (Gomez Group), as the sole and
Gomez, on the other, is the duly elected set of officers of exclusive Bargaining representative of all the pilots
the Air Line Pilots Association of the Philippines, and (2) employed by PAL and are on active flights and/or
the question of which, between the two groups, is operational assignments, and as such is entitled to all
entitled to the name, office and funds of the said the rights and privileges of a legitimate labor
Association. organization, including the right to its office and its union
RATIO: those constituting the segment share a common and
A certification proceeding is not a litigation but an distinguishable interest, apart from the rest of their fellow
investigation of a non-adversary, fact finding character in union members, on matters that directly affect the terms
which the Court of Industrial Relations plays the part of a and conditions of their particular employment. As the
disinterested investigator seeking merely to ascertain the circumstances pertinent to the case at bar presently
desires of employees as to the matter of their stand, ALPAP (Gaston) has extended recognition to
representation. Such being the nature of a certification ALPAP (Gomez) to enter and conclude collective
proceeding, we find no cogent reason that should bargaining contracts with PAL. Having given ALPAP
prevent the industrial court, in such a proceeding, from (Gomez) this authority, it would be clearly unreasonable
inquiring into and satisfying itself about matters which on the part of ALPAP (Gaston) to disallow the former a
may be relevant and crucial though seemingly beyond certain use of the office, funds and name of ALPAP
the purview of such a proceeding, to the complete when such use is necessary or would be required to
realization of the well-known purposes of a certification enable ALPAP (Gomez) to exercise, in a proper manner,
case. its delegated authority to bargain collectively with PAL.
Such a situation may arise, as it did in the case at bar,
where a group of pilots of a particular airline, allegedly L-35206: W/N CIR acted without jurisdiction and with
anticipation their forced retirement or resignation on grave abuse of discretion in promulgating the
account of strained relations with the airline arising from resolution suspending hearings on the mentioned
unfulfilled economic demands, decided to adopt an petition for reinstatement until this Court shall have
amendment to their organization's constitution and by- decided L-33705. NO
laws in order to enable them to retain their membership The matter of the reinstatement of the pilots who retired
standing therein even after the termination of their or resigned from PAL was ventilated fully and
employment with the employer concerned. The industrial adequately in the certification case in all its substantive
court definitely should be allowed ample discretion to aspects, including the allegation of the herein petitioners
secure a disclosure of circumstances which will enable it that they were merely led to believe in good faith that in
to act fairly in a certification case. retiring or resigning from PAL they were simply
SC cannot likewise subscribe to the restrictive exercising their rights to engage in concerted activity. In
interpretation made by the court below of the term "labor the light of the circumstances thus found below it can be
organization," which Section 2(e) of R.A. 875 defines as safely concluded that the mass retirement and
any union or association of employees which exist, resignation action of the herein petitioners was
in whole or in part, for the purpose of the collective intentionally planned to abort the effects of the return-to-
bargaining or dealing with employers concerning work orders of the industrial court by placing themselves
terms and conditions of employment." The absence beyond the jurisdictional control of the said court through
of the condition which the court below would attach to the umbrella of the constitutional, prohibition against
the statutory concept of a labor organization, as being involuntary servitude, thereby enabling them to pursue
limited to the employees of particular employer, is quite their main pressure objective of grounding most, if not
evident from the law. The emphasis of Industrial Peace all, PAL flight operations.
Act is clearly on the purposes for which a union or Contrary to ALPAP (Gaston)'s argument that the pilots'
association of employees established rather than that retirement' resignation was a legitimate concerted
membership therein should be limited only to the activity , citing Section 2(1) of the Industrial Peace Act
employees of a particular employer. Trite to say, under which defines "strike" as "any temporary stoppage of
Section 2(h) of R.A 875 "representative" is defined as work by the concerted action of employees as a result of
including "a legitimate labor organization or any an industrial dispute," it is worthwhile to observe that as
officer or agent of such organization, whether or not the law defines it, a strike means only a "temporary
employed by the employer or employee whom he stoppage of work." What the mentioned pilots did,
represents." It cannot be overemphasized likewise that however, cannot be considered, in the opinion of this
labor dispute can exist "regardless of whether the Court, as mere "temporary stoppage of work." What they
disputants stand in the proximate relation of employer contemplated was evidently a permanent cut-off of
and employee. (Section 2(j), R.a. 875). employment relationship with their erstwhile employer,
The fundamental assumptions relied upon by the CIR as PAL. In any event, the dispute below having been
bases for authorizing ALPAP (Gomez) to take over the certified as existing in an industry indispensable to the
office and funds of ALPAP is erroneous and the Court national interest, the said pilots' rank disregard for the
cannot hold as valid and binding the election of Ben Hur compulsory orders of the industrial court and their daring
Gomez as President of ALPAP. He was elected at a and calculating venture to disengage themselves from
meeting of only 45 ALPAP members called just one day that court's jurisdiction, for the obvious purpose of
after the election of Felix C. Gaston as President of satisfying their narrow economic demands to the
ALPAP who, as shown, received a majority of 180 votes prejudice of the public interest, are evident badges of
out of a total membership of 270. bad faith.
It is perfectly within the powers and prerogatives of a
labor organization, through its duly elected officers, to CEBU SEAMEN’s ASSn INC. v. CALLEJA
authorize a segment of that organization to bargain 212 SCRA 50 (1992)
collectively with a particular employer, particularly where
Facts: In 1950, a group of deck officers and marine respondent corporation and not of the complainant
engineers on board vessels plying Cebu and other ports union.
of the Philippines organized themselves into an
association and registered the same as a non-stock Public respondent Bureau of Labor Relations correctly
corporation known as Cebu Seamen's Association, Inc. ruled on the basis of the evidence presented by the
(CSAI), with the Securities and Exchange Commission parties that SAPI, the legitimate labor union, registered
(SEC). Later on, the same group registered its with its office, is not the same association as CSAI, the
association with this Bureau as a labor union known as corporation, insofar as their rights under the Labor Code
the Seamen's Association of the Philippines, are concerned. The expulsion of Nacua from the
Incorporated (SAPI). corporation, of which she denied being a member, has
however, not affected her membership with the labor
SAPI has an existing collective bargaining agreement union. In fact, in the elections of officers for 1987-1989,
(CBA) with the Aboitiz Shipping Corporation which will she was re-elected as the president of the labor union.
expire on 31 December 1988. In consonance with the Thus there is no merit in the the contention of Gabayoyo
CBA said company has been remitting checked-off union that Nacua was already expelled from the union.
dues to said union until 1987 when a group composed of Whatever acts their group had done in the corporation
members of said union, introducing itself to be its new do not bind the labor union. Moreover, Gabayoyo cannot
set of officers, went to the company and claimed that claim leadership of the labor group by virtue of his
they are entitled to the remittance and custody of such having been elected as a president of the dormant
union dues. This group, headed by Manuel Gabayoyo corporation CSAI.
claims that they were elected as such on January 20,
1987 under the supervision of the SEC.
Nestle Phils. Inc. v. NLRC
Subsequently, another group headed by Dominica C. 195 SCRA 340 (1991)
Nacua, claiming as the duly elected set of officers of the
union in an election held on 20 December 1986, filed a Facts: Eugenia Nunez, Liza Villanueva, Emmanuel
complaint, for and in behalf of the union, against the Villena, Rudolph Armas, Rodolfo Kua and Rodolfo
Cebu Seamen's Association, Inc. (CSAI) as represented Solidum were either employed as sales or medical
by Manuel Gabayoyo for the security of the representatives of Nestle Philippines. Said employees
aforementioned CBA, seeking such relief, among others, availed availed of the company’s car loan policy. Nunez,
as an order restraining the respondent from acting on Villena, Villanueva and Armas were dismissed for having
behalf of the union and directing the Aboitiz Shipping participated in an illegal strike. Kua and Solidum were
Corp. to remit the checked-off union dues for the months dismissed for certain irregularities. Said employees filed
of March and April 1987. complaints for illegal dismissal in the Arbitration Branch
of the NLRC. The Labor Arbiter dismissed their
CSAI filed its Answer/Position Paper alleging that the complaints and upheld their dismissal. They appealed to
complainant union and CSAI are one and the same the NRLC where their appeals are pending. Meanwhile,
union; that Dominica C. Nacua and Atty. Prospero the company filed a civil suit to recover possession of
Paradilla who represented the union had been expelled the cars subject of the car loan policy, after the
as members/officers as of November 1984 for lawful dismissed employees failed and refused to either settle
causes; and, that its set of officers headed by Manuel the remaining balance of the cost of their respective
Gabayoyo has the lawful right to the remittance and cars, or to return them to the company for proper
custody of the corporate funds. disposition. The dismissed employees sought a
temporary restraining order in the NLRC to stop the
Issue: Who is entitled to the collection and custody of company from cancelling their car loans and collecting
the union dues – (1) Cebu Seamen’s Association their monthly amortication pending the final resolution of
headed by Gabayoyo or Seamen’s Association of the their appeals in the illegal dismissal case. The NLRC en
Philippines headed by Nacua banc granted the petition for injunction. The company
filed a petition for certiorari, alleging that the NLRC does
Held: It is the set of officers headed by Dominica C. not have jurisdiction over the issue in the absence of any
Nacua that is the lawful set of officers of SAPI and labor dispute related to the same. The petition was
therefore, is entitled to the release and custody of the granted by the Supreme Court, annulling the NLRC
union dues as well as the agency fees, if any, there be. resolution in the petition for injunction.
A record check with the Labor Organizations (LOD), this
Bureau, shows that SAPI has submitted to it for file the Issue: WON there is labor dispute arising or related to
list of this new set of officers, in compliance with the the issue involving the car loan policy so as to provide
second paragraph of Article 242 (c) of the Labor Code. the NLRC jurisdiction over the petition for injunction.
This list sufficiently sustains the view that said officers
were lawfully elected, in the absence of clear and Held: NO, Nestlé's demand for payment of the private
convincing proof to the contrary. On the other hand, the respondents' amortizations on their car loans, or, in the
group of Gabayoyo is the set of officers of the alternative, the return of the cars to the company, is not
a labor, but a civil, dispute. It involves debtor-creditor
relations, rather than employee-employer relations. It is D’Rite, on the other hand, a labor dispute can
not dependent on or related to any labor aspect under nevertheless exist “regardless of whether the disputants
which a labor injunction can be issued. Whether or not stand in the proximate relationship of employer and
the private respondents remain as employees of the employee (Article 212(i), Labor Code),” provided the
petitioner, there is no escape from their obligation to pay controversy concerns, among others, the terms and
their outstanding accountabilities to the petitioner; and if conditions of employment or a “change” or arrangement”
they cannot afford it, to return the cars assigned to them. thereof. The existence of a labor dispute is not negated
As noted, the options given to the private respondents by the fact that the plaintiffs and the defendants do not
are civil in nature arising from contractual obligations. stand in the proximate relationship of employee. A labor
There is no labor aspect involved in the enforcement of dispute, as defined by law, does exists herein, and is
those obligations. evident. What the union seeks is to regularize the status
of the employees contracted by the Lipercon and D’Rite,
Thus, the NLRC gravely abused its discretion and was in effect that they be absorbed into the working unit
exceeded its jurisdiction by issuing the writ of injunction of SMC. This matter definitely dwells on the working
to stop the company from enforcing the civil obligation of relationship between said employees vis-à-vis SMC.
the private respondents under the car loan agreements Terms, tenure and conditions of the employment and the
and from protecting its interest in the cars which, by the arrangement of those terms are involved, bringing the
terms of those agreements, belong to it (the company) matter within the purview of labor dispute.
until their purchase price shall have been fully paid by
the employee. The terms of the car loan agreements are KIOK LOY v. NLRC
not in issue in the labor case. The rights and obligations
of the parties under those contracts may be enforced by FACTS:
a separate civil action in the regular courts, not in the On November 29, 1978, the Bureau of Labor Relations
NLRC. issued a resolution declaring the Pambansang Kilusang
Paggawa as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of
  the rank-and-file employees of Sweden Ice Cream Plant.
San Miguel Corp. Employees Union v. Bersamira The company’s motion for reconsideration of the said
resolution was denied on January 25, 1978.
Facts: Contracts for merchandising service were Accordingly, on December 7, 1978, the Union furnished
entered into by San Miguel corp. (SMC) with the Company with two copies of its proposed collective
independent contractors duly licensed by the DOLE bargaining agreement. It also requested the Company
namely Lipercon and D’Rite. The two contractors and for its counter proposals. Both requests were ignored.
SMC agreed that the workers employed by the The company failed to respond.
contractors were to be paid by the contractors and that With these, on February 14, 1979, the Union filed a
none of them were to be deemed employees or agents "Notice of Strike", with the Bureau of Labor Relations on
of SMC. However, SMC was advised by SMC the ground of unresolved economic issues in collective
Employees Union on November 20, 1988 that Lipercon bargaining. Conciliation proceedings then followed
and D’Rite workers signed up for union membership. It during the thirty-day statutory cooling-off period.
was the union’s argument that the said group of However, all attempts for an amicable settlement failed.
employees, while appearing to be contracted workers of The Bureau of Labor Relations then certified the case to
independent contractors, they continuously worked for the National Labor Relations Commission for
SMC for 6 months to 15 years and that their work was compulsory arbitration.
neither casual nor seasonal as they performed work or The labor arbiter set the initial hearing for April 29, 1979.
activities necessary or desirable in the usual business or For failure however, of the parties to submit their
trade of SMC. The Union further argued that the “labor respective position papers as required, the said hearing
only” contracting situation and that the employment was cancelled and reset to another date. The Union
status of these workers shall be regularized. Upon consequently submitted its position paper.
petition for injunction and damage filed by SMC, the On July 20, 1979, the National Labor Relations
RTC issued an order enjoining the union from Commission rendered its decision declaring the
representing the Lipercon and D’Rite workers for the respondent guilty of unjustified refusal to bargain
purpose of collective bargaining. The union sought to The company then filed a petition before the court
nullify the said writ on the ground that the controversy alleging that the National Labor Relations Commission
involved a labor dispute which was beyond the lower acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction or with grave
court’s jurisdiction. abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction in
rendering the challenged decision. It further alleged that
Issue: WON there exists a labor dispute between SMC the decision is not supported by law.
and the union which makes the case under the
jurisdiction of the labor tribunal. ISSUE: Whether the company may be held guilty of
unjustified refusal to bargain - YES
Held: YES, while it is San Miguel’s submission that no
employer-employee relationship exists between itself, on RATIO:
one hand, and the contractual workers of Lipercon and
The Court held that collective bargaining, which is file employees of the Hotel. The company, however, did
defined as negotiations towards a collective agreement, not respond favorably.
is one of the democratic frameworks under the New With these, a Notice of Strike was filed on September
Labor Code, designed to stabilize the relation between 29, 1997, with the National Conciliation and Mediation
labor and management and to create a climate of sound Board (NCMB) alleging the Hotel’s refusal to bargain
and stable industrial peace. It is a mutual responsibility and unfair labor practices as grounds.  The NCMB
of the employer and the Union and is characterized as a summoned both parties and held a series of dialogues.
legal obligation. So much so that Article 249, par. (g) of On November 29, 1997, however, the Union staged a
the Labor Code makes it an unfair labor practice for an strike against the Hotel.
employer to refuse “to meet and convene promptly and The Secretary of DOLE, Cresenciano B. Trajano,
expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of negotiating assumed jurisdiction and ordered compulsory arbitration
an agreement with respect to wages, hours of work, and pursuant to Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code. The Union
all other terms and conditions of employment including members were directed to return to work and for the
proposals for adjusting any grievance or question arising HOTEL to accept them back. The Hotel refused to
under such an agreement and executing a contract accept the employees’ return. Consequently, the order
incorporating such agreement, if requested by either was modified by the Acting Secretary of Labor Jose M.
party.” Español such that reinstatement was to be done only in
While it is a mutual obligation of the parties to bargain, the payroll.
the employer, however, is not under any legal duty to The Union then filed a petition for certiorari alleging
initiate contract negotiation. The mechanics of collective grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Labor
bargaining is set in motion only when the following Secretary for ordering payroll reinstatement. The case
jurisdictional preconditions are present, namely: was referred to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the
1. Possession of the status of majority order.
representation of the employees’
representative in accordance with any of ISSUE: Whether the Court of Appeals committed grave
the means of selection or designation abuse of discretion in affirming the validity of “payroll
provided for by the Labor Code; reinstatement” of the Union members. - Yes
2. Proof of majority
3. Representation; and RATIO:
4. A demand to bargain under Article 251, par. The Court first distinguished the case from UST v. NLRC
(a) of the New Labor Code relied upon by the Court of Appeals. Accordingly, the
All of which preconditions are undisputedly present in UST case was decided in light of the fact that the order
the instant case. of payroll reinstatement was issued when the teachers
From the over-all conduct of petitioner company in could not be given back their academic assignments
relation to the task of negotiation, there can be no doubt because the semester was already halfway.
that the Union has a valid cause to complain against the Then, the Court held that in order to answer the issue
company’s attitude, the totality of which is indicative of presented, there must be reference to the nature of
the latter’s disregard of, and failure to live up to, what is Article 263(g).  As a general rule, the State encourages
enjoined by the Labor Code — to bargain in good faith. an environment wherein employers and employees
themselves must deal with their problems in a manner
MANILA DIAMOND HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION v. that mutually suits them best.  This is the basic policy
Court of Appeals embodied in Article XIII, Section 3 of the Constitution,
which was further echoed in Article 211 of the Labor
FACTS: Code. Hence, a voluntary, instead of compulsory, mode
On November 11, 1996, the petitioner Union filed a of dispute settlement is the general rule.
petition for a certification election so that it may be However, Article 263, paragraph (g) of the Labor Code,
declared the exclusive bargaining representative of the which allows the Secretary of Labor to assume
Hotel’s employees for the purpose of collective jurisdiction over a labor dispute involving an industry
bargaining. This was dismissed by the Department of indispensable to the national interest, provides an
Labor and employment due to la of legal requirements. exception:
After a few months or on August 25, 1997, the Union (g)  When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute
sent a letter to the Hotel informing it of its desire to causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an
negotiate for a collective bargaining agreement. This industry indispensable to the national interest, the
was rejected by the Hotel management through a letter Secretary of Labor and Employment may assume
written by the Hotel’s Human Resources Department jurisdiction over the dispute and decide it or certify the
Manager, Mary Anne Mangalindan, because of the same to the Commission for compulsory arbitration. 
dismissal of the Union’s petition before the DOLE. The Such assumption or certification shall have the effect of
Union contended that they were not giving the Hotel a automatically enjoining the intended or impending strike
notice to bargain. They were merely asking for the Hotel or lockout as specified in the assumption or certification
to engage in collective bargaining negotiations with the order.  If one has already taken place at the time of
Union for its members only and not for all the rank and assumption or certification, all striking or locked out
employees shall immediately return to work and the
employer shall immediately resume operations and RATIO:
readmit all workers under the same terms and conditions The Court held that the purpose in requiring a prior
prevailing before the strike or lockout. clearance from the Secretary of Labor in cases of
This provision is viewed as an exercise of the police shutdown or dismissal of employees is to afford the
power of the State, preventing prolonged strike or Secretary ample opportunity to examine and determine
lockout, which is inimical to the national economy and, the reasonableness of the request. The rationale behind
therefore, the situation is imbued with public necessity the clearance requirement was fully met in this case.
and involves the right of the State and the public to self- The Secretary of Labor was apprised of private
protection. respondent's intention to terminate the services of
Under Article 263(g), all workers must immediately petitioner. This in effect is an application for clearance to
return to work and all employers must readmit all of them dismiss petitioner from employment. Consequently,
under the same terms and conditions prevailing before private respondent acted in good faith when it terminated
the strike or lockout.  The Court pointed out that the law the employment of petitioner upon a declaration of
uses the precise phrase of “under the same terms and illegality of the strike.
conditions,” revealing that it contemplates only actual Further, it held that the case is a matter of responsibility
reinstatement.  This is in keeping with the rationale that and of answerability. Petitioner as a union leader must
any work stoppage or slowdown in that particular see to it that the policies and activities of the union in the
industry can be inimical to the national economy.  It was conduct of labor relations are within the precepts of law
an error on the part of the Court of Appeals to view the and any deviation from the legal boundaries shall be
assumption order of the Secretary as a measure to imputable to the leader. He bears the responsibility of
protect the striking workers from any retaliatory action guiding the union along the path of law and to cause the
from the Hotel. The Court reiterates that the law was union to demand what is not legally demandable, would
written as a means to be used by the State to protect foment anarchy which is a prelude to chaos.
itself from an emergency or crisis. It is not for labor, nor As a strike is an economic weapon at war with the
is it for management. policy of the Constitution and the law at that time, a
resort thereto by laborers shall be deemed to be a
VICTORIA v. INCIONG choice of remedy peculiarly their own and outside of the
statute, and as such, the strikers must accept all the
FACTS: risks attendant upon their choice. If they succeed and
The petitioner Saturno Victoria was employed on March the employer succumbs, the law will not stand in their
17, 1956 by private respondent Far East Broadcasting way in the enjoyment of the lawful fruits of their victory.
Company, Incorporated as a radio transmitter operator. But if they fail, they cannot thereafter invoke the
He and his co-workers organized, sometime in July protection of the law for the consequences of their
1971, the Far East Broadcasting Company Employees conduct unless the right they wished vindicated is one
Association with him as President. After registering their which the law will, by all means, protect and enforce.
association with the then Department of Labor, they
demanded recognition of said association by the UST Faculty Union v. Bitonio
company but the latter refused on the ground that being
a non-profit, non-stock, non-commercial and religious Facts:
corporation, it is not covered by Republic Act 875, Petitioner is assailing respondent’s ruling declaring the
otherwise known as the Industrial Peace Act, the labor election of officers of the union void for having been
law enforced at that time. They were further advised of conducted in violation of the union’s Constitution and
the impossibility of compelling recognition by the Director Bylaws (CBL). Bitonio rejected petitioners’ contention
of Labor Relations during several conciliation meetings. that it was a legitimate exercise of their right to self-
Notwithstanding such advice, the union members led by organization.  He ruled that the CBL, which constituted
Saturno Victoria, declared a strike and picketed the the covenant between the union and its members, could
company's premises on September 6, 1972 for the not be suspended during the October 4, 1996 general
purpose of seeking recognition of the labor union. The assembly of all faculty members, since that assembly
strike was consequently declared illegal and the workers had not been convened or authorized by the USTFU.
were ordered to return to work while the civil case for
damages was pending. The company then dismissed Issue: W/N Bitonio committed grave abuse of discretion
Victoria, which was declared illegal by the NLRC due to – NO
violation of article 267 of the Labor Code, requiring
clearance from the Secretary of Labor for every Ratio/Doctrine:
shutdown of business establishments or dismissal of
employees. This was reversed by Sec. Inciong, ruling Right to self-organization
that mere report of the termination of the services of said Self-organization is a fundamental right guaranteed by
petitioner was sufficient. the Philippine Constitution and the Labor Code. 
Employees have the right to form, join or assist
ISSUE: Whether there should be clearance under Art. labor organizations for the purpose of collective
267 before the petitioner may be dismissed - NO bargaining or for their mutual aid and protection.
Whether employed for a definite period or not, any
employee shall be considered as such, beginning on his membership meetings as found in the USTFU’s CBL.
first day of service, for purposes of membership in a Second, there was no COMELEC to oversee the
labor union. election as mandated by the CBL. Third, the election
Corollary to this right is the prerogative not to join, was not done by secret balloting as mandated by the
affiliate with or assist a labor union. Therefore, to CBL.
become a union member, an employee must, as a rule,
not only signify the intent to become one, but also take National Union of Bank Employees v. Minister of
some positive steps to realize that intent.  The procedure Labor, Deputy Minister of Labor, Director of Bureau
for union membership is usually embodied in the union’s of Labor Relations, and Producers Bank of the Phils.
constitution and bylaws. An employee who becomes a
union member acquires the rights and the concomitant Facts:
obligations that go with this new status and becomes Petition for mandamus to compel public respondents to
bound by the union’s rules and regulations. conduct a certification election among the rank and file
“When a man joins a labor union (or almost any other employees of the respondent employer or in the
democratically controlled group), necessarily a portion of alternative, to require the respondent Minister of Labor
his individual freedom is surrendered for the benefit of all or his Deputy to act on private respondent's "Appeal"
members.  He accepts the will of the majority of the and on petitioner's "Motion to Dismiss with Motion to
members in order that he may derive the advantages to Execute."
be gained from the concerted action of all.  Just as the
enactments of the legislature bind all of us, to the Issue: Is it proper to order a certification election despite
constitution and by-laws of the union (unless contrary to the pendency of the petition to cancel herein petitioner
good morals or public policy, or otherwise illegal), which union's certificate of registration? - YES
are duly enacted through democratic processes, bind all
of the members.  If a member of a union dislikes the Ratio/Doctrine:
provisions of the by-laws, he may seek to have them The pendency of the petition for cancellation of the
amended or may withdraw from the union; otherwise, he registration certificate of herein petitioner union is not a
must abide by them.  It is not the function of courts to bar to the holding of a certification election. The
decide the wisdom or propriety of legitimate by-laws of a pendency of the petition for cancellation of the
trade union. registration certificate of petitioner union founded on the
“On joining a labor union, the constitution and by-laws alleged illegal strikes staged by the leaders and
become a part of the member’s contract of membership members of the intervenor union and petitioner union
under which he agrees to become bound by the should not suspend the holding of a certification election,
constitution and governing rules of the union so far as it because there is no order directing such cancellation.
is not inconsistent with controlling principles of law.  The As aptly ruled by respondent Bureau of Labor Relations
constitution and by-laws of an unincorporated trade Director Noriel: "The rights of workers to self-
union express the terms of a contract, which define the organization finds general and specific
privileges and rights secured to, and duties assumed by, constitutional guarantees. Section 7, Article IV of the
those who have become members.  The agreement of a Philippine Constitution provides that the right to form
member on joining a union to abide by its laws and associations or societies for purposes not contrary to law
comply with the will of the lawfully constituted majority shall not be abridged. This right is more pronounced in
does not require a member to submit to the the case of labor. Section 9, Article II (ibid) specifically
determination of the union any question involving his declares that the State shall assure the rights of workers
personal rights.” to self-organization, collective bargaining, security of
Petitioners’ frustration over the performance of private tenure and just and humane conditions of work. Such
respondents, as well as their fears of a “fraudulent” constitutional guarantees should not be lightly taken
election to be held under the latter’s supervision, could much less easily nullified. A healthy respect for the
not justify the method they chose to impose their will on freedom of association demands that acts imputable to
the union. officers or members be not easily visited with capital
punishments against the association itself"
USTFU’s constitution and by laws were violated
The importance of a union’s constitution and bylaws Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union v.
cannot be overemphasized.  They embody a covenant Confesor(Labor Sec) and Standard Chartered Bank
between a union and its members and constitute the
fundamental law governing the members’ rights and Facts:
obligations. As such, the union’s constitution and bylaws Petitioner and respondent Bank entered into 5-year CBA
should be upheld, as long as they are not contrary to with a provision to renegotiate the terms thereof on the
law, good morals or public policy. 3rd yr. prior to the expiration of the 3-yr period, the Union
The SC agreed with Bitonio and Med-Arbiter’s finding initiated the negotiations regarding political provisions
that the election held was tainted with irregularities. First, and 34 economic provisions. The Bank gave a counter
the Oct 4 assembly was not called by the union. It was proposal for the non-economic provisions.
merely a convocation of faculty clubs. It was not Negotiations for the economic aspect proceeded. Except
convened in accordance with the provision on general for the provisions regarding the uniforms and signing
bonus, the parties failed to agree on the remaining self-organization necessarily includes the right to
economic provisions of the CBA. The Union declared a collective bargaining.
deadlock and filed a notice of strike with the NCMB. The Parenthetically, if an employer interferes in the selection
Bank, on the other hand, filed a complaint for unfair labor of its negotiators or coerces the Union to exclude from
practice (ULP) before the Arbitration branch of NLRC. its panel of negotiators a representative of the Union,
Labor Sec Confesor assumed jurisdiction. She ordered and if it can be inferred that the employer adopted the
the Union to execute a CBA. All those provisions not said act to yield adverse effects on the free exercise to
modified are retained while those being demanded by right to self-organization or on the right to collective
either party are denied. She also dismissed the bargaining of the employees, ULP under Article 248(a) in
complaint of the Bank for ULP for lack of merit. connection with Article 243 of the Labor Code is
The CBA was signed but the Union file a petition for committed.
certiorari under Rule 65 alleging that Confesor The circumstances that occurred during the negotiation
committed grave abuse of discretion. do not show that the suggestion made by Diokno to
Divinagracia is an anti-union conduct from which it can
Ratio/Doctrine: be inferred that the Bank consciously adopted such act
Under the International Labor Organization Convention to yield adverse effects on the free exercise of the right
(ILO) No. 87 FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND to self-organization and collective bargaining of the
PROTECTION OF THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE to which employees, especially considering that such was
the Philippines is a signatory, "workers and employers, undertaken previous to the commencement of the
without distinction whatsoever, shall have the right to negotiation and simultaneously with Divinagracia’s
establish and, subject only to the rules of the suggestion that the bank lawyers be excluded from its
organization concerned, to job organizations of their own negotiating panel.
choosing without previous authorization." The records show that after the initiation of the collective
Workers’ and employers’ organizations shall have bargaining process, with the inclusion of Umali in the
the right to draw up their constitutions and rules, to Union’s negotiating panel, the negotiations pushed
elect their representatives in full freedom to organize through. The complaint was made only on August 16,
their administration and activities and to formulate 1993 after a deadlock was declared by the Union on
their programs. Article 2 of ILO Convention No. 98 June 15, 1993.
pertaining to the Right to Organize and Collective It is clear that such ULP charge was merely an
Bargaining, provides: afterthought. The accusation occurred after the
Article 2 arguments and differences over the economic provisions
1. Workers’ and employers’ organizations shall enjoy became heated and the parties had become frustrated. It
adequate protection against any acts or interference by happened after the parties started to involve
each other or each other’s agents or members in their personalities. As the public respondent noted, passions
establishment, functioning or administration. may rise, and as a result, suggestions given under less
2. In particular, acts which are designed to promote the adversarial situations may be colored with unintended
establishment of workers’ organizations under the meanings.
domination of employers or employers’ organizations or
to support workers’ organizations by financial or other REYES vs. TRAJANO
means, with the object of placing such organizations
under the control of employers or employers’ FACTS:
organizations within the meaning of this Article. Two labor organizations were contesting the right to be
The aforecited ILO Conventions are incorporated in our the exclusive representative of the employees of Tri-
Labor Code, particularly in Article 243 thereof, which union industries, namely TUEU-OLALIA and TUPAS.
provides: The ballots for the certification election provided for 3
SELF-ORGANIZATION. – All persons employed in Among 240 employees who cast their votes, 141 were
commercial, industrial and agricultural enterprises and in Iglesia ni Cristo (INC) members. The final tally of the
religious, charitable, medical or educational institutions votes showed the following results:
whether operating for profit or not, shall have the right to TUPAS: 1; TUEU-OLALIA: 95; NO UNION: 1; SPOILED:
self-organization and to form, join, or assist labor 1; CHALLENGED: 141.
organizations of their own choosing for purposes of
collective bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant The challenged votes were cast by INC members. Upon
workers, self-employed people, rural workers and those agreement of the competing unions, votes of the INC
without any definite employers may form labor members were excluded from the count. Petitioners filed
organizations for their mutual aid and protection. petition to cancel the election alleging that it was unfair
and Articles 248 and 249 respecting ULP of employers and that it did not represent the true sentiment of the
and labor organizations. majority. This was opposed by the TUEU-OLALIA, which
Article 248(a) of the Labor Code, considers it an unfair claimed that the petitioners "do not have legal
labor practice when an employer interferes, restrains or personality to protest the results of the election,"
coerces employees in the exercise of their right to self- because "they are not members of either contending
organization or the right to form association. The right to unit, but . . . of the INK" which prohibits its followers, on
religious grounds, from joining or forming any labor of the employment relation and the resultant CBA
organization. negotiated by the certified union binds all employees in
the bargaining unit. Hence, all rank-and-file employees,
ISSUE: Whether the INC employees, in voting for “NO probationary or permanent, have a substantial interest in
UNION” during the elections, exercised their right to self- the selection of the bargaining representative.
organization and that as such, their votes should be Petition granted.
HELD: Yes, the right of self-organization embraces not
only the right to form, join or assist labor organizations, FACTS:
but the concomitant, converse right NOT to form, join or Respondent union declared and maintained a strike
assist any labor union. The right of self-organization against petitioner Pan-am. The President certified the
includes the right to organize or affiliate with a labor strike to the CIR as being an industrial dispute affecting
union or determine which of two or more unions in an national interest. . It was the position of the Union that its
establishment to join, and to engage in concerted members would not resume the performance of their
activities with co-workers for purposes of collective duties unless its officers were likewise included in the
bargaining through representatives of their own return-to-work order. Petitioner was agreeable to having
choosing, or for their mutual aid and protection. The right the workers return to work but not the five officials of
NOT to join, affiliate with, or assist any union, and to respondent Union which led the strike. It alleged that the
disaffiliate or resign from a labor organization, is strike was illegal, being offensive to a no-strike clause of
subsumed in the right to join, affiliate with, or assist any an existing collective bargaining agreement the result
union, and to maintain membership therein. The right to being that the officials could, as the responsible parties,
form or join a labor organization necessarily includes the be liable for dismissal. Consequently, it was not
right to refuse or refrain from exercising said right. It is agreeable to their being allowed to return to the positions
self-evident that just as no one should be denied the held by them prior to the strike as they would not be only
exercise of a right granted by law, so also, no one lacking in "incentive and motivation for doing their work
should be compelled to exercise such a conferred right. properly" but would likewise have the opportunity to
cause "grave and irreparable injury to petitioner. CIR
The purpose of a certification election is the judge issued an order requiring petitioner to accept the
ascertainment of the wishes of the majority of the five union officers pending resolution on the merits of the
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit: to be or dispute involved in the strike.
not to be represented by a labor organization, and by
which particular labor organization. If the results of the ISSUE:
election should disclose that the majority of the workers Whether the return to work order for the said 5 union
do not wish to be represented by any union, then their officials was characterized with grave abuse of
wishes must be respected, and no union may properly discretion?
be certified as the exclusive representative of the
workers in the bargaining unit in dealing with the HELD:
employer. The minority employees — who wish to have No, it was a valid order made by the CIR judge who had
a union represent them in collective bargaining — can jurisdiction to try and decide the case.
do nothing but wait for another suitable occasion to There is both a constitutional and statutory recognition
petition for a certification election and hope that the that laborers have the right to form unions to take care of
results will be different. They should not be permitted, to their interests vis-a-vis their employers. Their freedom
impose their will on the majority upon the plea that they, organizations would be rendered nugatory if they could
the minority workers, are being denied the right of self- not choose their own leaders to speak on their behalf
organization and collective bargaining. and to bargain for them. If petitioner were to succeed in
their demand, the effect would be to effectively deprive
The respondents' argument that the petitioners are the rank and file of their freedom of choice as to who
disqualified to vote because they "are not constituted should represent them. To that extent then, their
into a duly organized labor union" — "but members of constitutional and statutory right to freedom of
the INK which prohibits its followers, on religious association suffers an impairment hardly to be
grounds, from joining or forming any labor organization" characterized as inconsequential.
is specious. Neither law, administrative rule nor Petitioner’s offer to deposit the salaries of the five
jurisprudence requires that only employees affiliated with officers with respondent Court to be paid to them,
any labor organization may take part in a certification coupled with a concession that if their right to return to
election. On the contrary, the intendment of the law is to work be not recognized, there would be no need for
grant the right to vote to all bona fide employees in the refund, only adds insult to injury. The record is bereft of
bargaining unit, whether they are members of a labor slightest indication that any danger, much less one clear
organization or not. As held in Airtime Specialists, Inc. and present, is to be expected from their return to work.
v. Ferrer-Calleja: In a certification election all rank-and- Necessarily, the union officials have the right to feel
file employees in the appropriate bargaining unit are offended by the fact that, while they will be paid their
entitled to vote. Collective bargaining covers all aspects salaries in the meanwhile they would not be considered
as fit persons to perform the duties pertaining to the contained in said minutes accurately reflected the
positions held by them. statements made by Luna during the meeting, the same
could not be considered as being libellous for it is
UNION OF SUPERVISORS vs. SEC. OF LABOR, privileged in nature as a valid exercise of his
REPUBLIC BANK constitutional freedom of expression. He addressed his
remarks to the body that has jurisdiction over the
FACTS: question of management of the assets of the Provident
Petitioner union filed with the NLRC a complaint against Fund. Luna's remarks were intended to protect the
respondent Bank, charging it with unfair labor practice interests of the members of the Provident Fund from
committed against its president Mr. Norberto Luna, for what he honestly believed was a risky venture on the
harassment, unjust suspension from his employment as part of the management. His protests could even be
Manager of respondent's San Juan branch and as treated as union activity by the Industrial Peace Act.
member of the Board of Trustees of the RB Provident Luna's membership in the PF Board of Trustees was by
Fund, as well as his unlawful dismissal as Administrator virtue of his being president of the RB Union of
and Secretary of the said fund, all due to his militant Supervisors. The Provident Fund was itself created as a
espousal and defense of workers' rights. The bank result of the union's CBA with the bank. Luna was
alleged that the dismissal was for cause, citing as basis therefore acting out his role as protector of his
thereof (1) grave misconduct for making derogatory and constituents when he voiced out his apprehension and
libelous remarks against the bank management as a protests over the plan of management. It matters not that
whole and against the AVP in particular, and (2) he acted singly or individually. What is important is that
insubordination for refusal to obey the lawful order of his he had been selected by the supervisors of respondent
superior. bank to be their president and representative in the PF
Board of Trustees. His actuations as such should
The Republic Bank Provident Fund was established therefore be considered as legitimate exercise of the
pursuant to the collective bargaining agreement between employees' right to self-organization and as an activity
the employees and respondent bank for the benefit of for their mutual aid and protection, aside from being
the officers and employees of the Republic Bank. The privileged communication protected by the constitutional
problem arose when Luna objected to the proposal guarantee on free speech.
made by another member of the Board of Trustees to
reorganize the fund so as to tie it up with the Investment The other basis for dismissal, insubordination, is likewise
Money Market Operations of the bank. Luna vehemently without justifiable ground. Such charge arose out of the
objected to this, saying that the Provident Fund does not alleged refusal of Luna to obey the order of his superior,
belong to the respondent bank but to the officers and to turn over the records of the Provident Fund to the new
employees. A heated discussion followed, during which administrator. The "order" referred to was not an order
the alleged libellous remarks were uttered by Luna but a letter-request as it was in fact entitled "Request to
against bank management and against Mr. de Vera Turn Over Records re Provident Fund". Upon receipt
specifically. The reorganization move was carried by a 3 thereof, Luna immediately answered in writing explaining
to 2 vote. To protect the interests of the fund, Mr. Luna why he feels justified to keep them. In his answer to the
moved that a trust agreement be executed between the charges, Luna averred that when no follow-up was made
trustees on the one hand and the members of the thereon, he assumed that his explanation had been
provident fund on the other, and that the trustees should satisfactory. Indeed, the Board of Trustees, upon receipt
execute a bond. This motion was denied. Disgusted, of such written explanation, should have referred the
Luna walked out. A new administrator for the fund was matter to the grievance machinery under the CBA. This
appointed by the Board and Luna was requested to turn was not done. Instead, management preferred as many
over all the pertinent records and documents to such charges as it could frame against Luna, obviously to
replacement. Administrative investigations were make sure that if one charge could not suffice to bring
conducted regarding Luna’s conduct with the end result about his ouster, the other charges might produce the
of dismissing him from employment. desired result.

ISSUE: It is evident, from surrounding facts, that the respondent

Whether Luna’s utterances and alleged acts of bank's predilection to oust Luna was because of his
insubordination constitute just cause for his dismissal union activities. Luna was the Branch Manager of
and whether such dismissal constitutes an unfair labor respondent bank's San Juan Branch and for eleven (11)
practice (ULP)? years the president of the RB Union of Supervisors. It is
likewise not denied that the Union of Supervisors had,
HELD: prior to this case, caused the filing of several cases
There was no just cause for the dismissal. The charge of against the bank with the NLRC. As a result of his active
grave misconduct for the alleged derogatory and defense of union rights, he was viewed as a threat by
libellous remarks uttered by Luna is without basis. First the bank’s management on the latter’s plan to control the
of all, the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting, which funds of the Provident Fund which was established as a
contained the alleged libellous remarks made by Luna, is result of the collective bargaining agreement.
questionable at best. Second, even if what was Understandably therefore, they wanted him out.
All these circumstances taken together indubitably show Under this provision, there is no doubt that rank and file
that Luna's discharge was discriminatory and constituted employees of non-profit medical institutions (as
unfair labor practice under paragraph (5) Section 4 of the petitioner) are now permitted to form, join or organize
Industrial Peace Act. He is therefore entitled to labor unions of their choice for purposes of collective
reinstatement with back wages pursuant to the policy to bargaining. As AFW had complied with the requisites
decree back wages not exceeding three (3) years provided by law for calling a certification election, it was
without requiring the parties to submit proof of incumbent upon respondent Director to conduct such
compensation received from other sources at the time of certification election to ascertain the bargaining
illegal dismissal until actual reinstatement. representative of petitioner’s employees.

FEU-DR. REYES MEDICAL FOUNDATION vs. Any judgment which may be rendered in the petition for
TRAJANO, AFW certiorari pending before the SC will not constitute as res
judicata in the petition for certification election under
FACTS: consideration, for while in the former, AFW questioned
The petitioner has a workforce of about 350 rank and file the constitutionality of Article 244 before its amendment,
employees, majority of whom are members of in the latter, AFW invokes the same article as already
respondent union Alliance of Filipino Workers (AFW). amended.
AFW filed a Petition for Certification Election with the Petition dismissed. Decision affirmed.
Ministry of Labor, which was subsequently opposed by
petitioner on the ground that a similar petition involving Victoriano V. Elizalde Rope Workers
the same issues and the same parties is pending
resolution before the SC. AFW admitted filing a previous Facts:
petition before the SC, after the Med Arbiter and Victoriano was a member of the INC w/c prohibits
Secretary of Labor both held that as petitioner was a associations. The Union had a closed shop bargaining
non-stock and non-profit medical institution, its agreement with the company and anyone who was not a
employees may not form, join or organize a union member of the union was to be dismissed by the
pursuant to Article 244 of the Labor code. Such petition company. When Victoriano resigned from the labor
assailed the constitutionality of the then Article 244. union the union asked the company to dismiss him.
However, pending the resolution of this petition, BP 70 Victoriano filed a case to enjoin the Company from
was enacted amending Art 244, thus granting even the dismissing him. Citing the industrial peace act that
employees of non-stock, non-profit institutions the right provided an exception to people with religious beliefs
to form, join and organize labor unions of their choice. In that prohibited them from joining labor unions.
the exercise of such right, private respondent AFW filed
another certification for election with the Ministry of Ratio:
Labor and Employment. The Med Arbiter granted the the Constitution and the Industrial Peace Act have
petition, declaring that a certification election be recognized, and guaranteed to the employee, is the
conducted to determine the exclusive bargaining "right" to join associations of his choice, it would be
representative of all rank and file employees of the absurd to say that the law also imposes, in the same
petitioner. Respondent Director affirmed this order on breath, upon the employee the duty to join associations.
appeal. The law does not enjoin an employee to sign up with any
ISSUE: The legal protection granted to such right to refrain from
Whether respondent Director gravely abused his joining is withdrawn by operation of law, where a labor
discretion in granting the petition for the certification union and an employer have agreed on a closed shop,
election, despite the pendency of a similar petition by virtue of which the employer may employ only
before the SC which involves the same parties for the member of the collective bargaining union, and the
same cause? employees must continue to be members of the union
for the duration of the contract in order to keep their jobs.
HELD: Thus Section 4 (a) (4) of the Industrial Peace Act, before
No, he did not act with grave abuse of discretion in its amendment by Republic Act No. 3350, provides that
granting the petition for certification election. although it would be an unfair labor practice for an
employer "to discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of
At the time AFW filed its petition for certification election, employment or any term or condition of employment to
Article 244 of the LC was already amended by BP 70, to encourage or discourage membership in any labor
wit: organization" the employer is, however, not precluded
“Article 244. Coverage and employees’ right to self- "from making an agreement with a labor organization to
organization.—All persons employed in commercial, require as a condition of employment membership
industrial and charitable, medical, or educational therein, if such labor organization is the representative of
institutions whether operating for profit or not, shall have the employees". By virtue, therefore, of a closed shop
the right of self-organizations of their own choosing for agreement, before the enactment of Republic Act No.
purposes of collective bargaining. xxx” 3350, if any person, regardless of his religious beliefs,
wishes to be employed or to keep his employment, he employees be excluded from the election, being
must become a member of the collective bargaining managerial/ supervisory employees.
union. Hence, the right of said employee not to join the
labor union is curtailed and withdrawn. Ratio:
What the exception provides, therefore, is that members a thorough dissection of the job description of the
of said religious sects cannot be compelled or coerced to concerned supervisory employees and section heads
join labor unions even when said unions have closed indisputably show that they are not actually managerial
shop agreements with the employers; that in spite of any but only supervisory employees since they do not lay
closed shop agreement, members of said religious sects down company policies. PICOP's contention that the
cannot be refused employment or dismissed from their subject section heads and unit managers exercise the
jobs on the sole ground that they are not members of the authority to hire and fire is ambiguous and quite
collective bargaining union. It is clear, therefore, that the misleading for the reason that any authority they
assailed Act, far from infringing the constitutional exercise is not supreme but merely advisory in
provision on freedom of association, upholds and character. Theirs is not a final determination of the
reinforces it. It does not prohibit the members of said company policies inasmuch as any action taken by them
religious sects from affiliating with labor unions. It still on matters relative to hiring, promotion, transfer,
leaves to said members the liberty and the power to suspension and termination of employees is still subject
affiliate, or not to affiliate, with labor unions. If, to confirmation and approval by their respective superior.
notwithstanding their religious beliefs, the members of Thus, where such power, which is in effect
said religious sects prefer to sign up with the labor union, recommendatory in character, is subject to evaluation,
they can do so. If in deference and fealty to their review and final action by the department heads and
religious faith, they refuse to sign up, they can do so; the other higher executives of the company, the same,
law does not coerce them to join; neither does the law although present, is not effective and not an exercise of
prohibit them from joining; and neither may the employer independent judgment as required by law.
or labor union compel them to join.
Samson V NLRC
Kapatiran sa Meat V. Calleja
Facts: An employee was dismissed for saying “bullshit yan”,
Universal Robina Meat Canning was looking at whom to “putangina” and using the dirty middle finger during a
negotiate with as a union: Christmas party where he was a bit drunk. These
Kapatrian sa Meat TUPAS chapter comments were directed against how his bosses
New Employees Workers United Labor Organization handled the Cua Lim case.
(NEW ULO) [composed mostly of INC members]
Non-Union Workers Ratio:
TUPAS staged a strike but was enjoined from doing so, His dismissal justified on ground of loss of confidence.
and NEW ULO asked the Bureau on Labor Relations to As a ground for dismissal, the term "trust and
make them the bargaining unit the Company was going confidence" is restricted to managerial employees. We
to deal with claiming that majority of the rank and file share the view of the Solicitor General that petitioner is
workers were in their union. TUPAS moved to dismiss not a managerial employee. Before one may be properly
this request because NEW ULO was an INC union who, considered a managerial employee, all the following
years before, refused to join any unions. conditions must be met:
(1) Their primary duty consists of the management of the
Ratio: establishment in which they are employed or of a
Court's decision in Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope Workers' department or sub-division thereof;
Union, 59 SCRA 54, upholding the right of members of (2) They customarily and regularly direct the work of two
the IGLESIA NI KRISTO sect not to join a labor union for or more employees therein;
being contrary to their religious beliefs, does not bar the (3) They have the authority to hire or fire other
members of that sect from forming their own union. The employees of lower rank; or their suggestions and
public respondent correctly observed that the recommendations as to the hiring and firing and as to
"recognition of the tenets of the sect ... should not the promotion or any other change of status of other
infringe on the basic right of self-organization granted by employees are given particular weight.
the constitution to workers, regardless of religious Further, it is the nature of the employee’s functions, and
affiliation." not the nomenclature or title given to his job, which
determines whether he has rank-and-file, supervisory or
Paper Industries V Laguesma managerial status. Petitioner describes his functions as
District Sales Manager as follows:
Facts: "The office of a District Sales Manager’s primary
PICOP-Bislig Supervisory and Technical Staff responsibility is to achieve or surpass the sales and
Employees Union (the Union) instituted an election that it profit targets for each territory in the assigned district
be the sole entity that deals with Paper Industries (the through: (a) efficient planning; (b) management function;
Company). The Company moved that 487 of the and (c) auditing and control. "Management action," on
the other hand, means to direct the activities of the labor unions and says, “the law is apt to produce divided
Professional Medical Representatives [by]: (1) [making] loyalties in the faithful performance of their duties …
decisions that are compatible with district, national and Security personnel may neglect or outright abandon their
corporate objectives; (2) [directing] the activities of duties, such as protection of property of their employer
representative through - (a) frequent field visits (must and the persons of its officials and employees, the
spend at least 80% of working days in a quarter, control of access to ER’s premises and maintenance of
allocating eight (8) working days per PMR/quarter order in the event of emergencies and untoward
excluding travel time); (b) written communications; (c) incidents.”
sales meetings – (3) [training] PMRs in medical/product
knowledge; (4) [motivating] and [developing] PMRs Standard Chartered Bank Employees Union v.
toward greater productivity; (5) [acting] as a channel Standard Chartered Bank
between field and home office; (6) [maintaining] records
as basis for quick analysis of the district performance; Facts:
(7) [overseeing] special projects assuring the cost Petitioner union and the bank began negotiating for a
benefit value of such benefit; (8) x x x suggesting to new CBA. The union sought to be removed from the list
sales management new ideas, methods, devices to of excluded employees [from the bargaining unit] some
increase productivity of sales district or individual employees, which the Secretary of Labor denied.
properties; and [insuring] safe custody and proper
maintenance of all company properties (e.g. company Issue: Whether the Chief cashiers, Assistant cashiers,
cars, audio-visuals). personnel of the Telex dept and HR staff are confidential
The above job description does not mention that employees such that they should be excluded.
petitioner possesses the power "to lay down policies nor
to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, discharge, Held/Ratio:
assign or discipline employees." Absent this crucial Yes. While Article 245 of the Labor Code limits the
element, petitioner cannot be considered a managerial ineligibility to join, form and assist any labor organization
employee despite his designation as District Sales to managerial employees, jurisprudence has extended
Manager. this prohibition to confidential employees or those who
by reason of their positions or nature of work are
Manila Electric Co. v. Secretary of Labor and required to assist or act in a fiduciary manner to
Employment managerial employees and hence, are likewise privy to
sensitive and highly confidential records.
Facts: As regards the qualification of bank cashiers as
The Staff and Technical Employees Association of confidential employees - they are confidential employees
Meralco filed a petition for certification of election having control, custody and/or access to confidential
seeking to represent regular employees of Meralco, matters, e.g., the branch's cash position, statements of
among such employees are the non-managerial financial condition, vault combination, cash codes for
employees in the Patrol Division, Treasury Security telegraphic transfers, demand drafts and other
Services Section (security services personnel). negotiable instruments; radio and telegraph operators
– confidential employees, for they have access to
Issue: WON security guards have the right to self- confidential information and may act as spy or spies of
organize (e.g. can join or assist the rank and file either party to a collective bargaining agreement;
bargaining unit) personnel staff, in which human resources staff may
be qualified, as confidential employees because by the
Held/Ratio: very nature of their functions, they assist and act in a
Yes. It is true that par. 2, Sec. 1, rule II, Book V of the confidential capacity to, or have access to confidential
Implementing rules of RA 6715 as well as Sec. 2 (c), matters of, persons who exercise managerial functions
Rule V also of Book V bar security guards from joining a in the field of labor relations.
rank and file organization. RA 6715 however amended
the Labor Code wherein it disqualified supervisory San Miguel Corp. Supervisors and Exempt
employees from membership in a labor organization of Employees Union v. Laguesma
the rank-and-file employees. It did not include security
guards in the disqualification. The implementing rules Facts:
therefore insofar as the disqualify security guards are Petitioner union filed before the DOLE a petition for
null and void, for being not germane to the object and certification election among the supervisors and exempt
purpose of RA 6715 upon which such rules purportedly employees of the SMC. DOLE undersecretary
derive statutory moorings. Under RA 6715, security Laguesma issued an order excluding employees under
guards may now freely join a labor organization of the supervisory levels 3 and 4 and the so-called exempt
rank and file or that of a supervisory union, depending employees from the proposed bargaining unit stating
on their rank. they are confidential employees.

Note: The Court nevertheless discusses the possible

consequences of allowing security personnel to join
Issue: WON supervisory employees 3 and 4 and the policies in the field of labor relations. The two criteria are
exempt employees are confidential employees hence cumulative, and both must be met if an employee is to
ineligible from joining the union. be considered a confidential employee – that is, the
confidential relationship must exist between the
Held/Ratio: employees and his supervisor, and the supervisor must
No. Confidential employees are those who (1) assist or handle the prescribed responsibilities relating to labor
act in a confidential capacity,  (2) to persons who relations.
formulate, determine, and effectuate management Art. 245 of the LC does not directly prohibit confidential
policies in the field of labor relations. The two criteria are employees from engaging in union activities; however
cumulative, and both must be met if an employee is to under the doctrine of necessary implication, the
be considered a confidential employee – that is, the disqualification of managerial employees equally applies
confidential relationship must exist between the to confidential employees.
employees and his supervisor, and the supervisor must The confidential-employee rule justifies exclusion of
handle the prescribed responsibilities relating to labor confidential employees because in the normal course of
relations. their duties they become aware of management policies
The exclusion from bargaining units of employees who, relating to labor relations. When the employee does not
in the normal course of their duties, become aware of have access to confidential labor relations information,
management policies relating to labor relations is a there is no legal prohibition against confidential
principal objective sought to be accomplished by the employees from forming, assisting or joining a union.
“confidential employee rule.”  The broad rationale behind
this rule is that employees should not be placed in a Cainta v Cainta
position involving a potential conflict of interests.
“Management should not be required to handle labor Facts:
relations matters through employees who are After being elected as President and Vice-President of
represented by the union with which the company is the Union of employees in Cainta Catholic School, Mrs.
required to deal and who in the normal performance of Rosalina Llagas and Paz Javier were retired by the said
their duties may obtain advance information of the school in accordance to the CBA. Llagas was the Dean
company’s position with regard to contract negotiations, of the Student Affairs while Javier was a occupying the
the disposition of grievances, or other labor relations position of Subject Area Coordinator.
In this case, the confidential information known the The employees of the school held a strike as they
subject employees relate to the internal business alleged that the retirement of the two was a form of
operations of the employer (e.g. product formulation, union busting.
standards and specification) and NOT to labor relations.
Note that, the information held by the employees must Doctrine:
relate to the employer’s labor relations policies for him to Llagas and Javier were managerial and supervisory
be regarded a confidential employee. The information employees, respectively.
must have relevance to negotiations and settlement of
grievances wherein the interests of a union and the Article 212(m) of the Labor Code defines a managerial
management is invariably adversarial. employee as "one who is vested with powers or
prerogatives to lay down and execute management
Sugbuanon Rural Bank, Inc. v. Laguesma policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall,
discharge, assign or discipline employees, or to
Facts: effectively recommend such managerial actions." The
Sugbuanon Rural Bank employed some 5 supervisory Deans of the Student Affairs has functions such as
employees (cashiers, accountants and acting chief of the enforcing school rules, planning student leadership
loans dept – work involved evaluating capacity to training programs and proposing extra-curricular and co-
borrow, approving loans, scheduling terms of repayment, curricular activities for the students. The Subject Area
etc.). Private respondent, APSOTEU, a legitimate labor Coordinator, on the other hand, has functions like
organization filed a petition for certification election of recommending appointment of faculty member in the
said supervisory employees. The bank opposed the departments, their promotion and eventual termination.
petition on the ground that said employees were
managerial or confidential employees. Having established that Llagas is a managerial
employee, she is proscribed from joining a labor union,
Issue: WON said employees are managerial and/or more so being elected as union officer. In the case of
confidential employees hence prohibited from joining Javier, a supervisory employee, she may join a labor
labor organizations. union composed only of supervisory employees. Finding
both union officers to be employees not belonging to the
Held/Ratio: rank-and-file, their membership in the Union has become
No. Confidential employees are those who (1) assist or questionable, rendering the Union inutile to represent
act in a confidential capacity, (2) to persons who their cause.
formulate, determine, and effectuate management
Metrolab Industries, Inc. v Roldan-Confessor The pivot of inquiry here is: whether or not a supervisors’
union can affiliate with the same Federation of which two
Metrolab is one of the leading manufacturers and (2) rank and file unions are likewise members, without
suppliers of medical and pharmaceutical products to the violating Article 245 of the Labor Code (PD 442), as
country. In a decision of the Secretary of Labor, the CBA amended, by Republic Act 6715, which provides:
of Metrolab with its employees excluded only the
managerial employees from joining the bargaining unit of “Art. 245. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join
the rank and file employees. Metrolab, however, any labor organization; right of supervisory employees.-
maintains that executive secretaries of the General Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or
Manager and the executive secretaries of the Quality form any labor organization. Supervisory employees
Assurance Manager, Product Development Manager, shall not be eligible for membership in a labor
Finance Director, Management System Manager, etc., organization of the rank-and-file employees but may join,
who are all members of the company’s Management assist or form separate labor organizations of their own.”
Committee should not only be exempted from the
closed-shop provision but should be excluded from Doctrine:
membership in the bargaining unit of the rank and file The prohibition against a supervisors’ union joining a
employees as well on grounds that their executive local union of rank and file is replete with jurisprudence.
secretaries are confidential employees, having access to The Court emphasizes that the limitation is not confined
“vital labor information.” to a case of supervisors’ wanting to join a rank-and-file
union. The prohibition extends to a supervisors’ local
Doctrine: union applying for membership in a national federation
Although Article 245 of the Labor Code[20] limits the the members of which include local unions of rank and
ineligibility to join, form and assist any labor organization file employees. The intent of the law is clear especially
to managerial employees, jurisprudence has extended where, as in this case at bar, the supervisors will be co-
this prohibition to confidential employees or those who mingling with those employees whom they directly
by reason of their positions or nature of work are supervise in their own bargaining unit.”
required to assist or act in a fiduciary manner to
managerial employees and hence, are likewise privy to “xxx A confidential employee is one entrusted with
sensitive and highly confidential records. confidence on delicate matters, or with the custody,
handling, or care and protection of the employer’s
In Bulletin Publishing Co., Inc. vs. Hon. Augusto property. While Art. 245 of the Labor Code singles out
Sanchez, this Court elaborated on this rationale, thus: managerial employee as ineligible to join, assist or form
any labor organization, under the doctrine of necessary
x x x The rationale for this inhibition has been stated to implication, confidential employees are similarly
be, because if these managerial employees would disqualified. This doctrine states that what is implied in a
belong to or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might statute is as much a part thereof as that which is
not be assured of their loyalty to the Union in view of expressed, as elucidated in several cases.
evident conflict of interests. The Union can also become
company-dominated with the presence of managerial In applying the doctrine of necessary implication, we
employees in Union membership.” took into consideration the rationale behind the
disqualification of managerial employees expressed in
In Golden Farms, Inc. vs. Ferrer-Calleja, this Court
Bulletin Publishing Corporation v. Sanchez, thus “xxx if
explicitly made this rationale applicable to confidential
employees: these managerial employees would belong to or be
affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be assured of
This rationale holds true also for confidential employees their loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict of
such as accounting personnel, radio and telegraph interests. The Union can also become company –
operators, who having access to confidential information, dominated with the presence of managerial employees
may become the source of undue advantage. Said in Union membership.” Stated differently, in the
employee(s) may act as a spy or spies of either party to
collective bargaining process, managerial employees are
a collective bargaining agreement. This is especially
true in the present case where the petitioning Union is supposed to be on the side of the employer, to act as its
already the bargaining agent of the rank-and-file representatives, and to see to it that its interest are well
employees in the establishment. To allow the protected. The employer is not assured of such
confidential employees to join the existing Union of the protection if these employees themselves are union
rank-and-file would be in violation of the terms of the members. Collective bargaining in such a situation can
Collective Bargaining Agreement wherein this kind of become one-sided. It is the same reason that impelled
employees by the nature of their functions/positions are
this Court to consider the position of confidential
expressly excluded.”
employees as included in the disqualification found in
Pepsi Cola Products v Secretary of Labor Art. 245 as if the disqualification of confidential
employees were written in the provision. If confidential
employees could unionize in order to bargain for cooperatives may exercise some of the rights and
advantages for themselves, then they could be governed privileges given to ordinary corporations provided under
by their own motives rather than the interest of the existing laws, such cooperatives enjoy other privileges
not granted to the latter. The cooperative’s owners
employers. Moreover, unionization of confidential
and/or members are the ones who run and operate the
employees for the purpose of collective bargaining would business while the others are its employees. Irrespective
mean the extension of the law to persons or individuals of the number of shares owned by each member they
who are supposed to act “in the interest of” the are entitled to cast one vote each in deciding upon the
employers. It is not farfetched that in the course of affairs of the cooperative. Their share of capital earns
collective bargaining, they might jeopardize that interest limited interest. They enjoy special privileges as-
which they are duty bound to protect. Along the same exemption from income tax and sales taxes, preferential
right to supply their products to State agencies and even
line of reasoning we held in Golden Farms, Inc. vs.
exemption from the minimum wage laws.
Ferrer-Calleja reiterated in Philips Industrial
Development, Inc., NLRC, that “confidential employees An employee therefore of such a cooperative who is a
such as accounting personnel, radio and telegraph member and co-owner thereof cannot invoke the right to
operators who, having access to confidential information, collective bargaining for certainly an owner cannot
may become the source of undue advantage. Said bargain with himself or his co-owners.
employee(s) may act as spy or spies of either party to a
Central Negros Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CENECO)
collective bargaining agreement.”
vs. DOLE Secretary
Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. v Calleja
CENECO denied CENECO Union of Rational
Employees’ (CURE's) request for conducting
Beneco Worker's Labor Union-Association of Democratic
negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement
Labor Organizations (BWLU- ADLO) filed a petition for
(CBA) between them on the ground that, under
direct certification as the sole and exclusive bargaining
applicable decisions of the Supreme Court, employees
representative of all the rank and file employees of
who at the same time are members of an electric
Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc.
cooperative are not entitled to form or join a union.
It was agreed by CURE members that all union
members shall withdraw, retract, or recall the union
The right to collective bargaining is not available to an
members' membership from CENECO in order to avail
employee of a cooperative who at the same time is a
the full benefits under the existing CBA and the
member and co-owner thereof. With respect, however,
supposed benefits that the members may avail under the
to employees who are neither members nor co-owners
renewed CBA. However, the withdrawal of the
of the cooperative they are entitled to exercise the rights
membership was denied by CENECO.
to self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiation
as mandated by the 1987 Constitution and applicable
Issue: Whether or not the employees of CENECO who
withdrew their membership from the cooperative are
entitled to form or join CURE for purposes of the
The fact that the members-employees of petitioner do
negotiations for a CBA.
not participate in the actual management of the
cooperative does not make them eligible to form, assist
or join a labor organization for the purpose of collective
Yes. It appears that the Articles of Incorporation of
bargaining with petitioner. The Court's ruling in the
CENECO do not provide any ground for withdrawal from
Davao City case that members of cooperative cannot
membership which accordingly gives rise to the
join a labor union for purposes of collective bargaining
presumption that the same may be done at any time and
was based on the fact that as members of the
for whatever reason. In addition, membership in the
cooperative they are co-owners thereof. As such, they
cooperative is on a voluntary basis. Hence, withdrawal
cannot invoke the right to collective bargaining for
therefrom cannot be restricted unnecessarily. The right
"certainly an owner cannot bargain with himself or his
to join an organization necessarily includes the
co-owners." It is the fact of ownership of the cooperative,
equivalent right not to join the same.
and not involvement in the management thereof, which
The right of the employees to self-organization is a
disqualifies a member from joining any labor
compelling reason why their withdrawal from the
organization within the cooperative. Thus, irrespective of
cooperative must be allowed. As pointed out by CURE,
the degree of their participation in the actual
the resignation of the member- employees is an
management of the cooperative, all members thereof
expression of their preference for union membership
cannot form, assist or join a labor organization for the
over that of membership in the cooperative. The avowed
purpose of collective bargaining.
policy of the State to afford fall protection to labor and to
promote the primacy of free collective bargaining
Membership in a cooperative is not the same as
mandates that the employees' right to form and join
ownership of stocks in ordinary corporations. While
unions for purposes of collective bargaining be accorded show otherwise.  The employment status of a person is
the highest consideration. defined and prescribed by law and not by what the
However, the direct certification ordered by the DOLW parties say it should be.
Secretary is not proper. By virtue of EO 111, the direct
certification originally allowed under Article 257 of the Republic Planters Bank vs. Bienvenido Laguesma
Labor Code has apparently been discontinued as a
method of selecting the exclusive bargaining agent of Facts:
the workers. This amendment affirms the superiority of Petitioner filed a petition for certification election to
the certification election over the direct certification determine the sole and exclusive bargaining
which is no longer available now under the change in representative of all regular employees outside the
said provision. bargaining unit of Republic Planters Bank. The proposed
bargaining unit is composed of personnel allegedly
Republic vs. Asiapro Cooperative considered as contractual employees by private
respondent bank and are excluded from the existing
Facts: collective bargaining agreement between private
Petitioner SSS sent a letter to the respondent respondent and Republic Planters Bank Employees
cooperative informing that based on the Service Union (RPBEU), the duly certified bargaining
Contracts it executed with Stanfilco, respondent representative of the regular employees of private
cooperative is actually a manpower contractor supplying respondent.
employees to Stanfilco. For that reason, it is an Private respondent filed its position paper and moved to
employer of its owners-members working with Stanfilco.  dismiss the petition for certification election. On the other
Thus, respondent cooperative should register itself with hand, petitioner opposed the motion to dismiss and
petitioner SSS as an employer and make the averred that the proposed unit is not part of the existing
corresponding report and remittance of premium bargaining unit. Petitioner further argued that some of its
contributions in accordance with the Social Security Law members had been in the employ of private respondent
of 1997.  The respondent cooperative asserted that it is for more than six (6) months. Allegedly, they perform
not an employer because its owners-members are the services that are necessary and desirable to the usual
cooperative itself; hence, it cannot be its own employer.  business operations of private respondent
Accordingly, petitioner SSS, filed a Petition before
petitioner SSC against the respondent cooperative and Issue: Whether or not there is grave abuse of discretion
Stanfilco praying that the respondent cooperative or, in on the part of public respondent when (1) it allowed
the alternative, Stanfilco be directed to register as an private respondent to participate or intervene in the
employer and to report respondent cooperative’s certification election, contrary to our decision in Golden
owners-members as covered employees under the Farms Inc. vs. Secretary of Labor; and (2) it did not give
compulsory coverage of SSS and to remit the necessary value to the documents it submitted on appeal.
contributions in accordance with the Social Security Law
of 1997.  Decision/Ratio:
No. In Golden Farms Inc., we upheld the general rule
Issue: Whether or not SSC has jurisdiction over the that "an employer has no legal standing to question a
petition-complaint filed before it by petitioner SSS certification election since this is the sole concern of the
workers." Its facts, however, are different for in said
Decision/Ratio: case, the existence of employer-employee relationship
Yes. It is clear then from Section 5 of Republic Act No. was not disputed. Likewise, the petition for certification
8282 and Section 1, Rule III of the 1997 SSS Revised election was filed within the freedom period.
Rules of Procedure that any issue regarding the If the union members are not employees, no right to
compulsory coverage of the SSS is well within the organize for purposes of bargaining, nor to be certified
exclusive domain of the petitioner SSC.  It is important to as bargaining agent can be recognized. Since the
note, though, that the mandatory coverage under the persons involved are not employees of the company, we
SSS Law is premised on the existence of an employer- held that they are not entitled to the constitutional right to
employee relationship except in cases of compulsory join or form a labor organization for purposes of
coverage of the self-employed. collective bargaining.
In determining the existence of an employer-employee The public respondent did not commit grave abuse of
relationship, the following elements are considered: (1) discretion when it rejected the documents submitted by
the selection and engagement of the workers; (2) the petitioner for the first time on appeal. The public
payment of wages by whatever means; (3) the power of respondent rejected the documents defining the duties of
dismissal; and (4) the power to control the worker’s the members of petitioner union in question less
conduct, with the latter assuming primacy in the overall because they were belatedly submitted only on appeal
consideration. All these four elements have been proven but more because they were self-serving and did not
by the court to exist. bear the approval of their employer.
The existence of an employer-employee relationship
cannot be negated by expressly repudiating it in a Mactan Workers Union vs. Don Ramon Aboitiz
contract, when the terms and surrounding circumstances
Petitioner filed, on behalf of seventy-two of its members
working in defendant corporation Cebu Shipyard and
Engineering Works, Inc., a money claim in the amount of
P4,035.82 representing the second installment of a
profit-sharing agreement under a collective bargaining
contract entered into between such business firm and
intervenor labor union as the exclusive collective
bargaining representative of its workers. The plaintiff
was successful both in the City Court of Lapulapu where
such complaint was first started as well as in the Court of
First Instance of Cebu. It is from the decision of the latter
court, rendered on February 22, 1968, that this appeal
was interposed by intervenor Associated Labor Union.

Issue: Whether or not the decision of the CFI is valid

Yes. The right to be the exclusive representative of all
the employees in an appropriate collective bargaining
unit is vested in the labor union 'designated or selected'
for such purpose 'by the majority of the employees' in
the unit concerned. If it were otherwise, the highly
salutory purpose and objective of the collective
bargaining scheme to enable labor to secure better
terms in employment condition as well as rates of pay
would be frustrated insofar as non-members are
concerned. The labor union that gets the majority vote
as the exclusive bargaining representative does not act
for its members alone. It represents all the employees in
such a bargaining unit.
Labor unions in their campaign for membership would do
what lies in their power to put down competing groups. It
is not to be forgotten that what is entitled to constitutional
protection is labor, or more specifically the working men
and women, not labor organizations. The latter are
merely the instrumentalities through which their welfare
may be promoted and fostered. The utmost care should
be taken then, since in displaying an unyielding,
intransigent attitude on behalf of their members, injustice
can be committed against opposing labor organizations.

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