(2019-2020) (Chọn ĐTHSG9 Quận 6) (With Answer Key, Audio, Tapescript and Answer Sheet) Đề thi chọn đội tuyển HSG cấp Quận năm học 2019-2020 của Quận 6, TP.HCM

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Thời gian làm bài : 120 phút
Đề này gồm 4 trang

LISTENING (20 pts)

SECTION I: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1. of all working hours, the work is done by woman.
A. Nearly 30 percent B. Nearly 50 percent C. Nearly two-thirds D. Nearly three-fourths
2. The average woman earns the average man.
A. more than B. fewer than C. the same as D. less than
3. In Africa, of the farm work is done by man.
A. 80 percent B. 50 percent C. 30 percent D. 20 percent
4. A typical woman in a developing country spends collecting firewood daily.
A. half an hour B. an hour C. two hours D. three hours
5. is the amount of time a typical African woman spends on cooking every day.
A. half an hour B. an hour C. two hours D. three hours
SECTION II: Listen to the passage and fill in the missing information.
6. The wedding day is carefully chosen by the .
7. The gifts are wrapped in .
8. The wedding ceremony starts in front of the .
9. Food and drinks are served .
10. The guests give the newly wedded couples envelopes containing and .


Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1 You……………the washing-up, I could have done it for you.
A. mustn’t have done B. hadn’t to do C. couldn’t have done D. needn’t have done
2 The play……………until 8:30, so I think we have time to eat something first.
A. won’t be starting B. isn’t starting C. shall not start D. mightn’t start
3 In all...............there will never be a third World War.
A. odds B. probability C. certainty D. possibilities
4 She was……………disappointed when she learned that she had not got the job.
A. gravely B. fully C. highly D. bitterly
5 ……………the concern had begun did we realize what a splendid show it was going to be.
A. No sooner B. Only after C. Hardly D. Scarcely
6 There is no……………difference between the levels of atmospheric pollution in France and Germany.
A. sensible B. gradable C. comprehensible D. appreciable
7 After……………, one naturally wants to put one’s feet up and relax.
A. a hard day’s work B. a day’s hard working C. a hard-working day D. the hard work of a day
8 It’s not my fault! I can’t……………what happened. I mean, I wasn’t even there when it occurred!
A. blame for B. be blamed for C. be blamed of D. be blamed by
9 The old man is very ill. To be perfectly frank with you, I don’t think he will live……………the night.
A. during B. until all C. through D. while
10 I never thought I……………my holidays in hospital, but here I am.
A. will spend B. was spending C. would be spending D. had spent
11 Don’t let……………to post the letters. They’re really important.
A. me forgetting B. me to forget C. that I forget D. me forget
12 By this time next week, Mandy……………her exams and we can all go out to celebrate.
A. will be finishing B. will have finished C. is going to finish D. will finish
13 If the driver……………his seat belt, he might be alive today.
A. was wearing B. wore C. had been wearing D. wears
14 I was told yesterday that the car had been fixed but it’s broken down……………again!
A. even B. still C. yet D. right
15 Eventually the list of candidates for the job was……………down to three.
A. narrowed B. lowered C. wound D. dropped
16 Bats use echoes of their own high-frequency sounds to detect food and avoiding obstacles.
17 It has been found that the length of light or dark periods influence certain activities of flowering plants.
18 When caterpillars are fully-grown, they attach themselves to a leaf or twig and form a shell around itself
called a cocoon.
19 The fossils represent animals or plants that had hard and usually well-developed body structure.
20 Mercury and alcohol are widely used in thermometers because their volume increases uniform with

WORD FORMS (30 pts)

Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.
1. The basic problem is that without fresh foreign capital South Africa has little chance of…………………….its
economic growth. (QUICK)
2. Visitors complained about the…………………….in the old museum. (ORGANISE)
3. A list of…………………….events will be posted on the noticeboard. (COME)
4. Janet had to…………………….from the team because of injury. (DRAW)
5. Have you read the latest…………………….about Madonna’s private life? (REVEAL)
6. Television has an important role to play in…………………….new scientific ideas. (POPULAR)
7. Your…………………….to use a computer could be a serious disadvantage when you are applying for jobs. (ABLE)
8. Although we were in danger, Ann seemed quite……………………. (CONCERN)
9. The damage from the 1956 hurricane was…………………….greater. (MEASURE)
10. The ship may have been in danger of running…………………….on the island. (GROUND)
11. The pain became…………………….during the night so I called the doctor. (ENDURE)
12. This statue…………………….the soldiers who died in the war. (MEMORY)
13. The idea that the sun ‘rises’ is a popular……………………. (CONCEIVE)
14. The fuel used is almost…………………….charcoal made from wood or coconut shells. (VARY)
15. The top of Mount Everest is one of the most…………………….places in the world. (ACCESS)


Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.
Stressed by Technology?
A new threat to our health seems to have arisen in our midst, confusion and stress caused by technology. All you (1)
……….to do to (2)……….this to yourself is to telephone a large company; a recorded voice will (3)……….you a
bewildering list of choices, and when you have finished answering its questions, you will probably be (4)……….to
several minutes of piped music before you eventually make (5)……….with a human being. But the stress you (6)
……….as a result is negligible compared to the impression the telegraph (7)……….on people 150 years ago. Until
then, messages could only travel as fast as a messenger could carry them. But now they could be sent great
distances in seconds. Before long, submarine cables were (8)……….across the oceans, and thirty years later, the
network reached 20,000 towns around the world. When the first transatlantic cable was completed in 1858, the Queen
and the President exchanged messages, preachers found (9)……….for it in the Bible, and the New York jewellers,
Tiffany’s, bought (10)……….pieces of the cable and sold them as (11)………..But then, as now, everyone was not
(12)……….of the technological advantages. Information arrived so quickly, often (13)……….what had previously been
transmitted, that businessmen had to work much harder to (14)……….up with developments. They arrived home tired
and stressed. If we find difficulty with the Internet, which is technological evolution, not revolution, our (15)……….had
a far harder task in getting used to the invention in the first place.
1 A demand B need C want D wish
2 A confirm B prove C show D test
3 A explain B offer C propose D provide
4 A oppressed B subdued C subjected D submitted
5 A collision B connection C communication D contact
6 A bear B live C pass D undergo
7 A did B got C made D worked
8 A laid B lain C put D set
9 A apology B argument C excuse D justification
10 A excessive B left C outstanding D unused
11 A memorials B records C relics D souvenirs
12 A believed B convinced C pleased D satisfied
13 A contradicting B differing C disagreeing D objecting
14 A keep B maintain C remain D stay
15 A ancestors B elders C fathers D forerunner
Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
Humanity’s primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shape, and number are usually regarded as the
earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process developed so long before the time
od recorded history (there is aechaeological evidence that counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000
years ago) that the manner of this development is largely conjectural. Imagining how it probably came about is not
difficult. The argument that humans, even in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of
recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from a small group,
seems fair, for studies have shown that some animals possess such a sense.
With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative. A tribe had to know how many
members it had and how many enemies, and a shepherd needed to know if the flock of sheep was decreasing in size.
Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one
correspondence. In keeping a count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could
also be maintained by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string.
Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the number of
objects in a small group. And still later, with the refinement of writing, a set of signs was devised to stand for these
numbers. Such an imagined development is supported by reports of anthropologists in their studies of present-day
societies that are thought to be similar to those of early humans.
1 What does the passage mainly discuss?
A The efforts of early humans to care for herds of animals
B The development of writing
C The beginnings of mathematics
D Similarities in number sense between humans and animals
2 The word “conjectural” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A complex B based on guessing
C unbelievable D supported by careful research
3 Why does the author mention animals in line 7?
A To support a theory about the behavior of early humans
B To identify activities that are distinctly humans
C To illustrate the limits of a historical record of human development
D To establish that early humanskept domesticated animals
4 The word “it” in line 9 refers to
A evolution B counting C tribe D shepherd
5 What is the basic principle of the tally method described in the second paragraph?
A The count is recorded permanently.
B Calculations provide the total count.
C Large quantities are represented by symbols.
D Each marker represents a single object.
6 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an early method of counting?
A Cutting notches
B Bending fingers
C Piling stones
D Tying knots
7 The word “maintained” in line 12 is closest in meaning to
A justified B asserted C located D kept
8 The word “assortment” in line 14 is closest in meaning to
A instrument B variety C surplus D symbol
9 It can be inferred that research in other academic fields relates to research in the author’s field in which of the
following ways?
A It contributes relevant information.
B It is carried out on a simpler level.
C It is less reliable than research in the author’s field.
D It causes misunderstandings if applied to the author’s field.
10 Which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage?
A Counting processes did not develop until after writing became widespread.
B Early counting methods required herds of animals.
C Mathematics has remained unchanged since ancient times.
D Early humans first counted because of necessity.
Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage.
New technology has made a tremendous impact on modern life and communications. For example, (1)
……………are the days when newspapers were full of misprints and spelling errors. These are now virtually things of
the (2)…………… Whilst it cannot always be (3)……………that the content of some newspapers has improved, and it
may be true that the moral standards of others are open to (4)……………, no one would deny that the papers
themselves are more visually (5)……………than they ever were before.
Nevertheless, if you opt (6)……………a paper which has its origin in the more dubious gutter (7)……………, it
is unlikely that you can expect to find accuracy, for (8)……………is usually blended with fiction and seems to be of
little import, as (9)……………as the paper wins the major battles of the circulation (10)……………
English was first written down in the 6 th century. At that time, writers had to use the twenty-three letters of the
Latin (1)……………to write down what they heard. Because English has sounds that do not (2)……………in Latin,
they added letters to represent the forty-four sounds of English. This resulted (3)……………some irregular spelling.
After the Norman invasion of England in 1056, French became the language spoken by the king and other people in
positions of power (4)……………influence. Many French words introduced and the spelling of many English words (5)
……………to follow French patterns. The result was a rich and irregular mix of spellings.
The (6)……………press was invented in the 15 th century. Many early printers of English texts spoke other
first languages, especially Dutch. They often paid little attention to how English words spelled. Sometimes technical
decisions were (7)……………to give columns of print straight edges. To do this, letters were taken off the ends of
words and sometimes added to words. With time, people became (8)……………to seeing words spelled the same
way. Fixed spellings were therefore created by the printers’ decisions. Spoken English, however, was not fixed. It
continued to change, as it still does. It is no (9)……………that English spelling seems irregular. Words such as
although, through and cough, for example, all have the same spelling at the end, but are (10)……………differently.
Words such as feet, meat and seize, on the other hand, are spelled differently but have the same sound in the middle.


Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word
in brackets without making any change to it.
1. How likely is it she will pass the exam? (chances)
 What……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Only if you work hard now have you any chance of success. (depends)
 Whether…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Fred tried hard to start the car, but without success. (matter)
 No………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. In the next few years we’ll probably hear a lot more about environmental pollution. (likely)
 It………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. The teachers agreed to introduce the new methods. (agreement)
 There…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. The music teacher was the only member of staff not to attend the farewell party. (exception)
 With……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
7. The stranded climber would never have been rescued if his brother hadn’t had an ingenious plan. (ingenuity)
 But……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
8. I wasn’t at all surprised when I heard that Sophie had been promoted. (hear)
 It came…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. ‘My trainer’s foreign accent makes it hard to follow what he says,’ Sue said. (which)
 Sue explained to me that it……………………………………………………………………………………………………
10. Don’t let her relaxed manner deceive you; she’s an extremely shrewd businesswoman! (taken)
 Don’t let………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




LISTENING (20 pts)

(1pt each correct answer) (1pt each correct answer)
1. C Nearly two-thirds 1. groom’s parents
2. D less than 2. red paper
3. D 20 percent 3. altar
4. B an hour 4. at the wedding banquet
5. C two hours 5. wedding cards – money


(1.5 pts each correct answer)
1. D needn’t have done 11. D me forget
2. A won’t be starting 12. B will have finished
3. B probability 13. C had been wearing
4. D bitterly 14. C yet
5. B Only after 15. A narrowed
6. D appreciable 16. D
7. A a hard day’s work 17. B
8. B be blamed for 18. C
9. C through 19. A
10. C would be spending 20. D

WORD FORMS (30 pts)

(2 pts each correct answer)
1 quickening 9 immeasurably
2 disorganisation/disorganization 10 aground
3 forthcoming 11 unendurable
4 withdraw 12 commemorates
5 revelations 13 misconception
6 popularizing 14 invariably
7 inability 15 inaccessible
8 unconcerned


(2 pts each correct answer)
1. B need 6. D undergo 11. D souvenirs
2. B prove 7. C made 12. B convinced
3. B offer 8. A laid 13. A contradicting
4. C subjected 9. D justification 14. A keep
5. D contact 10. D unused 15. A ancestors


(2 pts each correct answer)
1. C The beginnings of mathematics
2. B based on guessing
3. A To support a theory about the behavior of early humans
4. C tribe
5. D Each marker represents a single object.
6. C Piling stones
7. D kept
8. B variety
9. A It contributes relevant information.
10. D Early humans first counted because of necessity.
PASSAGE A (2 pts each correct answer) PASSAGE B (2 pts each correct answer)
1 gone 1 alphabet
2 past 2 exist
3 said 3 in
4 question/interpretation 4 that
5 attractive/appealing/stimulating 5 had
6 for 6 printing
7 press 7 made
8 fact 8 used
9 long 9 surprise
10 war 10 spoken


(3 pts each correct answer)

1.  What are her chances of passing the exam?/

What are the chances of her passing the exam?
2.  Whether or not you succeed depends on your working hard now.
3.  No matter how hard Fred tried to start the car he didn’t succeed./wasn’t sucessful.
4.  It is likely (that) we shall/will hear a lot more about environmental pollution in the next few years.
5.  There was (an) agreement among the teachers to introduce the new methods.
6.  With the exception of the music teacher every member of the staff attended the farewell party.
7.  But for the ingenuity of his brother’s plan, the stranded climber would never have been rescued.
8.  It came as no surprise to me to hear about/of Sophie’s promotion.
that Sophie had been promoted.
9.  Sue explained to me that it was her trainer’s foreign accent which made it hard to follow what he said.
10.  Don’t let yourself be/get taken in by her relaxed manner; she’s an extremely shrewd businesswoman!


SECTION I: (Disc B 2) (Unit 15)

Women hold up half the sky. This is an old Chinese saying. However, research shows that perhaps women do
more than their share of “holding up the sky”.
Fifty percent of the world’s population are women, but nearly two-thirds of all working hours are done by
women. They do most of the domestic work like cooking and washing clothes. Millions also work outside the home.
Women hold forty percent of all the world’s jobs. For this work, they earn only 40 to 60 percent as much as men, and
of course they earn nothing for their domestic work.
In developing countries, where three-fourths of the world’s population lives, women produce more than half of
the food. In Africa, 80 percent of all agricultural work is done by women.
In parts of Africa, this is a typical day for a village woman. At 4.45 am, she gets up, washes, and eats. It takes
her half an hour to walk to the fields, and she works there until 3.00 pm. She collects firewood until 4.00 pm then
comes back home. She spends the next hour and a half preparing food to cook. Then she collects water for another
hour. From 6.30 to 9.30 she cooks. After dinner, she spends an hour washing the dishes. She then goes to bed at
9.30 pm.

SECTION II: (Disc B 1) (Unit 2)

Tourist: Can you tell me something about wedding ceremonies in Vietnam?
Tourist guide: Well, wedding is very important to the Vietnamese, not only to the couple involved, but also for both
families. The wedding day is usually chosen carefully by the groom’s parents.
Tourist: What does the groom’s family usually do on the wedding day?
Tourist guide: On the wedding day, the groom’s family and relatives go to the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in
red paper. The people who hold the trays of gifts are also carefully chosen.
Tourist: Do you have someone in charge of the ceremony? And what does he do during the wedding
Tourist guide: Yes, we have a Master of Ceremonies who introduces the groom, the bride, the parents, the relatives
and guests of the two families. The wedding ceremony starts in front of the altar. The bride and the
groom would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to get married. The Master of Ceremonies gives
the wedding couple advice on starting a new family. The groom and the bride then exchange their
wedding rings.
Tourist: Where is the wedding banquet held?
Tourist guide: Well, it depends. Often the wedding banquet is held at the groom and bride’s home or at a hotel or a
restaurant and all close relatives, friends, and neighbours are invited.
Tourist: What kind of food and drinks are served?
Tourist guide: Traditional food and beer or wine are served. During the reception, the groom, bride, and their parents
stop by each table to thank their guests. The guests in return, will give envelopes containing wedding
cards and money to the newly wedded couples along with their blessing.
Tourist: Oh. That’s very interesting. Thank you.
Tourist guide: You’re welcome!
TRƯỜNG BỒI DƯỠNG GIÁO DỤC Năm học 2019 – 2020
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

Họ và tên học sinh: Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2

Trường: ………….………….….….
Lớp: ………….
SBD: …………
1. 6. 11. 16.
2. 7. 12. 17.
3. 8. 13. 18.
4. 9. 14. 19.
5. 10. 15. 20.
1 A B C D 11 A B C D 21 A B C D 31 A B C D
2 A B C D 12 A B C D 22 A B C D 32 A B C D
3 A B C D 13 A B C D 23 A B C D 33 A B C D
4 A B C D 14 A B C D 24 A B C D 34 A B C D
5 A B C D 15 A B C D 25 A B C D 35 A B C D
6 A B C D 16 A B C D 26 A B C D 36 A B C D
7 A B C D 17 A B C D 27 A B C D 37 A B C D
8 A B C D 18 A B C D 28 A B C D 38 A B C D
9 A B C D 19 A B C D 29 A B C D 39 A B C D
10 A B C D 20 A B C D 30 A B C D 40 A B C D
WORD FORMS. (30pts)
1. 6. 11. 16.
2. 7. 12. 17.
3. 8. 13. 18.
4. 9. 14. 19.
5. 10. 15. 20.
1 A B C D 3 A B C D 5 A B C D 7 A B C D 9 A B C D
2 A B C D 4 A B C D 6 A B C D 8 A B C D 10 A B C D
1 A B C D 3 A B C D 5 A B C D 7 A B C D 9 A B C D
2 A B C D 4 A B C D 6 A B C D 8 A B C D 10 A B C D
1. 6. 11.
2. 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4. 9. 14.
5. 10. 15.
1. 6. 11.
2. 7. 12.
3. 8. 13.
4 9. 14.
5 10. 15.

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