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Introduction in Unit Operations

A set of processes a raw material (fluid, liquid, solid, gas) undergo in a process to have a desire product.

A certain raw material that will produce another desire product that will undergo in a unit operation or

Example of Unit Operations:

Crystallization (e.g., sugarcane) were trying to manipulate temperature or pressure to extract the juice
in a sugarcane

Evaporation (Steam) supply to an air conditioning

We’re providing a certain or producing a certain product that will undergo in a certain unit operation
from the raw materials.

2 Process

Continuous process

Continuous process is continuing input and output process.

Batch Process

There is a certain time of info of a material, and from that material and it will process the material. From
that process it will process the input.

If will have a great effect to our process if we know how our process works and how we provide
manipulation on our processes

4 Major Variables

 Pressure
 Level
 Temperature
 Flow

Temperature Instrument

 Thermometer
 Thermocouple - A thermocouple is a sensor that measures temperature. It consists of two
different types of metals, joined together at one end. When the junction of the two metals is
heated or cooled, a voltage is created that can be correlated back to the temperature. there are
too same metal will produce electric current it will have compensation induce 2 same metal is 0
in the other hand 2 metal that are not same will produce electric current or voltage (2 different
metal for us to provide 2 different produce voltage) we are measuring potential difference
created to dissimilar metals, we use cold junction compensation, 1 metal we subject it in
grounding to have 1 metal will induce voltage. We are trying to measure to dissimilar metals.
 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) - RTD works in the principle of Resistance on how the
temperature of a material change.
o Temperature increases, Resistance increases and vice versa
o Use a certain thin wire (platinum) when subjected to temperature it’s provides a
changing resistance.
o When the material that subject to temperature, will a material have an expansion or
o The length of a material is proportional to the change in resistance.
o The temperature change is corollate to the change of resistance.
o Most common use is the 2 Wire that is connected Wheatstone Bridge (that provide
balancing that had two resistors are known constant and 2 resistors that are changing)
o 3 wires are the general use industrial or instrumentation.
o 4 wires are to have an accurate temperature.
o The additional wire is corresponding to noise cancelation and error in the circuit. Only
element it will connect to transmitter. It can be integral element and transmitter is
combined. And can be remote the element and transmitter are separate. The
connection is wire only. Transmitter convert signal into standardize signal which is 240,
foundation fieldbus or fiber optics communication

How We Provide Selection of Element that We Will Be Use.

- Temperature Range: RTD is lower range (400-500 C) 850 C while Thermocouple is highest
range (1400 – 1800 C) 2500 C thermal Powerplant, Metal production, Glass. negative temp
in RTD type is PT100 ("Pt" is the symbol for platinum, "100" for the resistance in ohms at 0
°C). Thermocouple can measure negative temperature using different type table.
- Sensitivity (Response Time): While both sensor types respond quickly to temperature
changes, thermocouples are faster. A grounded thermocouple will respond nearly three
times faster than a PT100 RTD. RTDs are generally more accurate than thermocouples. RTDs
have typically an accuracy of 0.1°C, compared to 1°C for most. However, some
thermocouple models can match RTD accuracy.
- Linearity: The temperature-resistance relation in RTD is almost lineal in the sensor range,
while a thermocouple has an ‘S’-type plot.
- Accuracy: RTD is most accurate than Thermocouple

Temperature is a low parameter (parameter is a numerical or other measurable factor forming

one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation).

- Cost: Thermocouple is cheap than RTD

Thermopile to give protection to our instrument
Functionality of the instrument than the cost
Level Measurement

- A low parameter depend of input and output with takes some time to have change in the

Fluid Process – is the general characteristic of all process material (liquid, gas, solid)

Level Instrument

Characteristic of their function

o Local Indication (fieldbus)

 Sight Glass
 Dipstick
 Magnetic Level Gauge
o Mechanical (Constant Demoting)
 Float Type
 Displacer (depend on the weight of the displacer. If the water is low the
displacer is heavier to water, and when the water is increasing the displacer
will be light weight)
 Archimedes Principle
 Vibrating Fork
o Smart Devices that can communicate from field bus measurement to control
 Ultrasonic Type (solar)
 Radar Type (GWR)
 Nuclear Type
 Conductivity Sensor
 BBL Type
 Laser Type
 Inferential Measurement – try to measurement instrument with respect to other properties.

 What is the first instrument we will use in Level Measurement for Industrial Application?

o DP (Differential Pressure) Type Level Instrument

 the 1st option we’re trying to measure level using it
 Less Cost
 Application that can provide a wide range and monitoring level
 Accuracy that can provide a certain linear or proportional level or hydrostatic
level pressure.
Installation of DP type Instrument
 Installed in the side of the tank of the equipment.
 Calculating the value of a particular process variable through measurement of
other variables which may be easier to evaluate. We use the Inferential
 Hydrostatic Pressure
 For example, a metal subjected in temperature its gives expansion. When
temperature is increasing the density is decrease. The affected in this area is the
volume of the density because of the change in temperature. In terms of level
measurement as long as the density is constant (the scenario in the
temperature is constant) we can assume that change in height will be correlated
change in pressure it is the inferential measurement were trying to changing
pressure and determining the height of our fluid.
 High Price but one-time payment only.

 2 conventional DP Type Instrument

o Open Tank
 Expose in constant atmospheric pressure
 The safest is the open tank but in case of contamination it’s in nonhazardous
application. We can have an extra tubing to supply pressure to compensate
pressure less. Fill out in the spaces between your process system. Vacuum is
depending on the capacity of the tank. Cause of the vacuum pressure in the
pump. Having an outflow some instances giving pressure. When we fil out in the
upper tank we have a utility line possible pressure will in and out there. Assume
gravitational force is constant but in terms in elevation it will change. For
general use dp type is good using level measurement.
o Closed Tank
 closed tank application dealing at system pressure (not subjected to
atmospheric pressure we were going to deal system pressure; the reference is
the pressure in the system pressure) system is the process pressure. Possible to
have a vacuum pressure

We should know what kind of tank were going to used.

 Hazardous Material and some corrosive fluid we can use the dp type instrument. The instrument
in the tank or the transmitter as a wet material is has a contact in the process fluid. If our fluid is
toxic or hazardous and corrosive, we can use the dp type instrument but we have to do some
adjustments were going to use the diagram seal (high metal stee l and anti-corrosive and soft)
it’s given an insulation and protection of our instrument. This seal is a corrugated material once
a pressure is applied its tendency is to straighten up.
 Liquid use in fill fluid uses incompressible. There no way the pressure will put in the sensor that
way is have fill liquid. When we say diagram, fluid was dealing to fill liquid. We’re going to use
the liquid only because gas has a compressibility factor once we apply a certain force it only
absorbs it if the sensor reading will not adequate or applied any pressure to the sensor. Unlike
to liquid we must use in fill fluid are the incompressible. Once we have movement in the
diagram seal it should same to applied in the sensor. When we liquid majority of it are
o Transducer - devices convert energy to another. Energy force convert to electrical
signal. Transducer is a pressure force convert into electrical signal and when it converts
to electrical signal it will read of the system. Pressure transducer as a smart device.
o LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) an electromechanical transducer
o Strain Gage - a thin film once we apply force having a strain (change in area or length)
having an expansion or compression were going to measure the change in resistance.
Where going to use Wheatstone bridge that provide the balancing of resistance in the
o Capacitive sensor – two dielectric plate when change in distance.
o Piezo electric – once we applied a certain force, we can produce electricity provide
linear result, wide range applications small to highest pressure. We provide force in
piezo electric to produce electricity. Deuce electricity is correlated to force. We can have
high temperature. The majoring of all the manufacturer because the characteristic of
the piezo electric it can provide all most linear result (what the induce voltage that the
result or same proportional induce voltage); it can provide wide range application. Some
transducer has a certain range or application that we can use it. Highest to lowest
pressure it can measured by the piezo electric.
o Potentiometer
o Resonant Wire Transducer the ideas are like stethoscope (it can amplify sounds, to
amplify a certain force) were trying to monitor change in frequency. the higher force the
changes in frequency. Example the batches in using in monitoring in chest the pulses
coming from it is converting to be electrical signal. While applying a force in a certain
metal it provides resonant frequency. The resonant frequency that was the reading of
an oscilloscope to identify the pressure

Level Parameter

 Know what kind of tank were going to use

 We should know what selection of the instrument
 Selection of instrument we should detect where we should place our instrument in the process
and its application
 We should consider some factor that will affect the instrument and the process.

 Conventional DP Level Instrument – general or common use in industrial

 Purge/Bubbler DP level Instrument – used for under ground or dip. Uses a bubbler tube
submerged in the liquid. The principle is a DP Type level instrument where the air/gas supply
determines the change of hydrostatic pressure as level changes.

 We have a tank and tube in the top and a gas supply we are putting a pressure instrument in the
tube or near tube and we have a gas constant. The reading in the tube is also a gas constant
coming from the gas supply and it is continuous supply from the gas supply. Once the level is
increasing, we are having some difficulty to create bubble because were having some blocked or
back pressure was create by the hydrostatic pressure it limiting the passage of pressure. And
how we measure the level by comparing the back pressure to our gas supply. When level is
increasing, we have some blocked or back pressure in the gas supply. Less cost but high
maintenance. Inert gases nitrogen, helium, argon. We’re going to use purge/bubbler in dip stick
or tubing in the sensor or remote mount the sensor is far away from the process and we can
measure it because some hazardous material is not good in the environment or in our physical
being. The bubbler is always top mounted and general dp type level is always at the bottom.
What consideration the we always use the top mounted than the general type instrument. We
use it when it is on the ground or pit.

One phase in one type of fluid Highly abundant is nitrogen

 Nuclear Type – least as possible or last option because its higher hazardous effect in the
parameter. We need isolation, protection especially in the engineers we considerate it as non-
intrusive (intrusion- no any damage in the instrument or equipment) the weakest is the
connection of the equipment in the process.
 Laser Type characteristics – not common use of laser type
 Radar Type
– Radar type specifically the guided wave radar or GWR fluid (guided wave radar reflects a signal
from the air-liquid interface) majority use for interface level measurement.

What characteristic of the fluid we need to identify the microwave?

- it is what frequency that we use because there is some frequency has a high level of
frequency and will penetrate in the fluid having low frequency and will just absorb by the
fluid and will not bounce back this was we avoiding.
- We need to consider the properties of the fluid or liquid because the microwave signal we
- what frequency we will use and were avoiding the sound will only penetrate and we also
avoid the it only absorbs the liquid the sound? When we send signal, we need frequency
that will bounce back the signal in the instrument. We’re trying to measure the time travel
of the signal.
- What characteristic of the fluid we should identify the dielectric constant (the degree of
absorption) of our fluid? we need to monitor or the provide the accuracy of the dielectric
constant they will penetrate, absorb or will bounce back.
 Ultrasonic Type – the temperature affects the sound need to check. Moisture and pressure only
considerations. Majority of slurry it has a high density. Ultrasonic can be use in interface level
measurement especial if the liquid in the bottom is slurry. Even in will penetrate the sound, the
sound will be bounce back. Majority of the fluid is will penetrate of the ultrasonic type level
instrument. But when we have a certain density that is compact (density is the compactness of
the material). The best we good do is to identify the density of the liquid before to use
ultrasonic characteristics of the density of the fluid because the liquid or fluid have different
density and the travel of the sound is different too in every liquid or fluid.

The Characteristics of a Materials

- High Accuracy
In the industrial we need to considered the process parameters for us to understand if the instrument is
applicable or not.

Pressure Parameter

- Pressure is used for point detector system. A certain pressure points is going to detect in
Instruments or Equipment. Tapping a certain pressure transmitter to have a protection
system or single point protection system of instruments.
- Consider the pipeline were the installations of a transmitter, the senor can nurture a wide
range capability but we provided a certain pressure measurement in a certain single
pressure point.
- The diameter or size of a pipeline can affect the pressure that will cause a pressure drop or
pressure change in two pressure transmitters.
- Having a bending pipeline will not change the pressure flow or it will negligible pressure
drop. We will just have a recovery factor in pressure only in the area were the bending
pipeline. If we have 1-inch diameter we can install 5 inches or the safe install is 10
inches diameter from the bending point. For this bending its not affect our pressure or
negligible effect but in the installation of the instrument its really big difference to our
instruments especially to this characteristic of pressure.
- The elevation of a pipeline. We are dealing in hydrostatic pressure change in the height
there will be change in pressure. We should consider the pressure transmitter we’re we
install or the best installation of our instrument.
- if we are dealing in our liquid, we had to take note to know the installation of our pressure.
The best installation of instrument is the bottom of the equipment. The pressure transmitter
instrument is use for level transmitter instrument.
- The pressure transmitter instrument is use for level transmitter instrument. In the
characteristics of gas there is option to put the instrument on the top of the equipment
same idea on piping.
- If gas application we want our instrument on the top of the pipe because the
characteristics of a gas is to go up.
- All our instrument is single pressure point protection equipment (in term of location not the
range of the instrument in the other instrument not the range) because of it we can detect a
wide range installation. In the single point protection system of a pressure instrument the
important of the installation location because this is the bases of the pressure that we can
detect for the controllability of our system.
- Pressure Instrument our used for differential pressure or inferential measurement
(measuring one variable using other variable) pressure used for the variable of level, we also
use pressure to use to measure pressure, and pressure or differential measurement used for
to measure flow measurement. Differential pressure can provide inferential measurement.
- In filtration it is important the upstream and downstream or inflow and outflow. For this
scenario we want to top a differential pressure transmitter in the inflow and outflow piping
or the pressure point in the inflow and outflow piping.
- In any case differential pressure is equal to 0 or P1 and P2 is the same. Scenario 2 is
differential pressure is increasing or the p1 is not equal to p2.
- \When the fluid is flowing smoothly the filter has no other blockage or substances in the
filter that why differential pressure is equal to zero. But when there is a blockage or
substances in the filter the flow of the fluid. or when we have a filter in an equipment there
is a tendency that p2 will be decreasing that why we’re having a pressure drop or having a
pressure blockage. We are not only identifying the differential pressure we also know
whether our equipment is functional or not functional.
- When it comes to filtration, we need to check our pressure in our system, one of the
functions of differential pressure. If can provide efficiency of our equipment.
- Majority of our processes use a differential pressure for our equipment especially in
filtration or we have one input and have 2 or more output. Identify the functionality of our


- Can measure it by using differential pressure.

- Dealing a pipeline

What are the devices we are using an instrumentation to create differential pressure?

- Orifice Plate – is an element that use to create differential measurement of a pipeline. If the
internal diameter of our pipeline is the core diameter of our orifice is small that serve a
restriction of our flow.
o The pressure in the orifice plate will decrease and then at a certain time or recovery
time the pressure in other point will be the same to other point.
o Hydrostatic =density x gravitational x height
o Q = √∆P/ρ
o Flow rate and pressure is corollate to each other and can identify flow using differential
- Venturi-tube
- Flow Nozzle or Pitot Flow

The installations of our instrument in a pipeline because we’re trying to measure the flow in the
upstream and the flow downstream

- When we have restriction in the faucet the flow of the liquid will flow faster because there is
a change in velocity over the time. Which means when pressure decrease the volume will
increase and vice versa
- Bernoulli’s Principle use as to measure differential pressure to measure velocity, to measure
the effect of elevation and some pressure loss.
- The pressure is affected the area or the diameter of a pipeline and pressure is affected by
elevation. This application is applicable in liquid application. Liquid is incompressible.
- We classified energy as kinetic energy and potential energy. In work we must considered
moving or changing energy and stagnant & static energy.
- The Bernoulli’s principle is important to us one of the scenarios having a pressure drop or
pressure loss is the effect of flashing and cavitation.
- Flashing and cavitation is the one who destroys our equipment. In a control valve were
having a restriction the opening and closing of the valve and possible to have a pressure
drop that causing a flashing and cavitation.
o Flashing it is the scenario were fluid or liquid had a restriction and create a bubble and
also in the pipeline we have two phase the bubble and heat it is the flashing effect. In
terms in flow, we just want to measure flow as much possible we must not change the
process. Our process should be monitoring, not change any parameters. From that
flashing we could observe instead pure liquid it is the combination of 2 phase we have
air bubbles.
o Cavitation where it is the scenario where bubbles will be liquify or will be burst out. If
the bubbles liquify it will be cause to destroy or corrode in the piping had dents.
o There is no changing temperature in it is the point where it pertains in temperature but
if we look at it a change in pressure it is automatic that the boiling point or the vapor
point pressure of the liquid can be liquify. 1 exaggerated in the manila and Baguio will
compare we should think the elevation or the pressure sino ang mataas ang pressure?
The boiling point in manila is 100 will be same the in Baguio it is actually no pressure is
correlated in temperature. Once the pressure is decreasing the temperature is
decreasing too or the vaporize will decrease too. When the pressure hit on orifice there
is a pressure drop the differential pressure is decreasing too it create bubbles when the
pressure is stabilizes it is called flashing occurs where liquid + gas we will have a
recovery factor in the orifice when the pressure will be increasing. When the pressure is
increasing the bubbles will be the cavitation it most dangerous because it will be
destroying the pipeline or the instrument or equipment or the orifice. The vapor
pressure is dependent in characteristics of fluid. fluid have different pressure it is the
scenario that we don’t like to happen the pressure drop. We going to compute the
orifice diameter that we called bore diameter we used calculate the orifice diameter for
us to identify the outflow of or pressure.
o Bernoulli’s Principle is relationship between pressure and velocity of the flow. Their
relationship is inversely proportional to each other. We have a piping that change
elevation and change in size of the pipeline. Bernoulli’s Principle provide of a distinction
only to changes or the relationship of pressure and velocity when it comes in changing
the pipeline size or changing of the elevation of our process fluid. when it we have
changes in the pipeline size it is automatic that we have change in pressure. If the
diameter of pipeline it is automatic that the pressure will be decreasing but the velocity
of our fluid will be increasing. Same ideas to the changes in the effect of elevation of a
pipeline will provide change in our pressure and also changing the pressure process in a
parameter will also constitute to changing the velocity of our fluid.
o Velocity of a Fluid pertains in the flow speed but we cannot consider it as flow rate. If
we say flow speed or flow velocity it pertains to a certain distance/time. To one point to
another it is the distinction of flow speed or the velocity. But if we say flow rate it
pertains to volumetric flows, we have a Volume/time the unit is meter/sec, inches
cube/sec or minutes depend on the classification. If we say flow rate majority, we are
dealing to volumetric flow of our fluid we have a unit meter cube/sec or km/sec or
o we also have mass flow rate we have same measurement but if we are dealing to flow
rate we are dealing to a mass of a certain fluid (mass/time) unit is kg/s, lb/s, other mass
units. Mass had different unit but there is different approach to it. Some approach is the
velocity of a fluid, some the volumetric of a fluid, some it pertains to the mass flow of
our fluid. it is significant to our measurement but both volumetric and mass flow are
better to use in measuring if we are had change in temperatures, it possible our process
having a change or the surroundings or the environment were a process located.

What are the unit operation that are subjected to heat?

• Distillation (we have boiler distillation, heat exchanger that is constitute in temperature

• Reactor

Any processes we have the change in temperature automatic it has measuring mass flow rate. There are
only few flow-meter or instrument that can measure mass flow rate. The majority of our instrument or
flow measuring devices in our industry they measure flow rate or the volumetric flow rate

What flow instrument can measure mass flow?

• Differential pressure or DP type instrument use orifice, ventri-tube, or pitot tube to identify
pressure in different pipeline

• Differential Pressure Flow

• Ultrasonic Flow measurement device

• Coriolis have a generic name mass flow meter or called as micro motion (Emerson called
Coriolis) the name Coriolis is invent by Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis. Micromotion name as branding

• Electromagnetic flow meter or Mag-meter

• Variable Area Flow meter

• Turbine

• Vortex flow meter

• Positive displacement or PD meter

This is the general flow instrument that are using in the industry. Most of them is measure volumetric
flow rate or flow rate. Flow rate is defined as volumetric rate of a fluid. one that measure mass flow rate
is the mass flow meter can be the Coriolis or the ultrasonic flow meter. Some in company or industry
trying to provide at density measuring devices. Density of a fluid change depends on the mass and
volume of our fluid that why some use analytical devices that measure density of our fluid that provide
compensation on the effect of temperature

Custody Transfer – to provide transfer. The main idea is to our product line to customer which means
we’re trying to sell it to costumer we should have an accurate measurement. It pertains to mass flow
High temperature to low temperature the volume decrease (expand) or vice versa it is important when
it comes to bulk material. When it comes in processes it is better to use flow rate as a volumetric flow
rate to provide minimal changes within plants. But when it comes to custody transfer, we must use mass
flow rate.

When it comes to flow measurement the first option is dp type flow meter and just classified the
instrument as mechanical or smart device

Mechanical – pd meter and turbine use for commercial household measurement but minimal industry
especially when it’s not that hazardous

The ultrasonic, mass flow meter, and electromagnetic they are applied depending on there applications
and process condition

Process condition or Process Parameter to consider Flow Measurement Selection or the process
parameter of flow

Density of a fluid (layman term) the compactness of the fluid (on how the atomic no. constitute to each
other or close to each other). It describes our material will float or sink. The higher dense will sink while
less dense will float. The formula is density = mass/volume. Once the volume of our fluid is increasing
the density is decreasing. The relationship of density and temperature is when the temp. increase the
density will decrease (inversely proportional) and vice versa. The mass of a certain material is not
affected by the temperature but the volume will increase when the temperature is increasing.

Viscosity it is the characteristics of our fluid that will identify its ability to flow or the resistance to flow.
Which means different characteristics of fluid has different flow. Each our fluid has internal friction it is
possible will affect our fluid to flow fast or slow or stagnant. How we are going to identify or solve
viscosity of our fluid? the relationship of density and viscosity we cannot provide correlation to density
and viscosity of our fluid. because fluid is characterized as solid, liquid or gas. Fluid is the generic term of
process of fluid or process in a component. Solid place in floor that is stagnant or some the solid are flow
smoothly. But dealing liquid we make assumption and correlation to density and viscosity. When the
density is high the viscosity is high too flow is slow. The liquid will be difficult to flow (will be can slow)
just viscos mean faster. We need to determine the viscosity of our fluid for us to say that one flow
instrument is applicable or not. The formula of viscosity of a certain fluid

Liquid viscosity

Experimental test tube we put liquid and we identify 2 point the distance of these 2 points to identify
velocity. Other parts solid object or a ball that will sink or that will be denser. We will drop it in the test
tube and record the time when the ball will be come in the first point until to the second point: formula
viscosity = [2 x (density of the ball – density of the liquid) x gravitational x square of the area]/ 9 x
velocity. Should the ball density be higher than the liquid density it should always positive. Viscosity =
shear stress/ shear rate it the basic formula in the industry. Shear stress in from mechanics and
dynamics. We have to identify the shear stress of a certain fluid and to get it we should a formula
Force/area. This shear stress is correlated to our pressure of the fluid specifically in liquid the unit will be
Pascal. If we say shear rate it is the shear stress in correlation in change in time and the formula use in
this shear rate is the velocity/ distance travel. Velocity is distance/time/distance = 1/t or 1/s or s^-1.
Shear stress is pascal/sec or cp (centipoise). 1 cp = 1 milli Pa. sec it is the common unit of viscosity.
Shear stress/ shear rate is the general formula used in industry. Under viscosity there are two
classification the dynamic and kinetic viscosity. The viscosity = shear stress/ shear rate is formula for
dynamic viscosity or the absolute viscosity of our fluid. Dynamic Viscosity is the internal force of the fluid
(molecular weight, the internal friction worked on dynamic). In Kinetic Viscosity it pertains in outside
force like gravitational force. It is pertained in external force that possibly subject to the flow of fluid.
Kinetic Viscosity = dynamic viscosity/ density under gravitational pull or gravitational effect within the
fluid. the majority use is the dynamic viscosity when it comes to viscosity ability to flow it pertain to
internal force.

Viscosity cannot be correlated to density but when it comes to liquid, we can provide assumptions.
Majority of the experiment with provide correlations direct relations to the density of our liquid versus
its quantity.

The density in gas is faster.

Viscosity and Temperature

With an increase in temperature, there is typically an increase in the molecular interchange as

molecules move faster in higher temperatures.

The gas viscosity will increase with temperature. According to the kinetic theory of gases, viscosity
should be proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature, in practice, it increases more

In a liquid there will be molecular interchange similar to those developed in a gas, but there are
additional substantial attractive, cohesive forces between the molecules of a liquid (which are much
closer together than those of a gas). Both cohesion and molecular interchange contribute to liquid

The impact of increasing the temperature of a liquid is to reduce the cohesive forces while
simultaneously increasing the rate of molecular interchange.

The former effect causes a decrease in the shear stress while the latter causes it to increase. The result is
that liquids show a reduction in viscosity with increasing temperature. With high temperatures, viscosity
increases in gases and decreases in liquids, the drag force will do the same.

The relationship of viscosity and temperature cannot identify if we don’t characterize the fluid. we can
identify it by liquid and gas. For a certain liquid, viscosity and temperature are inversely proportional. In
gas application, automatically its is directly proportional. The effect of viscosity is different in the
classification of liquid and gas.

Identify Process Parameter of Flow Measurement

• Density

• Differential Pressure constitute in flashing and cavitation or if we’re going to provide high
pressure loss will compute it
• If should be smart devices ultrasonic, mag-meter, vortex and Coriolis (expensive, provide high
accurate measurements). We also use vortex a mechanical device uses for commercial base for

• Viscosity

• Mass flow rate or volumetric flow rate

• Fluid Characteristic of a material

Flow Characteristics of a Liquid (process parameter)

• Laminar

• Transitional

• Turbulent

We have to identify the Reynold Number to characterize the liquid and the flow of our fluid. Reynold
Number is a unit less or no value.

• 0-5000 Laminar Flow (flow smooth, less force in the passage)

• 5001-20,000 Transitional Flow (non-uniform, quite eradicate of flow)

• 20,0001> Turbulent Flow (high force)

How to solve Reynolds Number use a formula Re = (density) (flow speed) (dimension of pipeline)/
dynamic viscosity. When density is increasing the Reynolds number increasing too but density and
viscosity, they are proportional in liquid even the viscosity is increasing the Reynold number had a
compensation in density. When the density changes the viscosity will be compensated. One of the
effects in Reynolds is the flow speed or the force (flowing condition of the fluid) is it the big factor of
flow speed to identify the Reynolds number of our fluid. It is important to characterize of our fluid
because majority of our instrument govern by the certain fluid like vortex flow meter (it measures its
vortexes only turbulent flow. There is a pipeline and inside the pipeline shedder bar when we have a
turbulent one the flow will be vortex frequency. This frequency the one we are measuring to correlated
to our flow measurement. We measure frequency by using a sensor called piezo crystal, when flow will
flow bounce back to piezo crystal it will detect feedback from different distance. It will corollate to the

Coriolis or mass flow rate or micro motion also called multivariable instrument (can measure any or
many different variable instruments or have association other measurement in the instrument) Coriolis
a tube that has U shape or straight shape. There is a tendency the will attached some sensor in the
Coriolis that detect the motion of our tube or Coriolis. If there is no flow the tube, they are continues
vibrating that why it has a micro motion. We can detect the frequency to the 2-point sensor have the
same motion. Even it doesn’t have flow it will constantly moving and a constant frequency but if there is
a flow the frequency will change between the sensor and feedback. Mass flow and not affected by the
temperature. Thermal mass meter or temperature sensor to measure our temperature flow and
corollate to mass. We should know the size of tubing; we know temperature possible we know the
density of a fluid. this is inferential measurement we must identify the mass flow rate, the temperature
compensation, and identify the density. For us to identify density we must use analytical instrument.

Multiphase is process fluid. if we say flow rate is flow rate by liquid or gas compromise the characteristic
of a fluid.

Possible that can measure multiphase in our devices

 Ultrasonic can measure multiphase

o Contra-propagation

There are two device the sender and receiver of ultrasound. Can measure multiphase but it as to
support to or more sensor of sender and receiver or a set of sender and receiver. And we should know
we place the sensor for us to make measure the fluids.

o Doppler Type

When we put device in a pipeline when the devices send a signal and once it touched to our fluid it will
bounce back. It only applicable in solid particle or material or non-uniform solid.

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