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The technology for teaching and Learning

Is on the path for us to personalizing learning, technology empowers me as

students by giving me ownership on how I can learn, it teach me how to analyze,
to design, develop, and evaluating the instructional environment and learning
materials in order for me to improve teaching and learning in the future. I actually
inspired for being problem-solvers, critical thinkers, collaborators, and creators
with the technology that provide me numerous tools and has been successfully
integrated into classrooms to enhance my learning and preparing myelf for the

The thing that I have learned is to use my skills and knowledge, because of The
technology for teaching and Learning, Through online lessons and learning ides,
we as a students get to work together to solve problems. In collaborative
activities, we can share our own thoughts and ideas and support each other, At
the same time, technology enables one-on-one interaction with teachers. We can
ask through gc, and moodle class some questions and seek additional help on
difficult-to-understand subject matter. I learn digital literacy in the 21st century,
different online distance learning, The six models of blended learning, social
networking sites, TPACK, SAMR, formative, summative and so on. I am now
creator of my own instructional tools, I already learn to create Canvas it is my
second time actually, Infographics, Padlet, Blog, Podcast this tools that I like the
most is Quiz maker by the reason of it is easiest when I create questions and
answer, Eportfolio I enhance my creativity here it provides an opportunity for me
being students to reflect my own unique and diverse approaches to learning , and
lastly diorama its was my first time to make a vlog to see my work on youtube,
Honestly I enjoyed a lot of this, it helps me to boost my creativity, learning and
experience that benefit me in the future.

I have realize the most important thing that I took away from this lesson is that
TTL1 is a large part of today's education, I realized that as a future teacher, it is
my responsibility to bring my student out of the box by using different
approaches and different instructional materials that could help in maximizing the
teaching and learning process like what Sir Galibo did , Introducing instructional
materials in the classroom at a young age can help prepare us for future digital
demands so I take the risk and Try something new because I never really know
how effective a tool or approach will be until I try it. Still it’s important to note
that technology is a tool used in education and not an end in itself.

If I given a chance what I have already learned on this TTL1 many of relevant
learning experiences is I want also to share my knowledge to one another,
Teaching them the real potentials of technology will lead to promoting higher-
level thinking, independent learning, and life-long learning because this
technology provides every students with easy-to-access information, inspire
creativity and fun opportunities to practice what they also shoud learn.

As a teacher who wants to bring positive change in the lives of young children, I
will not limit myself with the norm but rather dare to be different. Different in a
way that I will impart not only my knowledge but everything that I can do which I
think could help young children to be the best that they can be.

My concluding part It is a time of great possibility and progress for the use of
technology to support learning. This class gave me the skills necessary to
integrate my classroom with technology more efficiently. This benefits not only
the students but also assists me as an educator. This class has sharpened my skills
with technology that I was already familiar with. It also has shown me a few new
technologies that I will be able to use in my own future classroom.

I am now better prepared to create a digital age classroom. This includes teaching
students about new technology, how it should and should not be used, assessing
students with technology, and inspiring creativity. technology have created a path
for me to be the best educator I can be.

My topic is about Formative and Summative Assessment

Formative Assessment The goal of formative assessment is to monitor us student

learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve
their teaching and to us stdent to improve our learning, Formative provide crucial
information about what we understand and what we don’t and target areas that
need work,

it is collecting information while learning is happening, it is a teaching move a

question, essay, test, quizzes, observation, writing, an activity assignment or other
student evidence that a educator performs to gain information about student
learning, it help teacher or a future educator see where students are in the
learning process, quickly identify if we are struggling with a particular subject and
adjust their teaching approaches to help students stay on track.

On the other hand summative assessment the goal is to evaluate us student

learning at the end of an instructional unit like our midterm exam, final project,
paper works done and so on, for teacher it provides insight into how well their
students have mastered the delivered content and to for us student it is
evaluations of what has learned throughout a course, that’s relevant because a
every of us student’s success in the classroom is just one step for us. When
teacher prepare us for the next step, It make easier for every students to succeed
in the future as well.

This formative and summative assessment can be used for student feedback and
can be used for future planning.

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