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Beneath the Pandemic: Conquering the Current Health Status

of Youth and Adults in

Barangay Bambang

Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the

Practical Research 2 and Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship

Senior High School



Aljhon S. Tolentino
November 2020

Background of the Study

In the past years, Philippines have made its health sector renowned again from its crucial
lost. Economy has been boosted; its current Gross National Product (GNP) last 2019 was
$415.75 billion marked a 5.18% increase compared to the former year, according to World Bank.
The latter upraise was mainly due to improvements in the healthcare system facilities all over the
country, counteracting different problems that a Filipino may face. The Philippine already
allocated $3.2 billion for the health sector in 2020; a 12% increase from the budget for 2019.
Health insurance now covers 92% of the population. Maternal and child health services
improved, with more children living beyond infancy, a higher number of women delivering at
health facilities and more births being attended by expert healthcare service providers than ever
seen. Though numbers limit what we have to see deeply beyond the awe of digits.

Still, the situation hasn’t changed for the past years, only the budget was, but not the
healthcare system itself. Perhaps not all places here in our country possess adequate resources to
comply with the expected health performance which mainly affects the health and well-being of

The local communities within the suburban areas are most likely to experience healthcare
struggles; lack of necessary facilities to help people with health-related problems, those who
can’t afford to seek for a doctor, and even those who are living in mountainous regions where
lack of accessible roads and health workers. This climatic distress is very prominent in our
country, as it was listed under the developing countries by World Bank. The demands of local
residents in many barangays are gradually increasing, in contrast to the expected improvements
which is pivotal to many occurring diseases and other non-health related problems.

Localizing the present situation in a barangay where the topic of this research targets to
seek for answers and new knowledge concerning the health status of the barangay itself. Situated
in the poblacion region in the municipality of Candaba, Barangay Bambang which makes this
community thrive even the income of people is quiet below the average.
Ultimately, health is a major concern not just by this barangay but also to many communities in
Philippines. Does the distribution of medicines and necessary supplements enough for everyone?
Or does the activity itself happens frequently and free? Questioning the current health status of
the barangay is only a subordinate to what the research aims; what matters are the healthcare-
related activities happening in the place. And as a vanguard of truth and way of amplifying
unheard voices, the latter activity merely requires enough time to study and know what is the real
cost of having digits in our annual budget if not all can experience goodness and ease.

Sector Actors Sector Status

Political Barangay Captain Active; their presence is always
Barangay Councilors felt especially during campaign
Sangguniang Kabataang period and project
Economic Barangay Officials Very Active; the economic status
Small-scale store owners is lively mainly because of
Farmers, fishermen different vendors and buyers as
Vendors well.
Sociocultural Youth Active; the guidance of adults is
Elderly present and manifests to children
and youth obeying their parents.

Technological Barangay Officials Slightly Active; though the

Computer shop owners livelihood of barangay is active, it
isn’t enough to generate funds to
help accommodate projects that
involves the use of technology.
Environmental Barangay Officials Slightly Active; the barangay
Segregation Team MRF is not always cleaned and
maintained, as well as the
presence of officials in
maintaining the cleanliness and
orderliness is not always present
and sometimes causes conflicts
concerning improperly disposed
Legal Barangay Officials Active; whenever there are
Peace and Order conflicts like fist fights and
patrolmen troubles, barangay officials are
always doing the legal way to
resolve the issue.

Table 1. PESTEL Model of Barangay Bambang’s current status

(Community Needs Assessment)

In order to bring clarifications to the research, a needs assessment is conducted to assess
what does the community want to have and what it really needs. The table below shows the
result of an interview conducted to some of the residents of the barangay with their answers
corresponding to the goal of the research.
The table above exhibits the wants and needs of the barangay. And it exemplifies the
need of health attention. The reason will be discussed as the research progress. Out of many
possible participants for the needs assessment, the researcher chooses those who are involved in
their field of experience and within the community itself.

Needs Wants
 Medicines and vitamins to children and  Free internet connection
parents  Free printing shop for students
 Weekly check-up to children  Drainage
 Accessibility to health facilities  More CCTV cameras for added
everyday security
 Elevated road in some parts of the
Table 2. Result of needs assessment.

Certain pre-requisites for a barangay to be said as “ready” and “active” is to have a good
health status.
The needs assessment conducted supports the conclusion that the barangay needs urgent
attention with regards to their health matter. Meanwhile, another table will summarize the data
gathered from the interview. Note that the actor in each institution is very involved in their
particular field of experience.
Institution and Actors Interviewed Possible Interventions
Government (Local)  Increase in funds and allocation of
Councilor Edwin Vinuya (Barangay budget
Councilor)  More window time in implementing
 Support from NGO’s and donors
Family  More money to generate more projects
Annie Tolentino (Parent)  Donors and sponsors

Economic  Support from regional government

Joan Salac (Sari-sari store owner)  Transparent budget details

Educational  Transparency to project’s budget

Bianca Lapuz (a teacher) details
 Increase in amount of budget
 Presence of donors
Religiou  Honesty in the entire project details
Sister Lucia (a member of church)  More money to have more beneficial
Table 3. Key Informant Interview results.

Significance of the Study

This study targets to resolve health issues in the barangay concerning the lack of
distribution of free medicines and vitamins to children and adults regularly. As a response to the
climatic pandemic situation, this research also wants to promote health awareness to the residents
as they are the most vulnerable to ailments. Together, improving the health status of the
barangay is one of the prime goal of this research.

To the community.
This research seeks to raise awareness to the entire community about being healthy and disease-
free. In addition, the research targets to elevate the competence of individuals in their daily
living as per their health is fine and stable.

To the barangay officials.

This research seeks to open the mind of barangay officials with regards to the health of their
residents, especially the old and young individuals. In addition, the research aims to throw
changes to their governance as it can be a factor why the health status of barangay is in its
current situation.
Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

The researcher will

be utilizing online Developing actions
Respondents questionnaire that is
New perspectives
Online intended to describe
from the residents
Questionnaire their perspectives.
The data obtained Additional
will be subjected to knowledge for the
gathered in Internet
statistical treatment officials
and data analysis.

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of Research

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to find the current health status of the barangay, considering its
children and adults, as well as raising awareness to barangay officials with regards to their
leadership and responsibilities.

General Problem: Questioning the current health situation of the barangay vis-à-vis with the
current health status of youth and elders.
Specific Problem:
1. How can the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:
a. Age
b. Sex/Gender
c. Amount of income (monthly)
2. How do the respondents describe the barangay officials implementing projects/activities
related to health?
3. What can the respondents say about the health center and its service?
4. How does amount of allocation of funds contribute to the frequency of projects visible in
the barangay with regards to health sector?

SWOT Identification


Inactive technology
Wide hectares of lands cultivated
into platation of fruits and Irregular MRF maintenance
A vegetables; palay, corn, etc. Lots of gossipers
N Average competent barangay Unregulated garbage disposal
captain and officials Lazy and
A Active economy (vendors, etc.) unworking residents

Barangay officials in solving problems Presence of poverty and
S in waste disposal malnutrition
Economic activity can help lessen Gossipers
inactive individuals by selling Lazy residents

Figure 2. SWOT Analysis

Scope and Delimitation

In order to provide an accurate data regarding the topic, the following scope and
delimitations should be imposed:
1. Only the results from the conducted face-to-face interview (FGD) and Key Informant
Interview will be used, together with the research questionnaire.
2. The research will focus on finding, questioning, analyzing, and improving, if possible,
the health status of the barangay.
3. The leadership of barangay officials will not be questioned deeply. Only the necessary
details and questions, if present, will be given.
4. The research won’t exceed to the topics regarding improper waste disposal and other
problems existing, if any. Again, only the current health status of the barangay will be the
highlight of this research.

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