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General Studies - 2002 (Main) (Paper - I)

Time Allowed: Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks: 300

Each Question is printed both in Hindi and in English.
Answers must be written in the medium specified in the Admission Certificate issued to you,
which must be stated clearly on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the
purpose. No mark will be given for answers written in a medium other than that specified in the
Admission Certificate. Candidates should attempt ALL questions strictly in accordance with the
instructions given under each question. The number of marks carried by each question is
indicated at the end of the question.

1.  Answer any one of the following (250 words):                                  30  

(a)     What was the Butler Committee Report? Discuss the reactions on the report in India

(b)     Why did Jinnah reject C.R. Formula?

 2. Answer any two of the following (about 150 words):                           2x15=30

(a)     Trace the growth of the Indian Home Rule Movement in Britain.

(b)     Evaluate the attitudes of different political parties towards Quit India Movement.

(c)     Review the ‘Dickie Bird Plan’ 

3. Write about the following (not exceeding 20 words each):                        15x2=30 

(i)                   Anandmath

(ii)                 Bismillah Khan

(iii)                Chris Evert

(iv)               Chamber of Princes

(v)                 Dharma Sabha

(vi)               Divide et impera

(vii)              Dandi March

(viii)            Garry Kasparov

(ix)                Keshab Chandra Sen

(x)                  Nivedita

(xi)                Pele

(xii)               Raidasa

(xiii)             Satyagraha

(xiv)             Steffi Graf

(xv)              Theodore Beck  

4. Answer any two of the following (about 125 words):                           2x10=20

(a)     Given an account of the tea plantations of Assam and West Bengal and state the economic
significance of these plantations

(b)     Discuss the distribution of winds and rainfall over India in the summer monsoon season.

(c)     Define the concept of ‘growth centres’ and evaluate its relevance in regional planning in

5. Write short notes on the following (about 20 words):                             5x2=10 

(i)                   Name of main petroleum producing areas in India

(ii)                 Jhum cultivation - process and consequences

(iii)                Kaziranga National Park

(iv)               Census definition of urban places

(v)                 Khetri Copper Project

6. Answer any one of the following (about 250 words):                           30

(a)     “The issue of a hung Parliament adversely affects the stability of Indian Government”.
Discuss the statement and point out how far changing over to the Presidential form of govt.
will be a solution to this problem.

(b)     Why does the Constitution of India provide different forms of Oaths for the President, the
Ministers, the legislators and the members of the judiciary? Discuss their significance.

7. Answer any one of the following (about 250 words):                           30 

(a)     What is the position of the Supreme Court under the Constitution of India? How far does it
play its role as guardian of the Constitution?

(b)     How is the Constitution of India amended? Do you think that the procedure for amendment
makes the Constitution a play-thing in the hands of the Centre? 

8. Answer any two of the following (about 150 words):                           2x15=30

(a)     Discuss the constitutional provisions relating to the non-justifiable directives binding upon
the states.

(b)     Describe the methods of delimiting constituencies for parliamentary elections in India.

(c)     Explain the role of the Public Accounts Committee.

9. Answer the following (about 20 words):                                                             5x2=10 

(i)                 What is the import of the 84th Amendment of the Indian Constitution?

(ii)                 Under what Article of the Constitution can the Union govt. play its role in settling inter-
state water disputes?

(iii)                What is the role of the protem speaker?

(iv)               What is meant by the ‘lame-duck session’ of the legislature?

(v)                 What is meant by the ‘fringe areas ‘in the sphere of local govt. in India? 

10. Write on any one of the following (250 words)                                    30 

(a)     What is the composition of the Electoral College for the election of the President of the
Indian Republic? How the value of the votes cast is counted?

(b)     “Biotechnology boom may pave a golden path for India”. Discuss.

11. Answer any two of the following (about 125 words):                           2x10=20

(a)     What were the main strategic concerns of the Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri
during her recent visit to India?

(b)     What is “TRIFED”? What are its objectives?

(c)     How was the dwindling of barbed variety of rice affected Siliguri-Bagdogra belt with
respect to man-animal conflict?

12. Answer any two of the following (about 125 words):                           2x10=20
(a)     What is Integrated Wastelands Development Programme?

(b)     Write briefly about the Desert Development Programme.

(c)     Write briefly about the Programmes for ‘Welfare of the Disabled’.

13. Write about the following (20 words):                                                   5x2=10

(i)                   Prof. B.P. Sinha

(ii)                 Maj. Gen. S.S. Sharma

(iii)                Kondapalli Seetaramaiah

(iv)               Aung San Suu Kyi

(v)                 Thalassery, Kerala

General Studies - 2002 (Main) (Paper - II)

Time Allowed: Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks: 300

1.  Answer any two of the following (150 words):                                     15x2=30

(a)     Discuss the major irritants in Indo-China relations and highlight the latest moves to
overcome these

(b)     How did U.S. respond to the problem of Cross-border terrorism in the State of Jammu
and Kashmir after the Kaluchak events?

(c)     Account for India’s opposition to CTBT.  

2. Answer the following (about 20 words):                                            2x5=10

(a)     Explain India’s stand on LTTE.

(b)     What does ‘Gujral doctrine’ stand for?

(c)     How does India benefit from good neighbourly relations with Bangladesh?

(d)     What do you know about ‘Pinaka’?

(e)     Explain India’s ‘No first Use’ policy in context of Nuclear weapons.

3. Answer the following (about 20 words each):                                    2x5=10

(a)     What are the problems NRIs have to face if they decide to settle in India?

(b)     What was India Millenium Deposit Scheme?

(c)     What has been the impact of Gulf remittances on India’s economy?

(d)     Name the nodal agency to deal with issues relating to Indians abroad and explain its
main task.

(e)     What is the distinction between NRI and ‘People of India origin’?

4. Answer any one of the following (about 250 words):                  30

(a)     Outline the main targets fixed in the National Population policy 2000. What have been
the follow up measures to this policy?

(b)     The main thrust of the EXIM Policy 2002-07 is on creating a framework for enhancing
India’s export capability. In the light of this statement outline the salient features of
EXIM Policy 2002-07.

5. Answer any two of the following (about 150 words):                  15x2=30

(a)     What are ‘Minimum Support Prices’ in agricultural products? What are their objectives?

(b)     Outline the main objectives and achievements of the ploicy of disinvestment in India?

(c)     With what objectives was ‘Essential Commodities Act 1955’ amended last year?

6. Answer the following (about 20 words)                                              2x15=30

(a)     What is the peak rate of Custom duty? What are its objectives in India?

(b)     Define fiscal deficit.

(c)     Explain the provision of OGL.

(d)     Elucidate ‘Special Economic Zones’

(e)     Highlight the salien feature of ‘National Highway Development Project’

(f)       What is the role of SEBI?

(g)     Explain RBI’s Automatic Route in FDIs.

(h)     With what objectives was the ‘Annapurna’ scheme launched?

(i)       Elucidate ‘Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana’

(j)       The union budget 2002-03 recommended some servi ces to be taxed. Name any 4 of
these services.

(k)     What is dumping? What is its objective?

(l)       What do you understand by ‘Capital account Convertibility’ of Rupee?

(m)   Define Sex ration in the population of India. What is its present status?

(n)     Distinguish between ad-valorem and specific duties.

(o)     Define zero-based budget.

7. Answer any two of the following (about 150 words):                  15x2=30

(a)     Highlight the main points of Nuclear Disarmament treaty signed by US President
George Bush and Russian Prez Vladimir Putin in May 2002.

(b)     Outline the features of latest Saudi Peace Plan for West Asia Crisis and assess its

(c)     “NAM is relevant in Unipolar Worls as well”, Comment.

8. Answer the following (about 20 words):                                            2x5=10

(a)     What do the following stand for?

(i)    WCAR

(ii)  SPDC


(iv) WIPO

(b)     Why was Bander Seri Begawan in news recently?

(c)     Who is Xanana Gusmao?

(d)     What do you mean by Uni-polar world?

(e)     What do you know about the North-South dialogue?

9. Answer the following (about 20 words):                                            2x5=10

(a)     What do the following stand for?

(i)       UNCHR

(ii)     UNIDO

(iii)    WTO

(iv)    MIGA

(b)     What is meant by AU?

(c)     Explain U.S. stand on the proposal for establishing an International Crime Court

(d)     What is the main purpose of G-15?

(e)     Why is SAFTA being mooted?  

10. Answer any one of the following (about 250 words):                  30

(a)     Plastic hazards – Discuss.

(b)     Discuss in detail “The internet telephony as an alternative”.

11. Answer any two of the following (150 words)                           15x2=30

(a)     What are the fundamental constants and their use in measurement system?

(b)     Discuss about ‘Environment’, its components and its awareness.

(c)     What is Human Cloning? Is it dangerous or beneficial? Discuss.

12. Answer the following (about 20 words):                                            2x5=10

(a)     What is digital camera?

(b)     What is firewall in computer language?

(c)     What is multimedia?

(d)     What do the following stand for?

(i)       HTML

(ii)     FTP

(iii)    MFLOPS

(iv)    PLANIT

(e)     What is Piracy?

13. Answer the following:                                                                       2x8=16

(a)     The figures below give the revenue expenditure in U.P> on education in crore of rupees for
the last 3 years: 

Particulars Expenditure (crore Rs.)

1998-99 99-00 00-01
Primary Education 68.00 78.00 118.00
Secondary 40 45 74
Special Education 30 35 45
University and 50 52 56
Higher Education
Technical Education 35 38 42
Sports and Youth 20 22 30

Represent the above information by suitable diagram.

(b)     Represent the following data by frequency polygon:

Weekly Wages (Rs.) No. of workers

0-10 10
10-20 15
20-40 18
40-70 60
70-100 45
100-120 40
120-150 30

14. Answer the following

(a)     The life of 2 models A & B of refrigerators in a recent survey is tabulated as follows :

Life (no. of Model A Model B

0-2 5 2
2-4 16 7
4-6 13 12
6-8 7 19
8-10 5 9
10-12 4 1

(i)                  What is the average life of each model of these refrigerators?

(ii)                 Which model shows more uniformity?


(b)     The following table shows the distribution of 100 families according to their expenditure per
week. Number of families corresponding to the expenditure groups Rs. (10-20) and Rs. (30-
40) are missing from the table. The median and mode for the distribution are Rs. 25 and Rs.
24 respectively. Calculate the missing frequencies:

Expenditure No. of
(Rs.) families
0-10 14
10-20 -
20-30 27
30-40 -
40-50 15


15. Answer the following:  

(a)     The average rainfall of a certain place for Monday to Saturday is 15 inches. Due to
heavy rainfall on Sunday, the average rainfall of the week rose to 25 inches. How much
rainfall was there on Sunday?

(b)     The following are the info pertaining to employees of a factory:

Total no. of employees                               100

Avg. salary of all employees                   Rs. 5000

Avg. salary of male employees                   Rs. 5200

Avg. salary of female employees                   Rs. 4200  

What is the no. of male and female employees? 

(c)     If each value in a sample size of 15 is multiplied by 10, then whether the mean will be
changed, justify your answer. What will happen to the mean if 12 is subtracted from each

(d)     A person owns 2 companies A & B. He invested Rs. 10 Lakh to establish Co. A and Rs.
10 crore to establish Co. B. The average profits earned from both the companies are the
same. Which of the 2 companies is better from profit earning point view? Justify your

General Studies - 2000 (Main) (Paper - I)

Time Allowed: Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks: 300

Q.1. Answer any ONE of the following (About 250 words): -                                               30
(a) Trace the origin of the Swadeshi Movement. How did it involve the masses
(b) what was Mountbatten Plan? Discuss the reactions of Gandhi and Azad to the Plan.

Q. 2. Answer any TWO of the following (About 150 words each):-                        15 x 2 = 30

(a) who established the Arya Samaj? What was its goal?
(b) How did the terrorist movement gather strength in countries other than India?
(c) Was Jawaharlal Nehru justified in adopting the principle of non-alignment as the corner-stone
of India's foreign policy?

Q. 3. Answer the following (About 20 words each) : -                                             2 x 15 = 30

(i) Brahmagupta
(ii) Amir Khusro
(iii) William Jones
(iv) C.F. Andrews
(v) Narayan Guru
(vi) Tantia Tope
(vii) Sayyid Ahmad
(viii) Margaret Noble
(ix) Sangam Literature
(x) Gandhara School of art
(xi) Granth Sahib
(xii) Fort William College
(xiii) Epsom
(xiv) Lala Amarnath
(xv) Tiger Woods.

Q. 4. Answer any TWO of the following (About 125 words each):-                        2 x 10 = 20

(a) Mention the agro-climatic regions of India are stating the basis of classification.
(b) Explain the major racial groups of India.
(c) What is waste land? Write a note on prospects of waste land development in India.

Q. 5. Write notes on the following (About 20 words each) :-                                     5 x 2 = 10

(i) Linguistic regions of India
(ii) Nagarjunasagar Project
(iii) Mango Showers
(iv) Multi-level planning in India
(v) India's Laterite soils.

Q. 6. Answer any ONE of the following (About 250 words):-                                                30

(a) Examine the need for the review of the Indian Constitution.
(b) Examine the demand for greater State-antonomy and also its impact on the smooth
functioning of the Indian polity.

Q. 7. Answer any ONE of the following (About 250 words):-                                               30

(a) How does Parliament control the Union Executive? How effective is its control?
(b) What constitutes the doctrine of 'basic features' as introduced into the Constitution of India by
the Judiciary?

Q. 8. Answer any TWO of the following (About 150 words each) :-                       15 x 2 = 30
(a) Identify, the major electoral reforms which are necessary in the Indian Political System.
(b) Examine the role of Estimates Committee.
(c) Discuss the major extra-constitutional factors influencing the working of federal polity in

Q. 9. Answer the following (About 20 words each):-                                                5 x 2 = 10

(a) what is vote on account?
(b) What is a Caretaker Government?
(c) Do you justify the Prime Minister's entry into Parliament through the Rajya Sabha ?
(d) What is a Privilege Motion?
(e) What is Contempt of Parliament?

Q.10. Answer any ONE of the following (About 250 words):-                                              30

(a) Discuss the provisions of the Human Rights Protection ACt (1993) relating to the following :-
     (i)   Definition of human rights.
     (ii)  Composition of the National Human Rights Commission.
     (iii) Functions of the Commission.
     (iv) What suggestions have been made for amending the Act for making the role of the
            more effective?
(b) Discuss the propositions laid down by the Supreme Court of India in the context of Torture in
Prisons and Human Dignity.

Q. 11. Write on any TWO of the following (About 125 words each):-                    2 x 10 = 20
(a) Explain Public Interest Litigation. Who can file it and on what basis can it be rejected by the
Court of Law?
(b) Discuss Human Genome.
(c) What are the features of the Uttar Pradesh Regulation of Public Religious Buildings and
Places Bill, 2000 that have caused widespread protests from minorities?

Q. 12. Write notes on any TWO of the following (About 125 words each):            2 x 10 = 20
(a) Universal Postal Union
(b) Economic and Social Council
(c) Florence Nightingale.

Q.13. Write about the following (About 20 words each) :-                                        2 x 5 = 10

(a) CRY
(b) Baba Amte
(c) Ali Sardar Jafri
(d) 'Water'
(e) Aruna Roy.

General Studies - 2000 (Main) (Paper - 2)

Time Allowed: Three Hours                                                            Maximum Marks: 300

Q. 1.  Answer any two of the following. (Answer to each question should be in about 150
words): -                                                                                                                15 x 2 = 30
(a) Discuss Indian-Sri Lankan relations in recent years.
(b) India's Kargil victory rested on its successful effort at combining diplomacy with the use of
force. Discuss.
(c) Differentiate and state the significance of Pokharan I and Pokharan II.

Q. 2. Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words)

                                                                                                                                  2 x 5 = 10
(a) what does track two diplomacy stand for?
(b) Non-alignment is a need, not a creed, Elaborate.
(c) Differentiate between Peace-making and Peace-keeping.
(d) What is deterrence?
(e) Why has the indigenous development of Cryogenic Enging become necessary for India?

Q. 3. Answer the following. (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words)

                                                                                                                                  2 x 5 = 10
(a) What does the Global organisation of people of Indian origin stand for?
(b) What is the impact of economic sanctions against India on NRIs?
(c) Why is Fiji crisis of May 19, 2000 a specific concern for India?
(d) Examine the role of NRIs in the liberalisation process of India.
(e) Mention few NRIs who have brought name and fame for India.

Q. 4. Answer anyone of the following. (Answer should be in about 250 words)                    30

(a) India is rapidly emerging as an Information Technology (IT) Superpower. Discuss some
aspects of the growth of this Sector in the Indian economy. What role can public policy play in
further enhancing growth prospects in this Sector?
(b) Control over growth of population in India is an essential condition for the country's rapid
economic development. Discuss.

Q. 5. Answer any two of the following. (Answer to each question should be in about 150
words):                                                                                                                   2 x 15 = 30
(a) Discuss the reasons for the failure of the Seattle Millennium talks on the WTO (World Trade
Organisation). Discuss some implications of this failure for the Indian economy.
(b) What is (Revised) Targeted Public Distribution System? What are its main features?
(c) Discuss the economic effects of Black money (Parallel economy) in Indian economy.

Q. 6. Answer the following. (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words)

                                                                                                                                2 x 15 = 30
(a) what are the main objectives of the 9th Five-Year Plan of the Government of India?
(b) Write a note on MODVAT Scheme of 1986.
(c) Explain per capita income as a measurement of economic growth.
(d) What are the objectives of Social Security?
(e) What do you mean by 'Parallel Economy’?
(f) Describe the use of 'Command Area Development' in India.
(g) What is ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio)?
(h) What are the main objectives of NABARD?
(i) What do you know about 11th Finance Commission?
(j) What do you mean by revenue deficit in the Central Government's Budget?
(k) How has the Census (1991) defined the Urban Areas?
(1) What are the objectives of New Economic Policy of the Government of India?
(m) Write a note on Rao-Manmohan model of development.
(n) What is the rational for 'Mid-day Meal' Scheme?
(o) What has been the impact of the recent economic reforms programme on the incidence of
poverty in India?
Q.7. Answer any two of the following. (Answer to each question should be in about 150
words): -                                                                                                                15 x 2 = 30
(a) Define Globalisation and differentiate it with Internationalism.
(b) There is a wide-spread concern about the degradation of environment and the problems that
go with it. Assess the international response.
(c) How can India accommodate her foreign policy principle of 'non-intervention' with the
emerging right to 'intervention?'

Q. 8. Answer the following. (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words)

                                                                                                                                  2 x 5 = 10
(a) what are the prospects of CTBT?
(b) Differentiate between Collective security and Cooperative security.
(c) What do the following stand for?
     (i)  MARV
     (ii) MIRV
     (iii) ICBM
(d) Differentiate between Explosion and Implosion.
(e) What do you know about Siachin Dispute?

Q. 9. Answer the following (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words)

                                                                                                                                  2 x 5 = 10
(a) what do the following stand for?
     (i)  SAARC 
     (ii) ASEAN 
     (iii) OIC
(b) what is meant by SDI?
(c) Differentiate between SALT and START.
(d) What do you know about G-77?
(e) What is Global Environmental Facility (GEF)?

Q.10. Answer any one of the following. (Answer should be in about 250 words)                  30
(a) what is the significance of the geostationary orbit? What would happen if it becomes too
(b) Why is the HIV considered so dangerous? Why has the spread of the virus proved so difficult
to contain, especially in the poorer countries of the world? 

Q. 11. Answer any two of the following: (Answer to each question should be in about 150
words):                                                                                                                   15 x 2 = 30
(a) How are transgenic plants different from hybrid plants and what is their relevance in modern
agriculture? Elaborate.
(b) What are greenhouse gases? What impact do they have on the Earth's climate and with what
consequences? Elaborate.
(c) What is water harvesting? Describe its relevance in the Indian context.

Q. 12. Answer the following: (Answer to each question should be in about 20 words)
                                                                                                                                  2 x 5 = 10
(a) what does the 'clock speed' of a computer signify?
(b) What do the following stand for?
     (i)  http
     (ii) CPU
     (iii) ROM
     (vi) BIOS
(c) What is a modem and what is it used for ?
(d) What is spamming?
(e) How does a computer virus destroy data ?

Q. 13. Answer the following :

(a) The table below shows the number of students in different faculties of a University:

Year             Number of Students                Total

  Humanities Science Commerce  
1975-76 2810 890 540 4240
1976-77 3542 1363 471 5376
1977-78 4301 1662 652 6615
1978-79 5362 2071 895 8328
1979-80 6593 2752 1173 10518

Represent the data by a suitable diagram.                                                                                  8

(b) The pie chart below gives the annual production of certain commodities of a State.

If the production of sugar is 3000 tons, find the total production of rice and wheat.                     8

Q. 14. Answer the following:

(a) The number of overtime hours worked by 1000 employees of a company during the last six
months is as follows:                                                                                                    4 x 2 = 8

Overtime Number of 

(in hours) Employees
0-20 401
20-40 226
40-60 182
60-80 74
80-100 43
100-120 38
120-140 20
140-160 9
160-180 5
180-200 2

(i) What is the percentage of employees having worked less than 40 overtime hours during these
(ii) What is the percentage of employees having worked for at least 40 overtime hours but less
than 100 overtime hours?

(b) A certain company offered its shares, of par-value Rs 120, at a premium of Rs 20. In the
following year a dividend of 21% was declared by the company. Find the rate of interest at the
hands of the investor.                                                                                                                8

Q. 15. Answer the following:                                                                                       2 x 4 = 8

(a) A farmer has a square plot for cultivation. If the length of each side is increased by 10%, then
the yield from the plot will increase by 20%. Is it true? Give reason.
(b) A company increased its production 8 times in a period of 3 years. What is the percentage
increase per year?
(c) The price of a commodity fell by 25% and then rose by 33.33%. Can we conclude that the
current price is 8.33% more of the original price? Give reason.
(d) A group of 150 workers have Rs 72.60. When both the groups are combined, what be the
average daily wage?

General Studies - 1999 (Main) (Paper - I)

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt all questions from Section I, II and III.


1. How did Communalism manifest in Indian political scene? Explain the background of the
passing of the momentous Pakistan Resolution. (About 250 words)
What were the proposals of the Cabinet Mission? Analyze their actions of the Congress and the
League to the proposals. (About 250 words) 35

2. Answer any two of the following:        (About 150 words on each)

(a) Trace the formation of the Swaraj Party. What were its demands?

(b) 'What began as a flight for religion ended as a war of independence, for there is not the
slightest doubt that the rebels wanted to get rid of the alien government and restore the old order
of which the king of Delhi was the rightful representative.' Do you support this viewpoint?
(c) How far Curzon's policy towards Tibet was influenced by strategic consideration.

3.  Answer any three of the following:      (About 75 words on each)

(a) Assess the contributions of Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar to the making of modern India.

(b) In what way did Ramakrishna infuse a new vigour and dynamism into Hinduism?

(c) 'Tagore's poetry is a written record of his religious experience.' Elucidate.

(d) How did Nehru's plan for modernization make rapid stride during the decade 1951-61?         
4. (a) Write about the chief features of the following: (About 20 words on each)
(i) Chola architecture (ii) Baisakhi
(iii) Neo-art movement

(b) What do you know about the following?

(iv) Munda Movement
(v) Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
(vi) Ilbert Bill                (vii) Sarda Act  
(viii) Education Despatch of 1854

(c) Why have the following become famous?  

(ix) Rammanohar Lohia (x) C. Y. Chintamani  
(xi) Henry Cotton (xii) Tej Bahadur Sapru  
(xiii) Veeresalingam P.K. (xiv) Bhulabhai Desai
(xv) Kamladevi Chattopadhyay 2 x 15 =30

5. What are the highlights of the draft nuclear doctrine formulated by the National Security
Advisory Board? What shortcomings have been pointed out in media reports relating to the
same? (About 250 words) 35 
What are the reasons for the recent diplomatic confrontation between the U.S.E. and China?
What specific measures have been taken by the U.S.E. to defuse the tension building up the
Taiwan Strait? (About 250 words) 35

6. Attempt any three of the following: (About 100 words on each)

(a)    What new type of satellite is proposed to be inducted for bolstering surveillance on India’s
boarder? How does this type of satellite compare with existing IRS satellites?

(b)     Explain in brief the observations made by the leaders of the Group of Eight countries in
their meeting in Cologne on Kargil intrusion by Pakistan.
(c)     What are the major provisions of the New Telecom Policy approved by the Government?
What has been the decision of the Delhi High Court in this respect?

(d)     Analyze the recent French response to India’s diplomatic efforts for promoting Indo-French
friendship. 10 x 3 =30

7. Attempt any five of the following: (About 50 words on each)

(a)     What was the rationale for the recourse to air strikes by the Indian Air Force during
Operation Vijay?

(b)     What is Deep-water Oil Exploration? What are its prospects in India?

(c)     Has India the capability to make a Neutron Bomb?

(d)     What percentage of GDP India spends of defence? To what extent defence expenditure
should be increased?

(e)     What is ‘Chandra’? For what purpose it has been launched?

(f)      What is the most important provision of the Wye River Accord?

(g)     What is Al Khalid? What are its features? 6 x 5=30

8. (a) Who are the following ? Why have they been in the news?    (About 20 words on each)

(i) Dr. Sam Nujoma (ii) Mahendra Chaudhry 

(iii) Colonel Eileen Collins  (iv) Dr. Neelan Thiruchelvam 
(v) David Ogilvy (vi) Jyotirmoyee Sikdar

(b) What do you know about the following? 

(vii) Martha’svineyard (viii) Mianmari Creek 
(ix) Karabash

(c) Name the authors of the following books? 

(x) Three Horsemen of the New Apocalypse 
(xi) My Childhood Days

(d)     Answer the following: 

(xii) Who became the highest wicket taker in the World Cup 1999? 
(xiii) Which film won the Best film award at the Cannes International Film Festival this  
      year? Name the directors. 
(xiv) Which film won the Special Jury Award for Experimental Cinema at the 46th National 
      Film Festival? Name the director. 
(xv) Who won the 1999 French open Doubles title? 2x
9. Enrolments in different faculties, in the Universities of a state, for the period 1993-94 to 1995-
96 are described below : 
Enrolment in Arts faculty during the three sessions were 1,20,605; 1,35,100; and 1,50,000
respectively. In Commerce, Science, Law and Education faculties the enrolments in the session
1993-94 were 90,000; 60,500; 50,500 and 45,600 respectively. During the next two sessions the
enrolment figures in the Science faculty were 65,210 and 70,300 while in Law and Education
faculties the corresponding figures were 55,000; 60,000 and 48,000; 50,000respectively. In
Commerce faculty the enrolment during 1994-95 and 1995-96 were 1, 15,000 and 1, 22,250.

(a) Represent the information in tabular form. 10

(b) From your table calculate the increase in total enrolment from 1993-94 to 1995-96.

10. (a) A pie chart is to be constructed to represent the distribution of total budget of a
government. The total budget is Rs. 7200 crores. Out oj this Rs. 360 crores is budgeted for
Agriculture, Rs. 90 crores for irrigation, Rs. 90 crores for Education, Rs. 540 crores for Defence,
Rs. 72 crores for Health and Rs. 108 crores for Industry. The remaining amount is budgeted for
other (miscellaneous) heads. Provide the percentages and angle measures of all the above heads
in a tabular form. 7

(b) In a housing complex there are 20 families. A family having annual income of Rs. 1.8 lacs
leaves and another with annual income of Rs. 3.0 lacs moves in. What change is caused to the
average monthly income of the housing complex due to this replacement?

11. (a) Given below are the percentages of words of different lengths used by an author in his
entire work :

Number of letters in a Percentage

1 4.5
2 16.0
3 21.5
4 24.0
5 12.0
6 7.0
7 5.0
8 4.0
9 3.0
10 2.5
11 0.4
12 0.1
      (i)       What is the total percentage of words of length 8 or more? 3 (ii)    
What is the maximum number of letters contained the shortest 78% of the words? 4

(b)     Name the most appropriate diagram to be used for representing the information in each of
the following cases:  
(i)       Scientific manpower in four consecutive years in four different fields of science.  
(ii) Distribution of the number of children belonging to a school by their ages.  
(iii)    The percentages of persons serving in different branches of the army such as infantry,
artillary, signals, etc.  
(iv)  The production of wheat in India in each year from 1955 to 1984.  
(v)     The heights and weights of the 50 children in a high school class.

12. (a) A group of freedom fighters met in 1998 and their average age was 81.7 years. The
survivors of this group met again in 1999 and their average age was 81.0 Explain why has the
average decreased when everyone in the second group is one year older than what they were in
1998. 4

(b) Below is given the gross corporate sector output in four selected years at current prices and
also the inflation factor for these years. Calculate the gross output for these years adjusted for
inflation.                                                                                                                                     6

Year 1980-81 1985-86 1990- 1995-96

Out put at 28.6 49.1 126.6 305.64
current prices
(thousands of
Inflation factor 1.0 1.39 1.98 3.05

(c)  In report it is quoted that 65% of the women and 30% of the men in a locality were against
the opening of a liquor store in their locality. Thus it is argued that, an overwhelming 95% of the
total population is against the opening of the liquor store. Is this argument justifiable? Give
reasons. 2

(d)     Six lots of twenty guinea-pigs each were administered carcinogenic drugs in an experiment.
After 6 weeks the percentage of survivors in the six lots was:

Lot No 1 2 3 4 5 6
Percentage 53 86 48 27 8 24

Is this data prima facie plausible? Give reasons for your answer. 2
General Studies - 1999 (Main) (Paper - II)
Candidates should attempt all questions. From Section I, II and III.

                                                      SECTION I

1. (a) In what ways is the RAJYA SABHA expected to play a special role in today's changing
political scenario?        (About 250 words)                                                                             40
(b) On what grounds does Article 15 of the Indian Constitution prohibit discrimination? Indicate
the way the concept of 'Special protection' has qualified this prohibition, and contributed to
social change.           (About 250 words)                                                                                         

2. (a) What is 'new' in India's New Industrial Policy of 1991?   (About 250 words)                40
(b) what is Multilateral Agreement on Investment? How will it affect the economy of a
developing country like India?        (About 250
words)                                                                           40

3. (a) Discuss the role of modern technological inputs on agricultural development in India. How
would it be helpful for food security during 21st century?      (About 250 words)                     40
(b) what is a fast breeder reactor? Comment on its suitability in the Indian context.
     (About 250 words)                                                                                                            40

4. Answer any TWO of the following:                                                                        20+20 =40

     (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words)
(a) what is the importance of Directive Principles of State Policy? Mention which Directive
Principles of State Policy have got primacy over the Fundamental Rights.

(b) Discuss the composition and functions of the National Security Council.

(c) Highlight the significance of the Twenty Forth Amendment to the Constitution of India?

(d) Access the importance of the role played by the Public Accounts Committee.
                                     SECTION II
5. Answer any TWO of the following: -                                                                      20+20 =40
    (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words) :

(a) What does buy-back of shares mean?

(b) When and why was SEBI established?

(c) What is SIDBI? What are its main functions?

(d) What is Tobin tax? What are its main features?

6. Answer any TWO of the following: -                                                                      15+15 =30

    (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words) :

(a) How is deforestation of Himalayas disturbing the ecological balance of north India?

(b) What is dry farming? Discuss its relevance in augmenting the food supply in India.

(c) Name the mega cities of India and mention their specific problems.

(d) What is the importance of Indian Ocean for India?

7. Answer any TWO of the following: -                                                                      20+20 =40

   (Answer to each question should be in about 150 words) :

(a) What is the Human Genome Project? Discuss briefly its importance.

(b) What is carbon dating? Describe its applications in archaeology.

(c) What is ozone hole? How is it caused and what are its implications for life on Earth ?

(d) What are biosensors? Describe their uses.

                                                 SECTION III

8. Answer any FOUR of the following: -                                                                       3 x 4 =12
    (about 25 words each):

(a) What is 'Swatch of no ground’?

(b) From where was the most advanced commercial satellite of India Insat 2E launched?

(c) What is Global Positioning System (G.P.S.)?

(d) What is Cash Reserve Ratio?

(e) How is revenue deficit different from budgetary deficit?

(f) What is Plan Holiday?

9. Answer any THREE of the following: -                                                                       3 x 3 = 9

    (Answer to each question should be in about 25 words):

(a) Who presides over the Joint-Session of the two Houses of the Indian Parliament over a non-
memory bill?

(b) Is there any provision to impeach the Governor of a State?

(c) In case of any dispute whether a bill is a money bill or not, whose dicision is final?

(d) How is the vice-President of India elected?

(e) What is the status of the Right to Property in the Indian Constitution?

(f) What is the maximum gap between two sessions of the Indian Parliament?

10. Answer any THREE of the following: -                                                                      3 x3 =9

     (About 25 words each):

(a) What is a modem? What is it used for?

(b) What is CNG? How can it reduce air pollution?

(c) What is a computer virus? How does it infect systems?

(d) What do the following stand for?

     (i) NISSAT                (ii) GMRT               (iii) INMAS

(e) where are the following located?

(i) Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
(ii) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
(iii) Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre

(f) How do identical twins differ from each other genetically?

General Studies - 1998 (Main) (Paper - I)
Time Allowed: Three Hours                                                             Maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt questions from all the Section I, II, and III. The number of marks carried by
each question is indicated at the end of the question.

                                                   SECTION- I

1. Did Jawaharlal Nehru really 'speak' the 'language' of Gandhi? Locate the points of their agreements
and departures.
How did economic nationalism mirror the work of the early nationalist leadership in India?
      (About 250 words)                                                                                                           35

2. Answer any two of the following:                                                                           15 x 2 =30

     (About 150 words on each)

(a) Why did the moderates lose appeal with the Indians and failed to elicit desired response from
the British?

(b) How did the Policy of free trade hurt Indian textile industry and crafts in the latter half of the
19th century?

(c) Trace the origins of the R.N.I. Mutiny and evaluate its impact on the political situation in

3. Answer any three of the following:                                                                         10 x 3 =30

     (About 75 words on each)

(a) Examine the ideas of Rabindranath Tagore on democracy.

(b) How did the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal influence the nationalist politics?

(c) What was the significance of the Prajamandal movements in the Indian States in the decade
preceding India's independence?

(d) Assess the role of C. Rajagopalachari during the pre-partition years of Indian public life.
4. (a) What do you know about the following :                                                            2 x 15 =30
       (About 20 words on each)
(i) Nil Darpan                        (ii) Sarda Sadan
(iii) Sabarmati Ashram           (iv) Hunter Commission
(v) Bandi Jiwan

(b) Why have the following become famous?

(vi) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
(vii) Seth Jamanlal Bajaj           (viii) S. Satyamurti
(ix) Udham Singh                     (x) Sarojini Naidu

(c) Write about the chief fatures of the following:

(xi) Kulu School           (xii) Gopuram
(xiii) Wahabi Movement
(xiv) Bharat Dharma Mahamandal
(xv) Communal Award

                                                SECTION II
5. Examine the reasons for the non-introduction of Women's Reservation Bill in the LokSabha.
              (About 250 words)                                                                                                   35
Discuss the implications of Israel's expansion plan. How have the major western powers reacted
to it?    (About 250 words)

6. Attempt any three of the following:                                                                         10 x 3 =30

      (About 100 words on each)

(a) Examine the fall out of population explosion in India at the close of twentieth century.

(b) Discuss the justification for the creation of new states in U.P. and Bihir.

(c) What are the reasons for the slow progress of SAPTA?

(d) Describe the problem of KOSOVO.

(e) What is ASEAN PLUS? What is its nature and duty?

7. Attempt any five of following:                                                                                  6 x 5 =30

    (About 50 words on each)

(a) What were the circumstances leading to the promulgation of Prasar Bharati ordinance in
August 1998?

(b) Who has claimed the responsibility for the recent bomb attacks on American embassies at
Nairobi and Dar Es Salam? What are their demands?
(c) What is the significance of Pope John Paul II's visit to Cuba?

(d) What are the significant features of Lokpal Bill recently introduced in the Lok Sabha?

(e) Why was a variant of Basmati rice in news recently?

(f) What solution has been arrived at recently in the Cauvery water dispute?

(g) Bring out the issues involved in the appointments and transfer of judges of the Supreme
Court and high Courts in India.

8. (a) Explain the following :                                                                                       2 x 15 =30

     (About 20 words on each)
(i) Netizens        (ii) Shehab-3       (iii) Planet-B
(iv) W.H.O.      (v) Greenpeace

(b) What do you know about the following?

(vi) Chattisgarh      (vii) Article 356      (viii) Bentota
(ix) Narmada Sagar dam     (x) Full monty
(xi) Pamirs            (xii) Nelson Mandela
(xiii) Bacharuddin Jusul Habibie
(xiv) E.M.S. Namboodripad.      (xv) Jnanpith Award

                                                      SECTION III

9. The total population of a country is 357 million of which 62 million live in urban areas. Of
these who live in rural areas, 234 million are agriculturists including 124 million earning
members. Among the urban population, 12 million are agriculturists of which 7 million are
earning members. Among the non-agriculturist rural population 43 million are earning are
earning members whereas among non-agriculturist urban people 14 million are non-earning
Represent the above information in a tabular form.                                                                    12

10. (a) The following table shows annual profits (Rs. in crores) of two investment companies A
and B during the given 5 years :                                       
          1993         1994        1995          1996          1997
 A :       70             60            70              60              70
 B :       60             50            60              80               80
If someone plans to invest Rs. 50,000, which of the two companies should be preferred and
why ?                                                                                                                                        8

(b) An investor bought shares of a company at a premium of Rs. 20. If the par value of the share
is Rs. 120 and the company declares 21% dividend in a given year, find the rate of interest
received by the investor.

11. (a) Mention, in each of the following cases, the most appropriate diagram to represent the
data :                                                                                                                                         5
(i) Number of AIDS patients in a country detected during the last 10 years.
(ii) Monthly production of eggs in a poultry farm in a given yaer.
(iii) Yearly export and import (in dollars) of a multinational firm during the period from 1990 to
(iv) Distribution of weights of 500 school children in the age group 15-18 years.
(v) Political party-wise percentage of votes cast during a parliamentary election.

(b) The following table shows the IQ scores of adolescents aged 15-17 years:    

Interval Frequency
121 and above 15
116-120 35
111-115 50
106-110 60
101-105 100
96-100 75
91-95 70
86-90 60
81-85 25
80and below 10

(i) the cut-off point above which 25% most intelligent adolescents fall.
(ii) The cut-off point below which the 25% least intelligent adolescents fall.                                 

12. (a) State whether the following statements are true or false.
Give reasons.                                                                                                                            6
(i) A person's monthly income first increases by 20% and then decreases by 20%. There is no net
change in his income.
(ii) All facts expressed numerically pertain to statistics.
(iii) If A stands 50 % change of getting through Test I and Test II independently, then A stands at
least 50 % chance of getting through both the tests.

(b) The following is the series of index numbers taking 1992 as base year:
    Year: -      1992       1993      1994     1995     1996      1997
    Index: -      100         120        135        170       180       210
How would the index numbers be changed if 1993 is taken as base year?                                   7

General Studies - 1998 (Main) (Paper - II)
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 300

Candidates should attempt questions from all the Section I, II, and III. The number of
marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.

                              SECTION- I

1. (a) Briefly state the stages through which the present position of the Directive Principles 
vis-à-vis the Fundamental Rights has emerged.                (About 250 words)    40
(b) Explain the concept of ‘Prime Ministerial Government’ and account for its decline in recent
times in India.                    (About 250 words)                         40

2. (a) “The past 50 years of development in India were characterized by planning but the next 50
years of development would be led by the market.”Comment.   (About 250 words)                 40
(b) How is absolute poverty line measured? What are the important measures taken by the
Government to eradicate rural poverty in India?             (About 250 words)                  40

3. (a) What is remote sensing? What are its uses especially in the Indian context?                
(About 250 words)                  40
(b) What is genetic engineering? Why is it getting increasingly important these days?     
            (About 250 words)                              40

4. Answer any TWO of the following :-

(Answer to each question should be in about 150 words)                            20+20

(a) Highlight the significance of the Seventy-third Amendment to the Constitution of India.

(b) How are the States formed in India? Why have the demands of separate States like those of
Vidarbha, Telangana etc. not been considered by the Government recently?

(c) On what grounds the Legislative Councils are justified? How is it created or abolished in a

(d) Differentiate and state the significance of general election, mid-term election and by-election.

5. Answer any TWO of the following :-

(Answer to each question should be in about 150 words)                                20+20

(a) What are the main reasons for industrial sickness in India? How can it be overcome?
(b) “Infrastructure bottlenecks continue to stifle the economic growth in India.” Comment.

(c) Comment on the view that Monetary Policy in India is used more as a stabilisation device
rather than as a development tool.

(d) What has been the role of NRIs in the economic development of India in the recent past?

6. Answer any TWO of the following :-

(Answer to each question should be in about 150 words)                            15+15

(a) What are the geo-economic causes of underdevelopment of various regions in India?

(b) Which parts of India have been identified as draughtprone? Mention the norms for such

(c) Describe the changes that have taken place in the direction of international trade of India
since independence.

(d) How do the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep differ in the geological
ecvolution and topographical conditions?

7.  Answer any TWO of the following :-

(Answer to each question should be in about 150 words)                   20+20

(a) Describe the development of Super-computers in India.

(b) How does the development of Pinaka benefit India?

(c) What are optical fibres? What are their advantages?

(d) What are enzymes? What is their importance?

8.  Answer FOUR questions from Group A, THREE from Group B and THREE from Group C :-
   (Answer to each question should be in about 25 words)                  10x3=30

(a) What is meant by Mutual Fund?

(b) Explain per capita income as a measure of economic growth.

(c) What is meant by ‘Quality of life’?

(d) What constitutes a Minor Irrigation Project?

(e) What is meant by Environmental Impact Assessment?

(f) What is the difference between Gross National Product and Net National Product?

(a) What is meant by ‘Protem Speaker’?

(b) Point out the constitution and functions of the Central Vigilance Commission.

(c) State the amplitude of Art. 21 of the Constitution.

(d) Which of the cases regarding disqualifications for Membership of either House of Parliament
are decided by the President?

(e) Differentiate between Parliamentary Secretary and Lok Sabha Secretary.

(f) What is a Privilege Motion?

(a) Why are transgenic organisms important?

(b) State the importance of Antrix Corporation.

(c) Why is Website getting popular?

(d) What do the following stand for?

(i) C-CAD                 (ii) ICMR                     (iii) TRAI

(e) Give the functions of interferons.

(f) What is the difference between E-mail and Fax? 

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