IELTS 5.0-6.5: Từ vựng chủ đề Dining/ Dinners Luyện tập với Part 2 - Chủ đề Describe an experience (Phần 2)

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IELTS 5.0-6.

Trọng tâm bài giảng

 Từ vựng chủ đề Dining/ Dinners

 Luyện tập với Part 2 – Chủ đề Describe an experience (Phần 2)


A. Eating out

Exercise 1: (Đáp án của một số câu không có trong mục Eating out ở trên)

B. Describing services

C. Entertaining at home

Exercise 2:


Describe a time when you received good service in a restaurant or cafe.

You should say:
 when this was
 what kind of restaurant or cafe you were in
 why you were there
and why you thought the service was good.

Sample answer:

I’m going to talk about the service we received in a restaurant where a friend of mine celebrated his birthday
last Saturday evening.

My friend had decided to book a table in a local Italian restaurant for the party. It was a small, family-run place,
but this made it feel all the more welcoming and inviting. The atmosphere was great and the service was

As I mentioned, I went to the restaurant because a friend had invited me to celebrate his birthday there. There
were about ten of us there - mostly people I’ve known since university - and it was really nice to catch up with
them and chat about what we had all been up to since we last got together.

The service was good because the restaurant staff and owners really made us feel at home. From the moment
we walked in, the waiters were polite, approachable and attentive; nothing was too much to ask. They brought
out a cake with candles and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to my friend, although we hadn’t asked them to do this, and
the restaurant owners kept checking whether we were happy with everything, which was thoughtful of them.
All in all, the delicious food, good company and friendly service made it an unforgettable evening.

Vocab highlight
 a small, family-run place: nhà hàng/ cửa hàng nhỏ, do một gia đình điều hành
 this made it feel all the more welcoming and inviting: điều này làm cho chúng tôi cảm thấy được chào
đón và hoan nghênh ở đây
 the service was excellent: dịch vụ xuất sắc
 to catch up with them: cập nhật thông tin về nhau
 what we had all been up to: những gì chúng tôi làm thời gian qua
 really made us feel at home: làm cho chúng tôi có cảm giác thoải mái như đang ở nhà
 polite, approachable and attentive: lịch sự, dễ gần và chu đáo
 nothing was too much to ask (idiomatic expression): muốn hỏi/ yêu cầu việc gì cũng được
 thoughtful: chu đáo
 an unforgettable evening: một buổi tối đáng nhớ/ khó quên

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