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IELTS 5.0-6.

Trọng tâm bài giảng

 Từ vựng chủ đề Business and Finance

 Luyện tập trả lời câu hỏi Part 3 theo cấu trúc A.R.E.A


Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Exercise 3:


Trong Speaking part 3, có 2 lí do chính làm cho khá nhiều thí sinh mất điểm ở phần này, đó là:
 Nói nhiều, lan man (rambling)
 Nói ít quá (incomplete answer)
Cả 2 vấn đề trên không nằm ở từ vựng, cũng không nằm ở ngữ pháp, mà nó nằm ở cấu trúc bài nói.

Mỗi câu trả lời đi theo công thức A.R.E.A sẽ có:

A - Answer: đưa ra câu trả lời trực tiếp cho câu hỏi
R - Reason: đưa ra lí do cho câu trả lời (keep asking yourself why)
E - Example: đưa ra ví dụ cụ thể cho câu trả lời (a personal example/ a real life example)
A - Alternative (tương đương If not:) đưa ra kịch bản nếu không thì sao.
Với mỗi câu hỏi, chúng ta nên có ít nhất 2 phần, trong đó 1 phần phải là Answer để đảm bảo đủ ý.

2.1. Ví dụ trong Speaking part 1
Question Do you often go to the park?

Answer No. I rarely go to the park although there is a park within walking distance from my house.

Reason I’m always up to my neck with my studies and part-time job, which leaves me little time for
outdoor activities.

Example As far as I recall, the last time I went to the park was probably about 1 month ago.

2.2. Ví dụ trong Speaking part 2

Question Describe a job that you do not want to have in the future.
Answer When it comes to the least desirable job, singer is the first one that comes up in my mind.
Reason 1 One of the reasons why I don’t want to become a singer is that I respect my own privacy; and
being a singer means that it would be taken away from me. Whenever I’m in a public place,
whether it’s a shopping mall, a park or a restaurant, there would always be some paparazzies
following me and taking pictures of me minding my own business.
Example 1 Famous singers like Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift have been some of the main targets of
paparazzies for the sake of their fame. This is really annoying and also disturbing as they cannot
do casual things that a normal person usually does.
Reason 2 Another reason is that being a famous singer can attract stalkers. Some fans are so obsessed
with their favourite singers that they follow them all the time and harass their idols by phone,
emails or messages.

2.3. Ví dụ trong Speaking part 3

Question What is the most popular means of transport in your country
Answer The way I see it, motorbike is the most prevalent mode of transport in Vietnam.
Reason I think it’s because motorbike is well-suited to the narrow streets and alleys in Vietnam. Not to
mention that a motorbike costs much less than a car.
Example For example, with about 25 million VND, people can afford a motorbike, while the price of a car
is no less than 300 million VND.
Alternatives However, travelling by motorbikes has some drawbacks including limited storage space and
limited carrying capacity.


1. What do you think about money?

2. Why is it important for people to save some of their money?
3. In your view, should children be taught how to manage money?
4. Do you think that girls are better at saving money than boys?
5. Do you think parents should give pocket money to their kids?
6. Do parents in your country think it’s important for their children to save money?

1. What do you think about money?
[Answer] Money can do many things, both good and bad.
[Good side – Answer] It allows us to have freedom and a wide variety of choices.
[Alternative] When you do not have much money, your choice will be limited.
[Example] For instance, going to Japan has always been my biggest dream but I’ve postponed so many times
due to lack of money.
[Bad side – Answer] Having said that, I also believe that everything comes with a price.
[Reason] Most people fail to strike a balance between earning and enjoying money so they work day
and night. They believe they’ll be happier if they have lots of money. However, for most people, such
time never comes and they die unhappy and dissatisfied.

2. Why is it important for people to save some of their money?

[Answer] In the long term I think it's important to save for retirement, but it's also a good idea to have a
certain amount of money saved so that you can deal with unexpected problems in the less distant future.
[Example] For example, I've learnt to put some money aside for car repairs, and this came in useful recently
when I needed to have my car's brake pads changed.
[Alternative] If I hadn't had savings, the cost of getting my car repaired could have sent me into the red.

3. In your view, should children be taught how to manage money?

[Answer] Not at school, no.
[Reason] I believe it's the job of parents to gradually teach children that kind of thing, or perhaps there's no
need for anyone to teach children about money because they learn about it naturally as they grow up.
[Example] For example, I remember being given money to buy sweets or an ice cream when I was a child,
and I soon learnt what I could afford and what I couldn't.

4. Do you think that girls are better at saving money than boys?
[Answer] I've never thought about that before. I don't see any reason why girls would be better savers than
boys or vice versa. I suppose it depends more on the personality of each individual and what their interests are.
[Example] For example, a child who likes cheap toys might not think about saving, whereas a child who wants
to buy something expensive, like a bike or a games console, might summon the willpower to save up!

5. Do you think parents should give pocket money to the kids?

[Answer] I do agree with that.
[Reason] Giving pocket money to children helps them start learning about money management. When
children get pocket money, they have to make choices about spending or saving it. If they save up,
they have to learn about waiting for things they want.
[Alternative] Otherwise, kids who choose to spend are likely to use up all the money. After a few
months, they’ll know how to spend within their budget.

6. Do parents in your country think it’s important for their children to save money?
[Answer] Generally, yes.
[Reason] They think it’s important to save something each week or month. They try to encourage their children
to save for their future.
[Example] They might explain about buying a car or house when they’re older and the fact that they’ll probably
need some savings for a deposit to be able to get a mortgage or bank loan.
[Further explanation] Children probably don’t think it’s very important when they’re young, but once they
have to work, they can usually understand that it makes good sense.

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