Gutierrez Amanda Resource Building Assignment

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NAME : Amanda Gutierrez


For these resources, I did them on different topics although some of the standards are the
same. I feel like these are diverse resources and can each be used in very different ways. My
favorite standard is 4.5 which is: students understand the structures, functions, and the powers of
the local, state, and the federal government as described in the US Constitution. I did two
resources under the standard because my favorite history to learn and teach about is US history
because I feel like it is so interesting and integral to know as a United States citizen, which is
why I gravitate to it more. After looking for resources I saw that there are so many different
things that you can do with a simple video. For example, one of the resources that I found was a
narrative storytelling of the Bear Flag Revolt in the perspective of a historical figure, which in
this case was William B. Ide. This type of storytelling is so engaging for students and makes the
information easier to understand when it’s presented in this story-like mode. Even though it’s a
longer video, because it includes acting and is so engaging, I think that students will have no
trouble maintaining focus. I also feel like it helps students envision what the time was like back
then and is a refreshing change of pace to normal lecture videos. In the other resources we cover
the US constitution, the story of Biddy Mason, and the roles of the local and state government.
All lesson plan activities are distinct and help emphasize learning in a different way!

Title CI 100: Digital Story
Description Youtube video on the Constitution (3 minutes) for students
CA Content
4.5 Students understand the structures, functions, and powers of
the local, state, and federal governments as described in the U.S.
Topic(s) Introductory lecture on the constitution; it’s meaning, origin, and use.
Lesson Plan Ideas Students can do think, pair, share to reiterate new things that they’ve
learned about the constitution to their peers for better understanding.

Students can discuss what they would put in their own constitution to
have a better classroom, then write up that constitution and present it
to the class.

Students can create a tree map as a class describing new information

they learned about the constitution and the different branches of

URL CI 100: Digital Story - YouTube


Title From Enslaved to Entrepreneur: The Biddy Mason Story

Description Background story of Biddy Mason, (4 mins) for students

CA Content 4.3.4 Study the lives of women who helped build early California
Standard(s) (e.g., Biddy Mason).
Topic(s) The treatment of black people after slavery was “oulawed”, Biddy
Mason, California history
Lesson Plan Ideas Students can create a personal narrative as if they had been in Biddy
Mason’s position, what would they have done?

Have a class discussion on why Biddy Mason succeeded when odds

were against her

Discuss the importance of successful women/ women of color in that

time period and now
URL From Enslaved to Entrepreneur: The Biddy Mason Story - YouTube

Title The Story of the Bear Flag Revolt
Description Narrative Story telling of what lead and happened in the Bear Flag
revolt (10 mins)
CA Content
4.3 Students explain the economic, social, and political life in
California from the establishment of the Bear Flag Republic
through the Mexican-American War, the Gold Rush, and the
granting of statehood.

Topic(s) The bear flag revolt, William B. Ide, California Statehood

Lesson Plan Ideas In groups, students can create a timeline of events of the Bear flag

Students can create their own flag of independence representing their

home to mirror how the California flag represents California

Students can decide if they would be fighting for or against

California's independence if they had been alive back then and back
up their reasoning.Socratic seminar type of discussion
URL The Story of the Bear Flag Revolt - YouTube

Title Local and State Governments - BrainPop Jr
Description Video on Local and State government roles (4 mins) for students
CA Content
Standard(s) 4.5.4 Explain the structures and functions of state governments,
including the roles and responsibilities of their elected officials.

Topic(s) Local government, state government

Lesson Plan Ideas Students can create a bubble map to compare and contrast local and
state government’s roles

Students can fill in a vocabulary list of key words/entities with their

definitions or roles
URL Local and State Governments - BrainPOP Jr. - YouTube

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