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SSCI 110: Gutierrez, Amanda

Lesson Plan

Summary ● This lesson is going to introduce students to The US Constitution and
its major elements, as well as the three branches of government and
their roles
Grade Level ● 4th grade

Time Frame ● 1 hour

Subject(s) ● Social Studies, English Literacy

Topic(s) ● The US constitution, Three branches of government,

Instructional Materials & Prep ● Projector to display worksheet and show videos
● Pencils
● Worksheet
● Large lined paper
● markers
CA Content Standard(s) 4.5 Students understand the structures, functions, and powers of the
local, state, and federal governments as described in the U.S.

4.5.1 Discuss what the U.S. Constitution is and why it is important (i.e.,
a written document that defines the structure and purpose of the U.S.
government and describes the shared powers of federal, state, and local

4.5.3 3. Describe the similarities (e.g., written documents, rule

of law, consent of the governed, three separate branches) and
differences (e.g., scope of jurisdiction, limits on government powers,
use of the military) among federal, state, and local governments.
CA ELD/ELA Standard(s) RI.4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific
words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area.
(See grade 4 Language standards 4–6 for additional expectations.) CA

SL.4.2 Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information

presented in diverse media and formats, including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.

Lesson Objective(s) ● Students will understand the role of the US constitution in American
● Students will be able to identify the key elements of the US
● Students will be able to identify the three branches of government and
their roles
Vocabulary and/or Vocabulary ● Constitution
Resources ● Popular Sovereignty
● law
● Checks and balances
● Veto
● Amendment
Assessment of Learning ● Students will have filled out Three Branches of Government
worksheet correctly.(shows understanding of the three branches and
their roles in government.
● In groups, students will write and present their own constitution for
the classroom with justification for why it would make the classroom
environment better.(shows understanding for what a constitution is,
it’s uses, and the weight it carries)
Sequence of Activities Introduction
● Have a class discussion. Ask guided questions as a class to introduce
the topic and get the students thinking (Have they heard of the
constitution? What is the constitution? What do they think it’s used
for? Have they heard of the branches of government?) [5 mins]
● Display the BrainPop video on the US constitution and watch it as a
class. [7 minutes]
● Come together as a class to discuss the video. Revisit the questions
asked earlier “What is a constitution? What is the constitution
used for? What are the 3 branches of government? Students will
raise their hands and come up to the board to write down their

Group work
● In groups students will write their own “constitution” to make
the classroom a better place.[10 minutes]
● Students will read their constitution to the class and explain
their reasoning behind it.[15 minutes]
● Display the Three Branches of Government SchoolHouse Rock
video and watch it as a class. [3 minutes]
● Discuss the video as a class. Ask questions regarding the three
branches of government, “ Who is in charge of the executive branch?
Who is in charge of the judicial branch?Who is in charge of the
legislative branch? Students will raise their hands and come up to
the board to write down their answers.[5minutes]
Independent work
● Students will now independently fill in their 3 branches of
government worksheets with what they’re learned. [4 minutes]
● Now students can share their answers with their table groups and add
any information they might have missed.[4 minutes]
Closure ● Each student will receive a sticky note and write one new thing that
they learned and stick it on the door on the way out of class as an exit
ticket. [1 minute]


Youtube video “The US Constitution: What Powers Does it Have?


Youtube video Three Branches of Government School House Rock

Link:Three Branches of Government School House Rock - YouTube

Worksheet on my own drive : Three branches of governmnet.pdf - Google Drive

Appendix A

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