Medical Administrator (ANZSCO CODE: 134211) : SRGO Occupational Information Sheet

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SRGO Occupational Information Sheet

(ANZSCO CODE: 134211)

The following Information Sheet is for your reference only and should be used as a
guide to assist with your Skills Assessment application to VETASSESS. This information is
subject to change.

Please note that a Skills Assessment of the qualification involves assessment of both the
qualification level and content. Qualifications are assessed according to the guidelines
published by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

The skills assessment involves determining the skill level and relevance of the tasks
undertaken. Integrity checks may be conducted to verify the qualification and
employment claims made in an application.

Job Description

A Medical Administrator plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates medical programs
and clinical services in a hospital or other health service facility, maintains standards of medical
care, provides leadership to ensure an appropriately skilled medical workforce, and contributes
to health service planning.

Alternative Titles:
 Medical Manager
 Medical Superintendent

 Director of Clinical Services
 Director of Medical Services

Occupations not considered by VETASSESS under this ANZSCO code:

Please note that this occupation is at the managerial skill level and tasks are different to those
undertaken by:
 Practicing Doctors/Physicians (sometimes called Medical Officers or
 Interns / Trainee
 Practice Managers (the business manager of a medical practice)
 Other Health and Welfare Services Managers
 Primary Health Organisation Managers
 Administrative staff working in a medical setting

Medical Administrator (ANZSCO: 134211) MAY 2017 © VETASSESS

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SRGO Occupational Information Sheet

(ANZSCO CODE: 134211)
The role of Medical Administrator is usually the most senior medical management position in a
hospital or other health service facility. This role describes qualified and experienced medical
doctors who have then moved into higher level specialist medical administration roles, often with
higher education in management or health administration.

The VETASSESS assessment requires applicants to hold at least one year of highly relevant
employment. Applicants should note that this role in Australia would usually require 5 years of
highly relevant post-qualification employment. Medical Administrator is usually a management
role, and oversees the work of clinicians. Managers do not usually have a clinical role as well as
their managerial tasks.

With high proficiency in health systems and medical management, this occupation is at a higher
skill level and tasks are different to practicing physicians, medical officers, nursing managers,
interns, administrative hospital staff and welfare centre managers. They are also not expected to
be directly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. The qualifications, training and
daily tasks are also significantly different to and should not be confused with the role of a
medical office administrator who generally assists medical practitioners with reports, records
medical histories, arranges for patients to be hospitalised, and orders supplies.

When applying for an assessment under this occupation, applicants should submit detailed
position descriptions which outline the entry requirements for the role, and the level and nature
of the responsibilities. Applicants are required to include a detailed organisational chart showing
the scale of the organisation and the reporting lines to the position. Applicants should provide
evidence of employment at the managerial level overseeing the clinical services of a hospital.

Medical Administrator (ANZSCO: 134211) MAY 2017 © VETASSESS

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SRGO Occupational Information Sheet

(ANZSCO CODE: 134211)
Requirements for VETASSESS Skills Assessment

Medical Administrator is a Group A Occupation.

This occupation requires a qualification which is assessed as comparable to the
educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor or
higher*, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

Applicants must also have at least one year of highly relevant, post-qualification
employment, at an appropriate skill level completed in the last five years

If the qualification(s) are not at the required educational level, and not in a highly
relevant field of study, or if the employment has been completed prior to the
qualification, then the applicant will be assessed below the required skill level.

*This includes qualifications assessed at AQF Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level qualifications.

A positive assessment of both qualifications and employment is required for a

positive Skills Assessment Outcome.


AQF Bachelor or higher*

Applicants must hold a qualification in the field of Medicine.

Applicants with qualifications in other health fields, such as Dentistry, Nursing,

Pharmacy, would not be considered positively for this occupation.

Applicants with post graduate qualifications in Health Administration and Public Health
in addition to their recognised medical qualifications would be highly regarded.

Medical Administrator (ANZSCO: 134211) MAY 2017 © VETASSESS

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SRGO Occupational Information Sheet

(ANZSCO CODE: 134211)


The role of Medical Administrator is usually the most senior medical management
position in a hospital or health service facility.

Tasks include

 providing overall direction and management for the service,

facility, organisation, centre or hospital

 developing, implementing and monitoring procedures, policies

and standards for medical, nursing, allied health and

administrative staff

 coordinating and administering health and welfare programs

and clinical services

 monitoring and evaluating resources devoted to health

 controlling administrative operations such as budget planning,

report preparation, expenditure on supplies, equipment and


 liaising with other health and welfare providers, boards and

funding bodies to discuss areas of health and welfare service

cooperation and coordination

 advising government bodies about measures to improve

health and welfare services and facilities

 representing the organisation in negotiations, and at

conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums

 controlling selection, training and supervision of staff

 managing senior and junior medical staff

Medical Administrator (ANZSCO: 134211) MAY 2017 © VETASSESS

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