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Return to Phandalin

A Phandalin Adventure

Introduction: This module updates the Town of Phandalin from the boxed set Lost Mine of
Phandalin, published by Wizards of the Coast. It is set for several months after the PCs completed
that adventure and deals with several changes to the region. This module introduces several new
NPCs in town and overviews reconstruction of Tresendar Manor. A few new buildings and an
updated map of the town are also provided. Lastly, there are a few smaller adventures dealing with
the surrounding region that are perfect for continuing the original box set.
This is a 29-page module with a straightforward layout consisting of several combat encounters
mixed with investigation and NPC interaction. It is formatted to be easy to read and easy to print.

A multi-night adventure for 5th-10th level characters

by Keith Stonefield

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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completed the box set and has returned to the town
after being away for a while.

Background The first section of this module details the updated

town of Phandalin and introduces several new locations
The town of Phandalin was originally destroyed and NPC to interact with. Most people and places
hundreds of years ago and recently resettled only several include a few hooks for DMs to flesh out their own ideas
years ago as a frontier town serving farmers, miners, and and adventures in their home games.
frontiersmen. Recent news of the discovery and
reopening of Wave Echo Mines have brought a recent There is also 3 mid-level adventures in the surrounding
boom to the small settlement. While most of the new region around the town and each is designed to be
settlers are good, hard-working folk, several have come played in a single gaming session.
to fleece the others of their hard-won gains.

Adventure Setup Phandalin Updates

This set of adventures can be played after the PCs #1 First Glance / Barthen’s Provisions __
played the box set; Lost Mines of Phandelvar. It is also a
collection of modules that can be added to another Read the following when the PCs first come into town
campaign that has made its way to Phandalin or DMs can from the Triboar Trail.
even use these adventures in another location of their
choosing. Some of the text is written as if the PCs

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The cold morning gives way to some sunshine as you #2 Stonehill Inn ___
get closer to town. The muddy road shows signs of The inn is busy with travelers and merchants. It does
increased travel and the woods along the final mile or so good business selling food and drinks and all 6 rooms
have been thinned significantly. have been rented out continually. Toblin, the innkeeper,
is looking to expand the building to add more rooms and
The last rise gives way allowing you the first look at the started construction onto the back of the building.
town in several months. Right away you notice more
Read the following as an initial opening to the inn when
noise and activity. Several new buildings are being built the PCs enter.
and a partial wall has been constructed in several places
Entering Stonehill Inn, you find a more crowded, noisy
around town. A sled drawn by a mule carries some
place than you remember. Several more tables have
stones from the old wall to a foundation being built for a
been added and a few more serving staff are busy
guard tower near the road as you enter the town.
bringing platters of food and drink through the bustling
As you get to Barthen’s Provisions you see the room.
common past the Stonehill Inn crowded with tents and
You catch a glimpse of Toblin at the bar pouring drinks.
makeshift cabins. Women and children are out doing
He smiles and hand-waves you over to join him at the
chores and you see other workers going about their day.
bar. He pushes the last few patrons at the bar to move
It appears that the town has doubled in population since
over, clearing a space for you to join him.
you have been gone. In the distance towards Tresendar
Manor you can see two wooden cranes lifting stones to Toblin will provide the PCs with drinks and some food
build the internal walls on an unfinished portion. for free as well as being able to provide rumors and news
about what is going on around town. Right now there is
The PCs may wish or need to stop at Barthen’s no rooms to give them, but he can hold the next open
Provisions and see Elmar on the way into town. They room if they want. He thinks it will be a week before he
may have cargo or are escorting wagons not going to has a room though.
Lionshield Coster and Linene. Elmar will be glad to see
them and can fill them in on many of their questions News and Rumors: Toblin likes the influx of business
about how the town in expanding and can provide more and has been giving Linene from Lionshield Trading a lot
than one rumor as to what is going on. He has added of business bringing in food and drink. Most of it seems
two people to his staff and expanded his supply of to come from Neverwinter and he hopes that it can still
mining equipment and building tools for both masons come in when the winter weather turns, or things will
and woodworkers. start to become hard for the people in town.

News and Rumors: Elmar is doing good business selling Most of the masons and workers at the manor house
supplies to the miners and masons. There are also a few favor The Sleeping Giant tavern. They rent out a few
adventuring groups that have come through going back back rooms converted from storage as well as a few
and forth to the mines and surrounding region. tents out back. He would not recommend staying there
though as it is still a rough place with Grista the dwarf
He may secretly ask the PCs how they protect their still as the proprietor.
money from thieves since he is doing good business and
fears the thieves in town will find stealing from him A lot of the miners drink at the new tavern on the
easier than mining themselves. south road to the mine. The Silver Pick is little more
than a wooden floor and partial walls covered with a
He thinks a group of thieves is forming in the canvas roof. They seem to do decent business and it has
shantytown on the common. He does not know who is not caused a problem to Toblin’s own business.
in charge, but thinks someone is reforming the
Redbrands. The other inns and taverns are a cheaper place to go
and stay compared to the Stonehill. This allows Toblin to
Harbrin at the Townmaster’s Hall is not doing anything be more selective and charge higher prices. One of his
about it and seems more concerned in collecting the customers is a mage of some sort named Adolphus (see
taxes from wagons and any wealth coming from the NPC section), who seems to be asking about the magic at
mines. He seems to be in his office a lot. Elmar thinks he the mine and how it makes magic weapons. Another is
is trying to make a grand deal with the mine and Sir Walgren, a noble of sorts from Neverwinter who
Gundren. seems more interested in getting the town to come
together to build a wall and fortify the town before

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winter brings attacks from goblins and worse. He is #5 Phandalin Miner’s Exchange ___
nervous about the pair of men from the south, maybe
Calimshan. They seem to keep to themselves and look Halia Thornton runs the exchange. She has had a pick-
like they are up to something. They have been spending up in miners looking for claims, but not a great increase
time with Halia from the Miner’s Exchange, although in silver and gold being taken out of the region. She has
nothing seems out of place. hired a pair of workers to investigate claim problems out
in the field. They mostly collect rumors about which
#3 Edermath Orchid ___ workers would fit in with Halia’s plans to take over the
remains of the Redbrands. She waits until the contacts
Daran Edermath is the retired adventurer and member
come into the exchange before she tries to convert the
of The Order of the Gauntlet. He has been quietly
contacts to lackeys.
tending his orchard and watching the changes go on in
town. He had been secretly meeting with a few of the She also has a pair of Zhentarim contacts from the city
new adventuring groups operating in the area to both of Myratma, found in southern Tethyr. They pose as
collect rumors and dispense quests. cloth merchants but are trying to push Halia to take
quicker action in taking over the town. These NPCs are
He doesn’t like to leave the town and his farm as much
detained below.
as he used to since he started having problems with
people stealing from his orchard. Most of the problem News and Rumors: Halia worries that the mayor is
has been kids, but some of his winter supplies have also understaffed and needs help to gain control of the town.
gone missing. He did add an assistant to help with the She has volunteered her services to help collect the taxes
farm and watch over the barn and the cider press. and keep records on the citizens, but he has not
accepted yet.
News and Rumors: Daran is worried about the bandits
attacking travelers along the Miner’s Trail heading to Several miners have gone missing. She will say that
Wave Echo Mine. He thinks they have a secret hideout bandits or monsters may have attacked them if they
by where the old bridge road cuts over towards The travel too far up several of the streams. She knows that
Sword Mountains. her traveling thugs kill a few miners to keep the rest in
The Place of the Unicorn is a sacred site to the old god
Larue. It is found in a hidden glade a few hours from She thinks that Gundren is hoarding the mined gold
Phandalin, heading cross-country towards Leilon. He has and silver in Wave Echo Mine and not sharing or paying
heard rumors of trolls gathering there. He doesn’t know his dues on it. He is acting only for his interests and not
why, but they do not seem to be the biggest threat to for the collection of miners, even for the rest of the
the town. town.

#4 Lionshield Coster ___

Linene Graywind still runs the trading coster and has
done great business over the last few months. There are
still bandit problems with goblins along the Triboar Trail,
but they are more a nuisance now. She is glad to see the
PCs and can offer them a sleeping room in the
warehouse if they become stuck for a place to sleep, but
would expect them to respond to any problems in
News and Rumors: Linene does not have many
problems. She is doing good business and hopes to get
in a few more food runs to Neverwinter before the roads
become too poor for travel. Her bosses are happy and
promise some help come spring.
One of her concerns is that come next year more
trading companies will come and try to take over some
of the business. She would welcome the Seven Suns
Trading Coster from Balder’s Gate, but not if the news
brings others who may be connected with The Iron

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She is looking to set up a mint for making gold and 2nd wind, 1/rest gain 1d10+8 hp
silver coins. She has sent word to Neverwinter for Action Surge, 1/rest make an additional attack
standards in making dies to meet with their weight Actions_________________________ ____
standard. She plans to skim each coin slightly in order to Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
make more money herself. Longsword: +8 to hit (1d8+5)
Crossbow: +6 to hit, (1d10). 80’/320’
If she converted any PCs to become Zhentarim in the
past, she will seek assistance in getting rid of the Zhents Magic; Po. Greater Healing (4d4+4), +1 longsword; 1/rest
from the south. She most likely will not tell the PCs that gain advantage to an attack
they belong to the association, but are merely thugs
seeking to get into town. #6 Shrine of Luck ___
Zhentarim Spy, Deelik Sm. halfling LE Sister Garaele has been busy the last few months. The
influx in population has brought more worshipers to the
Armor Class- Leather 15
shrine. She has started construction on an extension of
Hit Points (10d8+10) 70
the shrine to be able to hold more worshippers. It will
Speed 25 ft.
take longer than normal since many of the masons are
working on the manor house.
8 16 12 10 14 10
(-1) (+3) (+1) (+0) (+2) (+0) She stays diligent in her duties to the Harpers as well.
She meets with a few of the senior traveling members a
Saving Throws Int +5, Dex +6 few times each year. She is aware of another agent in
Skills Medicine +5, Religion +3, Stealth +8 town, but does not know who that person is as of yet.
Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +3 She thinks that he is on a secret mission infiltrating
Languages Common, Halfling something she is unaware of.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Abilities____________________________ News and Rumors: Garaele has minor concerns about
Zhentarim Blessing, Adv. on saves vs. frightened and another group of worshippers gathering among the
charmed families in the ‘tent city’. An old cleric of Chauntea has
Nimble, Move through spaces of larger creatures been preaching among the people and has services in a
Lucky, Reroll 1’s large tent on the back of the common. Garaele is not
Spellcasting. 5th level caster. DC 13 / +6 hit worried about worshippers of this faith, but has also
Cantrip (at-will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy heard rumors of a cult of Asmodeus worshippers
1st lev. (4 slots): guiding bolt, cure wounds, sanctuary operating in the region. This has her worried and takes a
2nd lev. (3 slots): hold person, lesser restoration, locate majority of her time investigating.
object, If the PCs are members of the Harpers, she will ask
3rd lev. (2 slots): dispel magic, tongues them to also investigate the rumors of an Asmodeus cult.
Actions_____________________________ She believes that there is a hidden cave along the mining
+0 Dagger of Returning: +7 to hit, (1d4+3) backstab trails that has been stumbled upon and that the cultists
(+3d6) Dagger returns when thrown are operating out of there.
Magic; Bag Holding, Po. Greater Healing (4d4+4) #7 Townmaster’s Hall ___
Harbon Wester is still the Townmaster until next spring
Zhentarim Spy, Zleemin Med. human, LE
when there is another vote. He has been working with
Armor Class- ringmail, shield 17 Sir Walgren from Neverwinter in civic projects to sway
Hit Points (8d10+16) 70 votes in next year’s election. He is focused on collecting
Speed 30 ft. taxes and making sure new people in town see him as
16 12 14 10 14 11
(+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+2) (+0) Harbin does not have a problem with the PCs unless
they start making town decisions, which would lessen his
Skills Athletics +8, Perception +5, power. He likes the fact that the manor is being fixed
Languages Common, Goblin and thinks the increased taxes can hire more soldiers to
Challenge 3 (700 XP) guard the town and walls being built.
Abilities______________________ ______
News and Rumors: A job posting on the board near the
Zhentarim Blessing, Adv. on saves vs. frightened and
door has a posting for adventurers needed to deal with
goblin bandits along Triboar Trail. They have been seen

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near Conyberry attacking caravans heading to Phandalin. Longsword: +5 to hit, (1d8+3) or (1d10+3)
A reward of 50gp is offered. Shortsword: +5 to hit, (1d6+3)
Hvy. Crossbow: +3 to hit, (1d10). 100’/400’
Another posting is seeking adventurers for
underground work at Wave Echo Mine. A few groups of
adventurers have gone missing exploring the #8 The Sleeping Giant ___
underground lake and a 400gp reward if offered to find The tavern does good business with the masons
them. This is detailed in the next adventure; Phandalin working on the manor and from the more unsavory
001, Wave Echo Sea. people in town. Their prices are cheap, even if the ale is
Harbon has hired a sheriff and 5 soldiers to deal with watered down. They also rent out several tents in the
unlawfulness in town. They mostly deal with fights and rear of the tavern for high prices.
petty theft, but are on the lookout for groups organizing Grista, the dwarf is still the owner and has hired a few
another thieves’ guild. of the remnant Redbrands to serve as muscle if patrons
One of the prisoners in the basement cells is a dwarf get out of hand. The upstairs of the tavern has been
from Mirabar who has been working at Wave Echo Mine. converted into a brothel and gambling room. A few
Harbon believes that he is here to align the mine with small rooms are used by the women and men by the
other dwarf holds in The North. Harbon thinks that the hour and several gaming tables contain card and dice
mine needs to align with both Phandalin and games for visitors. Grista is sure to get her cut of each of
Neverwinter. these new avenues of profit.
News and Rumors: Grista is looking to cement her
Townmaster Guard (4) _ Med humanoid, LN control over several of the underground activities and
Armor Class- chain shirt, shield 16 become the head of any thieves’ guild in town. She is
Hit Points (4d8+8) 30 looking for upstarts and loners that she can control or
Speed 30 ft. eliminate.
14 12 14 10 11 10 The Sleeping Giant houses a secret basement where
(+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0) Grista gathers her upstart guild. It has deeper tunnels
that she has not explored, but it is believed that some
Skills Athletics +5, Investigation +3 connect to Tressendar Manor.
Languages Common, (1 speaks dwarf as well)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
#9 The Silver Pick ___
Abilities______________________ ______ This tavern sprang up over the last few months on the
2nd wind, 1/rest gain 1d10+4 hp south side of town by the Miner’s Road. It sits amid
Improved Critical, score a critical on roll of 19 or 20 several partial buildings and tents belonging to potential
Actions______________________ _______ miners. The canvas-roofed shack is run by a pair of
Spear: +4 to hit, (1d6+2). 20’/60’ human brothers out of Yartar who came looking to mine,
Long Sword: +5 to hit, (1d8+3). but found need for another tavern.
The place is rather quiet during the day with only a few
Townmaster Sergeant _ Med humanoid, LN gamblers about, but at night miners come to drink, arm
Armor Class- splint 17 wrestle, and compete on other strongman competitions
Hit Points (9d8+18) 58 such as log splitting. About once each week there is a
Speed 30 ft. bard of sorts that comes by to perform rowdy ballads
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and limericks that the miners all like.
16 13 14 10 11 10
News and Rumors: The owners are worried that
(+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)
something is going on out in the wild. Several miners
Senses Athletics +5, Perception +2 have gone missing or have been found dead over the last
Languages Common month. They think someone is murdering them and
Challenge 3 (700 XP) taking their claims. He is unaware that it is Halia and her
Abilities______________________ ______ thugs.
2 wind, 1/rest gain 1d10+9 hp A few miners will speak about strange sounds coming
Actions_________________ ____________ from the abandoned tower down the Silverflow Creek.
Multiattack: Make two longsword attacks. If he has Nobody says they have tried to go in, the door is locked
shortsword drawn, he can also make a shortsword attack fast, but the structure looks rather intact for being so
as well.

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old. This is detailed in part 2 of this module, The Around the hill where the manor is being built are
Screaming Tower. several tents and temporary buildings. These house
workers and their families. A group of dwarves from
Several of the miners will also talk about how they
Thornhold have come for work and only plan to stay the
think Halia from the Miner’s Exchange is trying to cheat
them. She sends he lackeys out to spy on them and tries
to buy the claim once it starts to pay out.
#10 The Lumber Yard ___ Appendix 1: Phandalin NPCs_____________
The Lumber Yard is a shed-like building that is mostly
built a few hundred yards down the Miner’s road. It
spans a small river where it can use a waterwheel to NPC, Sir Wolgren Durinbold Med. human, LN
draw power in sawing the local logs into lumber. There Armor Class- Chain shirt 15
is no drying shed as the lumber is in so much demand Hit Points (7d10+7) 47
that it is being used wet and the people are dealing with Speed 30 ft.
shrinkage as it dries. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 14 13 14 10 14
The owner is a human farmer turned businessman who (+1) (+2) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+2)
filled a need in town. The mill runs all day and most
nights as well as the demand is so high in town and out Skills Athletics +4 Perception +2, Persuasion +6
in the mines for building shacks and for both sluice boxes Languages Common, Elven, Giant
and shaker boxes. He wants to finish the pond up from Challenge 2 (450 XP)
the yard, but has no time to complete the dam, however Abilities_____________ _______________
he feels the river supplying the mill is generating enough Brave, Adv. on saves vs. frightened
power, even this late in the year. Actions_____________ ________________
News and Rumors: The owner fears being attacked by Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
bandits thinking he has a lot of wealth since his shop is Longsword: +6 to hit (1d8+3) (1d10+3)
so busy. Even with the nightly guards, he fears that the Dagger: +5 to hit, (1d4+1). 20’/60’
mill is not close enough to town, but thinks in another Reactions___________ __________________
year or so the town will grow to meet him. Parry: +3 to AC against 1 melee attack it can see from
attacker and be wielding a weapon.
Several of the loggers have seen an owlbear south of
Magic; Po. Greater Healing (4d4+4), 1 random magic
town. The Old Trail heads towards Leilon and the Shrine
of the Unicorn and along the trail is a dense stand of
lodgepole and shadowtop trees where the loggers have
not penetrated as deep as they could. They fear more Redbrand, “The Firebrand” _Med. human, LE
monsters and want adventurers to come and deal with Armor Class- Chain 15
them. Hit Points (10d8+20) 65
Speed 30 ft.
#11 Tresendar Manor ___ STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
The manor house long stood in ruins and was a secret 16 12 14 10 12 11
base to local thugs before adventurers cleared it out. (+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+1) (+0)
Several campaigns have had the local heroes claim the
manor as their home and base. This may be the case in Saves Str +6, Con +5
your home game where the PCs are the owners of the Senses Intimidation +6, Perception +4
manor and it is in the middle of being rebuilt for them. Languages usually Common
Most of these follow-on adventures are for PC levels Challenge 3 (900 XP)
where this is possible. Abilities_________________ ___________
Pack Tactics Adv. on attack rolls if ally w/in 5’ of target.
Two large cranes are on the site bringing stones and 2nd Wind Once per rest gain 1d8+10hp as a free action.
tiles for building. A main room for entertaining and Improved Critical Critical on roll of 19-20.
meetings has been completed along with the kitchen off Actions_________ ____________________
to one side now stands. A partial tower stands and a Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
place for another tower is laid out ready for the Warhammer: +7 to hit, (1d10+3) 2-handed

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Appendix 2: PC Contacts___ ________ NPC, Friar Benin of Chauntea Med. human, LG

PCs starting or operating out of Phandalin eventually Armor Class- Leather 12

gain contacts and allies. Below are several NPCs that can Hit Points (9d8+9) 52
be used as friends and even for henchmen. DMs can Speed 30 ft.
hand out a copy of the NPC to the player or keep them STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
for roleplaying notes and opportunities. 14 12 12 13 16 14
(+2) (+1) (+1) (+1) (+3) (+2)
NPC, Adolphus The Wise Med. human, LN
Skills Persuasion +5, Religion +5
Armor Class- armored cloak 13
Senses Perception +5
Hit Points (5d8+5) 29
Languages Common, elf
Speed 30 ft.
Challenge 3 (900 XP)
Abilities___________ _________________
9 14 12 17 12 11
Blessed of Chauntea. Adv. vs. charmed or frightened.
(-1) (+2) (+1) (+3) (+1) (+0)
Spellcasting. 7th level caster. DC 13 / +6 hit
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Cantrip (at-will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
Skills Arcana +6, History +6 1st lev. (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, shield faith
Senses DV 60 ft, .Perception +1 2nd lev. (3 slots): calm emotions, hold person, spirit wpn
Lang Common, Dwarvish, Draconic, Elvish 3nd lev. (3 slots): tongues, mass healing word, speak with
Challenge 1 (200 XP) dead
Abilities______________ ______________ 4th lev. (1 slots): death ward, stone shape
Spellcasting. 5th level caster. DC 14 / +6 hit Actions________ _____________________
Cantrip (at-will) light mage hand, shocking grasp (2d8) Mace: +6 to hit, (1d6+2).
1st lev. (4 slots): charm per, magic missile,
2nd lev. (3 slots): misty step(B), scorching ray Friar Benin has lived in Goldenfields for almost all of
3rd lev. (2 slots): fly, fireball his 60 years. Last autumn he left and came to Phandalin
Arcane Recovery 1/day after a short rest, the mage may to assist the influx of people coming here to start new
gain expended spell slots back. He may gain total slots lives. He is mostly concerned with those settling in as
equal to half his level (rounded up). farmers and ranchers, but aids all who come to him and
Sculpt Spell The mage may choose to exclude up to 3 asks little in return. He and his scribe Cassidy can usually
people damaged by his spells. Those people be found near the collection of tents and shacks around
automatically make their saving throw and take no where the old common once was.
damage if it normally deals half damage on a save. The friar is tall and thin for a human. His thinning hair
Actions________________ _____________ and shaggy bears are unkempt and tangle down past his
Quarterstaff: +4 to hit, (1d6-1) plus, push 10ft shoulders. He needs to wear glasses, but keeps losing
them, so he ends up squinting a lot when looking around
Adolphus is a mid-level mage who grew up to the south or even when talking to others. He normally dresses in
in Iriaebor and is a member of the City’s Society of old leather armor that has many patches and repairs
Mages and Spellcasters. He was sent to the north to over the years. The holy symbol of Chauntea is
investigate the rumors of Wave Echo and the connection emblazed upon the chest.
of making magic items. His ultimate goal is to gather
information and see if the process can be replicated in
another location. NPC Expert, Cassidy the Scribe__ Med human, NG
He is a rather tall human somewhere in his mid-thirties. Armor Class- leather 13
His complexion is darker than those normally found in Hit Points (2d8) 9
the North and he wears his dark hair short and has a Speed 30 ft.
square trimmed goatee. He also wears round glasses STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
that keep slipping off his nose and is constantly pushing 10 12 10 14 14 10
them back up. (+0) (+1) (+0) (+2) (+2) (+0)
He likes to be helpful and does not mind working for
Senses Perception +4, History +4
his keep. He has been to the mines and met with
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf
Gungren but has not been able to figure out how to start
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
the flames and make the mine what it once was.
Actions____________ _________________
Staff: +3 to hit, (1d6+0) (1d8+0).

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Cassidy is a young woman who travels with Friar Benin. NPC Redbrand Thief, Thistle ___ Sm. halfling, LE
She keeps his journal and calendar and acts as his
Armor Class- Studded 14
secretary to keep him on track when he gets to
Hit Points (3d8+3) 19
wandering. She likes to travel around the town and
Speed 30 ft.
gathers information while meeting new people. She
likes to meet the new families and introduce them to the
11 14 12 9 9 11
Friar and others that can give aid.
(+0) (+2) (+1) (-1) (-1) (+0)
Cassidy has long red hair kept in a knot and likes to
wear a ribbon tied into it. She tends to speak fast when Senses Acrobatics +4, Perception 0, Sleight of Hand +6
she starts to get excited and tends to rub her ear when Languages Common
worried. She can be seen carrying a journal and charcoal Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
pencil most times when encountered. Abilities___________ _________________
Lucky. Reroll1’s on attacks and saves
Brave. Advantage on saves vs. being Frightened
NPC Guard, Relvik _____ Med 1/2elf, CG
Backstab. (+1d6) damage when he has Advantage
Armor Class- chain shirt, shield 16 Actions__________________ ___________
Hit Points (2d8+2) 13 Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Speed 30 ft. Dagger: +4 to hit, (1d4+2).
13 12 12 10 11 10 Thistle is a halfling from farther south, past Waterdeep
(+1) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) if asked. He was out of town when the rest of the
Redbrand Guild was decimated by adventurers last year.
Senses Perception +2
He tries to maintain a low profile and mostly watches
Languages usually Common
people and gathers information. He works for the
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Firebrand but is not part of his inner circle, so not privy
Actions________________ _____________
to all his plans.
Spear: +3 to hit, (1d6+1). 20’/60’
Short Sword: +3 to hit, (1d6+2). When not actively on the job, Thistle hangs out at
Stonehill Inn. They have the best food in town and the
Relvik is one of the town guards that generally has main room is always warm. He likes to put on the face of
detail at the outer gate coming off of Triboar Trail or at a friendly juggler/entertainer, and tends to lie to most
The Miner’s Gate. When on break he likes to hang out people he meets.
with the other guards at The Sleeping Giant or sleeping Thistle tends to be average and non-descript in
in one of the guard tents behind it. appearance and attitude. Most people don’t seem to
Originally Relvik came from Yartar to the east. He remember too much about him after an hour has gone
ended up coming here following a farming family with by. He likes to spend time with the town children and
whom had a daughter he has feelings for. He wishes not juggles several colored sponges as entertainment.
to be a farmer and being a guard fitted his skills. He does
not have a lot of ambition or drive and spends his money
as fast as it comes in.
Relvik likes being a guard and has become loyal to
Phandalin. He does his job to the best of his ability but
does not like to go on patrols outside of the town. He
has even taken to cutting his hair short and cleaning his
uniform, but still has not given up his corncob pipe that
is either constantly hangs from his mouth, or being used
as a pointing device.

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Map: Phandalin

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Part 2: The Screaming Tower tried to open since screams can be heard from within.
They may also be investigating the new tavern in town or
For Characters of Level 6-8 along the trail to Wave Echo and can run into miners
along the road. Another hook could even have the PCs
Dungeon Features along the old road searching for the Place of the Unicorn
for other reasons.
The Screaming Tower is a well-built tower with 5ft thick walls.
It was built hundreds of years ago and has stood the test of However the PCs come to the secret tower does not
time with the exception of an addition that fell into disrepair. matter since the tower has been locked for hundreds of
Ceilings: Each of the three floors has high ceilings that are 20ft years and none have disturbed its depths. A few weeks
high. ago, several prospectors came to the area searching the
Doors: Most are reinforced wooden doors and unlocked unless streams for gold, but ran when they heard the screams
noted. The two doors to the outside are metal clad doors. from inside the tower and before the blights could attack
Light: There is continual light on each of the floors. The first them.
floor is on a chandelier that could be taken from the tower,
while the other 2 floors have the spell cast upon the ceiling #1 The Outside Entrance ___
The Screaming Tower lies among the small streams of
The Tower can be used just a dungeon or you can use it to the hills and was built in a shallow cleft among one of
expand interaction with the players. The whole tower could be
smaller hills. On top of the hill was a stone pyre that the
used as a modified Instant Fortress magic item to give to the
PCs. The top level can have a hidden scroll containing the
cultists used for sacrifice, but has become just a mass of
command word or knowledge that it is an Instant Tower and ruin today. The location of the tower is easy to miss
the command word will need to be found. unless they know the region and where to look. Even so,
The outside of the tower is stone laid over the adamantine the party can make a group skill check to avoid getting
underneath. The outside stone could be repaired as normal, lost. Have each PC make a Wisdom check (Survival DC
since the map shows it is partially damaged. 14) to locate the tower. DMs can create an ambush of
goblins and orcs to attack the PCs that failed the group
check. Following the encounter, the PCs can locate the
tower after another 1d4 hours.
Read the following when the PCs approach the tower.
Hundreds of years ago during the heyday of Wave Echo
Cave and Phandalin a group of demon worshippers took
The Old Road you have been following had turned to
root and created a secret tower to worship in. They
found a secret trail along the old road to a stone cairn little more than a cart path a mile or so back. The signs
sacred to the unicorn deity Lurue to build their secret of recent logging are long gone and even signs of miners
society. are no more. The only sign of your destination is the
cairn on top of a small hill in front of you.
The cultists planned a great ritual to release a trapped
demon from his eternal prison under Wave Echo Cave.
At the base of the hill, nestled in a small cleft is an
They had captured a unicorn and were waiting for the
new moon to begin their ritual. Disaster struck before ancient tower. It appears to be in good shape
the ritual could begin in the form of the horde of orcs considering its age. The square tower looks to be 3
that decimated the region. The cultists were all but stories high and maybe 50ft square. A dilapidated
destroyed along with the town and inhabitants of the addition on the left side sits amid a few tangles of shrubs
mine. The few survivors locked themselves in the tower and stunted trees.
to escape the orcs and soon perished themselves before
their ritual could free the imprisoned demon. As you approach the main doors, rustling from within
The captured unicorn eventually starved and perished the shrubs alert you to danger. A horde of blights have
as well, despite its celestial nature. The body of the taken home all around the tower. At least 20 of them
unicorn did not dissipate as well and remains in the move to attack you.
tower today, waiting to be released back to the heavens.
The blights are attracted to the dark magic of the place
and will swarm the PCs and try to kill them.
Adventure Setup
Once fighting is done the PCs may search the area. The
The PC’s have returned to Phandalin and hear the surroundings offer nothing of value other than the
rumor of a stone tower that none of the miners have hidden key in the destroyed kitchen. PCs spending more

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than 10 minutes in the area will hear a faint wailing #2 The Ground Floor ___
coming from inside the tower. It sounds like something
screaming inside the tower, something humanoid and The first floor of the tower was a meeting and
angry. gathering room where members could relax while
meeting with others. There were parties with food and
The main doors can be unlocked with a Dexterity check drink served before going upstairs to the altar room.
(Thieves Tools DC20), and the side door is easier (DC18).
Trying to break down either door takes a Strength check Read the following when the PCs enter either door to
(Athletics DC25). the tower.

Treasure: The blights have no treasure of their own, but The doors open to a well-lit large room roughly
hidden among the wreckage of the side kitchen is the
40x40ft. Opposite of the main doors is a grand set of
decomposed remains of one of the ancient cultists.
Among the nits of bone and metal is a key to either door. stairs that break to both the left and right as they sweep
An Intelligence check (Investigation DC18) is needed to to the next floor. Under the stairs are small rooms, one
find it. with a door partially open revealing a privy.

Blight, Needle (4) __Med. plant, NE The rest of the room is split between a large table near
Armor Class- natural 12 the door to the ruined kitchen and a marble fireplace
Hit Points (2d8+2) 11 opposite the table. A few hooks along the walls hold
Speed 30 ft. remnants of cloaks and surcoats. The light in this room
comes from a hanging candelabra magicked to provide
12 12 13 4 8 3
(+1) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4) continual light.

Condition Immunities blind, deaf The sound of screaming is coming from up the stairs,
Senses Blindsight 60ft, (blind beyond) Perception -1 however the greater threat in front of you are 3 sets of
Languages understands Common platemail armor that flank the stairs and glow red with
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) some sort of inner fire. They are more than simple
Actions________________ ___ __________
animated objects since they are flying towards you.
Claws: +3 to hit, (2d4+1).
Needles: +3 to hit, (2d6+1) 30/60ft Most likely they are helmed horrors that are guards of
the tower.
Blight, Twig (16) __ __Sm. plant, NE
Armor Class- natural 13 The helmed horrors move to attack anyone not
Hit Points (1d6+1) 5 carrying a ward token. These tokens have long ago been
Speed 20 ft. lost and have also stopped working thanks to the effects
of The Sundering. The horrors will attack until slain.
6 13 12 4 8 3 Fighting on this floor will alert the demons on the 3rd
(-2) (+1) (+1) (-3) (-1) (-4) floor of intruders in the tower.
Treasure: The helmed horrors each wear a crown of
Skills Stealth +3 silver worth 200gp that is inset with a diamond worth
Damage Vulnerabilities fire 500gp. These do not serve a functional purpose on the
Condition Immunities blind, deaf horrors and are mere decoration.
Senses Blindsight 60ft, (blind beyond) Perception -1
Languages understands Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Abilities___________________ _________
False Appearance. While motionless it is
indistinguishable from a normal dead shrub.
Actions_________________ ____________
Claws: +3 to hit, (1d4+1).

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Helmed Horror (3) Med. Construct, N
group is in the room or anyone approaches the altar, the
golem attacks. There is no direction on the attacks and it
Armor Class- plate 20
will attack anyone not wearing the same obsolete ward
Hit Points (8d8+24) 60
tokens as needed on the previous level.
Speed 30 ft., fly 30ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The skeleton is revealed to be that of a unicorn. It
18 13 16 10 10 10 appears that it was kept here in preparation for some
(+4) (+1) (+3) (+0) (+0) (+0) dark ritual. DMs should give a XP bonus for PCs that
choose to bring the bones outside to bury. They can
Damage Resistances non-magic weapons except even bring them to Sister Garaele with the Shrine of
adamantine Luck or bury them at the Place of the Unicorn located a
Damage Immunities poison, force, necrotic couple hours away. The unicorn horn can be used for
Condition Immunities blind, charm, deafened, fright, creating many magic items and many NPCs can help or
paralyze, petrified, poisoned, stunned attempt to steal it once word gets out.
Senses blindsight 60” (blind beyond), Perception +4
Lang. understands creator’s, but cannot speak Once the fighting stops and the PCs begin investigating
Challenge 4 (1100 XP) the room, they notice that the screaming from has
Abilities_______________ _ ____________ stopped and the tower is silent.
Magic Resistance. Advantage on ST vs. spells and other Treasure: The unicorn horn is the main treasure in this
magical effects room. Searching the altar can reveal a secret catch
Spell Immunity. Immune to 3 spells chosen by creator. containing a velvet bag holding 4 gems each worth
Typically fireball, heat metal, and lighting bolt 250gp. Finding the catch will require an Intelligence
Actions______________ _______________ check (Investigation DC16).
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
Longsword: +6 to hit, (1d8+4). (1d10+4) Golem, Stone___ _ Lg construct, UN
Armor Class- natural 17
Hit Points (17d10+85) 178
#3 The Second Level ___
Speed 30 ft.
The 2 floor was once used for prayer and meetings. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
There is a stone altar on the far wall with the chained 22 9 20 3 11 1
remains of a unicorn tied to it. The unicorn was brought (+6) (-1) (+5) (-4) (+0) (-5)
here for sacrifice and the tower fell before that could
happen. Damage Immunities poison, psychic, non-magical
Read the following when the PCs climb either set of Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
stairs to the room. paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses DV 120ft, perception +0
The stairs lead to another brightly lit room measuring Languages understands creator’s language
40x40ft. Between the 2 sets of winding stairs is a large Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
statue of a demon with arms that end in whip-like Abilities__________________ _ _________
tentacles. Another marble fireplace sits on the west wall Immutable Form. Immune to any spell that would alter
its form.
and a large altar of black marble is on the south wall,
Magic Resistance Advantage on ST vs. spells and other
opposite the stairs. On the floor are skeletal remains of magical effects .
a horse that has been chained to the altar. It is partially Magic Weapons Slam attacks are considered magical.
blocked by a few rows of wooden benches between you Actions__________________ _ __________
and the altar. Multiattack: Make 2 slam attacks
Slam: +10 to hit, (3d8+6)
Above the stairs you came up and behind the statue is Slow (Rec ): Targets one or more creatures within
a ladder leading to a door in the ceiling that is closed. 10ft or it that it can see. Each must make a Wisdom ST
The screams seem to be coming from what is beyond (DC17). On a failed save, target cannot use reactions, its
this door. speed is halved, and cannot make more than one attack
on its turn. In addition target can only use an action or
bonus action, not both. Effects last for 1 minute (SE).
The PCs can roll a Wisdom check (Perception DC17)
upon entering the room to notice that the statue moves
slightly as if it may be animated somehow. Once the

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#4 The Top Level ___ Demon, Hezrou Lg. Fiend (demon), CE
The 3 level was used as a private retreat for the Armor Class- 16
ranking members of the cult. Several members Hit Points (13d10+65) 136
withdrew here in the final days of the cult. They tried to Speed 30 ft.
summon help in the form of a hezrou demon, but their STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
wards failed and the demon slew them, only to find that 19 17 20 5 12 13
it could not escape this room, and has lamented here for (+4) (+3) (+5) (-3) (+1) (+1)
hundreds of years. Saving Throws Str+7, Con+8, Wis+4
Damage Resistances cold, fire lightning; non-magic wpns
Read the following when the PCs climb the ladder and
except adamantine
enter the room.
Damage & Condition Immunities poison
Senses DV 120’, Perception +1
The hatch opens to another large room, but this one Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120ft.
has been but in half. The initial room is 40x20ft with Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
another 40x20 beyond an open door. Both rooms are lit Abilities____________ ________________
by recessed ceiling light. All furniture and belongings Magic Resistance: Adv vs. spells and magical effects.
have been destroyed and lay is tiny pieces of scrap Stench: Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of
the hezrou must succeed on a Con. Save (DC14) or be
wood, cloth, and hints of bone.
poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful
Directly after the first character climbs out of the save, the creature is immune to the stench for 24 hours.
Actions______________ _______________
hatch, you see a large muscular demon emerge from the
Multiattack: Make three attacks: claw, claw, bite.
rear room. You hear in your mind a demonic voice Bite: +7 to hit, Hit: (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.
saying, “Move out of my way, or die.” It is walking Claw: +7 to hit, Hit: (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
directly towards anyone by the hatch.
Shadow (6) _______Med undead, CE
The PCs can roll a Wisdom check (Perception DC17) Armor Class- natural 12
upon entering the room to notice that the shadows in Hit Points (3d8+3) 16
the room are beginning to elongate and move on their Speed 40 ft.
own as if they are alive. The shadows will attack STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
regardless if the PCs let the demon go free. They are the 6 14 13 6 10 8
original cultists that had been killed by the demon when (-2) (+2) (+1) (-2) (+0) (-1)
they tried to summon and control it. Skills Stealth +4 (+6 in dim light), Perception +0
Damage Vulnerability radiant
Searching the rooms reveals what could have been a
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder,
bedchamber, but the furniture all has been destroyed
non-magical weapons.
thoroughly. There is also another ladder leading up to
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, grappled,
the roof that is locked and open with the secret key if it
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
was found in Encounter 1, or has the same DC20 to
Senses DV 60’.
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Players may be asking, or having their characters Abilities_______ _____________________
search for, reasons as of why the demon could not Amorphous Can move through spaces as narrow as 1”
teleport or the unicorn did not disappear. These are w/out squeezing.
extraplanar beings and have powers, but the tower was Shadow Stealth When in dim light or darkness, it can
built to prevent teleporting with the inclusion of special take Hide action as bonus action.
materials such as lead to the walls. It is not a great Sunlight Weakness When in sunlight, it has disadvantage
explanation and DMs can feel free to add if they need. on attacks, abilities, and ST’s.
Actions_______________ ______________
Treasure: The demon destroyed most things in the
Strength Drain: +4 to hit, (2d6+2) necrotic. Target’s
room, but PCs can find scattered coins around the rooms
strength score is also reduced by 1d4. If it reaches 0 the
in the amount of 400cp, 500sp,250gp, and 50pp. There
target dies and rises as a shadow in 1d4 hours. Strength
is also a magic item here that is durable such as an Ioun
damage returns after any rest.
Stone of intellect or insight, or a Ring of Free Action.

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What’s Next? _ __ Map: Tower of Screaming
Destroying the demon inside the tower ends a possible
threat to the region if it was ever freed. Eventually the
expanding population of Phandalin would produce
someone foolish enough to open the doors and release
the demon. If you are using the tower as an Instant
Fortress, the PCs can simply take it with them, unless
they did not discover this fact about the tower.
Otherwise the tower can be used in several ways to
enhance your campaign.
The tower could become a waystation for trip cross-
country to Leilon. A refuge for miners caught out in
storms and poor weather. A mage or bandits could take
over the place to use for their own means. Another idea
is to have a retired adventuring NPC occupy the tower as
a retirement home, such as a ranger. The tower is close
enough to the town, but not too close, making it a good
place to hop off for more adventure or find a reclusive
sage to answer questions.

Awarding Experience Points ___

DMs should award experience based on each
encounter and monsters that were overcome. A story
award of 1000xp should be given for clearing out this
threat if done before anyone lets the demon out.

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Part 3: The Place of the Unicorn The adventure to the site can take as long as you wish.
In the old days a guide from Phandalin took most of a
For Characters of Level 7-9 day to reach the site. The paths that wind their way
through the foothills have become wild and overgrown
Background over the last 100 years and finding the place should take
A secret grove nestled within the foothills of the at least 1 day.
mountains seemed to always hold favor for the gods
DMs can add any wandering monsters or have the
Meilikki and Lurue. Rangers, druids, and other forest
party make a group Wisdom check (Survival DC15) to
folk visited and left offerings in reverence. Few folks
avoid getting lost. I typically have a wandering monster
proved worthy to witness the unicorn god or even
if more than half the party failed the check and became
receive some sort of sign. Many woke within the stone
lost, or if anyone rolled a 1. Alternately, you can simply
circle to be completely healed and refreshed. Legend
say that after a whole day of searching you come to a
holds that the healing powers could cure disease and
hidden valley between two hills contains standing stones
even blindness.
that form a ring. Several areas have fallen or are covered
The secret of the stone circle lies with the dungeon with overgrowth.
underneath the grove. There is a portal that once
connected this land with one in the Feywild. The magic #1 The Stone Circle ___
was lost during the Spellplague and now only the traps The base structure of the standing stones can be seen
still work. still and a few of the taller outer stones. Several weeks
All things fade in time, even gods and legends. The of excavation are needed to expose the whole site. A
events of the Spellplague caused much destruction to family of trolls has moved into the area recently. They
both the land itself and to the gods and their role within are able to build crude huts and wasted no time
the world. The unicorn god Lurue was thought to be destroying the region.
destroyed and followers of his faith waned over the Read the following when the PCs approach.
years. Many followers folded into the greater gods of
Meilikki or Silvanus. The long day has finally come to an end. A cool, clear
People stopped coming to the Place of the Unicorn. spring flows out of a cleft between a pair of hills. As you
Over the last 100 years it seemed that civilization rest for a drink, you spit out the foul-tasting water.
withdrew to the safety of cities and stronger nations. Looking around for something that may have died in the
The neighboring towns of Leilon and Phandalin once
water you catch a glimpse of several stone lintels a few
used to be stops for pilgrims to find a guide to bring
hundred feet further upstream. traveling closer you
them to the place, but both towns had all but perished.
Few people today remember the place as it was or the begin to see several more features, but most oddly are
power that the site holds to those that worship nature. drifts of smoke coming from a crude hut formed
The old tomes and scrolls of yesteryear collect dust in amongst several of the lintels.
grand libraries and wealthy estates.
Your vantage point roughly 100ft away lets you see a
Adventure Setup large stone circle roughly 80ft around with several
Sister Garaele from Phandalin’s Shrine to Tymora has locations where outer stone are or should be but may be
recently been contacted to locate the place and see if buried. The hut you see if roughly 40x40ft and formed
any magic remains. She has heard the legends herself around the largest of the lintels. Several paths wind
and privately wonders if the stories are true. She only
through the formation and most of the smaller trees
knows of a general location and that it sits between
have been either pulled out or pushed over.
Phandalin and Leilon.
Sister Garaele approaches the PCs to locate the place The PCs trying to sneak in to investigate can roll a
by stories of their exploits or by dealing with them in the Wisdom check (Perception DC15) determine that the
past at the shrine of by aid in past adventure as part of paths through this area are large enough for something
the Lost Mine of Phandelvar Module. She hopes to ogre sized. If the PCs decide to wait and watch the area
appeal to their heroic side and can offer free healing and as a form of reconnaissance, they will eventually spot 1
curing of diseases the PCs may catch. If pressed for cash, of the trolls emerge from the hut. PCs will need to wait
she can offer a potion of greater healing, but will dismiss 1d4 hours before a troll comes out. It does a few
the PCs as mistaken heroes if more is asked for. mundane things like gather some wood and check on an
animal drying on a stone before heading back inside. PCs

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can make a Wisdom check (Survival DC15) to determine Claw: +7 to hit, (2d6+4).
that this one is a juvenile troll rather than a full grown Bite: +7 to hit, (1d6+4).
one. PCs may determine that there should be a whole
family of trolls with one or two adults inside. You can Troll, runt (2) __ _ _ _Lg. giant, UN
automatically give rangers who have giants as a favorite
Armor Class- natural 14
enemy this knowledge.
Hit Points (5d10+20) 50
If the PCs attack directly or make a lot of noise to draw Speed 30 ft.
the trolls out, they will send one of the adults out with STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
one of the runts first to determine the size of the 16 13 18 7 8 7
attackers. The others will wait inside and come out on (+3) (+1) (+4) (-2) (-1) (-2)
the third round of combat to assist. The runts will flee of
both parents are killed. You can have them come back Senses DV 60’, Perception 11
the next day with another group of trolls that live nearby Languages Giant
to investigate if the PCs decide to stay in the area. Challenge 3 (900 XP)
Abilities___________________ _________
Searching the area of the stone circle requires a Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks- smell.
significant amount of time to clear brush and debris Regeneration: Regains 10 hp at the start of its turn. If it
scattered by the trolls. PCs can make an Intelligence takes acid or fire damage, this does not function that
check (Investigation DC18) to locate the secret door turn. Trolls die only at the start of their turn with 0 hp
inside the stump of the giant oak tree. You can grant and cannot regenerate.
advantage if they specifically state they are searching the Actions_______________ ______________
tree. PCs that make a Wisdom check (Perception DC20) Multiattack: claw, claw, bite.
can determine that the large flat rock in front of the Claw: +5 to hit, (1d6+3).
stump has significant worn elements to it as if it is the Bite: +5 to hit, (1d6+1).
center of the ceremony site. There is also a small arrow
carved at some point pointing to the stump. This looks #2 The Troll Hut ___
like it was caved at some point later than the original
creation. The hut itself has been built similar to a log cabin with
several large stones mixed in, most likely from the stone
The arrow was carved over 100 years ago by one of the circle itself. Overall, it is built relatively well, but drafty.
locals from Leilon. It was made to for him to tell others
about when sending others to the site. It points to the Read the following when the PCs open the door, leave
latch controlling the secret door. You can grant the last paragraph out if the trolls were encountered
advantage to the investigation check to PCs that find outside.
this, or you can automatically tell them that they find a
secret door to continue the adventure. The 40x40ft log hut opens to what appears to be a
single large room with one of the stone lintels blocking
Troll (2) _ __ _ _ _Lg. giant, UN the center of the room. To your left is a large bed in the
Armor Class- natural 15
corner and a table of sorts near it. Further up the wall is
Hit Points (8d10+40) 84
Speed 30 ft. a curtain blocking the far corner. It is tied to the center
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA stone and runs over to the wall hiding what is behind it.
18 13 20 7 9 7 On the right is a table for large creatures and a kitchen
(+4) (+1) (+5) (-2) (-1) (-2) further up the wall is a kitchen with the stove backing up
to the lintel support.
Senses DV 60’, Perception 11
Languages Giant
A large troll is standing in the kitchen area making
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Abilities___________________ _________ some sort of food. A smaller troll sits at the table and
Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks- smell. another one is on the bed to the left. The female in the
Regeneration: Regains 10 hp at the start of its turn. If it kitchen says something in giant to the others as they
takes acid or fire damage, this does not function that begin scrambling to stand up and draw weapons.
turn. Trolls die only at the start of their turn with 0 hp
and cannot regenerate. If any of the PCs speak giant they would have heard,
Actions_______________ ______________ “Don’t just sit there you idiots, kill them for my stew.”
Multiattack: claw, claw, bite.
The giants attack the PCs directly while the other adult

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comes out from the bedroom behind the curtain on the Treasure: There is no treasure in this room. PCs can
2nd round. The runts will try to flank the PCs so that the discover an empty potion bottle lying in the corner of the
adults can do more damage. The runts will also try to room from someone casting it in that direction.
#4 Sand Trap Room ___
Treasure: The trolls have little treasure of their own. An
old chest contains 2d20cp, 2d20sp, and 2d10gp. There is This locked door to this room is made from reinforced
also a silver goblet (10gp) that one of the adults drinks metal. A Dexterity check (Thieves Tools DC17) is needed
out of and 1d10 days of sealed rations from a caravan to unlock it. The murals on this wall from the main room
attack. shows a spring scene.
Read the following when the PCs enter the room.
#3 Basement Stairwell Room ___
The secret door leads down a spiral stairwell roughly The room opens to a large room measuring 30x30ft.
30ft to the first in a series of challenges leading to a gate The floor is covered with a thin layer of sand like the
that leads to the fey realm. The magic of the portal has
center room you were just in. The ceiling contains
been destroyed by the effects of the Spellplague but
danger still exists. another mosaic inlaid of a unicorn skull flanked by
images of longswords and spears. The other three walls
Read the following when the PCs descend the stairs.
in the room each contain a large stone statue of a
unicorn with the front half of each sticking out of the
The stairs lead down roughly 30ft into a large 40x40ft
wall and missing the rear half.
room. Ancient elven runes decorate the walls of the
stairwell leading down. They appear to be religious text
DMs can roll 1d4 to determine when the trap starts, or
most likely to the god Larue.
can just spring it on the PCs when they are all in the
room. PCs can make a Wisdom check (Perception DC20)
The stairwell descends to middle of the room leaving
to spot small piles of sand under the statues that are
roughly 15ft of smooth sand between the stairs and a slightly higher than the rest of the floor. If the PCs make
central door on each of the surrounding walls. Each wall an Intelligence check (Investigation DC15) they can
is decorated with a mosaic of stone tiles representing notice that the sand lays directly under each of the
some aspect of the religion. Most show unicorns and unicorn’s mouths, as if it fell from there. If PCs made a
elves dancing or walking through a forest. (DC20) on the Investigation check, they also find a
skeletal finger hidden is the sand towards the far wall
and it is wearing a ring detailed in the treasure.
PCs who speak elven can make a Wisdom check
(Religion DC18) to be able to read some of the runes. The sand trap is sprung once 500 pounds is loaded into
They mostly speak about the 3 tenants of faith to Larue. the room (roughly 3 PCs) on a pressure plate that is part
The first speaks to the straightest path being that which of the floor. Another way the trap is set off is by any PC
brings the best outcome. The second talks about staying spending more than 5 rounds in the room. The trap,
vigilant to traps and danger. The last tenant speaks once sprung, releases sand from each of the three
about experiencing adventure and living a full life. statues mouths. It fills the room in 6 rounds. The first
round a large stone slab will drop and block the door
Knowing these tenants will make the path easy for the closes and the mouths open on the statues to begin
players to guess which room to open. The door straight pouring out sand.
ahead leads to the portal room (room #7), where the
other rooms lead to traps or other danger. PCs looking Each round the sand will continue to fill the room. The
at the mosaics on each of the walls will get no clues as to PCs can take the following actions to slow the sand or
which door to open, as they each only show a scene of open the door and escape. A Dexterity check (Thieves
life in each of the four seasons. Coincidently, the season Tools DC16) can be used to disable one of the heads
leading to the portal room is the autumn wall. spilling sand and add 1d4 rounds to the total before the
room fills. An Intelligence check (Investigation DC15)
The sand shows little disturbance from being sealed can be used to identify the workings of the heads and
over the last 100 years. If the PCs make an Intelligence grant yourself or another PC advantage on disabling
check (Investigation DC16) they can notice that several them. A Strength check (Athletics DC20) can be used to
old tracks lead directly to room 5 in the rear. temporarily close one of the heads spilling sand and slow
the rate. This will add 1d3 rounds to the total time the
room fills up. Keeping the mouth closed each round only

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requires a (DC13) check. Smart PCs can tie something Elemental, Earth _Lg. elemental, neutral
around the closed mouth to free up the PC. A Wisdom
Armor Class- Natural 17
check (Insight or Perception DC15) can be used to grant
Hit Points (12d10+60) 126
advantage to lifting the stone by determining handholds
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30ft
and weaknesses in the stone. Finally, A Strength check
(Athletics DC24) can be used to lift the stone blocking
20 8 20 5 10 5
the door.
(+5) (−2) (+5) (−3) (+0) (−3)
DMs are free to add more skills and actions to stop the Damage Vulnerabilities thunder
sand and open the door. The PCS will start to suffocate Damage Resistance Non-magic weapons
once the room fills up. The trap resets after 15 rounds if Damage Immunities poison
the PCs can wait that long or delay the sand from falling. Condition Immunities exhaustion, paralyzed, petrified,
Treasure: The hidden ring that the PCs can find is a ring poison, unconscious
of free action. Senses DV 60ft., tremorsence 60ft. Perception +0
Languages Terran
#5 Basement Stairwell Room ___ Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
Abilities________ ____________________
The rear room is the winter room. It is not locked. It
Earth Glide. It can burrow through nonmagical unworked
also contains a large statue in a 10ft alcove.
earth and stone w/o disturbing the material it moves
Read the following when the PCs enter the room. through.
Siege Monster. Dbl damage to object/structre
A 10ft long hall opens to a 20ft deep by 40ft wide room Actions__________ _________________
containing a 10x10ft bump-out on the opposite side of Multiattack: Make two slam attacks.
Slam: +8 to hit, reach 10ft, (2d8+5)
the room that contains a large statue of the god Silvanus.

The room also contains a large column of fire roughly Elemental, Fire _Lg. elemental, neutral
5ft in diameter and 15ft high. It whirls around in a circle Armor Class- Natural 13
Hit Points (12d10+36) 102
and has pushed all the sand in the room to the corners.
Speed 50 ft.
The fire has warmed the room up considerably.
10 17 6 11 10 7
As you enter the room, the fire takes form and
(+0) (+3) (−2) (+0) (+0) (−2)
becomes an elemental while the sand in the room swirls
together and solidifies to form a stone elemental. They Damage Resistance Non-magic weapons
both move to attack. Damage Immunities poison, fire
Condition Immunities exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
poison, restrained, prone, unconscious
PCs may make a Wisdom check (Insight DC15) to be
Senses DV 60ft., Perception +0
able to determine that they are blocking the statue and
Languages Ignan
not just trying to attack. A Wisdom check (Perception
Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
DC13) can notice a skeleton lying behind the statue. A
Abilities_______________ _____________
scroll of some sort can be seen in its skeletal hands.
Fire Form. It can move through spaces as little as 1” w/o
The statue is what powers the elementals to squeezing. A creature that touches or hits it with a
regenerate and they are smart enough to protect it after weapon w/in 5’ takes (1d10) fire. The elemental can
all these years being sealed in this location. They have enter someone’s space and stop there causing the target
been here a long, long time and have grown more to take (1d10) fire and catch fire; until someone takes an
unstable over the years and will fight to the death while action to douse the fire, take (1d10) fire damage at the
the PCs remain in this room. They can pursue the PCs start of each turn.
through the dungeon, but will stay in this room if the PCs Illumination. Bright light 30’ and dim to 60’.
flee. If destroyed, they begin to reform after 24 hours. Water Susceptibility. For every 5’ it moves in water or
each gallon splashed on it, it takes 1 point damage.
Treasure: The skeleton carries a bag with 200gp inside,
Actions_________________ ____________
bearing markings from a land far away. It also carries a
Multiattack: Make two melee attacks.
scroll with 2 lightning bolt spells on it, both cast at 6th
Touch: +6 to hit, (2d6+3) fire, plus ignite; until someone
level. There are also some minor spell components that
takes an action to douse the fire, take (1d10) fire damage
would suggest that the body was once a magic user.
at the start of each turn.

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#6 Hallway Trap ___ #7 Portal Room ___
This hall contains a falling block trap designed to kill This room once contained the portal to the Feywild. It
unworthy who seek to cross over through the portal. opened on nights of the full moon and elven scouts
would meet those who crossed over for trade or
Read the following when the PCs enter the hall.
information. Today, the portal does not function but
may be brought back by completing a quest.
A 30ft long hall leads to a T-intersection. Dim lights
flicker from both sides. As you approach to the Read the following when the PCs enter the room.
intersection, you see 10ft halls split from the intersection
Bright light emanates from this 40x40ft room. A 20ft
leading to similar doors with torchlight coming from
rear section pushes in 10ft and is lined with an arch of
under the threshold of each.
bricks that appear to be made from silver. You can also
Directly in front of you at the intersection is an inset on notice gold runes inlaid around the recessed area on the
the wall of a compass rose. The whole thing looks like it walls and floor.
turns and pivots so that the north arrow can point at one
Halfway into the room is a large set of stairs leading to
of the doors.
the recessed are. It is flanked by large brass braziers
emanating continual flames.
PCs may suspect a trap at this point and search around.
A Wisdom check (Perception DC17) reveals a thin wire
Around the room are several mosaics. They all show
connecting each of the doors to a tube going into the
ceiling. If the PCs beat a (DC20) they can tell that a large scenes of the sun and moon and what appears to be a
ceiling block in the hall behind them looks like it will fall. portal leading to a lush land.
A Dexterity check (Thieves Tools DC15) is needed to
bypass the wires and open each of the doors. In front of the portal arch are several skeletal bodies
dressed in various forms of armor and race. Some
The compass rose is a false lead hiding the traps on
appear to be elves possibly from the other side of the
each of the doors. An Intelligence check (Investigation
DC12) reveals that it simply turns and nothing seems portal and hobgoblins from one of the area tribes. As
connected to it. you enter the room, they all seem to rise to meet you
with the elf skeletons drawing out bows and the
The stone-fall trap trips off when either of the doors is
opened. A 15ft section of the hall leading from the main hobgoblin skeletons hoisting axes and swords.
room will fall as a large clock. This is impossible to lift
unless the PCs have a potion of giant strength, and even The skeletons all act as one team against the PCs. They
then it requires a Strength check (Athletics DC40) to lift. fought each other during the last full moon before the
PCs that can move through stone or take gaseous form Spellplague struck and the portal closed sealing them
can move through it back to the main room. inside. They fight until destroyed. The elf skeletons will
try to stay at the top of the stairs to shoot their bows,
Anyone stuck in the dead-end section of the room has
while the hobgoblin skeletons rush to engage the PCs at
only one chance to escape unless DMs wish to award
the bottom of the stairs.
creative thinking and go with something I have not
thought of here. The ceiling above where the block fell The mosaics show how the portal operates during the
can be broken and the void left behind can be accessed. cycles of full moons. PCs can make either an Intelligence
From there, the other side can be broken away as well. check (Arcana DC14) or a Wisdom check (Religion DC14)
This will mostly take time and waste resources. It should to determine how the portal works. A detect magic spell
take a few hours to break through each side. cast upon the silver bricks and the rest of the portal
determines that it is not functioning. DMs are free to
The trap is designed to reset after 3 days and open
create another adventure where the portal functions and
back up allowing PCs to escape. This time lapse prevents
takes the PCs on a completely new adventure.
the portal from being activated for at last another
month. Treasure: The elf skeletons carry a total of 50sp and
20gp, as well as a pair of gold bracelets each worth 50gp.
Treasure: There is no treasure in this area.
The hobgoblin skeletons carry 100cp, 50sp, and 40gp.
They also carry a pair of gold bricks each worth 250gp.

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Skeleton, elf (6) ______Med undead, LE What’s Next? _ __
Armor Class- scraps 13 The Place of the Unicorn still has magic left in the land.
Hit Points (3d8+3) 18 People who sleep upon the center stone can be healed
Speed 30 ft. of wounds and on nights of the full moon diseases can be
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA healed as well. The portal itself does not work as
10 16 13 6 8 5 written, but can if the DM wishes to continue the
(+0) (+3) (+1) (-2) (-1) (-3) adventure.
The trolls would have eventually become a problem as
Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning
more civilized folk gather in Phandalin. More miners and
Damage Immunities poison, sleep
loggers continue to explore and push farther out from
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
town and will eventually confront them.
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Languages understands- Common, Elf
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Awarding Experience Points ___
Actions_______________________ ______ DMs should award experience based on each
Short Sword: +5 to hit, (1d6+2) encounter and monsters that were overcome. A story
Short Bow: +5 to hit, (1d6+3) 80’/320’ award of 500xp should be given for clearing out the
threat of the trolls and another 500xp if the PCs manage
to discover the secrets of the portal and clear out the
Skeleton, hobgoblin (4) ______Med undead, LE dungeon.
Armor Class- scraps, shield 15
DMs that choose to expand on the module can award
Hit Points (4d8+12) 33
another 5000xp. if the PCs manage to find a way to
Speed 30 ft.
recreate the connection to the Feywild and establish the
portal to working order once again.
14 12 16 6 8 5
(+2) (+1) (+3) (-2) (-1) (-3)

Damage Vulnerability bludgeoning

Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poison
Senses DV 60’. Perception -1
Languages understands- Common, Goblin
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Actions_______________________ ______
Battle Ax or Longsword: +5 to hit, (1d8+2)
Shield Bash: +5 to hit, (1d4+2) Strength save (DC12) or
push 10ft

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Map: Place of the Unicorn-
Ground Level

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Map: Place of the Unicorn-

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Part 4: The Ogre’s Camp Seeing the PCs coming he will simply walk up to them.
Since he has little worth stealing, he is betting on friendly
For Characters of Level 7-9 faces. He will explain the ambush a few miles up the
road and ask for help getting the survivors back. He
Background managed to follow the ogres for a little while until he
spotted where they were going and started to head
Sullen’s Wrinkle is the common name for an
abandoned tin mine. The mine was in production for
over 20 years before the Spellplague made it too difficult He seen 5-7 ogres at the camp combined with the
to run. It was not a big operation and produced enough raiding party. He thinks some more may be in the big
tin to make a small profit. At one time a wagon road led building. There were 2 wagons taken along with 4
the 2 miles off the main road to the mine. survivors from the caravan. He thinks the rest of the
dead are to be eaten since they were piled onto the
The mine consisted of a larger pumphouse with a horse
backs of the wagons they took.
drawn wheel to pump water out of the lower mines. A
few smaller wooden buildings served as barracks, Tomlin can guide the PCs to the location and try to help
kitchen and operations center of the place. A wooden in the fight with the ogres. His main objective is to get
wall was also built to keep things out. The mine never any survivors and take the wagons back to Neverwinter.
suffered from a large invasion of orcs or goblins. Several If the PCs are not interested is assisting, he can offer
small skirmishes happened over the years, but 100gp each to be delivered to the PCs unless they are
production was never compromised. going to Neverwinter, in that case they can be paid
directly. The trip to the ogre camp is uneventful and
Today the mine sits in ruin. The deed belongs to the
DMs can start with the first encounter.
Callendoth Family out of Neverwinter, but no plans are
underway to resurrect the mine. The stone pumphouse Read the following when the PC’s are approaching the
still stands along with the lower access to the mines. The outer buildings and the remains of the fence.
outer buildings are partially standing with a falling wall
or sunken roof. The outer wall around the mine has You arrive at the old mine site in the late afternoon.
mostly fallen over or has been used by passing groups of The sun sits low on the horizon and a cool wind blows
monsters as firewood.
from the ocean. You see two outbuildings that partially
Adventure Setup remain standing with a fallen over wall and sagging roof.
The buildings each measure roughly 20x30ft. A fire
Ogres have moved into the abandoned mine a few
burns out in from of the broken wall and the 2 wagons
weeks ago and plan to stay for the winter or build a
permanent home here to harass travelers along the High sit between these buildings and the large stone building
Road. The extent of their remodel has been to partially roughly 60ft away.
prop-up one of the outbuildings and to block access to
the lower mines. You see 2 ogres outside cooking around the fire and
they appear to speak to another one or two ogres inside
PCs can be travelers along the road when they are
ambushed by the ogres raiding party or they can hear the buildings. None of the ogres are not on guard or
about reports of a tribe of ogres along the road. looking out for trouble.

#1 Ogre Ambush ___

The ogres will directly attack the PCs once discovered.
Ogres are not subtle when attacking. The PCs come If half of their numbers are killed, one will try to run for
across a caravan guard walking down the road to the stone building and get reinforcements.
Phandalin. He is the lone survivor from a caravan
heading south. The rest of the caravan were killed or Treasure: These ogres keep their individual treasure
captured and brought back to the ogre lair at Sullen’s here. They have sacks and crude boxes containing
Wrinkle. 200cp, 300sp, 150gp, and 3 gems each worth 50gp.

Tomlin the guard thought to head to Phandalin in

hopes of meeting up with an adventuring group there.
He knows a few groups come from Neverwinter and is
hoping one of them will help him get any survivors back.

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Ogre (6) _Lg. giant, CE Giant, Hill _ _ _Lg. giant, CE
Armor Class- partial armor 13 Armor Class- nat 13
Hit Points (7d10+21) 70 Hit Points (10d12+40) 105
Speed 40 ft. Speed 40 ft.
19 8 16 5 7 7 21 8 19 5 9 6
(+4) (−1) (+3) (-3) (-2) (-2) (+5) (-1) (+4) (-3) (-1) (-2)
Senses Perception +2
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2 Languages Giant
Languages Common, Giant Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Actions_____________________ ________
Actions_______________ ____________ Multiattack: Greatclub 2x.
Greatclub: +6 to hit, (2d8+4), plus make a Strength save Greatclub: +8 to hit, reach 10’, (3d8+5).
(DC12) or be pushed 10ft. Rock: +8 to hit, (3d10+5) 60/240’
Javelin: +6 to hit, (2d6+4) 30/120

#2 The Pumphouse ___ Worg, Alpha____ Lg. monstrosity, NE

Armor Class- natural 14
The main building worth exploring at the mine is the Hit Points (7d10+14) 60
pumphouse. The main floor contains access to the lower Speed 50 ft.
mines and has been covered with stones to keep the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
monsters found there out. There is a second floor as 16 13 14 6 11 8
well that the giant has taken as his chambers. Read the (+3) (+1) (+2) (−2) (+0) (−1)
following once the PCs enter the main floor. Senses DV 60 ft., Perception +5
Languages Common or Goblin, Worg
The pumphouse is a large, stone building consisting of Challenge 1 (200 XP)
two floors, each measuring 40x40ft. The first floor opens Abilities_____________ _______________
to a large, open room with a fireplace on one side and a Keen Smell and Hearing. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception)
large pole connected to an axle on the opposite wall. checks- hearing and smell.
The pole looks like it once went into a hole in the floor to Actions_______________ _____________
Multiattack: bite 2x.
pump out water, but now lies on the floor and the hole
Bite: +6 to hit, (2d6+3) piercing damage. Also make a Str
has been covered with a boulder. save (DC 14) or knocked prone.

A set of stairs leads to the basement and you can see

large stones blocking a door leading to the mine below Ogre (3) _Lg. giant, CE
the tower. Above these stairs is another set leading up Armor Class- partial armor 13
to an open mezzanine measuring 20x40ft where you can Hit Points (7d10+21) 70
see a large bed and several sea trunks. Scattered around Speed 40 ft.
the first floor are goods from the caravan and food laid STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
19 8 16 5 7 7
out on a large table. Under the mezzanine are the
(+4) (−1) (+3) (-3) (-2) (-2)
captives from the caravan. They are chained to the wall.
Senses DV 60’, Perception -2
A hill giant stands on the mezzanine overlooking a trio Languages Common, Giant
of ogres cooking or unpacking goods. A large worg lies Challenge 2 (450 XP)
by his feet. It lifts it head as you enter and barks Actions_______________ ____________
something in its strange language. The rest look up at Greatclub: +6 to hit, (2d8+4), plus make a Strength save
(DC12) or be pushed 10ft.
you and reach for weapons.
Javelin: +6 to hit, (2d6+4) 30/120

The giant does not plan to flee from his winter home
and commands his ogres to fight until death. The ogres
will fight until slain, while the worg will flee if able and if
the giant is slain. The giant will try and stay on the

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mezzanine and throw stones while the worg will go and can be found along with a few tools such as a pick and
assist the ogres. lantern. The third level is flooded and the pump would
The basement door leading to the mine is a large metal need to be fixed to pump out that level. DMs can judge
door blocked with several boulders. It should take two the difficulty in repairing this and whether or not
PCs together to move the stones. Have both make a anything is found in the lower levels.
Strength check (DC15) to be able to move enough out of
the way to gain access to the basement. The door is Treasure: The carrion crawlers do not accumulate
unlocked. treasure, but have a few items from past adventurers.
PCs can spend 1 hour searching and collect 50sp and
Treasure: The giant controls the treasure for the tribe.
30gp. PCs can also make a Wisdom check (Perception
In the sea chests there is 400sp, 200gp, and a set of gold
DC18) to also locate 2 potions of Superior Healing
necklaces worth 500gp. He also carries a magic such as a
(8d4+8), found in metal tubes.
Lantern of Revealing and Slippers of Spider Climbing.

#3 The Pumphouse- Mines ___ Carrion Crawler_(6) _Lg. monstrisity, UN

Armor Class- Natural 13
The mines below the pumphouse used to contain giant Hit Points (6d10+18) 51
spiders and giant rats as well as carrion crawlers. Since Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
being locked up a few weeks ago, the carrion crawlers STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
have eaten everything else and are hungry when the PCs 14 13 16 1 12 5
arrive. (+2) (+1) (+3) (-5) (+1) (-3)
Read the following once the PCs open the door leading
to the mines. Senses Perception +3
Languages nil
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
A dark stairwell leads down into a roughhewn set of Abilities______________ ____________
stairs maybe 30ft until it ends in a large cave-like room Keen Smell. Adv. on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
measuring 30x40ft. Three tunnels lead out of this room rely on smell.
in different directions. The two tunnels on the sides are Spider Climb Can climb difficult surfaces even upside
10ft wide, while the tunnel straight ahead is only 5ft. down w/out check
Actions_____________ ______________
While you are looking around, you hear clicking Multiattack: Make tentacles and bite attacks.
sounds of large creatures coming from both the 10ft Tentacles: +8 to hit, 10 ft reach, (1d4+2) poison and must
make a Constitution Save (DC13) or be poisoned 1
tunnels. It sounds like giant beetles and they are coming
minute. Also paralyzed until poison ends. Can make
your way. The edge of your light shines upon several another ST at the end of each turn.
carrion crawlers that hungrily approach. Bite: +4 to hit, (2d4+2).

The carrion crawlers will come and attack from both What’s Next? _ __
sides. They do not have much tactics or fear. They will Sullen’s Wrinkle can be made into a productive mine
attack until slain or they have a chance to paralyze a once again. It could also be made into a base of sorts
character. They will attempt to drag any paralyzed PCs and even a roadside inn. There should be more local
down the tunnel to another room where they can eat monsters that need dealing with before any of this can
him. happen though.
The tunnels generally lead 30-50ft to join another room The NPC Tomlin can become a recurring NPC ally for
and split to more tunnels. Rooms tend to be smaller the PCs, or even offer to aid the building of a fort along
than the main room with the average size being 20x20ft. the road for travelers if the PCs want to built something.
The side tunnels lead to rooms where another tunnel can Awarding Experience Points ___
circle back to the 5ft hall. After 2 rounds of combat
another 2 crawlers will come down this hall. Searching DMs should award experience based on each
some of the close corridors will reveal the body of an encounter and monsters that were overcome. A story
ogre that was killed and eaten a few weeks ago. award of 1,000xp should be given for dealing with the
ogres and making the road safe for travelers and
Players are free to have their characters search more of merchants.
the mines, but there is not much to be found. Another
level of random tunnels with a few places to dig for tin

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The Ogre’s camp

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Appendix: NPCs ___ Tomlin is approaching middle-age but still appears
young and spry. He likes to dress in well crafted,
woodland clothing and ties his long, blond, hair back
with a leather strap. A thin scar runs from his ear to his
NPC, Eldritch Knight __Med. ½ elf, CG neck and he sometimes runs his finger inside his collar
Tomlin- Caravan guard from Neverwinter along it when speaking to others. He tends to look more
Armor Class- chain shirt 16 like a typical ranger rather than a fighter when out in the
Hit Points (7d10+7) 50 wild.
Speed 30 ft. Tomlin is a friendly, optimistic person who tries to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA accept everyone who wants to get along in the world.
10 17 12 16 11 10 He is wary of cultists and Red Wizards and tries to spy on
(+0) (+3) (+1) (+3) (+0) (+0) them before approaching. Humanoids such as goblins
and orcs are watched or killed outright. He doesn’t trust
Skills Arcana +6, Athletics +5, Perception +3, Stealth +6
the monstrous races unless someone else speaks on
Senses Darkvision 60ft
their behalf. He enjoys meeting travelers and assisting
Languages Common, elf
them with things such as directions, information, or even
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
enjoying a campfire with them.
Abilities____________________ ________
Fey Ancestry. Adv vs. charm and immune to magical
Weapon Bond. Weapon teleports to you as free action.
Spellcasting. DC 14 / +6 to hit
Cantrip (at-will): fire bolt (2d10), mage hand
1st lev. (4 slots): feather fall(R), shield(R),
2nd lev. (2 slots): misty step(B), scorching ray(2d6x3 fire)
2nd Wind: Once per rest the soldier can gain 1d10+7hp.
Actions_________ ____________________
Multiattack: Make two weapon attacks, or can cast a
Cantrip and make 1 weapon attack.
+1 scimitar: +6 to hit, (1d6+3) 1/rest; Holder can cast
shatter as a bonus action.
Dagger: +6 to hit, (1d4+3) 20/60’
Equipment: Cloak of Elvenkind (Adv. on Stealth checks)

Tomlin is a ½ elf who grew up along the outskirts of

Neverwinter Wood in a small elf community nestled
among human farms. It was a quiet childhood until it
was interrupted by invasion by orcs and goblins almost
20 years ago. Most of the surviving families were forced
to flee to the city in order to survive. Tomlin and his
mother were able to make it to the city, but his father
and younger sister were not so lucky.
He joined the city guard against the disapproval of his
mother who wanted him to continue his mage studies,
but he argued that the city and the refugees needed
soldiers that could better defend everyone. After several
years serving as a soldier, Tomlin set off on adventure as
a caravan guard and part time adventurer. For the last
few years, he has met with some success as an
adventurer but still signs on as a guard to companies he
knows and trust him.

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Regional Map

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