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“What Matters to You?

Create Your Own TED Talk

You will work to create your own T.E.D. Project Talk to a Students ‘global’ audience. The
theme of your talk should be related to the theme of “Identities”, or anything that matters
to you throughout chapter1. Please brainstorm the essential question you want to explore,
and create a TED talk around a single topic of your interest.
Be sure to select a topic based on something that truly “matters” to you or someone, with
reference to what you’ve learned in this chapter, and craft a 10-slide presentation to go with

• 5-6 minutes
• PPT or Video format (created in IMovie, or another movie making software)
• 10 slides

Presentation of Your Topic

• Sample interviews of 1-2 peers, teachers, mentors, or family members
• 3-5 secondary sources

Tips to make your presentation great:

• Less is more. A single, strong, graphic image or succinct line of text will tell your story
better than a crowded collage or packed paragraph. Remember, people need to process
everything you're saying while simultaneously absorbing your slides. Rather than one
complex slide, show several slides, each with one idea, image or data point. Eliminate
"headline and bullet-points" slides; they are tiring to read.
• Text quantity: You rarely need more than six lines of text on a slide. Often, only a line or
two will do. Sans-serif fonts (like Helvetica) are easier to read at a distance than serif fonts
(like Times New Roman).
• Text size: Your text should be large enough to be legible to the person sitting farthest from
the stage.
• Slide background: A simple background keeps your text readable. If you are using a dark
or black background, make the text bold.
• Graphs, graphics and photos: Use visually arresting images, data and large words to serve as
a mnemonic device so the audience has higher visual recall. You must properly license all
images for TED's use in worldwide video and web distribution. Don't grab images from the
web. Use high-resolution pictures and graphics. Full-quality photos from a digital camera
will look better than images pulled off the web.
“What Matters to You?
Create Your Own TED Talk Rubric

Student Names:


Criteria Points Possible Points

Cohesive overall theme 20
YRelevant topic 10
uCreative illustrations 20
2-3 examples of evidence 20
i Full participation 20
Length (5-6 Min) 10



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