Asset Name Asset Value Vulnerabilities Vulnerability Value

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Asset Name Asset Value Vulnerabilities Vulnerability Value

Desktop 2 Wrong allocation of access rights 1

2 Unnecessary services enabled 1

2 Lack of monitoring mechanisms 1

2 Poor password management 1

2 Presence of combustible material 1

2 No backup of data 1

2 Local administrator rights provided 1

2 Undefined process for data disposal 1

2 Unauthorized Software installation 1

2 Lack of user awareness 1

2 USB & CD ROM drive access 1

2 No or insufficient Patch installation 1

Lack of security software
2 installation (e.g. AV) 1

Java and other flash updates are

automatically updated / not
2 updated 1

Lack of Synchronization to a
2 common clock 1
Threat Existing Control Control Probability Impact
Access will be provided based on the
approval and access rights will be A.9.2.2
Abuse of rights reviewed once in quarter A.9.2.5 1 3
Unauthorized processing of Administrator access rights restricted
data for enabling services A.13.1.2 1 3

All the information accessing rights are

Abuse of rights monitored and reviewed periodically A.12.7.1 1 3
Awareness is provided on the usage of
password and password complexity is
Unauthorized system access implemented A.9.4.3 1 3
Fire Fire Extinguisher system is available A.11.2.1 1 3
Important data is stored in Share
Loss of Data folder U drive A1.12.3.1 1 3

Local admin rights will be provided to

the users based on the approval and
access will be reviewed once in a
Unauthorized system use quarter A.9.2.2 1 3
Equipment will be disposed when it
Loss of data become obselete A.11.2.7 1 3
Violation of license Software installation will be done after
requirement getting the approval A.12.6.2 1 3
Abuse of rights Training is provided to users A.7.2.2 1 3

USB and CD access will be provided to

the users based on the approval and
access will be reviewed once in a
Leakage of data quarter A.9.2.2 1 3
Increase in system Patches are deployed to the systems
vulnerability through automated solution A.12.6.1 1 3
Deployment of security softwares to
Corruption of data the system is monitored regularly A.12.6.1 2 3

Increase in system Patches are deployed to the systems

vulnerability through automated solution A.12.6.1 2 3
Systems are connected to TVSM
Domain. Clocks are synchronized with
Error in use Active directory A.12.4.4 2 3
Threat Value Risk Value Context Risk Owner Acceptance

2 5 Process Yes

2 5 Process Yes

2 5 Process Yes

2 5 People Yes
2 5 External Environment Yes

2 5 Process Yes

2 5 Process Yes

2 5 Process Yes

2 5 Legal requirement Yes

2 5 People Yes

2 5 Process Yes

3 6 Technology Yes

3 6 Process Yes

Technology (compatibility
issue exist between software
application used( Java &
Flash ) making updates not
3 6 necessary Yes

3 6 Process Yes
Applied Controls

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