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Introduction Manual

Sovereign Order of Meterion Society

Purpose and Mission

Version 1.2021.00001
I. Name
The Name of the Order is Sovereign Order of Meterion Society
The sovereign order is chivalric, esoteric and an international community.

II. Aims
The Sovereign Order of Meterion Society is an international organization whose goal is to widen its
influence while affiliating with the existence of other international organizations whose nature might
be different.
It aims to contribute to the general growth of humanity, be it in the field of natural and known
sciences to the esoteric and occult knowledge.
Acts of heroism are expected of the members wherein defending the order’s organization leaders,
and members is of contribution. Concealed movement of deeds solving the problems of the
community wherein the local chapters might be humanitarian by service not limiting the functions of
the members to the local chapter’s rules and regulations.

No restricting motto has been implemented with the members. And the order being classified as
chivalric, gives the member the capacity to affiliate themselves with existing organizations thriving in
different culture and locations.
An Order, thus created, becomes a correctly established and continuing authority in its own right

III. Purpose
To raise funds and coordinate instructions with existing affiliates and members widening the faculties
and capacity of the organization. Said function and procedure is currently delegated and entrusted to
members residing outside of Asia and Africa. Bachelors and students enrolled in colleges and
universities providing community service and humanitarian tasks are well suited for the said
assignment. All actions must be deemed lawful, and discreet. Individuals who have their own families
or elders are suited for the task of giving advice or acting as mediators or auxiliaries to the newly
initiated members which normally are virtual and covert. Said tasks of giving advice and support are
done in a scheduled and timely manner, not disturbing or hindering the personal lives or working
capacity of the elders or members who have families. Established organizations functioning wholly,
and lawfully outside the continents of Asia and Africa can support the members and affiliates within
the Asian community through financial means which could be tangible or intangible by nature.
IV. Mission Statement
*To provide constant and spontaneous support and assistance which could be moral, financial,
material or spiritual by nature to the members, families, and affiliates residing in the continents of
Asia and Africa, till the fulfilled time wherein said individuals or organizations can function or work
properly, independently which is recognized at an international level.
*Further upgrade, and improvement to existing tasks and goals once the output for the previously
stated objective and purpose is achieve.
*To create alliance and brotherhood which could produce the maximum result.
*To harness the value of safety, security, peace and stability among the established communities
where programs for protecting the members and organizations has been done
*To work objectively, that will encourage young individuals and teenagers, to be members
themselves. Establishing history that would be honored and recognized by individuals and people at
an international level

Disclaimer and addendum: All details and information stated in this document are subject for further
editing, improvement and upgrade once the said objectives and intentions have been accomplished
which includes each and individual members, families and affiliates.
“New Members/Affiliates ought to read the message stated in the “Welcome Ceremony” which could
be located at the next page.”
Welcome Ceremony

Today/tonight, we open this ritual and ceremony in harnessing the powers and abilities of our
With passionate and cordial greetings, we humbly accept and understand the individuals who will
participate and partake with our group.
Let us unite in a cause that is just, and honorable, while celebrating the gifts and blessings that life has
given us.
May this open a path for wealth, success and fortune to those who will/have become a part of our
Let members increase their worth and value that people around them would respect them.
Protect the brotherhood, the alliance and those that are oppressed.
Be a person of merit and integrity that we would be lawful or professionals in whatever that we may
Let us preserve and protect the value of security, safety and life.
Defend against those who threaten the safety of our families, and colleagues.
With humility and respect, may we all advance and aid our comrades.
We in the Sovereign Order of Meterion Society do hereby acknowledges the reader in taking part with
the fraternity and upholding the creed and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.

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