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"Role of the Advertisement
Effectiveness Among the youth"
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree



Under Guidance of : Submitted by :

Ms. Jyoti Neha Chaturvedi

Faculty MBA IVth Sem.
Roll. No. 0506770038


During the entire covering of project work I have received

endless help from my all teachers who encouraging me for
developing ideas and supporting me in each and every step for
completing the whole project.

I am greatly thankful to my project guide Ms. Jyoti, Sr.

Lecturer, for assigning an innovative project that developed a feeling
of fully practical work.

I owe my humble gratitude to all those treasures of

knowledge that are equally responsible for the successful completion
of this task.


I Neha Chaturvedi student of MBA here by declare that the project entitled

“Role of the Advertisement Effectiveness Among the ”youth

is based on

my original research work and my indebtness of the record and the executive of

staff of the marketing department of the company daily acknowledgement. The

result that a published are purely for academic purpose only.

Neha Chaturvedi

Date :

Place :


1. Chapter One

 Objectives of Research

2. Chapter Two

 Introduction about Advertising

o Types of Advertising
o Techniques of Advertising
o Merits and Demerits
o Six Types of Advertising and How To Use Them
o Advertising Themes & Appeals
o Advertising Effectiveness of Media

3. Chapter Three

 Research Methodology

4. Chapter Four

 Graphical Representations

5. Chapter Five

 Findings
 Recommendations
 Limitations

6. Chapter Six

 Bibliography
 Questionnaire

Objectives Of The Study

To know about the advertising

To study about the media which advertisement is effective?

Identifying the impact on the sales and marketing strategies of companies

or organization due to advertising.

Identifying the new trends arising in the advertising in 21st century.


Advertising is a new view of communication as an interactive dialogue

between the company and its customers that takes place during the pre-
selling and selling. Advertising is any paid form of non-personal
presentation and presentation of ideas, goods and services by an identified

Advertisements are a cost effective way to disseminate message, whether

to build brand preference or to educate people. The real aim of advertising
is effective communication between marketer and consumers.

Advertising Effectiveness: The communicator or company develop

effective message ideally, the message should gain attention, hold interest
and elicit action (A-I-D-A) model.

Advertising Media: It plays an important role to provide the effective

communication between the marketer and the consumer. Advertising
media is a vehicle carries and the advertisers message to the targeted
customers. In advertising the term media refers to communication vehicles
such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards, direct mail,
and the Internet. Advertisers use media to convey commercial messages
to their target audiences, and the media depend to different degrees on
advertising revenues to cover the cost of their operations. In 2001, U.S.
advertising expenditure in media was estimated at $233.7 billon, of which
television accounted for 22.5 percent, direct mail 19.8 percent,
newspapers 19.3 percent, radio 7.7 percent, yellow pages 5.8 percent,
magazines 4.7 percent and the Internet 1.8 percent, with other media
accounting for the remainder.
The media are usually classified into either mass or niche media.
Newspapers, magazines, television and radio are considered mass media
because they deliver messages to a widespread, anonymous audience.
There were 1,483 daily U.S. newspapers in 2000, with total circulation of
47.2 million on weekdays and 59.9 million on Sundays. In September
2001, the five largest U.S. newspapers were USA Today, The Wall Street
Journal, The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and The
Washington Post. There were 3,188 consumer and farm magazines, with
paid circulation of 399 million. In the beginning of 2000, there were 1,248
commercial television stations and 10,220 commercial radio stations in the
U.S. The wide coverage of the mass media makes them ideal vehicles for
advertisers who need to reach a large audience.

Advertising media such as cable television and direct mail are often viewed
as “niche” media because they reach a narrowly defined audience with
unique demographic characteristics or special interests. With 54 or more
cable channels available in 62.1 percent of U.S. wired cable subscriber
households in 2000, for example, audiences can tune in to CNN for
continuous coverage of events around the world, to Home & Garden TV for
information on home improvement, or to Cartoon Network for children's
programming. Direct mail, the second largest advertising medium in the
U.S. in 2001, offers more flexibility in terms of precision targeting and
content customization. Direct mail can be used to reach almost every
consumer with personalized messages.

Advertising : The word advertising originates from a Latin word advertise,

which means to turn to. The dictionary meaning of the term is “to give
public notice or to announce publicly”. Advertising may be defined as the
process of buying sponsor-identified media space or time in order to
promote a product or an idea. It is perhaps the most visible of the entire
element in the promotion mix, and is, therefore, subject of much criticism
from consumer groups. It is also subject to government regulation.

The American Marketing Association, Chicago, has defined

advertising as “any paid from of non-personal presentation or
promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor”.

An analysis of each element of this American definition follows:

Any Form: Advertising may be in any form of presentation. It may be a

sign, a symbol, an illustration, an ad message in a magazine or
newspaper, a commercial on the or the television, a circular dispatched
through the mail or a pamphlet handed out at street corner; a sketch or a
message on a billboard or a poster or a banner on the Net. Any form of
presentation, which an advertiser imagines will fulfill the requirements of an
ad, can be employed.

Non Personal: This phrase excludes any form of personal selling, which
is usually done on a person-to-person or a people-to-people basic. If it is a
person-to-person presentation, it is not advertising.

Goods, services, ideas for action: It is well known that advertisements

are employed to communicate information about products and services.
Advertising is necessary for companies to send out information about
products that would cost consumers too much to seek out on their own.

What Advertising is: Advertisement is a mass communication of

information intended to persuade buyers to buy product with a view to
maximizing a company’s profits. The elements of this advertising are:

1) It is a mass communication reaching a large group of consumer.

2) It makes mass production possible.
3) It is non-personal communication, for it is delivered by an actual
person, nor is it addressed to a specific person.
4) It is commercial communication because it is used to help assure
the advertiser of a long business life with profitable sales.

5) The communication is speedy, permitting an advertiser to speak to
millions of buyers in a matter of a few hours.
6) Advertising is identified communication. The advertiser signs his
name to this advertisement for the purpose of publicizing his

Advertising is impersonal and is addressed to groups. An identified

sponsor pays for advertising. Each advertising message indicates who the
sponsor is. Further, this means of promotion is paid for. Unlike publicity, it
is not free. Advertising is a mean of reaching groups.

Advertising is only one element of the promotion mix, but it often takes
special prominence in the overall marketing mix design. Because of tis
high visibility and pervasiveness, it is an important social and economic
topic in Indian society.

Main Ideas in the definition:

i) First, advertising is a paid form and hence is commercial in nature.

Publicity is not paid for by the sponsor. Advertising is a paid
form of publicity. Thus, any sponsored communication
designed to influence buyer behaviour is advertising.
ii) Second, advertising is non-personal. Whatever the form of
advertisement (visual, spoken or written), it is directed at a
mass audience, and not directly at the individual, as in
personal selling.
iii) Third, advertisements are identifiable with their sponsoring authority,
which is not always the case with publicity.

In other words the simplest definition of advertisement is that is a ‘public

announcement’. In earlier times, to ‘advertise’ meant merely to announce
or to inform. Some advertisements today still do just that: Provide
information about ‘birth’ ‘deaths’, engagements, with little or no intention to
persuade. The majority of classified advertisement provides useful
information about jobs, accommodation, sales of secondhand vehicles and
furniture, etc. Matrimonial advertisements recruitment advertisements, and
tenders notices and similar types of public announcements also provide
the public with valuable information, which would otherwise be difficult to
obtain easily. The earliest advertisements in the first English newspapers
published in India in the eighteenth century were little more than ‘public
announcements’ about the arrival of ships and merchandise from abroad.

Basilically, then, an advertisements is an announcement to the public of a

product, service or idea through a medium to which the public has access.
The medium may be print (such as newspapers, posters, banners, and
hoardings), electronic (radio, television, video, cable, phone, internet) or
any other. An advertisement is usually paid for by an advertiser at rates
fixed or negotiated with the media.

Types of Advertising

Several categories of organization are large users of advertising, most

important among them being the manufacturing, trading and service films,
non-profit institution and the government agencies. Advertising can also
be classified according to types. The principle means of classification are:
(a) by geographical spread, such as national, regional and local (b) by
target group, such as (i) primary demand or selective demand advertising,
(ii) direct or indirect action advertising and (iii) institutional advertising.

It is conceptually more interesting and analytically more important to

classify advertising. The basic or classification, however, can be divers, as
will be evident from below:


Target Group Influence

Institutional or
Direct or Indirect
1) Geographical Spread

On the basic of geographical spread, advertising can be classified
as a) national b) local and c) global

a) National Advertising: Some manufactures may think that

their target is the entire country. They select media with a
countrywide base. Generally large, established firms belong
to this category. Among them are Hinustan Lever, Brooke
Bond, Larson and Turbo, Escorts, Associated Cement
Companies and the like.
b) Local Advertising: Small firms may like to restrict their
business to state or regional level. Some firms first localize
their marketing efforts and once success has been achieved,
they spread out to wider horizons.
2) Target Group

On the basis target groups aimed at, advertising can be classified as

(a) consumer advertising (b) industrial advertising (c) trade
advertising (d) professional advertising

(a) Consumer Advertising: A very substantial portion

of total advertising is directed to buyers of consumer
products who purchase them either for their own use
or for their household’s.
(b) Industrial Advertising: Industrial advertising on the
other hand refers to those advertisements, which are
issued by the manufacturers / distributors to the
buyers of industrial products.
(c) Trade Advertising: Advertisements which are
directed by the manufactures to the distribution

channel members, such as whole sellers or retailers
are called the trade advertising.
(d) Professional Advertising: There are certain
product for which the consumers themselves are not
responsible for the buying choice. The classic
examples are pharmaceuticals where the decision is
the made by the doctors while the consumers are
the patients.

Techniques of Advertising

In the world of excessive competition, advertising has become an

indispensable means of reaching the consumer. The Marketers tries out
new innovative ways to communicate with the consumer. This is because
the advertising industry adopted Bernad Smith’s definition of experiential
marketing where “consumers could sense, feel, think and act and relate to
the product of service advertised”.

Some of the techniques to lure the customers are given as follows:

Value Added Advertising: In addition to providing information about the

product, Value Added Advertising transforms a product into something
more appealing to consumers than the physical object produced in the
factors. The three types of Value added Advertisings are:

a) Interactional Advertising

The purpose of Interactional advertising is that interaction cements

the company’s relationship with the customers, adding to the latter’s
sense of receiving value added benefits by offering emotional add-

 The first commercial announced the launch of a new detergent

brand, accompanied by shots of unbranded cartons and asked
viewers to write to an anonymous post-office box numbers for
a free sample.
 In the second commercial, the company introduced money-
bak offer for the dissatisfied customers (now the product is
revealed as Surf Excel).
 The third commercial went on to depict the feedback from
real-life users, who declared their delight with Surf Excel.

b) Transformational Advertising

The fundamental objective of transformational advertising is to weld

the experience and the brand so that the value from the former is
transferred to the latter in the customer’s mental map.

 Titan watches provide the value of the job of giving a gift.

 The real value of eating Cadbury’s chocolates today lies in
experiencing the “the real taste of life”. The objective was
targeted to the adult buyer rather than the children.
 Surf Excel, India’s largest-selling compact detergent powder,
in its new modification, promises to tackle the roughest strain
without damaging the color of the fabric.
 The NIKE advertisement starting Michael Jordan is another
example of Transformational Advertising. Michael Jorden is
considered to be an extraordinary athlete and is shown
warning NIKE shoes. The qualities that he represents, namely
greatness and professionalism, are transferred to the shoes.
 The Ceat tyre commercial on television portrays the tyre to be
“Born Tough!”. Here the innate qualities of a rock (solid,
unbreakable) are transferred to the Ceat tyres.
c) Emotional Advertising

When the value delivered by the people is tangible, the real

differentiator lies in the emotional condition it generates in the
customer’s mind. But it is hard to judge if an emotional ad is

working, because emotions are internal and personal things that
people will not express immediately.

The advertising featured scary, black and white image and the
apprehension of the wife. A series of shots depicting a middle-aged man
being rushed to the hospital and wheeled into the operating room after he
has had attack while his panic-stricken wife waits fearful, drove home the
message, “There are many things in your husband’s life that you cannot
control; Saffola: It’s your life insurance”. This advertisement struck up an
immediate association with safety and relief.

Comparative Advertising: This advertisement of Pepsi and Sprite

showing the two products competing with each other. The Pepsi ad shows
a boy on a roller-coaster enjoying Pepsi, which is not spilling off from the
glass. Afterwards, when a girl comes to ask him the time, the boy looks at
his wristwatch with the glass in the same hand. The result is that Pepsi is
spilled over the boy’s shirts. And the slogan appears “Be Cool”. The
Facts, which is revealed to the consumer in the advertisement, is that no
matter in whatsoever uncomfortable or difficult situation you are, always
keep your head cool and you will achieve your targets. On the other hand,
the Sprite advertisement is the same, except that when the girl comes to
ask the time, the boy (in his good sense) first takes the glass in the other
hand and then sees the time. This result in no spilling of the Sprite on the
boy’s shirt. The punch line appears “Be Cool, Don’t be a Fool”. This
advertisement is a counter advertisement spooling the Pepsi ad.

Another kind of comparative advertisement was taken out by Thumps-up

against Pepsi. During the World Cup Cricket Tournament held in India,
Pepsi was nominated as the official sponsor. Therefore, they showed

cricketers Mohammed Azharuddin and Ajay Jadeja in the advertising
drinking Pepsi during sleeping, eating and playing. The punch line
appeared “Drink Pepsi, Eat Pepsi, Sleep Pepsi”. In the counter
advertisement Thums-up showed two monkeys eating bananas and
sleeping with the cricket bat. The punch line appeared “Don’t be a bunder,
taste the thunder”.

On account of this competitiveness of the companies in the market, a lot of

money is spent on advertising their products, aiming to prove the
superiority of one brand over the other.

Informative Advertising: Advertising is also done based on information

that has to be provided to the consumer regarding the products. This is
known as Informative Advertising.

 Safal Frozen vegetables, which inform the consumer s that

certain vegetable like carrot, cauliflower, pea, ladyfinger etc.
which are available only in a particular season, are now
available all through the year.
 Triveni Consumer Products has launched Click, a ready-to-
use moist tobacco pouch placed between the upper lip and
gum that requires no chewing or spiting but tastes of tobacco.
 Another kind of Informative Advertising projects Hindustan
Lever Limited’s Fair & Lovely Dark circle Remover Cream,
which eliminates dark circles under the eye.

Health and Hygiene Advertising: Consumers are getting very much

fitness conscious and the advertising agencies are keeping this factor into
consideration when making an advertisement. Many new products have
entered the market.

 Dove Soap is shown for women belonging to upper-middle class

and upper class families. The price of the products is also very
high, thereby catering to this segment only. It is an advertisement,
which shows a woman narrating about the problem of her dry skin,
and how, by using this soaps, has overcome this problem resulting
in the boosting up of self-confidence and admiration from other
people for her beautiful skin.
 Pantene shampoo showed that in just 14 days, a person’s hair
would become longer and stronger. This advertisement also
showed the use of some chemical compound, thereby also
indicating that medicinally this product of very good use.
 For the nutri-conscious consumer, the emerging trend in advertising
is that food is also now being branded and advertised. Ahaat
Daliya ( porridge) and Kissan Annapurna Atta (wheat flour) are a
few examples.

Life Style Advertising: Another way to have an impact on the

consumer’s mind is portraying the life-style of a successful person.

 Kingfisher Beer is a brand of liquor, which portrays a mood of

celebrate victory. The West Indies Cricket Team endorsed this
brand, which was considered the best in this game.
 Film Star Akshay Kumar portrayed a macho-man image in Red and
White cigarettes where he rescued a girl falling from the ropeway.

Humorous Advertising: Humor in the advertisement is normally kept in
order to create a light, jovial and lively kind of an atmosphere around the
customer‘s mind. This is done because after a hard day’s work, the
normal tendency of human beings is to relax. An emotional or an
informative kind of an advertisement would be too stressful for a person to

 The Amul Butter advertisement, has a small girl performing a comic

role and the punch line as “Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul”. The
advertisement portrays the small girl to be very fond of Amul Butter.
 Another comic advertisement is that of Parle G’s Krackjack, 50-50
biscuits. This advertisement ha Mack and Jack, two characters
resembling Laurel & Hardy, the famous comic characters.
 Maggi’s Tomato Ketchup advertising portrays the boss played by
Ajeet, the Lion, the famous movie villain and his assistant Michael.
They try to cut many jokes wherein Ajeet is only interested in Maggi
Tomato Ketchup and nothing else.

Demographic Advertising: Another kind of advertisement normally

shown is based on demographic segmentation. Based on age, sex, etc.,
the advertisements are made for different kinds of products.

 Farex Cereal Food for infants is an advertisement targeted directly

towards the infants, as it comprises a healthy food for them. It is
also targeted indirectly towards the mother.
 Similarly, the cosmetic field is largely catering to the women
segment, e.g. Lakme, Elle18, Revlon, L’Oreal, etc. Due to the
television reaching all parts of the country, the advertising on the
cosmetics is also paying well to the manufactures.
 Similarly, in the chocolate segment, advertising plays a very
important role. The emerging trend in advertising the chocolate
segment has been pioneered by Cadbury.

Packaging Advertising: Advertising is trying to lure the customers to buy

their products on the basis of the way they are brought in front of the
consumer’s eyes etc. i.e. packaging.

 Dabur has brought in different flavor in the market fruit juice. E.g.
Mango, Pineapple, Orange, Mixed Fruit etc. All these are in
different packages i.e. 500 ml, 1000 ml, etc.
 Similarly, as more and more women are working. Dabur has come
out with “Dabur Homemade”.
 Godrej and Kissan’s Tomato Puree has hit the market catering to
this need in mind.

Advertising of Positioning of Brands

Products are also advertised on the basis of cent-per cent positioning.

 Reckitt & Coleman own Dettol Soap. Dettol’s “100% bath” implies a
“germ-free bath”.
 Tortoise Mosquito Coil used fun positioning for a long time, because
the product is seen as somewhat harmful to breathing.

Therefore, we can say that:

Firstly, to claim to be “100% strong”, “100% safe” or even “100% product”,
the product should be superlative; otherwise the positioning cannot be
sustained in the long run.

Price Advertising: Marketers also lure the customers by showing in an

advertisement that a product is available at a lesser price without any
compromise on the standard. It adheres to Karsanbhai Khodidas Patel’s
(of Nirma company) credo – “sell high value products at the lowest
possible price”.

 Cadbury India advertised the 5-Star chocolate by offering 30% more

chocolate in its 5-Star bar for the same price.
 Another example of price advertising is of the Rs. 5, 200 ml bottle of
Coca-cola came out with the Rs. 5 bottles as firstly, people very
frequently, without even giving a thought to the disposable money
on hand, which could lead to greater consumption of the product.
 Cadbury’s Chocki is a liquid chocolate packed in plastic pipes. It is
priced at Rs. 2 per unit of the product.

Celebrity Advertising: Another trend, which has made its remarkable
presence felt in advertising, as the awareness model or famous
personalities or celebrities in their respective fields. They are much used
in advertisement either to lure the rural people in buying a particular
product or in forcing to buy such products, which are endorsed by the
celebrities. This is also called endorsement advertising. It is also used in
portraying that a particular product is best in quality because a person
which also very well known in his/her field endorses it. The impact of
these stars in advertisement, which the company to increase the sale.

 Saif Ali Khan and Shahrukh Khan (two famous actors of Indian
Cinema) showing a product Clinic All Clear Shampoo with the
punch line Dho Dala (i.e. washed out). They have left their
counterparts far behind in the film industry, likewise, this
shampoo also the best in quality and is way ahead of the other
brands of shampoo.
 Srivedi (the famous Indian Actress) endorsed Agni Tea where
she portray a character of a woman who is very strong in the
role of a police inspector and at the same time is very much
attached to her family. Here, this advertising depicted that, as
Sridevi is very strong as a police inspector, similarly, the tea is
also very strong which gives lot of energy and freshness.
 Sachin Tendulkar endorses Boost Nutritious Milk flavor. It is a
competitor of Cadbury’s Bournvita. The advertisement shows
that after drinking Boost, Sachin Tendular plays very good
cricket and then comes the punch line: “Boost is the secret of
my energy”. The advertisement is mainly aimed at young boys

who are aspiring to become like Sachin Tendulkar and lead
India to glory.
 According to Arun Adhikary, Executive Director, HLL, there are
two fundamental reasons for using stars in LUX advertising.
Firstly, the icons of beauty and glamour were chosen to
represent the brand, such that, the massage conveyed was of
smoother and beauty star of Raveena Tandon, Karishma
Kapoor etc. Secondly, it provided escape as well as the
women from their daily routine. This was done by the “feel
different, look good” factor.

Therefore, we can say that, celebrity advertising focuses on the market

image which has been treated by the celebrities for their products and not
on the ingredients or the measure the product. E.g. Pepsi and Coke have
created many intangible benefits for its product by advertisement with film
stars. Children and Adults want to consume their products to feel some
personality with film stars.

Non-Commercial Advertising: Earlier, television had not made inroads

into the rural areas of our country. More percentage of the rural viewers
has access to television.

Nowadays, the pulse polio advertisements are also being made attractive
by soliciting the services of film star Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan
and Aishwarya Rai in educating the people to give polio drops to infants.
They try to drive home the message that the oral polio vaccines are
perfectly safe and necessary. And it is just a matter of two drops, through

which the parents can make the life of their child secure. According to Dr.
Kanchan Prateek, the government also makes sure that all the concerned
parents do not find any problem in getting leave to those days, no matter
whichever organization they are working for, because of all these things
the infant mortality rate has gone down dramatically.

Sale Aspect of Advertising: Apart from that on the consumer behaviour,

advertising has an important impact on the sale of the product.

Firstly, the sale of a product will depend on the number of units sold.

 The advertisement of Boomer chewing gums, which targets the

children, has become very famous and so is this product. In this
advertisement, children are seen playing and then suddenly they hit
a shot in which the football is about to break the glass of a window in
the neighborhood. The advertising then shows a character, which is
similar to Batman or Superman who is elongated and goes right up
until the height or the rising football and then gathers it with his
spreading hands.
 The general tendency of children is that they do not like to eat the
normal kind of food prepared in their house. Secondly, they cannot
wait for long if the food is not cooked, once they are hungry. This
attitude of a child was captured by Nestle and they came up with
Maggi Noodles.

Secondly, the sale of a product will depend on demand creation for a

product. The demand creation of a product is well highlighted by the

 The advertisement of Sunsilk Shampoo shown by HLL portrays that
the shampoo contains essential oils from flower extracts and Vitamin
E, which would deeply penetrate each hair stand and moisturize the
dry hair right to its tip.
 Firstly, this advertisement suggests that shampoos should be used
according to the condition or type of hair that a person has i.e. hair is
classified into dry, normal and oily groups.

Merits of Advertising

Some are the important merits of advertising:-

It instills self-confidence and initiative.

It maintains the existing market and explores new.

It acts as a driving force in decision-making.

It increases and stabilizes the sales turnover.

It controls product prices.

It ensures better quality products at reasonable prices.

It creates a colorful background.

It lightens his burden of job.

It saves good idle time.

It uplifts the living standards.

It provides new horizons of knowledge.

It makes possible retail price maintenance.

Demerits of Advertising

Some are the demerits of advertising:-

Insufficient manufacturers stay in business.

Product proliferation.

Barriers to entry.

Does not create new demand.

Mis-representation of facts.

Wastage of national resources.

Injurious to health.

Morally degrading.

Six Types of Advertising And How To Use Them

Mistakes in advertising can be costly to small business. For this reason

many business decide either not to advertise at all or to be very
conservative with their ads. However, using the right "type" of advertising,
with the right message, can cut the cost of advertising by making it more

Not every business will use all six types of advertising. Which type you use
will depend on what your message is and the end result you wish to

The six types of advertising are:

Company Image: Which is more important, the company or its products

or individuals? In a small town or market, this can be a very important
question. For example, your insurance agent might be a personal friend.
You will buy your insurance from him/her regardless of the company they
represent. In another example, you may purchase a lot of goods at your
local Wal-Mart, instead of local merchants, because of their low-price
advertising message.

If you are a new company you may want to begin by establishing the
company name first and the products and services later. This also works
for company name changes. In the 1980's I worked with a video chain in
San Diego, California called Video Library. Our advertising strategy was to
promote the company name rather than promote the movies we rented.
We placed small box ads (about 1.05"x 1.5") throughout the San Diego
daily paper that simply said, "Video Library - xx Locations" We started in

1980 with four stores and by 1985 we had 43. Video Library was the most
recognized name in video in San Diego at that time.

Name Brands: If there is one company in operation today that

understands the importance of brand names, it has to be Procter and
Gamble®. Tide® laundry detergent is far and away a number one best
seller and has been for several years. When the dishwasher appeared on
the scene they could have very easily created "Tide For Dishes."
Capitalizing on a winning product name. But as we all know, that thinking
doesn't work.

Instead of using the established name "Tide®", they created a new name
that became just as strong in dish washing, "Cascade®." Ivory Soap®.
When you hear the name alone, you know the product. Kraft®, on the
other hand, has a bunch of products, but only one true winner.
Philadelphia Cream Cheese® has about 70% of that market. Also notice,
the Kraft name is hardly noticeable on the package. Their Velvetta® brand
of cheese might be another winner. Kraft makes jams and jellies,
Smuckers is number one. Kraft makes their own brand of mayonnaise, but
Hellman's® is number one. Are you starting to get the picture? Kraft also
makes another successful brand name, "Miracle Whip®."

A brand name creates a perception in the customers mind that becomes

very strong. It's that strong perception every advertiser strives for. Would
you buy Pennzoil® Cake Mix? Why not? They're a good company aren't

Do you see how ridiculous that sounds? It flies in the face of our
perception of Pennzoil® as an oil product. It's dramatically out of place as
a cake mix. There is nothing stronger than a good brand name. If you
develop one, put is everywhere you can afford to.

Advertising A Service Instead Of A Product: Advertising services is

one of the most difficult type of advertising. You don't have a tangible
product you can put in someone's hand. They can't touch it, feel it, see it or
smell it. It must often be explained as well as demonstrated.

One of the best examples of service advertising is carpet cleaners. They

come in, run some machinery over your carpets and leave. Nothing
tangible is left behind. Except clean carpets.

Service advertising is most often emotional advertising. Carpet cleaners

don't sell clean carpets. They sell health to the infant crawling on the floor.
They sell pride that people can visit a beautiful clean home.

Business To Business Advertising: Many businesses never have the

need to deal with the public at all. For these businesses, advertising in the
newspaper, radio or TV would be a waste of time and money. You will find
these companies using direct mail or placing ads in trade magazines.

For a complete listing of trade magazines ask for the "Encyclopedia or

Periodicals" at your local library. Also ask to see the "Standard Rates and
Data Service" directory. These will have listings and rates of trade and
industry publications you can advertise in.
Co-Op Advertising: Co-Op advertising in one of the best ways for the
small business owner to get the message out. In this type of advertising
the manufacturer absorbs a portion of the cost and can also supply all the
artwork for the ads.

Their are some pitfalls to be careful of when dealing with co-op advertising.
Every company wants their business portrayed in the best possible light.
To that end, they will be very strict about how and where you place your
advertising. Before the ok the co-op money, they will want to approve all
ad copy, pictures, size, placement and use of logos. If you place an ad
without approval you run the risk of violating one of the guidelines and
absorbing the entire cost of the ad.

The media you choose will want payment for the ad within a month at the
most. You may not receive your co-op money for several months. Make
sure you get reimbursement procedures in writing and can live with them.

An alternative to teaming up with a manufacturer is to team up with

another local business. You can share production costs for brochures or
other printed materials and put each others coupons in your respective
businesses. Pizza parlors and video stores are naturals to work together.

Public Service Advertising (PSA's): If your company can sponsor a

charity event, PSA's are a great way to promote your company in a
positive light. Most media are required by licensing agreements to provide
a certain amount of time or space for the good of their local communities.

Some of the downsides of PSA's. Don't expect to see your ad on "er" or
some other prime time show. PSA's are often placed in off times. I don't
want to paint everyone with a broad brush here. Some media are better
than others. Just because you request a PSA, doesn't mean you'll get it.
Media has a limited amount of space or time for PSA's.

You might get a break if you are currently advertising in the media of
choice. It might also help if your organization buys a small amount of time
or space to run with your PSA's.

Advertising Themes & Appeals

Advertising Themes

The advertisement is built around a core idea; for instance Liril soap
advertising is built around the freshness concept. This central or core
ideas runs through the whole copy. The core idea is thus the theme of
advertisement. The theme is a specific appeal and is an important unit of
content analysis. Several attempts have been made to classify the
advertising themes for different product groups.

Utilitarian Theme: The major emphasis was on the usefulness of the

product. Pepsi is a utilitarian theme.

Focused Theme: This theme is directed to a specific segment of the

market. Jhonson directs all the messages of its baby products to mothers
who love and care for their babies.

Informative theme: The theme basically informs about the product. All of
you must have seen the informative themes of a ad copies of no-frost
fridges and micro-wave oven these days.

Non-specific theme: This theme is vague and diffused. An advertisement

of Rayon states: practical people wear it, busy people ride on it, industries
depends on it and smart people bank on it.

Achievement – orientation theme: The advertiser announces the

achievements to its credit like export earning, export awards for
excellence, awards for productivity, any form of acclaims. The ad copy

goes beyond the product features. Philips recently announced that it is the
company that gave the world the picture tube.

Descriptive and projective theme: It is an amalgam or combination of

information and achievement themes. The message is built around the
advertiser product/service and projects an image/achievement of the
advertiser. Telco is thus a movement.

New product, service, scheme or idea: The new product launches exploit
these themes, e.g., launch of an anti-ulcer product like Ranitedence or
credit cards.

Identification of theme: Each advertisement is thus around a primary

theme but may also have a secondary or perhaps even a tertiary theme.

The advertising themes are based on our knowledge of the market. The
target audience, the product features, and the types of appeals, which
motivate to target audience.

Advertising Appeals

In advertisements various appeals are uses by the advertiser. These

appeals are a way of communication between product & user. These
advertising appeals have impact of consumer. These appeals are various
types. Most common advertising appeals are following:

Emotional Appeal: In this type of appeal advertiser creates emotional

feelings in consumer by arising fear, threat etc. In this appeal advertiser
touch the unconscious mind of consumer. After the acts consumer may
facts some emotions towards product.

Rational Appeal: Rational Appeals are used at broad base. These

appeals tell about the features & uses of the product to the consumer. Why
this product is better than other. This information also released in rational


Advertising games companies’ play

Advertising strategies are as important to a company as its sales and

marketing strategies. In fact, advertising complements and support strong
sales and the marketing plan of a company.

Advertising should not be done just for the sake of advertising. A company
has to first understanding its real need for advertising. There are lots of
differences in the need for advertising by a public sector company, a
private sector company and foreign multinational. Each has its own niche
in the industrial world and different clienteles it caters to. Hence
advertising, perforce, is dictated by its inherent need and the clientele
whose attention is wants to grab.

High-pressure advertising is a sustained campaign by a company to

preserve its product identify and image and boost its sales, apart from
consolidating on its value of its customers. This route is often adopted by
the fast-moving consumer goods sector. A host of products come under
this category. They range from items of common daily consumption to
more luxurious goods. The most classic example of high-pressure
advertising is the one practiced by the mobile industry. AIRTEL and TATA
INDICOM mobile companies have huge budgets, and they chose the most
expensive medium: television and ad films. They spend millions of dollars
to push their products through celebrity endorsement. There are stories
doing the rounds in the advertising circle as to how Bollywood film heroes
Shahrukh Khan and Ajay Devgan got crores of rupees for their part in
these endorsements.
First, through marketing strategies, they ought to edge out their rivals and
once that task accomplished, they need to reinforce their products’ image.
Not just advertising but sponsorship of events also lends a varied image to
the product and the company that sells it.

The four major players – Maruti Suzuki, Ford, Hyundai and mItsubishi –
are always seen. Today, advertising is a very important medium for these
companies to tom-tom their virtues and excellence over their rivals. If
Ambassador and Fiat had shrinking volumes because bigger players with
fancy cars entered the market, Maruti, too, was hit by the liberalization
process and lost its virtual monopoly in the small car segment. The
solution: it needs to do aggressive advertising.

In advertising the cost and objective often have to marry well. Then you
have a powerful and well laid-out strategy. For FMCG companies like
Hundustan Lever, Proctor and Gamble, Samsung, LG, Godren or Philips,
advertising is a backbone supplementing their aggressive marketing
strategies. Again we have the auto-majors like Ford, Hyundai, GM an
Maruti indulging in aggressive marketing and advertising strategies to
corner a big chunk of the market pie of the products.

Big players have their pockets deeply lined and can afford the high cost of
sustained advertising. Small players cannot. So choosing the medium of
advertising becomes important. Print media, TV and ad films for the big
fish. But there are no hard-and-fast rules. Companies are looking at
newer options for advertising, as costs are constantly escalating for the
most popular forms of advertising.

Adopting traffic islands, putting up placards and neon-lighted boards on

flyovers are some of the cheaper options, which can give long terms value
to an advertisement. The best long-term value to an ad is airport
advertising. It’s expensive but its there everyday for anyone to see and it
reaches out a target audience. All those who use that product fly for
business and get to see the ad.

In the final analysis, advertising strategies are essentially governed by the

companies’ ability to sustain a campaign and the need the same. The
company understands this best gets the best value from advertising, by
choosing the right medium and can save on costs.

Advertising Effectiveness of Media (Conventional / Internet)

To communicate any message to the consumer marketers has to select

the media (conventional / Internet).

An advertising media is the vehicle used to carry the advertising message

from the sender to the receiver. While choosing or to float any message
on media three important concept should be taken in to consideration:

a) Reach
b) Frequency
c) Continuity

Reach: Reach refers to the total number of households that will be

exposed to the message through a particular media vehicle over a set
period of time or it is measure of the number of different audience
members exposed to at least once to a media vehicle in a given area of
coverage. Reach is usually expressed as a percentage of total number of
households in a prescribed area that have been exposed to the advertising
message. The purpose of reach is optimal exposure. The idea behind the
strategy of greater reach is that the advertisement be received by as many
people as possible at the first instance. New brands or products need a
very high level of reach since the objectives is top make all potential
buyers aware of the new entry. High reach is also desired at later stage of
the product life cycle.

Frequency: Frequency refers to the number of times the receiver is

exposed to the media vehicle, or refers to the number of exposures to the
same message that each household supposedly receives. Since the

frequency may differ for different set of households the average frequency

Average frequency = total exposure for all household / reach

Average frequency means that the average households is exposed to the

message … times.

Frequency primarily means repetition of the same message and the

objective of greater frequency is to promote interest and desire for the
product on a continuous basis.

Factors important in determining frequency levels

a. Media Factors
b. Marketing Factors
c. Message or Creative Factors

Media Factors: It includes:

a) Attentiveness: The higher level of attention achieved by the

media vehicle, the less frequency is required. Low attention getting media
will require more repetitions.

b) Numbers of Media Used: The fewer media are used, the lower
the level of frequency required.

c) Clutter: The more advertising that appears in the media used,

the more frequency is needed to break through the clutter.

d) Repeat Exposure: Media that allow for more repeat exposures

require less frequency.
e) Scheduling: Continuous scheduling requires less frequency or

Marketing Factors: It includes

a) Brand Loyalty: An inverse relationship exists between loyalty and

frequency. The higher the loyalty, the lower the level required.

b) Target Group: The ability of the target group to learn and to

retain messages has a direct effect on frequency.

c) Purchase Cycle: Shorter purchasing cycles requires higher

frequency levels to maintain top mind awareness.

Message Factors: It includes

a) Image versus product Sell: Creating an image requires higher

levels of frequency than does a specific product cell.

b) Message Complexity: The simpler the message, the less

frequency required.

c) Message Variation: A single message requires less

frequency. A variety of messages requires more.

Effects of reach and frequency

1. Beyond three exposures within a brand purchase cycle or over a

period of four or even eight weeks, increasing frequency to build

advertising effectiveness at a decreasing rate but with no
evidence of decline.
2. Although there are general principles with respect of frequency of
exposure and its relationship to advertising effectiveness,
differential effects by brand are equally important.
3. Since one exposure is usually in effective, the central goal of
productive media planning should be to enhance the frequency
rather than reach.
4. One exposure of an ad to a target group within a purchase cycle
has little or no effect in more circumstances.
5. The data strongly suggest that an exposure frequency of two
within a purchase cycle is an effective level.

Continuity: As the impact of an advertisement reduces after a certain

period of time so it is important that the advertisement is to be repeated
after a certain period of time to make an impact. When a consumer
continued to view or hear about the product or the company in a positive
way, it helps to remember the product continuity has a cumulative effect of
advertising on the consumer and is dependent on the length of the time
advertisement runs.

Gross Rating Points (GRP)

The media buyer typically uses a numerical indicator (GRP) to know how
many potential audience members might be exposed to series of a

GRP = Reach x Frequency

GRP is the total audience that might be reached by media schedule.


Advanced learner
define research as “ a careful investigation or inquiry specially through
search for new facts in any branch of knowledge”

Redman and Mory define

research as a “ systematized efforts to gain new knowledge”

In today”s
world, what is the impact of advertisement on young generation
and the living standards of people.


To find out the impact of advertisement on youngsters.

To find out the role of brand personalities in moulding the behavioral pattern.

To find out the level of effectiveness while creating a brand image.

To test the effectiveness of advertisers in increasing the sales and liking of a

particular brand..


For this study I have surveyed thirty retailers of different locations.This is a

descriptive type of research study.


All the sources of data used in this study are primary source of


The method used for data collection is through direct interview

and the instrument used is a questionnaire.


Universe : All fifty advertisers of the region.

Sampling Unit : single local advertiser.

Sampling Method : Judgment sampling

Sampling size : 50

Area : local promoters and youngsters.

Graphical Representations

Q.1 Do you see advertisement?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

See the Advertisement




Q.2 Do you give full attention on the advertisement?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Give full attention on the advertsiment



Q.3 Media you are using more to see the advertisement is?

(a) Audio Media [ ] (b) Video Media [ ]

(c) Print Media [ ] (d) Internet [ ]

(e) Any Other [ ]

Any Other



Print Media

Video Media

Audio Media

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Audio Media Video Media Print Media Internet Any Other

Q.4. Which types of advertisement you prefer?

(a) Emotional [ ] (b) Comparative[ ]

(b) Transformational [ ] (d) Informative [ ]

(e)Health and Hygiene[ ] (f) Celebrity [ ]

(g) Any Other [ ]

Preference of types of advertisement



15% 13% 12%


Emotional Comparative Infomative Health & Celebrity Other

Q.5 Advertisement have been faced by you daily is ?

(a) 15 - 30 [ ] (b) 30 – 50 [ ] (c) 50 onwards [ ]

Faced Advertisement Daily



15 - 30 30 - 50 50 onwards

Q.6. Do you satisfied with the performance / quality of product which is
seen by advertisement

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Satisfied with the advertisement




Yes No

Q.7. In the break of serials / movies / cricket match, do you pay attention
of the advertisement?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

In the break, pay attention of the


80% 66%

60% 34%



Yes No

Q.8. When you are going to purchase any products, you think about the
advertisement of that particular product.

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Purchasing time, think about the



Q.9 Have you ever purchased the products which are shown in the

(a) Rarely [ ] (b) Mostly [ ]

Purchased the products which are

shown in advertisement



Rarely Mostly

Q.10. In your opinion which media of advertisement is better

(a) Conventional [ ] (b) Internet [ ]

Which Media of advertisement is




Conventional Internet


1. In the sample size of 100 consumers, 95% respondents are seen

the advertisement and 5% is not seen the advertisement

especially home dominate women.

2. 74% respondents give full attention on the advertisement and

26% respondents not give full attention especially in women.

3. Video media is using more to see the advertisement after that

print media.

4. 26% respondents said they prefer informative type of

advertisement. 24% said comparative, 19% said celebrity

advertisement and 13% emotional advertisement.

5. 15 – 30 times faced the advertisement in daily said 49%

respondents. 40% said 30 – 50 times they faced the

advertisement. 12% said they faced the advertisement above 50

in a day.

6. 62% respondents are satisfied with the performance / quality of

products/ services, which are seen by advertisement but 38%,

said they not satisfied. They said, the advertisement is not

maintained around the product.

7. When you see the movies, then give the break, the mind of

customer is not properly see the advertisement so that they

cannot pay attention of the advertisement that time.

8. The advertisement having impact of consumer mind. Mostly

respondents said when they purchasing the product, they think

about the advertisement of that particular products. If the

advertisement is effective they buy the product immediately

without any hesitation.

9. Purchasing of the product or taking services, which are shown in

the advertisement. 79% respondents are purchased or taking

services, which are shown in the advertisement.

10. Conventional media is better than Internet. Mostly housewife, old

person, small kids are not seen the advertisement of Internet.

They prefer conventional media (like Television, Newspaper,

Magazines etc.)


• In the study of research, advertisements have more impact of

consumer mind. So that the advertisement should be fair, clear.

• The advertisement is not having confusion in the mind of consumer.

Sale of the products / service depends on the advertisement.

• Advertisement companies should take care about the ads. They

dono’t criticize any community, person or others.

• Advertisement should be displayed in conventional media because

this media is better other than media.

• The timing of advertisement is taking good impact of consumer

mind, so that the advertisement companies should care of the time

of right advertisement.

• Consumers see the advertisement in 15 – 50 times (average) daily,

if the quality of advertisement is very good or excellent consumers

see the advertisement more than 50 times.


Some limitation come in the way of every. These limitations depend upon

few factors, which are not in control of performer.

This survey has some limitations. The main limitations which come in the

way to complete the survey are following:-

• The questionnaire technique is the only method, which has been


• The survey has been conducted in the Agra city, which is smaller

geographical area in respect to whole country. It may be possible

that all over India survey shows different result.

• Without any previous contact, it took some time to establish support

with the respondents & the question had to first explain clearly to


• Time limit of the researcher and respondent both.

• Only 88 respondents have been taken into consideration.

1. Websites


2. Books

 “Marketing Management” Philip Kotler

 “Research Methodology” BY C.R. Kothari

3. Magazines

 A&M, Business Today

 Business India
 Business World

4. News Papers

 The Times of India

 The Hindustan Times


Name of Respondent _____________________________ Age


Sex ________ Occupation ____________

Q.1 Do you see advertisement?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Q.2 Do you give full attention on the advertisement?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Q.3 Media you are using more to see the advertisement is?

(a) Audio Media [ ] (b) Video Media [ ]

(c) Print Media [ ] (d) Internet [ ]

(e) Any Other [ ]

Q.4. Which types of advertisement you prefer?

(a) Emotional [ ] (b) Comparative[ ]

(b) Transformational [ ] (d) Informative [ ]

(e)Health and Hygiene[ ] (f) Celebrity [ ]

(g) Any Other [ ]

Q.5 Advertisement have been faced by you daily is ?

(a) 15 - 30 [ ] (b) 30 – 50 [ ] (c) 50 onwards [ ]

Q.6. Do you satisfied with the performance / quality of product which is

seen by advertisement

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Q.7. In the break of serials / movies / cricket match, do you pay attention
in the advertisement?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Q.8. When you are going to purchase any products, you think about the
advertisement of that particular product.

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Q.9 Have you ever purchased the products which are shown in the

(a) Rarely [ ] (b) Mostly [ ]

Q.10. In your opinion which media of advertisement is better

(a) Conventional [ ] (b) Internet [ ]

********Thanks for Your Cooperation********


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