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Communicating and changing culture:

An organization cannot exist without communication because it is the main component of an

organization. Through communication the managers can share the information with their
employees of the goals and objectives that need to be achieved. On the other, hand the
organizational communication is the complex and continuous process through which the
employees create, manage and change the organizational culture. The managers should
communicate properly with the employees about the changing organizational culture, so that
the employees can understand them and easily adapt to then. (Krishnan & Wesley, 2017)
states that the initial phase in accomplishing great employee communication, at that point, is
committing the organization to making an effort to communicate with employees. This is
because the manager should give necessary information to all the employees so that the
employees have a clear idea about their duties and responsibilities at the workplace and what
they need to do to fulfill their job duties and responsibilities. This step is very important for
the new employees because communication helps the new employees to learn about their
organization’s culture and also helps them to adapt to the organization’s culture. If we take
the example of Banglalink, (Bhuiyan, November 26, 2019) said that, when any new
employee joins this organization, for a period of 3 to 4 months, they have to work with every
department so that they can communication with their supervisors, managers and colleagues
which helps them to understand the organizational culture more clearly and also helps them
to socialize in the organization, resulting in organizational socialization. (Agarwal & Garg,
2012) according to them communications in the organization has two approach formal
communication and informal communication. In formal communication the employees and
employers have to follow certain predefined channels of communication throughout the
organization. Examples of formal communication includes- business meetings,
communicating through emails etc. On the other hand, informal communications are casual
and unofficial form of communication. Examples of informal communication includes-
talking with colleagues about personal life, hanging out with colleagues after office hour etc.
(Bhuiyan, November 26, 2019) said that Banglalink also follows these two approach of
communication in their organization. They hold meetings with the employees to
communicate with them about the goals and objectives that need to be achieved and share the
organizations mission and vision with them. This helps the employees to understand the
organizations more clearly and also helps them to identify what they are supposed to do, to
achieve those goals and objectives. This also develops a sense of responsibility in the
employees and makes them more focused towards their job. The employees also
communication through emails with their supervisor, line managers, subordinate etc.
Informal communication also takes place among the colleagues and peers which helps them
to build strong interpersonal relationships among them. (Glazer,2018) in his article
mentioned that managers should talk a lot about core values and should engage in storytelling
to help the employees learn more about organizational culture. Because through stories the
employees will get to know how the past problems were solved and what should they do to
avoid those problems to be repeated in the future. This encourages employees to participate
in the organizations training, different types of business etc. which will help the employees to
enhance their knowledge and skills, and will also helps them to socialize as well.
(Bhuiyan, November 26, 2019) from his interview we got to know that in Banglalink, the
manager encourages the employees to learn more about the organizational culture for which
the manager motivates the employee to take part in different types of events, arrange training
sessions for the employees so that they can develop new skills and knowledge which will
help them to enhance their performances in future and which leads to employee satisfaction.
For example – Banglalink provides “Day care center” service for their female employees to
motivate them.
Therefore, after all these discussions it can be said that in an organization, communication
plays a very important role in communicating the organizational culture to their employees in
creating a positive work environment. This positive work environment motivates the
employees to perform better and gives them satisfaction in their job.

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