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__ imate és ta. Bas - 2 rctite ccpereneas S reotea) The —— Type —_f _Cnmats.. = Concer | 2 ancl _Snelta to ___ aml cherotmotect | atncla po ne Seth See menscrms tn summer Delhi, Ag [2 Bttiiede Be one qmes higher. the heen - —_geks cecler ab the vole of 1°C for eveny _ 166m rise tn _hemght. Hence places_ab higher _olbilucles lian Stmla, Darjeeling Manali eke acc mirch cooler, +_Disteace Freon tne sea ~ As we Go further —omoosy fram the sea, the. sraage of temp | Lacrtaces, co like misma, ee Chennai, Kochi have oq eqyall: climate : 00 ner eocpertence tha mecerobinp _ __0§ ths ses. Places inthe tokertex lhe a Ryderotsad have on eschreme “conkinenkel_ 7 Ri USO ) “L Norted @eliep: When mounkamns Ube ___perpencicwlear bo mshore uinds 7heoiny ——roonfell occurs in the _uAnchusc Teg : Mumbai, Cherrapunji but the leeua <2 Scanby roto fe th - 2 7 Other. Packsrs_ te . i Sus E_pasassons) —__jel streams or upper oor crrewtotions Useaterly dtrhurbancos 7 = CG = —Q5. Why dees India hore Varied clonabe ) esncliticns 2 oo _ Due to its vast sige and varieol —___ | ___*prg re. chy, vack latiladimal eockent , oqfuote of tine Sea 86. LWhab ia _meank by tre term ‘mnenrood ) Hews ia ib different 2 similiar to lond — pe eo breeze? + The term morse ey a ee * thet onenth of Baisaleh They blows Ate _ north-west dnrechin. They Ort aceempanied = —by_thunderstooms, lighken dsp oad berms heavy ‘Leo- These are Jak dry dusky uae umes nay = Te in ports of — be, Bihoor, Punjalo, Horyana. The Kexce het — A etagit ead ees RRB “api Se Pee OTe aa. iwhal ia bre _derection ob the_surama mens — sors onc shay) - eee ee tanner tesseemns b\an from Hee Saoth_ The Beutnera s ii - ao ~~ Ohecagunji. veconves heater compel tron the ——— pe tn Qackica = = receDre Over _\1 00 cm es roa ta PB HE a. —RQ14_ Name —A_regtoms _Ushich_ oceseive uimker compel and mentum the sairce of thermm, Gostel Tamil Nrolu or the Gsrorandel — — Coos recess pom Pet Posra the NIE cusnsdions —behith ace bene Ptah foc gee Dap ch farts of__Punjab, “Varcyonn, Hiechel Pradal, —_ Sammut Kechenor recotve tnt scampall = es From_the useaterdy dimecbaac5 Or kempacie 2k ie located ob Fey and in close bo the Equator here the Sunk ees ore obmeast __ Verbitel Lecougta cit the years IE hao a cso aia. locabionn so tke meclerated by he -Ses_ cas 18, thy clees Nolkabn recone heowser ram the “ee ve < SD. Luclens7 eH urnitchlitny ta re ee The mmetbuce laclen wands bleumg = Se a eg ro [emp cites — to hold mnstsbure, Se yo no vramfelL — G2. Why jo Kechi saree theo Memo _____ Sxren Tasugh Neath lite enn the teats esaet ——____ of Incdim 2 _Wuemiboai, res h nc musrtth so hosp Guero _lasger orea | (overs a smallecares Cc) @ G25, why deer Kerala have the longestr rainy season’. Hernia les bo the Sovthtoedt ond henen w_the fost stata to recame ram. fren bhe_ Sout West Masns sons ,. Arokian Sea leranch as. these...uwinclo blow WW frsm the Saath voest Ae the Nerth-. Gust. These vinds withdraw. from North to Sevth and. hence Kernla Ww the loot stabi _ “Feecta sini. these umde urthdraw, — Bac, Why. does tre. Konkan Comat sccperience croOgTO phic, TON fet : a ie Kemlean ae Use on cone “ukndacoved. side of the Wweeltrn. Ghaks. and. so. reante heary ram from the. South. weet moncoms Probion Sea bronch. The usnclunard sick. geto The Flt blast _ of these on- Shere. mamscuns... “Patna. lean tne Lenser —-Ond DeUhi._\dee. in the Upper Ganga Volley, The South weak mumsenms. Gay of Geeek t '® deflects uchea ik comes in cantmek wudta the _ |__ Gare Khasi Jambi hilis | Ganga Valier Theo roan vo front: cleposited 2 ab Patna ond then the winde upto Debi. . nyt ia Mangalore nok . sabe etn iv Detamber?. neni Ateo aleng tre comet ond | ~ hill. ane ae elo ‘Den: Anplasance of MM Sen @at. Name _bc_bypee of cyonce “sipnberes _tinek offect Sndin oncl bee arta Uned receive Jrosngett fram those sypterns, as Tropica cyclemes in comatal fami Weck end useatern disbirboncs in. Nethwesk Ondin. | _@ aR. Why. “dese tme Mmatabar cook recaive Thema — romgellin_Tuly but the Tamil Noolu . __ tena ie cornparatively ding - = South woe)eek mom somns Coance Nertay— | pe ENE Binet 2 eld = he sea. thay have hot Summes £ cold uAnters. St-_\cee _an_the. Neeamava stile or __ tne ramshodes arca of ths Wealern- |. GAnetcs . The Sw .monscemns strike the winduoel Se ime tay wee 2 ae a Aohy. te Semba_topler Dian. Debhi in Surnwnee Sembee at a ¢ alGbule as torn pared 4 be Delhi. and decremoc, at the rele Why do tre nertnern plain net Freegein — ei — |___“The Momaloayac chop the cold Arche. en -—tehd Sibert wanda Frenn_ Bewong tabs Ondia 7 _ —Renge) —bmach, tre Tamil Nac roaetk deen. BNO tony do bropial eyplenas ex x_n. On a ~~ ~Bray--of — Rangel tal saphereeeteut ch 2 > | i [2 heat axe tropical depresotensoc_lau sen |____premoune systems th the Gay of Bergal faced byt lecal vartabunr of heat 2 <=. sector ———_— eal, Why io ik ecitaunaly cola t so sia in_tortn Boer the uanker Seaogn? thes i ia _becouce of the Petuay reaqans3 | _* The cold uande fieen the Caapian Sea reginn eg Acad wove over North-West Anclia _ 2 Puna, Haryona, PBajpctran—easpertencs. _—__ ao the Sun_maves southwards tra. bows Pressure. ose te sen | | TOKENATH J" | 2 @ | | Dat { SNS PP a Gf —. Tndia but shea _uinds

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