09 eLMS Quiz 1 - ARG

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Aysaac Gabrielle D.

Arnecillo BSCPE 301

1. What was the speaker's project/idea?
The speaker’s project was talking about multitasking and how it affects with the way our mind works.
She also spoke about how boredom can access a hidden feature of our brain and how it can boost our
creativity and innovation skills.
2. How did the speaker come up with the idea?
She came up with the idea because she was interested about how boredom can have an effect on our
creativity and how technology occupies our minds and affects it. She came up with an experiment by
removing the most used application in your phone and not taking a photo for a single day for her
3. Was her project informative? List down all the information you learned from her TED talk.
Yes, her project was informative. Many facts and trivia were given throughout the video. For example,
the one that got me most interested in is with the daydreaming part. With total boredom, sometimes you
just look at a far place and without noticing, you start daydreaming. By daydreaming and going deeper
and deeper into our subconsciousness, the nerves in our brain starts to interconnect and that when we can
think of out of the world imaginations. Generating creativity at its finest state.
4. How frequent do you use your phone? Can you see yourself doing the speaker's challenge?
Let’s say if only I don’t sleep, I could use it 24/7. Sure, out of my total curiosity I would try that challenge
and remove all my games on my phone and without taking a picture for a single day. Maybe I would be
staring at my phone without anything to do and just getting bored honestly.
5. What are the possible implications of multi-tasking? Do we finish more or do we finish less tasks than
focusing on one (1) task at a time?
It is said when we are multitasking, we tend to change our focus every 45 seconds or so. It uses up
glucose in our brain every time we divert our focus causing it to use up more nutrients. According to
researches it can cause enhanced distractibility, cognitive issues, social anxiety and many more.
6. According to the search engineer at Google, why is technology built to trigger social media users an
itchy feeling if they are not with their phones?
According to the search engineer at google, Their primary job is to look for ways to make you use their
app more and get your attention more often. They also look for ways on how they can improve their
applications and be convenient for you to use. That being said you may already be addicted on using
those apps and that causes why you itch.

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