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MIT WPU University

Surprised Test (2) on Labour Law-II

Total Marks:20

Name: Kashvi Joshi

Roll No: 20MBAHR072

Subject: Labor Laws II

Answer Key: Marked in green highlight.

1. The impact of accidents under the workmen’s compensation act must remain atleast for:

a. 4 days b. 5days c. 3 days d. 7days

2. Which of the following risks of life is covered by the employee compensation act,

a. Sickness and Disablement

b. Maternity and Death
c. Disablement, Death and Occupational Diseases
d. Unemployment and Old-age
3. While calculating compensation for permanent total disablement how much percentage of his
wages is multiplied by the relevant factor?
a. 60 percent
b. 50 percent
c. 25 percent
d. Non of the above
4. In case of miscarriage a woman employee under the maternity benefit act, 1961 is
entitled to
a) 6 weeks maternity leave
b) no maternity leave at all
c) none of the above
d) 12 weeks maternity leave
5. Gratuity shall be payable to an employee on the termination of his employment if he has
rendered continuous service of not less than :
a. 10 years
b. 5 years
c. 7 years
d. 3years
6. -------% of gross salary is deducted for ESI contribution from the employer side ?
a. 6.5 %
b. 4.75%
c. 1.75%
d. 3.65%
7. Employee can avail maximum------- days of sickness benefit under the ESI Act 1948?
a. 78 days
b. 91 days
c. 80 days
d. 70 days
8. The committee which is constituted by District for sexual harassment is called-----
a. Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
b. Local Complaint Committee (LCC)
c. Grievance Committee
d. Non of the above
9. Aggrieved Woman within ---- days has to give complaint of sexual harassment incident?
a. 3 months
b. 6 months
c. 5 months
d. 1 months
10. The benefit of Sickness has included in the provision called
a. Maternity benefit Act
b. Employee Compensation act
c. ESI Act
d. Factory Act
11. The formula for calculating gratuity is ….
(a) Gratuity = (Monthly Salary/25) X 15 X No. of years of service
(b) Gratuity = (Monthly Salary/30) X 15 X No. of years of service
(c) Gratuity = (Monthly Salary/26) X 15 X No. of years of service
(d) no of the above

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