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MIT WPU University

Surprised Test on Labour Law-II

Total Marks:20

Name : Kashvi Joshi

Roll No: 20MBAHR072

Answers marked in green highlight

1. Minimum-------persons must be employed 2. What is the present wage limit to be

in an established for the applicability of eligible to be covered under EPF Act
the EPF and Miscellaneous provision Act a. 5,000
? b. 15,000/-
a. 10 or more c. 6,500/-
b. 30 or more d. 10,000/-
c. 20 or more
d. 15 or more
3. The contribution which will be paid by 4. The contribution which will be paid by
employee for PF employer for Pension scheme is….. ?
a. 13 % a. 3.67 %
b. 8.33% b. 8.33%
c. 12% c. 12%
d. .50% d. .50%
5. The insurance amount under EDLI 6. What is the minimum number of TU
scheme will be maximized if members required in registering
a. If a person dies naturally ,when he is themselves as a union?
in service a. 7
b. If he dies, after retirement b. 10
c. If he dies in accident, when he is in c. 7 or 10% or 100
service d. 15
d. All of the above
7. On which of the following ground an 8. How many member's consent is required
office bearer or executives of the trade to change the name of a registered trade
union be disqualified? union?
a. Not attained the age of 18 years
b. Not working with this establishment a. ¼ th of total members
c. Been convicted by court of any b. 2/3rd of total members
offence involving moral turpitude c. Half of the total members
d. Both A and C d. ¾ th of total members
e. Both A,B and C.
9. The minimum subscription rate for 10. A union may claim for recognition for an
members of trade union of rural workers industry in a local area, if it has
shall not be less than membership
a. Rs 12 per annum a. 10% of the worker in that Industry
b. Rs 1 per annum b. 25% of the worker in that Industry
c. Rs 3 per annum c. 30% of the worker in that Industry
d. Non of the above d. Non of the above
11. If any person has engaged in any unfair 12. The court will provide within… days his
labour practice, then within …days any decision regarding complaints about
union or employee will file a complaint unfair labor practices.
before the court a. Within 6 months
a. 30 days b. Within 3 months
b. 90 days c. Within 1 year
c. 10 days d. Within 8 months
d. 45 days
13. A strike is called illegal if it has called 14. ….. Contributed for administration
within…. days of notice and ----- days expenses by employing for the account
after conciliation proceeding of PF ?
a. 15 days and 7 days a. .5%
b. 14 days and 7 days b. 1.10%
c. 2 months and 30 days c. .05%
d. 14 days and 12 days d. Non of the above
15. A woman entitles to get maternity 16. The basic principle underlying the
benefits if -----days of employment are enactment of the Trade Unions Act is:
compulsory for 12 months of immediate a. To protect the interests of workers against
proceeding? disregard of human elements in industries.
a. 95 days b. To regulate the relationship of workers and
b. 80 days their organization regulating the balance of
c. 90 days power.
d. 78 days c. To provide strength for workers to settle the
industrial disputes.
d. To provide security to workers against the
occupational hazards.
17. Recognition of Trade Union has provided 18. A pregnant woman may receive Rs …..
in the provisions named as a medical bonus under Maternity
a. Industrial Dispute Act,1947 Benefit Act.
b. Trade Union Act, 1926 a. 2500/-
c. MRTU and PULP Act1971 b. 3500/-
d. Trade Dispute Act c. 1000/-
d. 3000/-
19. ….. Weeks entitled to maternity leave if a 20. During the period of maternity leave,
woman is having 2 babies or more than 2 women will be paid at the rate of ….
a. 26 weeks a. Half of daily wage
b. 12 weeks b. Average daily wage
c. 10 weeks c. 5oo/- per day
d. Non of the above d. Non of the above

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