Mhr604a 20mbahr072 LL2 Kashvijoshi

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1062200433 Nome & Kosmi dosni Rott uo. § 20MBAHROMF2_ Aubject 3 Aabot haw IL [MHR OHA) Teun - end_examnination Ire maternity bent Ace (igen) § protect) tre ernploutin ent Of womey. ouinisg tre time 6f bor makerunity anol entities har a maternity boenspit > — Ce full patof absence krom Work — to take car hon Child . Ire ack uit appicable to alt eathousl = memk LOY ing 1O!er mow thaw 1O persons de _fartorien “Miler, Plantation, Snops 8 Lai UAVIM EK, anol Gther entited. AS per te Ack , 40 be eligible for moternrity benskt 1 a women must “rows ben Lworking! On LOYee Ue Cun CAtablislement Wa persed of at Xeast 80 Clays within te port [2 ‘months. e r ProwSion swlating to preshilot.tion fOL_oliA misSal fou WOM aun covplled olahing absence olue Io Poepeeuey aiaceeseesnieeeee rey ' [062200453 | Came Airacvantage to ber iin Concuitions ot ; | lomour, Caw be OUAWASaL Or clischorgect foam or AYUNCe in Case if He olAwwsal LA Cause | fot Ont parescriloed gato vais Concluct for Ube vAaAs _lngdirna bor pL | yuiting that Ane LIcll loe cleprii om _tre [maternity bevofit Of medical bonus 0 lott. J Hewes , Womaw 1D whon Autls notice us| Gommunricattol writwe Aixty olcuyr trom the Olaty " Of Avcl- cnoley Commubnicabed to lth, Cam make Qe Appeal to Auch. authority OA may pe preaduibed. Decision of thot Quinn rity on Avo \A\ | \ \ We | \ QA) Machinarxy fH tre _aotminih Ration of the _ernploy-ce tate, [nslorance Ace, 1948 3 Fhe employee Abate. Inawreunce Ack (ESIC) \IHB “5/4 us a piece of Aocied welane Aoys tation enacked primOkild ithe "He object vibting coat bent (to employed un Care cf. dickress , maker — —tindry Gnd empudyment infwuy anol AAG to incuke. provision’ yor! Certain! obs _matrenA Incidental trentlou « ~s| Accadling to Action 2 (mm) of /axtories act ,\9h¢ 7 ‘i PB? ' i lOGLO04S 8 _ —P Accel ng to Aceh on 2(KC ctoren Ack , " achurirg, procest! mean) WAY PROceds fr imoking antenna Dapainos Weaning , cho~eg ae. > dhe ES! extends tp He udtwle [nolea_. Sine Qpeues tO Ou Jaxctories LaccluxClt tro, Qowment jpetorier , Wie employ [oo how cap Of Cau mM a faci PEOCEA! ws tre Qicl of power Quo 2.0 employer, vobere. actwung “procers da Carvedaut ” wll ouk We dic! of peuer. 45 Whe @ wikmar YW Covesug under He ES Achome ~ Compenhation Under te usorkimen’e Comper -| = Stahon a on he Claimed wu Asspect oy Lrreplo meme — No onsite "Cox be aimed U0ler tre pnater— =Wihy penbers 0k. Adminstration o tre Ack 8 — >| The provisions ef He act are counipirterrd ep nee employs Atak [wiuncuace /otporabin fa Ai SUPTOAENE 1G | agape centro % Atate gdkersaborste besides, reAentat ver paliom ent ang ynecLiCol poepession. % =| A Standing Committer COmAn hued Strom —Omangit fe! members 94 ue corpstahon, OL OA On Cxerutve Lacock « Dre! medi col —beeapie Councit » Condtiturees ly tre Cental | \ (062200453, | Gove nem te fA Another Akotukouy body thad ad- IY Wied the Cou ation on matters Stpadicllnd ag al = IniuiAorion of medical evofit , treaties Joe_purrster oo the aunt tte “connoctec| _mrbitors.” ! G2), Empower Compensation Ack | => | Ihr Clepenclents of te clecsased employees QHL Lube 4% He Loyee oleate Cb Cun Cunt ee et a{nanty toaga of Alecens eo) Corpor ret pied) fcctor , ot Qn Ganaune of" Ro 1-2 Jokw | aa id mre . 50 Of tre monthly WO9e unto Jwlvernt factor nr 20 ez0Ke) Wo Creve i mow . Hew , He monty wage uA 23070 eee ot Herpes SO. _= a = {isco | ALVA _ fartor Cri =|169-4H Heute _Qum Guin _= 11500 K 169-H4 ? = 19,43 S60 ==> => Hence , tre amOurt passable +0 | (yopal '<__dlependiane Twill be + 0 = RS. 19,8 560 /-

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