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KAMAL MUFTAH – group : B





PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPS………………………………………………………….. ………………4

PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS………………………………… …………………………..…4

Food truck as project ………………………………………………………………………7


The project life cycle is managed by executing a series of project management activities known as
project management processes. Every project management process produces one or more outputs from
one or more inputs by using appropriate project management tools and techniques. The output can be a
deliverable or an outcome. Outcomes are an end result of a process. Project management processes
apply globally across industries.


A Project Management Process Group is a logical grouping of project management processes to achieve
specific project objectives. Process Groups are independent of project phases. Project management
processes are grouped into the following five Project Management Process Groups:

 Initiating Process Group. Those processes performed to define a new project or a new phase of
an existing project by obtaining authorization to start the project or phase.
 Planning Process Group. Those processes required to establish the scope of the project, refine
the objectives, and define the course of action required to attain the objectives that the project
was undertaken to achieve.
 Executing Process Group. Those processes performed to complete the work defined in the
project management plan to satisfy the project requirements.
 Monitoring and Controlling Process Group. Those processes required to track, review, and
regulate the progress and performance of the project; identify any areas in which changes to
the plan are required; and initiate the corresponding changes.
 Closing Process Group. Those processes performed to formally complete or close the project,
phase, or contract. Process flow diagrams are used throughout this guide. The project
management processes are linked by specific inputs and outputs where the result or outcome
of one process may become the input to another process that is not necessarily in the same
Process Group. Note that Process Groups are not the same as project phases


In addition to Process Groups, processes are also categorized by Knowledge Areas. A Knowledge Area is
an identified area of project management defined by its knowledge requirements and described in
terms of its component processes, practices, inputs, outputs, tools, and techniques. Although the
Knowledge Areas are indterrelated, they are defined separately from the project management
perspective. The ten Knowledge Areas identified in this guide are used in most projects most of the
time. The ten Knowledge Areas described are:

 Project Integration Management. Includes the processes and activities to identify, define,
combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within
the Project Management Process Groups.

 Project Scope Management. Includes the processes required to ensure the project includes all
the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully.
 Project Schedule Management. Includes the processes required to manage the timely
completion of the project.
 Project Cost Management. Includes the processes involved in planning, estimating, budgeting,
financing, funding, managing, and controlling costs so the project can be completed within the
approved budget.
 Project Quality Management. Includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s
quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality
requirements, in order to meet stakeholders’ expectations.
 Project Resource Management. Includes the processes to identify, acquire, and manage the
resources needed for the successful completion of the project.
 Project Communications Management. Includes the processes required to ensure timely and
appropriate planning, collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval, management, control,
monitoring, and ultimate disposition of project information.
 Project Risk Management. Includes the processes of conducting risk management planning,
identification, analysis, response planning, response implementation, and monitoring risk on a
 Project Procurement Management. Includes the processes necessary to purchase or acquire
products, services, or results needed from outside the project team.
 Project Stakeholder Management. Includes the processes required to identify the people,
groups, or organizations that could impact or be impacted by the project, to analyze stakeholder
expectations and their impact on the project, and to develop appropriate management
strategies for effectively engaging stakeholders in project decisions and execution. The needs of
a specific project may require one or more additional Knowledge Areas, for example,
construction may require financial management or safety and health management. The below
Table maps the Project Management Process Groups and Knowledge Areas.

we will take the food truck project as example to apply the previous table on the process .

Food truck project :

The first risk is when the permit to deliver food services in the school fails to go through. The team,
therefore, should understand all the requirements of the permit before sending the paperwork. All
requirements related to hygiene should be observed, and the agreement to the working hours followed.
The team should also inquire about any limits on the quantity that the truck should hold and remain
informed about any limits. Another risk of failure is when the permit goes through, but the truck company
fails to provide the truck. A backup truck designer research should be done to obtain a backup truck
during the project. Moreover, the team should communicate with the truck company thoroughly to inform
them of all the expectations regarding truck delivery.

The regulations for the food truck, such as the operational hours and the location time, may continuously
change affecting the project. The team should ensure that they are always well informed of the policies so
that they may have enough time to adjust to these policies. Likewise, a fire outbreak may arise, setting the
whole food truck on fire. To control this risk, all the workers should be trained on how to operate on the
fire extinguishers to put down any fires. The staff should also be trained on fire safety and avoidance
measures prior to the project initiation. Another accident that may arise is when the food truck crashes. To
prevent such accidents, the driver of the truck should practice defensive driving and also map out the
routes to changes in location to ensure easy transport. The appliances being used in the project may also
fail to work during the operations. The staff should be equipped with the necessary troubleshooting
techniques, and the team should also have a backup technician to solve this problem while it arises.

Problems may also arise in the food delivery affecting the entire project. The meat may go bad due to an
E-coli outbreak, causing failure to deliver foods containing meat. The team should have full knowledge of
all its food suppliers. Proper research on any trusted alternative supplier should be conducted to obtain
another supplier in case the problem arises. Also, the team should strive to ensure that the menu offered is
not entirely dependent on meat. The market environment is quite uncertain, and the customers may lack
interest in the primary food type that the project will deliver. Consequently, the team should implement
effective marketing strategies to spark customer awareness of the product. The staff should be trained on
proper ways to attract customers to buy their product.

The location permitted to conduct the food truck business may be an issue. The location may be crowded,
lacking any space for parking, or it may be very much away from the customer’s path. The team should,
therefore, communicate thoroughly with the school to explain the expectation of the track location to
provide an efficient location.

Communication Matrix
A communication matrix is an assessment tool to outline the proper and frequent communication
among the individuals involved in the project (Pinto, 2019, p. 439). It provides a framework for effective
communication within the project operations.

Audience Message Type Frequency Medium Responsibili
School -Project status -report. Verbal When Email Project
Manageme -Frequent changes requested manager
nt -Project benefits
responsibility of
Project -Project status Meetingsand Once every Face-to –face Project
Team -needs of the reports week Written manager
team, challenges, before reports Team
solutions residencies members
-Project barriers,
-Frequent changes

Other -Project Presentation As Email Proje

relevant objectives, scope and reports requested s ct manager
persons and timing
-Benefits of the

Work Breakdown Structure

Task Duration in Resources Assigned

1. Permit Acquisition

Application 2 Permit Project

Office, school manager

Schedule inspection 2

2. Menu design Chefs and Chief chef

Research plan 4
3. Truck design

Exterior design 3 supplier

4. Staffing
Roles 2 Project Project

team team
Training 2
5. Food truck

Acquisition 30 Truck Project

company team, owner

Evaluation 2 Project

6. Project execution

Scope 1 supplier Project

Implementation 16 staff Project


Budget Estimation

Budget estimation is based on the need required by University of Cumberlands at NKY/Florence Campus.
As per the semester calendar, students attend residency classes on weekend days Friday 4pm – 9pm,
Saturday 7am – 5pm and Sunday 7am – 12 noon for 23 weekends in a year. The food expenses are
estimated only on residency weekends and all other expenses are calculated annually. Considering the
food truck business is also served to residents of NKY- Florence city, in order to get high returns with
low payback period.

Food Truck Operating Hours: Monday To Friday (8:00 AM to 7:00 PM)

Extra Operating Hours for Residency Weekend: 23 Weekends on Time Specified

Food Truck $ 36,000

Permits, Insurance $ Parking $3,500

Tech. Accessories (Sale Software & $1,800

Wi-Fi) and Website maintenance (Annually)

Food Inventory (One Residency $600

Weekend Days – 200 Dishes)

Monthly Food Inventory $1,500
Employee Expenses (Part Time for $3,312

Complete 23 Weekends) (1 -Employee Only)

Full time Employee (1 -Employee $13,824

Only) (Annually)
Average Monthly Sale $ 6,101
Average Monthly Sale + Residency $ 8,101


Total Annual Expenses: $3500 + $1800 + ($ 600*23) + ($1500*12) + $ 3312 + $13824

: $54,236 /Year (With Residency)

: 4519.6 /Month (With Residency)

: $37,124 /Year (Without Residency)

: 3,093.6/Month (Without Residency)

At, Standard operating hours the monthly savings is

Truck Cost + Annual Expenses = $90,236

Monthly Sale: $ 6,101 @ 35% profit

Monthly Savings: 2,135.3

At, Standard + University Operating Hours the monthly savings is

Monthly Sale: $ 8,101 @ 35% Profit

Monthly Savings: $2,835.3

it also seems like budget planning is little bit risk when compared to other, as in food business we can’t
expect a stable annual return in consecutive years. More likely the costing will be an assumption
depending on the need. Because it is due to a potential constraint i.e. season/weather, climatic conditions
affect the business irrespective need. Having operated a food truck business without a seating space or
proper parking space will prevent customers. Based on few PMBOK tools the project has structured out
of which managing integration, estimation, communication, risk assessment, procurement and


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