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Quantity SI Unit (quantity which cannot be derived from any physical quantities) (quantity which can be measured) (quantity which can be expressed Derived quantity in term of base quantity) Unit Length metre Velocity st mst Mass kilogram Volume Ixw xt we Time second Acceleration vt ms? Temperature kelvin Density mV kg me? Electric substance current Amount of | mol Momentum mxy kgmst Luminous Intensity Force F mxa | kgms? @N Work W Fxs | kgm?s? @J aon sememer 2 2 quantity which con be Chap 1:Physical Quantities and Measurement ‘a quantity which cannot be derived ¢ quantity with both magnitude & direction Resolving a Vector Parallelogram ‘addition Ss aaa Vector > Triangle —— Multiplication of Vectors ~ ABcos@ angle between {wo vectors ABsind\( 2) 6 VECTORS OPERATIONS We Analysis (calculation) 1. vector addition subtraction id EN : , 2 stor resolving (twe perpendicular components) A= A,+A, and y axes A, = Acos0 ‘0 > angle between A, = Asin® vector and x axis 3 tor multiplication ) Sealar (dot) product e ector produces scalar ° 2 Ae B=|A||B|cos0 Vector (cross) product I -tor produces vector’ |4xB|=|C|=|4]B|sino- 4Bsino = G soit comne ne Unit conversion Example: 2.5 mg > Mg [initial m(-3) ~ final M( 6) = - 9)] | 225mg =25 x10 * Mg Examples 6.5 em > pm 2= (12) =10) > 6.5 em = 6.5 x 10° pm Example: 2.5 gem" = 2.8( g)(em)* = 25( 10 °-* ig )(10 2° ms)? = 2.510 -*x 10% kgm? = 2.510 * kgm’ Distance “2 length of actual path between two paints. Displacement the distance between initial point and final point in a straight line velocity _ diplacement time the vertical motion of a body at constant acceleration, 9 under ne eae or a ee u, suse Gazal (Poe 2 ieee Distinguish [chap 2:Kinematic | Distance & Displacement Instantaneous velocity, v Distance, 7 Displacement = [> scalar quantity. | vector quantity © Defined: is defined as the} is definedas the fj *P*,"ote of change of | the instantaneous rate of P length of actual] distance between | _‘“isplacement. change of displacement. | path between | initial point and fi two points. point ina straight [Jo Equation: © Equation: line. Speed v and Velocity, oe Ee Ae At—>0At us defined as the rate of change of displacement ds Po | dt _ change of distance ~__ time interval change of displacement | © Anobject is moving in uniform velocity if time taken Average velocity, Yq, = Instantaneous velocity, v 6 1 ee oltsamen Uniformly DERIVATION] accelerated motion | ¢..., the — kaa - ~ gradient ¢ = From the 1 Area under the graph >> = —(u + v)t a t_2 mony 2 re From equation (1) (v-u)= ai : From equation (2) Ganj CONDITION: Allequations canbe usedif ft Acceleration, a constant rT RI Sketch path/trajectory- Initial point > final point of the motion b) Label initial, final and other important point. Substtivte the symbol ond quantify at] the point involved Use subscript to distinguish et cat ath cart cone/maecte si iaiadinratisnineselgs® a0 fu a0 fu BeIF santo the target. 2 Sketch the x and y axis , choose the initial point as the 3) complete the diagram by putting the information from the question, ‘Uchoose the suitable equation from x or y component based on tion given. Problem solving strategy] Rules Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration are Vector quantities Displacement depends on location or position) ve > located upper/right than reference point -ve > located lower/left than reference point zero > same level to reference point Velocity (depends on direction) +ve > upward/to the right -ve > downward/to the left zero > static Acceleration , a : Step by step to solve problem (Projectile motion) ‘Sketch the path - initial point until the object hit the target. 2) Sketch the x & y axis , choose the initial point as the origin samplete the diagram by the information trom the question. 4) split the information into x and y components. 5)Choose the suitable equation from x or y component based on information 4) Remember, if there is not enough information of any , we may be need t or time token by using another component. 7) sometime we need to use equations of both component simultaneously. ———“ u,=ucosd eee u, =using myn] — —¥eetor quantity othe, pare of a force, F and the tins, t OR the charge of | [i= momennm i= TH direction of velocity Ywhen calculate impulse, rhe dinection of v andy must be considered, if vand ware i opposite directions, one of the sign must be negorive. 2iPhe ep acting by A on B is ia fants mayetces all oases direction For alleaision egsstion of san be used 7 the question doesn't ‘mention elastic or inelastic collision the inelastic | considered, Y Wie eatin ales ian states Yhat “In on isalated (closed) system. the total ‘momentum of that system constant of no less of kinetic energy conserwation kinetic energy ic ANBOR energy (as well os total momentum) of the system is -00! conserved (even though the total momentum of Vccnorenchmomanen | conserved the system is conserved) 7 he costo 6 20 — Jolision, or mohing xendy \\/Rjlh, + m3 [anes + mane, = my, + Wigs | pap pon ae . : a = cateulated ran Faas rte Not all the inelastic collision is sticly ‘together and impulse Chap 3:Momentum and Impulse Linearmomentum _) Impulse 7 | Defined | the product between | the product of a force, fandthe time,’ or| | mass and velocity. change of momentum oquantity. vector quantity. vector quantity. oS). unit kgms". . ko m sor Ns | oEquatior p=mv J=Ft J=p,-3%, direction same as the velocity same as the constant force on the object. | Elastic and in elastic collision Elastic Inclastic ototal kinetic energy of the ototal kinetic energy of the system system is Conserved is Not Conserved I 1 1 1 tote innetic energy @ wed to differentiate ekate and melatic Linu? + mud =. my? +. my? met 2 gry ‘Momentuin othe total momentum of the ‘the total momentum of the system is conserved system is conserved qtr) muta =my, my, | Pra mm my +1 =H +m, V Problem solving strategy a) Sketch all the objects before and after collision Show the direction of motion b) Label mass and velocity of both objects. Use subscript to distinguish different objects Bez Dcillnon @) Sketch the coordinate on each objec De Aopiy is pelle of |d) write x and y component of each object |! > Conservation of momentum (all cases) | into a table (every object has x and y > Conservation of Kinetic energy (elasti¢yomponent before and after collision) Chap 3:Momentum and Impulse Differentiate between initial and final BEFORE ER # Conservation of momentum : ; MyUy+ Maug= myV,+ M2V2 | Elastic collision : 244 zd 24.1 2 =myu; +=—m3u3 =—m,v; +=mV; x component aa 12 a 2V2 2 ee 2 ‘Normal reaction forces are always perpendicular ‘Against the static friction, f, , before its move Kinetic friction, a es 4.2:;NEWTON'S LAW OF MOTION continues to move with [Newton's Second Law _| Stet ie rte of hg of Ia Raney of pene eee oes resultant force” defined os the tendency of an object fo resist any change in its state of rest or motion Problem solving strategies for equilibrium of a particle Sl ‘h a simple diagram of the system to conceptualize the problem. Choose a convenient coordinate axes for each body Positive direction > direction of motion/ External force e unknowns. YF =ma—> F cos30-W sin 30 = ma YF =0- N-Fssin30-W c0530=0 a = 0 when object > static/stationary > equilibrium > Constant nes Ea a ere eee inactia laa stig ire ease aetna oe che esi | vector sum of all forces acting on a article (point) must be zero. Yh=Fa=0 or — Yk-0,YE-0.FK-0 rate of change of linear momentum of 2 moving body ‘proportional to the resultant force 5.1.1:Work, W Work done is defined as the scalar (dot) product between force and displacement of a body. | og W=Fscosé F smagnitude of force wheres : displacement of the body | = the angle between F and ¥ 5 m? 5? on j the work done by a force of 1 N which le J). Caution : W ow>0 Enasitigs)) Work done on an object is zero when F=Oor s=Qand 0 = 90° F + s=0 aan Force arta on 2 bulldine Fscos@| Sign for work. wed (negative) | = || sults in a displacement 5 eras of 1 min the direction a. Sey Bett of the force. ae eee EN If 90°<@ <180° oe ea then cos? + 0 (positive) then cos? the rate at which work is done. Chap 5: Work, Energy & Power OR the rate at which energy is transferred where AWW: Total work done AE: Total change of energy At: Time taken cinstantaneous power, P (the instantaneous rate of doing work) it where magnitude of force v :magnitude of velocity @ : the angle between F and ¥ omechanical efficiency ois defined as the ratio of the useful (output) Bn work done to the energy input = 100% y= E25. 100% P,. ;power produced by the system P.,:power supplied toa system ‘maximum velocity , without slipping | Case 2: @ motion ina circle at a ‘constant speed causing it to move ina circular path Chap 6:Circular Motion| =ren yom =v0) Why Object move with constant s=r v=ro = speed in circular motion has Sar Ware [ao =r0 ve acceleration Velocity (vector) 6.1 Uniform circular motion eee v= 2a Circular motion in horizontal _plane: Chap 6:Circular Motion Case 3: Conical Pendulum Case 2 : Motion of car round Case 1: object revolving in a horizontal circle ona table N — + maximum velocity without slipping =Jurg r yrgtand: tan A some movesiin pvears crcl ee! inside an inverted smooth hollow hemisphere. An airplane is flying in a horizontal Tams Circular motion in vertical plane: Chap 6:Circular Motion step by step to solve problem || Case 1: A ball is 1) Sketch free body attached toa diagram, string String [1 > toward the centre Roller coaster (N = foward the cenire Ferris Wheel N > always upward 2) Build equation errata a nenarimesiont total force = centripetal force. 3) Important points 7,N > maximum atbotiom | TN minimun at top = Leto i eee ‘Topet Gre = m ‘Speed at TOP re f AN | aac ieeb vera har pack Yau —> string & roller coster a= a as Se cl ae Mee Lg ee 1 ite Vinen > ferris wheel|—— rz, eniaave ve. Vmax Irg ae where F, :Gravitatio nal force 4, : Gravitatio nal field strength ‘m= mass of a body (test mass) iz on ot Sane F,, :Gravitatio nal force ‘m, mz: masses of particle Land 2X. distance between particle | and 2 G : Universal gravitational Constant where aut 1 ant Piz im: mass of the test mass" > pene ) oH = r 'V : gravitational potential at a point, GRAV] = The variation of a, as a function of distance KA from the centre of the Earth, - y- work done in bringing a test mass | from infinity to a point the period, T of the equation Satellite orbits around ihe Earth v Tangential velocity, v oa : rotation as that of Period of the Earth (24 hours). potential at infinity ales ‘ation of V with distance, from the surface of earth. Chap 7:Gravitation Gravitational potential, V From >) And definition | =” work, WW =GMnl et of V m | r GMim(1_1) RES y_GMm(1_1 7 Gi] m\n a) per m\o r ‘ Satellite motion in a circular orbit Satellite incircular | ._ + > rate —> E=F GMm _ my From definition of} p_ 277 Period, T V- Ladder leaning ona | 5 wail, see-saw, pivoted | | du! => / suspended horizontal | |5j 0 bar. ieee ZF-o Parameters and terms ine angular displacement (0) average angular velocity (o,) ‘instantaneous angular velocity (0) average angular acceleration (i) instantaneous angular accele acceleration (a) | istonce fromthe | 1=>imr| rotation axis tothe | sa | parhele is de where M7 the mass oF each particle rolling os er =la] pe De ue Rotational motion ongular mo bo withoug shipping, ftional dines energy 8.4: Work and energy of 3&5: Conservation of principle of conservation of] ‘mechanical ot momentum eee conservation of momentum Item Gravitational force Equation mm, = F=G Gravitational field strength Gravitational potential Satellite velocity Satellite Period of motion r= Distance between Centre of mass i Definition ofa Direction of a a ato se | Toward the centre of mass V; eee < Definition of V_ P an ae Bee Ne r=R+h | Synchronous aes (Geostationary) Satellite y ev] [Gee Ts 24 hours 2 Potential | Velocity comparison of linear and rotational Linear motion Linear displacement Linear initial velocity Linear final velocity Linear acceleration Time Chap 8:Rotational motion of rigid body —Limsenein_| tation tin Rotational/angular motion —— a= constant = Pat ae Ss ar a @ | Angular displacement u cc @® | Angular initial velocity Pie sear |@ | Angular final velocity a 5 @ | Angular final velocity a a Angular acceleration t a=Loray i Time Linear Motion Relationship Rotational Motion ce 40 Equilibrium of a var e Pee particle ae a=re. =a, dt dt m Drama rorFsin@ p=mv L=rpsind W = Fs K,=+m" 5 P=hy 8.2 Rotational kinematics Linear kinematics © Table 8.2 shows the with rotational motion a@ = constant [ Chap 8:Rotational motion of rigid body vs Rotational kinematics ‘analogy of linear motion rameters. @ = constant v=utat @=,+at B= 0,¢ stat? 2 V,=15mst V,=25ms? R— 100m + Q a. Given 1=4.00 s, thus =0400 m,0, =0.150x2n =0.300n rads, a=0750x2n=1.50ntads* @,=0.30erads", A State the principle of conservation of linear momentum States that “In an isolated (closed) system, the total momentum of that system is constant.” tm Beco EasEe,_| states thot @ total angalar momentum of a closed system about an rotation axis it constant. Solution Solution Using The Principle of Conservation of linear} Using The Principle of Conservation of Angular momentum: momentum: Coste m Lins La=Yi, Tae O yeas lee men et Fos 00) = Ten $m? Jeo MU s+ Mplly =M V4 + MpVy (0.200)-6)+-(0.100(3}= (0.200), +(0.100\-2) v,=-3.5ims” tothe left Lo(10.4T3) = (Tex + (0.01)(0.09)" 9.426 1.047 Joc = 7.635x107 Lane 7.3x107 kg m? motion in which the acceleration is op = yea directly proportional t 2 eae ir displacement but in opposite where direction a acceleration of the body : angular velocity Amplitude (4) <—Terminoloay x : displacement Period Peay ‘Angular Ft 8-1 Equilibrium ef @ uniferm rigid bedy| Cap 8:Rotational motion of rigid body Sketch a simple diagram of the system to help conceptualize the problem. Sketch a free body diagram . Choose a convenient coordinate axes and construct a table to resolve the forces into their al ebouk porn components and to determine the torque by each Sane force. en feu the condition for equilibrium of a rigid ‘Se =0 SF,=0 and = \ \\ Solve the equations for the unknowns, ieestomep Toraue (Point A) ‘ONm itities displacement es Asn on} velocity T = A@oosar ccceleration Ao? sin at kinetic eneray emer a = e, = ib ey ima 2 ie = moo" U anna EB Graphs of SHM acceleration — time | eneray — displacement By rgall ahd meatal —mex 2 Relationship between velocity, v Cue 9 Snple Harmonie Marten and displacement, x sin of = From Displacement [x= Asin] ee A —= From trigonometry ‘sin? ott cos wt = E> cosat = V1-sin’ wt From velocity 9.1.3 System of SHM a | [ Chap 9:Simple Harmonic Motion | Simple ul a oscillation 2 rn ae x restoring force, F, = i = x) ing * |F. =-mgsinO| > #=-m{ =) applying Newton's (~ second law ng a= . x By compari —— Simple pendulum ae ear X] > [2 =X} executes tinear SHM Bf |r-2e aci9sor 9) 9.1.3 System of SHM second law > F=ma By compari with |q = —@*x i o = anda Lay. | | =e RD po consecsve parttes pte testinal sty bne cycle (points) which have the same phase ager ate erat faber of ee a Ace fom the . weve number [, — 2 ie aferpiaie 4|__ Distinguish progressive wave equation y= Asin (ot kx) graphs of y-x and y-7. stationary wave y= Acos kx sin ot (opera ot two or | form SPARE She wave ‘Wave profile does not move more wave mations. eller wet re eo Te Peres eae ee ‘euth ffoun copeusee {interference o Seton Constructive o}fwo sinor waves b)trevelling interference in opposite directions, ‘Node (N) is destructive Antinode (A) is 0 point of maximum displacement where the constructive i occurred ‘2 point of zero displacement where the interference occurred, 10.1 Properties of waves Chap 10:Mechanical Waves} | wave propagates to the right : wave propagates to the left : y(2.t) = asin(or—kx) y(x,t)=asin(at+kx) Asin (wt — kx) atx=0, y= Asin(or) Where T tension inthe string cot pate st ob P: power 7 a er teen intent beats ? 1. frequencies of both sound waves lightly different. 2. Interference ard superposition ccur at ¢ region periodic variation in amplitude due to position of two sound waves having slightly different frequencies change in the apparent (observed ) frequency as a result of relative motion between the source and the observer, era pee ova pean Wave speed on the string aes Fallen \aretcbed tion. Moves oray | ue Obese Fundamental . (t= harmonic) {a harmonic) jdomiine mim (a harmonte ne on Fi] (2 harmon) 2 overtone a =i {3* harmonic} a Leics 11.1.1 Intensity Chap 11:Sound Wave © is defized as the rate of 7-2 sound energy flow across A where / :sound intensity unit area perpendicular to oR P sound power the direction of the sound E A : area perpendicular to Brepagation: l=; sound propagation 1A E:sound energy f: time rn i —— a where r:distance from the sound source 2 Beats © is defined as the periodic variation in amplitude of sound at a given point due to superposition of two sound waves having slightly different frequencies. © This phenomenon occurs because(conditions for ) I)the frequencies of both sound waves slightly different. where 2)Superposition or interference occurs ft, Beat frequency >the phase difference change over time. f, : frequency of first source Jf, Ttequency of the second, Boldsa me on Chap 11:Sound Wave 11.2: 1.2:Application of sain waves #4 Fundamental 3 (4 harmonic) 4* overtone (2"* harmonic) v: wave speed on the string =] #:mass per unit ngth of the string 7 :tension in the string (1* harmonic) deed end 1 overtone = (harmonic) FS 4 " 2 v=fa> far 2" overtone f= j= it f Ia (5" harmonic) a 4 Me = Fundamental a air columns (1% harmonic) pine a 1 overtone , ae a=? v= f1> oe i aA wv 2” overtone = — SoG wiae ae (3% harmonic) <= LES a MS a Doltsamenge ial Gaver elect inaues jewards Chap 11:Sound Wave © is defined as the change in the apparent (observed ) frequency of a wave as a result of relative motion between the source and the observer. Source moving foward observer f- -( ¥ Js Observer Moving toward fo source Source moving away from observer to where V, :speed of observer v:speed of sound Jo : apparent (observed) frequency ssnaenee Vg 7 Speed of source J, :source (true) frequency [eins materi aerial ones inatessl oabiear ia E (2Se Seana to return to their fo its original length returns to its terial cross - sectional oc aoe jor size a being original length or | beyond ial ~_ 7, essa oartlty || size after distort | size Ad Ih sorties Fecee after being ag Ee = ia] Slater ts Say, pascal (Pa). Chapter 12: Deformation Of Solid a yield point strain isa scalar quantity point of maximum force (stress) _and has no unit, © s fracture (breaking) point Tensile stress ‘Tensile strain| J,,| Scalar quantity =<. “and its unit is Ae | kgm*s?or N mv? or Pa | Ber Psanten Pr Units are tenes el (0), and & lar qua @ quantity that measures body defing Temperature, T Energy transfefted from ‘one Body to angrher because of difference in ‘temperature, its unit is Al=al,AT| \1=1,(0 Al = unit of the degree of homess of a i apie 13.1 Thermal conductivity [i=1,(+aar) Koefficient of linear expansion, KAT} °c*OR FD acorneattiow | HMRI W scolar a mKtor W quantity 4 cross sectional area | yt 9¢-1 i a / temperature gradient al conductivity’ —“Chapter13:HEAT * Goathicient of of area expansion, / AA [genes is fork + | i | ais \|a= | |B = 2a) the mean (average) kinetic ‘energy of every degrees of, freedom of amolecule is aaa Chapter r 14: KINETIC THEORY OF GASES: a] @ perfect gas which obeys the [PV = aT ‘three gas laws, 4 ppcaTl D Boyle's, Charles's PY =NRT| land Gay-Lussac's) i? i an ideal gas, ~ For a mole of fax 3 Molecular kinetic energy ed ne { =: Total of kinetic and potential naar ¥ indepandtent energy of gas molecul Psrinpligtincy over = i; ean eT =f ont absorb/release/store energy 2 molecule Ix, =24r 2 14.1 Ideal gas equation Chap 14:Kinetic theory of gases Boyle's law Charles's law pressure law geal gas T = constant P = constant | V = constant aot Pat et ae a a om PY BY, T, f, PV =nkRT . > PV =NkT| 14.2 Kinetic theo jase: _ the equations of ideal gas, Her mean square (rms) speed, of gas molecules PY = £m er mE he =f At standard temperature and pressure (S.TP.), T= 273.15 K, P= 101.3 kPaand Y=0.0224 m? enn ke) | Peeeeis | Pat a 14.3: Molecular kinetic energy & internal energy [ Chap 14-Kinetic theory of gases translational kinetic energy of Q molecule translational kinetic energy of a N molecule Internal energy for N molecules Monatomic 5 = real gas ideal gas 3 x, =Lir Ky=SaT Kk, =LNer K. =3.Ner 2 2 io 3 oe Ky = 5 aRT Ua Loner we 3 NkT 2 if U= SL npr U= 3 nRT 2 2 ___ Degrees of Freedom (f) i Diatomic Polyatomic Idealgas Bu ate de Oe 3 @ " * Work done on the system Decrease internal energy negative| Heot eS (Cacesdce Whine) decrease temperature) | negative Heat flow into Work done by the system Increase internal energy ( positive the system (increase volume) increase temperature) positive Q: heat supplied AU :change in the intemal energy : Chapter 15 BRO Thermodynamics — Isothermal Adiabatic Isoyolumetric. Isobaric Define as a process that occur ¥ " \ Ny at constant Without heat transfer + constant at constant into or out of a temperature pressure Wank do eg Is ee =i) process | Positive { i Hl | Negative Hint/clue Indicator Q=AU+W ~ Sign convention heat, Q work, W (AY) j Work done t i fl Heat flow into ‘increase interna the eden by the system (increas ne volume) (increase temperature) Heat flow out Work done on! Decrease internal of the system the system ena Heat supplied to Heat released Heat flow into or out (decrease volume) Volume increase or decrease Gas expand or shrink Compressed Tsovolumetric (decrease temperature) Change temperature Gas is heated or ermodynamics | 15.1 First law of thermodynamics

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