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Selenium RC was introduced to address this.

The server acts as a client configured HTTP proxy

and "tricks" the browser into believing that Selenium Core and the web application being tested
come from the same origin.

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6. What is Selenese? How is it classified?

Selenese is the set of Selenium commands which are used to test your web application. The
tester can test the broken links, the existence of some object on the UI, Ajax functionality,
alerts, window, list options, and a lot more using Selenese.

Action: Commands which interact directly with the application

Accessors: Allow the user to store certain values to a user-defined variable

Assertions: Verifies the current state of the application with an expected state

7. Mention the types of Web locators.

Locator is a command that tells Selenium IDE which GUI elements ( say Text Box, Buttons,
Check Boxes, etc) it needs to operate on. Locators specify the area of action.

Locator by ID: It takes a string parameter which is a value of the ID attribute which returns the
object to findElement() method.

Locator by the link: If your targeted element is a link text then you can use the by.linkText
locator to locate that element.

  driver.findElement(By.linkText(“Today’s deals”)).click();

Locator by Partial link: The target link can be located using a portion of text in a link text


Locator by Name: The first element with the name attribute value matching the location will be


Locator by TagName: Locates all the elements with the matching tag name


Locator by classname: This finds elements based on the value of the CLASS attribute. If an
element has many classes then this will match against each of them. 


Locator by XPath: It takes a parameter of String which is a XPATHEXPRESSION and it returns

an object to findElement() method.

  driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//span[contains(text(),’an account’)]”)).getText();

Locator by CSS Selector: Locates elements based on the driver’s underlying CSS selector

8. What are the types of waits supported by WebDriver?

Implicit wait - Implicit wait commands Selenium to wait for a certain amount of time before
throwing a “No such element” exception.

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(TimeOut, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Explicit wait - Explicit wait is used to tell the Web Driver to wait for certain conditions before
throwing an "ElementNotVisibleException" exception.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(WebDriver Reference, TimeOut);

Fluent wait - It is used to tell the web driver to wait for a condition, as well as the frequency with
which we want to check the condition before throwing an "ElementNotVisibleException"

Wait wait = new FluentWait(WebDriver reference).withTimeout(timeout,

SECONDS).pollingEvery(timeout, SECONDS).ignoring(Exception.class);

9. Mention the types of navigation commands 

driver.navigate().to(""); - Navigates to the provided URL

driver.navigate().refresh(); - This method refreshes the current page

driver.navigate().forward(); - This method does the same operation as clicking on the Forward
Button of any browser. It neither accepts nor returns anything.

driver.navigate().back(); - This method does the same operation as clicking on the Back Button
of any browser. It neither accepts nor returns anything.
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10. What is the major difference between driver.close() and



This command closes the browser’s current window. If multiple windows are open, the current
window of focus will be closed.


 When quit() is called on the driver instance and there are one or more browser windows open,
it closes all the open browser windows.

11. What makes Selenium such a widely used testing tool?

Give reasons.

1. Selenium is easy to use since it’s essentially developed in JavaScript.

2. Selenium can test web applications against browsers like Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari,
to name a few. 

3. The test code can be written in various programming languages like Java, Perl, Python, and

4. Selenium is platform-independent, and can be deployed on different Operating systems like

Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. 

5. Selenium can be integrated with third-party tools like JUnit and TestNG for test management.

Intermediate Level Selenium Interview Questions

12. How to type text in an input box using Selenium?

sendKeys() is the method used to type text in input boxes 

Consider the following example - 

  WebElement email = driver.findElement(“email”)); - Finds the “email” text using the ID


  email.sendKeys(“”);  - Enters text into the URL field

  WebElement password = driver.findElement(“Password”)); - Finds the “password” text

using the ID locator

  password.sendKeys(“abcdefgh123”); - Enters text into the password field

13. How to click on a hyperlink in Selenium?

driver.findElement(By.linkText(“Today’s deals”)).click();

The command finds the element using link text and then clicks on that element, where after the
user would be redirected to the corresponding page.


The above command finds the element based on the substring of the link provided in the
parenthesis and thus partialLinkText() finds the web element. 

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14. How to scroll down a page using JavaScript?

scrollBy() method is used to scroll down the webpage

General syntax:

First, create a JavaScript object

   JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;

Launch the desired application


Scroll down to the desired location


The window is not scrolled vertically by 1000 pixels

15. How to assert the title of a webpage? 

Get the title of the webpage and store in a variable

    String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();

Type in the expected title

   String expectedTitle = “abcdefgh";

Verify if both of them are equal


Table of Contents
Beginner Level Selenium Interview Questions

Intermediate Level Selenium Interview Questions

Advanced Level Selenium Interview Questions

Testing is a crucial phase in the software development life cycle (SDLC). Manual testing, in
particular, involves the physical execution of test cases against the applications to detect bugs
and error. However, manual testing posed a lot of challenges, and a method to automate the
testing process was in demand. As a result, Selenium, a powerful automated testing tool, was
introduced. This is why grabbing a selenium-related job is definitely a plus point, and cracking
the selenium interview questions is the key!

And if you’re looking forward to a Selenium interview, here are the top 30 frequently asked
selenium interview questions.

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Beginner Level Selenium Interview Questions

1. What are the Selenium suite components?

Selenium IDE

It is a Firefox/Chrome plug-in that was developed to speed up the creation of automation

scripts. It records the user actions on the web browser and exports them as a reusable script.

Selenium Remote Control (RC)

RC is a server that allows users to write application tests in various programming languages.
The commands from the test script are accepted by this server and are sent to the browser as
Selenium core JavaScript commands. The browser then behaves accordingly.

Selenium WebDriver
WebDriver is a programming interface that helps create and run test cases. It makes provision
to act on web elements. Unlike RC, WebDriver does not require an additional server and
interacts natively with the browser applications.

Selenium Grid

The grid was designed to distribute commands to different machines simultaneously. It allows
the parallel execution of tests on different browsers and different operating systems. It is
exceptionally flexible and is integrated with other suite components for simultaneous

2. What are the limitations of Selenium testing? 

1. Unavailability of reliable tech support: Since Selenium is an open-source tool, it does not have
dedicated tech support to resolve the user queries. 

2. Tests web applications only: Selenium needs to be integrated with third-party tools like
Appium and TestNG to test desktop and mobile applications.

3. Limited support for image testing.

4. No built-in reporting and test management facility: Selenium has to be integrated with tools
like TestNG, or JUnit among others to facilitate test reporting and management.

5. May require the knowledge of programming languages: Selenium WebDriver expects the user
to have some basic knowledge about programming. 

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3. What are the testing types supported by Selenium? 

Selenium supports Regression testing and Functional testing. 

Regression testing - It is a full or partial selection of already executed test cases that are re-
executed to ensure existing functionalities work fine.

The steps involved are - 

1. Re-testing: All tests in the existing test suite are executed. It proves to be very expensive and

2. Regression test selection: Tests are classified as feature tests, integration tests,  and the end
to end tests. In this step, some of the tests are selected.

3. Prioritization of test cases: The selected test cases are prioritized based on business impact
and critical functionalities.

Functional testing - Functional Testing involves the verification of every function of the
application with the required specification. 

The following are the steps involved:

1. Identify test input

2. Compute test outcome

3. Execute test

4. Compare the test outcome with the actual outcome 

4. What is the difference between Selenium 2.0 and Selenium


Selenium 2.0 is a tool that makes the development of automated tests for web applications
easier. It represents the merger of the original Selenium project with the WebDriver project.
Selenium RC got deprecated since the merge, however, was used for backward compatibility

Selenium 3.0 is the extended version of Selenium 2.0. It is inherently backward compatible and
does not involve Selenium RC. The new version came along with several bug fixes and
increased stability. 
5. What is the same-origin policy and how is it handled?

Same Origin policy is a feature adopted for security purposes. According to this policy, a web
browser allows scripts from one webpage to access the contents of another webpage provided
both the pages have the same origin. The origin refers to a combination of the URL scheme,
hostname, and port number.

The same Origin Policy prevents a malicious script on one page to access sensitive data on
another webpage. 

Consider a JavaScript program used by This test application can access all
Google domain pages like,, etc. However, it cannot access
pages from other domains like 

Selenium RC was introduced to address this. The server acts as a client configured HTTP proxy
and "tricks" the browser into believing that Seleni

sArticlesEbooksOn-demand WebinarsFree Practice Tests

HomeResourcesSoftware DevelopmentSelenium TutorialEverything You Need To Know About The

ChromeDriver In Selenium


Selenium Tutorial
What is Selenium: Getting Started with Automation Testing
Lesson - 1

What is Selenium IDE: Learn The Basics

Lesson - 2

An Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

Lesson - 3

XPath in Selenium - All You Need to Know

Lesson - 4

Everything You Need to Know About the ChromeDriver in Selenium

Lesson - 5

Selenium Automation Testing

Lesson - 6

Top 30 Selenium Interview Questions and Answers in 2021

Lesson - 7

Everything You Need To Know About The ChromeDriver In Selenium

Lesson 5 of 7By Ishan Gaba
Last updated on Sep 15, 20214892


Table of Contents
What Is ChromeDriver?

Why Use a ChromeDriver?

Setting Up a Chrome Driver


The most common web browser used today is Google Chrome. Google Chrome is widely used
globally, making it essential for all the websites on Chrome to be tested. This article on
ChromeDriver in Selenium will help you understand the basics of ChromeDriver and explain
how a ChromeDriver is used for automated testing.

What Is ChromeDriver?

A ChromeDriver is a separate executable or a standalone server that Selenium WebDriver uses

to launch Google Chrome. Here, a WebDriver refers to a collection of APIs used to automate
the testing of web applications. 

Initializing the object of ChromeDriver is possible with the help of this command:

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver

Why Use a ChromeDriver?

As Google Chrome dominates the browser market, the use of a ChromeDriver becomes a must.
Selenium WebDriver uses the ChromeDriver to communicate test scripts with Google Chrome.
It is used to navigate between web pages and provide input to the same.

Setting Up a Chrome Driver

Four prerequisites are to be kept in mind when thinking of downloading and installing the
Selenium ChromeDriver. They are as follows:

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1. Java / JDK / JRE (

2. Eclipse IDE (

3. Selenium (
4. Chrome Browser (

To learn how we can download and install Selenium on our system, you can refer to the video
above. In the video, you will not only learn how to install Selenium but also see the way to run
the first automated test in Selenium.

Learn about the scope of automation testing, how to automate web applications, and more with
the Selenium Certification Training. Enroll now!


By now you would have learned what ChromeDriver is all about, and what is the relevance of
the same. In addition to that, you would be well-versed with the way to install Selenium and
Selenium ChromeDriver. The hands-on demo would have helped you to understand the way to
automate your tests using the Selenium ChromeDriver.

Selenium RC Server receives Selenium commands from your test program, interprets them,
and reports the results back to the program. The Web browser is injected with Selenium core,
which interprets and executes the Selenese commands used in the test script. The web
browser now interacts with the web server accordingly. This setup, however, complicates the
architecture and takes additional time for execution. 

Let's see how Selenium WebDriver helped overcome these drawbacks. The WebDriver does not
use an additional server, instead of making direct calls to the browser using each browser's
native support for automation.
Fig: Selenium WebDriver

The execution time for commands is shorter due to the simple architecture. WebDriver also
provides easy-to-use APIs, unlike RC, which used redundant and confusing APIs. WebDriver
also supports a headless, GUI-less HtmlUnit browser. 

What is Selenium WebDriver?

Paul Hammant developed Selenium WebDriver in 2006. Selenium WebDriver was the first
cross-platform testing framework that could configure and control the browsers on the OS
level. It served as a programming interface to create and run test cases. 

WebDriver performs actions on web elements. It supports various programming languages like
Java, C#, PHP, Python, among others. It can also be integrated with frameworks like TestNG
and JUnit for test management. 

The architecture of Selenium WebDriver is simple and easy to understand.

    Fig: Selenium WebDriver Architecture

 Selenium test script - Selenium test script is the test code written in any of the
mentioned programming languages that are interpreted by the driver 

 JSON Wire Protocol - JSON Wire Protocol provides a transport mechanism to

transfer data between a server and a client. JSON Wire Protocol is the industry
standard for various web services
 Browser drivers - Selenium uses drivers, specific to each browser to establish a
secure connection with the browser

 Browsers - Selenium WebDriver supports multiple web browsers to test and run
applications on. 

Selenium has been in the market for over a decade and has proven to be a robust tool for
automation testing. Developed by Jason Huggins, its main objective was to overcome the
limitations of manual testing. 

What is Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source, automated testing tool used to test web applications across
multiple browsers. It's primarily built in Java and supports several browsers and programming

The Selenium test suite comprises of four tools:

1. Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

2. Selenium Remote Control (RC)

3. Selenium WebDriver 

4. Selenium Grid

The article covers Selenium WebDriver in detail, including its features, architecture, the working
principles, followed by a demo.

Learn to Automate Web Applications with a Robust Framework and Complete Selenium Suite
with the Selenium Certification Training.

Need for Selenium WebDriver

To understand why WebDriver was introduced, let's look at the shortcomings of Selenium RC. 
Selenium Remote Control (RC) is a test tool that allows you to write automated web application
UI tests in any programming language against any HTTP website using any mainstream
JavaScript-enabled browser.

We’ve been designing top quality websites for just shy of 16 years now. And
some of the RFPs we’ve received have been – how to say this nicely – less
than useful. Website redesign RFPs can range from useful and informative
to downright meaningless boilerplate content.

I know that these are required by boards, and by-laws, and whatever, but an
incomplete scope of work will result in less than ideal proposals from
vendors and can even lead to massive delays or other issues with the
projects down the road.

In terms of getting pricing, I leave that up to you. You will likely be faced
with the choice between fixed price/fixed deliverables and an agile
style design and development process.

Either way, you’ll need a meaningful scope of work. One of the first things
we ask a client who contacts us is “do you have a written scope of work?”
“Do You Have a Written Scope of Work?”
Work this out before you contact potential vendors. Here’s why…

 It will help everyone (internally) get on the same page as to what is

going to be built
 You’ll be able to get a better idea of whether your budget matches
your scope, so you can narrow deliverables as needed
 It will help you determine which firms specialize in the type of work you
need them to perform

A solid scope of work is a time saver. It helps you get right to the good stuff.
Fluff is useless at this stage. At some point your vendor might need to know
how your organization formed, and the founder’s story, etc. but not right
now. Right now they need the following:

1. Website Project Overview

2. Outline of Required Functionality/Workflow
3. Clear and Measurable Goals for the New Website
4. Targeted Schedule/Timeline/Milestones
5. Website Design and Development Budget

Let’s take a look at each of these to outline what they mean exactly…

Website Project Overview

Each website has an audience and a purpose. This is the basis of what you
need to describe.

1. Who is this website for?

2. What does it need to do?

Who Is The Website Target Audience?

Every website has a target audience. Before you do anything, you need to
identify the group or groups who will be using this website. For the purposes
of this overview, we just need to know who the user is so we have some
context to go with the desired functionality.

Don’t worry so much about the demographics or get too granular. Just
something like “this website is for gardening professionals looking for
planting tips and tool recommendations.”
This way we know who the audience is but more from the perspective of
how this website will meet their needs. Then, from there you can get into
more specifics.

What Is The Website’s Purpose or Primary Functions?

What should the new site do or offer? For example, “these gardening
professionals are looking for an online utility to help them plan plant
groupings” and “they need a plant lookup tool that matches the plants to the
space and the need.”

You can then outline the specifics of that utility further along in the
document. For now, just focus on the “elevator pitch” or the 30 second
overview of what this website does and what makes it special.

Remember, there are likely lots of websites out there offering something
similar to what you’re looking to offer. Try and identify early on what will
make your website unique and more desirable than the others.

I recommend reading 10X Marketing by Garrett Moon. This is a great

resource when determining your marketing strategy and how to differentiate
yourself from the competition. Ultimately, you’re looking for a competition
free zone. A market where no one else offers what you are offering.

Outline of Required Website

Context is always helpful here. You could say, “we need a database of
plants that can be searched.” But, that could go in many different directions.

Instead, we need to know the context and who is searching for plants? Do

they already have a base knowledge of horticulture? What types of
searches will they want to perform?

Think of a car. Any car could be described as a vehicle with 4 wheels, an

engine, seats, a steering wheel, and brakes. If someone described their car
to you in this manner, you would have no idea what kind of car they’re
describing. It could be a Ferrari. It co

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Not Doing Business With Attorneys

by Jason Long | Feb 5, 2019 | Legal, Running a Business
Want to know the fastest, easiest way not to get sued? Don’t do business with attorneys, especially when
you’re getting started. I don’t mean don’t hire an attorney, I mean don’t work for one, and th

Migrating DNS
 Managing MX records
 Pushing files to the live environment
 Running critical systems tests pre-launch (in addition to all that testing we’ll build into each
feature below), just to make sure everything looks good
 Reviewing live site for bugs, large issues, etc.
 Informing the client that the site is launched
PRO TIP:  Once again, the beautiful thing about this system is that now that you’ve done your planning for
one project, you don’t have to do it again for the next. Just save this setup as a template and reuse it over and
over. See a video on how to set up a template here.
Information Architecture
Now that we’ve got all of our setup and launch tasks ready to go, let’s take a look at the website
structure. It may seem like a lot of work to list everything out, but this is one of the best uses of time
prior to starting the project. Planning out as much as possible ensures that you and your client are on
the same page about what is being built, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. In addition,
you can also write out what you expect to have on these pages as well as some simple wireframes. This
can make conveying your ideas to the client a lot easier.
PRO TIP:  One of the biggest advantages to having EVERYTHING written out, all the way down to individual
form elements, is that if your client has approved this scope and then asks for more you are now is a great
place to request more money and time for these changes. Without a written scope, you can get into a battle
of “he said, she said” and end up with an upset client. No one is upset when it is written down ahead of time.
But when you start doing work for free and client feels like they still aren’t getting what they paid for, a good
relationship can fall apart lightening fast.
For this simple project, we are going to just add a few pages and sections.
 Header/Footer
 Home page
 Promotional rotator
 Company TagLine / Description
 Service item promotional boxes
 Services – lists all services on the main page
 Service profile page – a page for each service with more information and a sales pitch
 Our work – a list of projects completed
 Project pages – A page per project with a case study and more information about the project
 Company – text and information about the company
 Page/Modal – a A page or modal box for each staff member
 Contact
 Contact info
 A contact form
 A Google map
 Social media icons and links to the social platforms
Figuring Times Per Item
As you went through writing your SOW, you may or may not have been putting in times as you went
along. Whether you did or not, it is important to get the approval of those actually doing the work. The
easiest way to hold someone accountable to hours is for them to set the hours for themselves.
We always ask all production team members to make sure that the times they have for each feature is
correct before sending it to the client. Even then we often still pad the time a bit to make sure.
Now that your team members have reviewed and edited any times necessary, it’s time for you to
review and send this out for client approval!
Getting Client Approval
This is probably the most important part of the process that SO MANY designers and developers don’t
do or don’t do well. You need to get client approval either in a written format or digitally signed. Either
way, it needs to be legally binding. This can mean that you:
Get a contract signed either digitally or on paper
If this is a work order and you already have a contract governing this work, you still need an approval
noted somewhere; email, paper, a digital signature, just something to cover you if a client comes back
and says they didn’t approve the work and doesn’t want to pay for it. The more thorough of an
approval, the better. The best bet is to get a contract signed each time.
Using an electronic approvals system enables you to use your own con

Mobile Responsiveness Improvements – It would be completely acceptable to account for adding
mobile responsive tweaks on a page by page basis. But given that the project being planned is fairly
simple, I prefer to add it as a global task. If your project were a large one, adding mobile responsive
improvements to each page or feature would be advisable. This way, if a client asks you how much it
would cost to make changes to sections or features, you can easily adjust pricing. In this example, I am
going to leave the estimate blank for now and come back to it after we have the information
architecture completed, then calculate the time for this.
Search Engine Optimization – I like to account for SEO globally, especially on smaller websites, but for
large ones, it is not a bad idea to do this on a page or section by section basis as well.
CMS, Plugins, Widgets – Project wide tasks is a good place to put this information. Generally, I don’t
list every single widget and plugin, but I recommend always stating which CMS you are going to use,
account for the price, and list any plugins and widgets you know are going to cost or that you will need
to spend time setting up. Some examples of that would be things like form building plugins (Gravity
Forms), SEO plugins (Yoast), or email integrations tools (Mailchimp’s form integration plugin). Each of
these items requires someone to set it up, so make sure to account for that time!
Training – If you have to train the client on how to use the system, build or supply training systems, or
just meet with the client and answer questions, here is where you can account for that time. For a small
site, I usually apply 2 hours of training time, then an additional 3 to 5 hours of answering calls and
emails with other questions.
We also need to include project launch tasks. In this example, this is a simple list of items. But the
larger the project, the more complex and time consuming this set of tasks can be. Don’t underestimate
how much time it can 

Proposal to design and develop Custom Ecommerce Website

1. E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of electronically buying or selling

of products on online services or over the Internet. E-commerce draws on
technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain
management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data
interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collect…
o History and timeline

o Business application

o Governmental regulation

o Forms

o Global trends

o Logistics

o Impacts

The term was coined and first employed by Dr. Robert Jacobson, Principal Consultant to the
California State Assembly's Utilities & Commerce Committee, in the title and text of California's
Electronic Commerce Act, carried by the late Committee Chairwoman Gwen Moore (D-L.A.)
and enacted in 1984. 
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license
2. Videos of Ecoomerce

Union Pacific Plays a Vital Role in E-Commerce Ground Deliveries
2.7K views · 2 days ago
YouTube › Union Pacific

Designing for e-commerce | Design Makeover with Laura
1K views · 2 days ago
YouTube › Canva

See more videos of Ecoomerce

3. What is Ecommerce? Ecommerce Definition Explained with ...
Ecommerce, or electronic commerce, refers to transactions conducted via the internet. Every time
individuals and companies are buying or selling products and services online they’re engaging in
ecommerce. The term ecommerce also encompasses other activities including online auctions,
internet banking, payment gateways, and online ticketing.
o Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
4. E-Commerce: Meaning, Types, Advantages, Disadvantages

o E-Commerce Or Electronic Commerce

o Types of E-Commerce Models

o Solved Question For You

E-commerce is a popular term for electronic commerce or even internet commerce. The
name is self-explanatory, it is the meeting of buyers and sellers on the internet. This involves the
transaction of goods and services, the transfer of funds and the exchange of data. So when you
log into your Amazon and purchase a book, this is a classic example of an e-commerce
transaction. Here you interact with the seller (Amazon), exchange da…
See more on
o Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins


o commercial transactions conducted electronically on the internet.

More about e-commerce
2. What is Ecommerce? Ecommerce Definition for 2021
Ecommerce Definition for 2021. In a nutshell, e-commerce is just the process of buying and
selling produce by electronic means such as by mobile applications and the
Internet. Ecommerce refers to both online retail and online shopping as well as electronic
transactions. Ecommerce has hugely increased in popularity over the last decades, and in ...
o Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
o Related searches for e-commerce
o e commerce betekenis
o e commerce definicja
o e commerce sklep internetowy
o e commerce japan
o e commerce belgië
o e commerce definition
o what is e commerce meaning
o ecommerce website
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
1. Introduction:

 Project Scope: The project is to develop a custom website where products can be sold online.
Administrator, in this case client will be responsible for managing the product details and the users, in this
case customers from the web based backend panel. The development has to be from scratch with
development of backend and front end as well as an admin website for controlling and operating the
website. The development has to be scalable for an increase in the number of users.

 Note:
 All Images used in the document are for reference and understanding purpose only. Pattern, Layout will
be enhanced and can be changed during designing stage.


 Visitors/Customers: The Individuals will be the end users of the website. They will be able to perform the
following tasks:

 Home Page: This will work as the welcome screen for the Visitors/Customers. Customers can get to know
about different products sold from the website from this page. Customer also can explore all the main

 About Us: ‘About Us’ will provide information about the business like inception of the business, how the
business grew, etc.

 Products: Customers can find all the products on the website and can purchase the products from the
same website itself. There can be different drop down subpages or the product categories can be individual
pages as well. That can be decided during design phase.

 Contact Us: A ‘contact us’ page typically contains your business contact information, address, a map and a
form wherein your customers can submit queries, feedback, suggestions, comments, sales enquiry etc.
These details are sent out to an email address selected by you.

 Google Map on Contact Us Page: We will integrate Google Map on your Contact us page, showing exact
location of your Business on the map. This helps your target audience to locate your business or reach you
easily. For us to be able to do this, your address should be traceable by Google in its map.
 Search Product:
 Customer search for products on the website.
 Search module will use “like search” module to provide product suggestion as per the terms used to
 Customer can browse for different products on the websites on the home page as well as product page
as well.
 Customer now can go to specific products’ details page on the website.
 When a customer click on a product they will be redirected to the products’ details page where
customers can select the quantity they want to order and they add the product to the cart.
 Cart and Checkout module is described in details later.
 To complete the purchase customer/visitor need to register for new user and login for existing user.

 Filter & Search Products:

 Option to filter product in a list by a category, type, price, size, etc.
 This will perform as an advance search.
 Product Details
- Description
- Image
- Price
- Quantity
- Size
- Etc.
 Add to Cart:
 The cart module will be incremented by one when an End-User starts adding products to the cart.
 On clicking cart icon, the system will redirect to the cart page with column for:
Item Description
Apply discount coupon
Add product to wish list
Sub Total
 Four buttons at the bottom: Add More, Delete, Continue Shopping and Place Order.
 Add More will give clients an option to increase the quantity and Delete will remove the product from
 Place Order will lead to Payment Process and Continue Shopping will allow users to redirected back to
the products section so that they can purchase more.
 Check out Module: Check out process is divided into three parts:
- Billing & Shipping
- Review & Place Order
- Payment

 Billing & Shipping Information: It will have the required fields:

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Post code
Shipping address will have the same fields.
If both the addresses are same, then on ticking the check box the shipping address fields will get
automatically populated.
Option for continue checkout.
Non Registered Customers need to provide the details for first time.
After providing the details and Continue they will get registered on the website and will receive their
password on their email.
For registered customers the billing and shipping address will get auto populated from their address book.
If registered customer wants the order to be delivered to a different address they need to check the box
“Add a new address” and they need to provide the address.
Existing User need to login during this stage.

 Review & Confirm:

This page will have Billing & Shipping information.
Order items will have following records column wise:
 Item with Product Image
 Price
 Quantity
 Total Amount
 Shipping Address and Contact information
Customer can change the quantity or remove a product from the list.
Order detail will have the following fields of price:
 Sub-total
 Discounts
 Shipping Charges if applied
 Tax
 Total
 Option/Button for place order.
 After placing the Order a confirmation email along with Tax invoice will send to the Users Email id.
 Payment:
After entering the Review and Confirm, the next phase is Payment.
Various mode of payment are available:
Visa/Master Card/PayPal Etc. (Client needs to provide Payment gateway API)
Stripe payment gateway to be used for payments (if required) using Cards.

 Sign Up: Customer can register from the home page of the website
- The registration fields are as follows:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Mobile No
- Password

 Login: Customer can login to the portal after successful registration.

 Customer Dashboard
 My Profile:
Customer can view/edit their profile information from My Profile.
Customer can edit or change their password.

 My Wish list: Customer can add any product in their wish list that they want to buy in future.

 My Cart: Customer can see the entire product that they have added in their cart but haven’t completed
the purchased procedure.

 My Orders:
Customers can see all the orders they have placed.
Customers can see all their past orders.
Customers can download or see the invoices for their orders.
Customers can also track their order from My Orders.
Customer need to provide their Tracking Number to track the orders.

 Address Book:
User can add address as many as required.
User can edit existing address & make any address as default address.
 Recently viewed products:
List of products which is viewed by customers recently are shown under recently viewed products tag.
Customer will also get suggestion of most sold products.

 Product Browsing
Display feature product on home page: Customer can see few featured products on the home page set by
the admin
Multiple images per product (Up to 5 max)
Product image zoom-in capability (Cursor Hovering Zoom)
Product attribute
Product review & ratings
Add products to wish list
Stock availability
Admin Functionalities: The Administrator will be the controller of the website. They will be able to
perform the following tasks:
 Admin Log in: Admin log in using Secure User ID and Password

 Admin Dashboard: Admin use dashboard to manage the website from User Management, Product
Management to generation of Reports.

 Content Management System: CMS is a computer program that allows publishing, editing and modifying
content as well as maintenance from a central interface without the knowledge of programming. It typically
makes use of a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor where you page content as you would write
in a Word document.

Manage CMS pages:

Manage the following CMS pages:
Terms & Conditions
Privacy Policy
Contact details & location of business owner
Listing of customer service email and phone number
Refund policy
Shipping policy

 Masters:
 User Master:

Admin can add customers from User Master Page

Admin can edit/delete Users from User Master Page

Admin can set user account active/inactive from User Master Page

 Category Master:
Admin can create as many product categories as they wants from Category Master Page
Admin can edit/delete product categories from Category Master Page
Admin can set categories active/inactive from Category Master Page.

 Type Master:
Admin can create product types under each categories as they wants from Type Master Page
Admin can edit/delete product types under each categories from Type Master Page
Admin can set product types active/inactive product types under each categories from Type Master Page.

 Manage Product/ Accessories:

 Admin can add/Update/delete product.
 Product Need to be tagged with Product Category, Type, etc.
 Product Data Attribute will be as follows: (Will decide later in detail)
General Details:
 Product name
 Product Category
 Product Image
 Product General Price
 Product Sale Price
◊ Sale Start Date
◊ Sale End Date
 Product Description

Website Product Inventory
 Product SKU
 Enable Stock Management at Product Level.
 Stock Status: In Stock/Out of Stock.
 Sold Individually: Enable this feature if admin want only one item to be bought by a customer.
Shipping Rate:
 Set purchase above what price shipping is Free.
 Shipping Charge type: Fixed/Percentage
 Set shipping charge rate
Linked Products:
 Add Upsell Products: Products which are recommended instead of the currently viewed product.
 Add Cross Sells product: Cross sells are the products which are promoted in the basket, based on the
current product.
 Set Grouped Products: Set this option to make this product part of a grouped product.

 Purchase Note: Add a special note to be send to the customer after purchase.
 Featured Product: Set the product as featured product to be displayed on the website’s home page.

 Bulk Upload: Admin can upload bulk product using a CSV product uploader.

 Order Management:

Order management is the administration of business processes related to orders for Products.
The term Order Management refers to the set of actions that a retailer / merchant needs to perform to
deliver the goods that a customer has ordered.
 Get notified about new orders in the Order Management Page.
 Admin can click on respective orders to find their details.
 Admin Pick product from their warehouse and ship it to the customer.
 Admin can send an email notification to the customer that the order is on its way.
 Site owner can generate multiple invoices for orders from the admin.
 Print invoices, packing slips and shipping labels: Site owner can print invoices, packing slips and shipping
 Track Order: Admin can also tract the order along with the customer order

 Stock Management:
 Stock management is about specifying the size of the goods that a store has in stock. Store owner can
manipulate stock from the administrator panel.
 Coupon Management:
 Admin need to set the discount coupon code.
 Admin need to decide the total no of usage of the code by each user.
 Admin also need to decide the total usage of the coupons.
 Admin need to select the validity start and end date of a coupon.

 Customers Management:
 Search and sort to easily find customers by first name and last name.
 Manage customer accounts.
 View customer details and previous orders.
 Add private comments to a customer.
 Delete customer accounts.
 Reset customer passwords.
 Export customers to Excel.

 Reporting: Admin access the following reports through the Admin:

 Sales report
 Best purchased products report
 Stock report

 Up to 10 CMS Pages: We design, create and populate content in these standard pages for you. We will
design one Home page layout and one inner page layout. We will then update contents on all the pages
based on the inner page layout.

You may create more inner pages yourself by using Content Management System (CMS).
 Up to 5 Banners: Banner is a prominent way of displaying your gallery pictures, business values, activities
and operations etc. On the main page.

We design the banner by combining Royalty free images or the images provided by you and provide up to 3
iterations or changes.
Back-end Manageable Banner section.
 Responsive Website Design: Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a Web design approach aimed at crafting
sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing,
panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors)

 Favicon: A favicon (short for Favorite icon), also known as a shortcut icon, Web site icon, tab icon or
bookmark icon, is a small image which is shown in browser Title bar or URL window when your website is
 SEO Friendly URLs: SEO Friendly URLs (Clean URLs, RESTful URLs, user-friendly URLs) are purely structural
URLs that do not contain a query string [e.g., action=delete&id=91] and instead contain only the path of the
resource in reader friendly way, e.g. . This is often done for aesthetic,
usability, and search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.

 Displaying Social Media Links: Social media pages like Facebook would be linked to the website and will
be displayed.

 Support for Latest Browsers: There are multitude of Internet Browsers present in current market e.g.
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla Firefox etc. We also have browsers for Mobile devices.
We design website to support latest versions of all leading browsers. Some of the advanced functionality in
website may not be supported in old technology-challenged browsers.

 Post Go Live Support (1 Month): For your peace of mind, we provide free support for any bugs; minor
technical issues etc. This support, however, doesn’t include any enhancements or change requests.

 Single Point of Contact: You would be assigned a Single Point of Contact who works as per your
convenient hours.

 Peace of Mind: All of our deliverables come pre-tested for the agreed scope and functionality. Should you
find any discrepancies or defects, we would be happy to correct it promptly.

 Animated Header: This is a program which provides navigation capabilities for Banners. Banner design is a
separate task; this functionality only helps in moving the banners in required pattern.

4.Client Deliverables:
 Logo
 Domain User ID and Password to upload files after completion of work and testing
 Server Details to transfer the files on the server
 Payment Gateway API (PayPal & Stripe)
 Universal Shipment Tracker API ( or any of client’s preferred
Time estimation:
Time taken to design and develop the website from scratch is 30 Working Days.
Approx. Cost Estimation:
Total cost for design, coding for back-end services and developing Custom E-Commerce Website: $1,999.00
Payment Terms:
1st Payment: 30% of total project cost as an advance to start the project.
2nd Payment: 20% of total project costs after complete of the Whole Website Front end design.
3rd Payment: 30% of total project costs after complete of the Development.
4th Payment: 20% of total project costs at the time of Sign off of the project.
Bank wireframe charge or PayPal charge will be extra.
We will provide support for next 1 month for any issues or bugs found.
If required during the development phase if we have to purchase any plugins or api’s, the charges will be
 Website Design: Graphics [PSD/HTML]
 CMS Platform: WordPress
 Framework: Laravel/Code Igniter
 Technology: L.A.M.P.
 L: - Linux (OS)
 A: - Apache (Server)
 M: - MySQL Database
 P: - PHP

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