MCQ On Marxian Political Theory

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School of Distance Education

University of Calicut
School of Distance Education
III Semester MA Political Science
POL3C10: Political Theory: Marxian Tradition

Module -I. Marx Engels

1. The Wages, Labour and Capital was written by:

A. Hegel

B. Engels

C. Stalin

D. Karl Marx

2. Which one of the following is not true about Marxian Socialism?

A. Capital is a theft

B. State will wither away

C. State promotes interests of all

D. State sides with the rich and not the poor

3. According to Karl Marx the present state will:

A. Continue for long

B. Will wither away

C. Deliver goods with the passage of time

D. Slowly benefit the workers

4. Dialectical materialism of Marx believes that:

A. Social phenomena is applicable to political life

B. Social phenomena has nothing to do with political life

C. Social phenomena is antithesis of political life

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D. Political Life and social phenomena can't go hand in hand

5. According to Marxian philosophy dialect:

A. It result of actions and reactions

B. No actions and reactions but matter

C. Means that action and reaction must be in the same direction

D. None of the above

6. According to Karl Marx societies have all along been divided between:

A. The rich and the poor

B. The educated and the elite

C. The religious and the educated people

D. The rich and the religious people

7. According to Marxian theory revolutions come in the society because:

A. The capitalists so desire

B. The religious people manipulate that

C. Continuous class struggle is going on

D. Educated masses get dissatisfied

8. According to Marx value of the commodity would be fixed in accordance with:

A. Capital vested in it

B. Machinery used for production

C. The extent of its dependence on the foreign market

D. The socially useful labour put in it

9. Karl Marx believed that social change can be brought about by:

A. Evolutionary means only

B. Revolutionary means only

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C. By spread of education only

D. With the help of both evolutionary and revolutionary methods

10. Marx's intellectual partner was:

A. Frederick Engels

B. Herbert Spencer

C. August Comet

D. Max Weber

11. With whom Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto?

A. Hegel

B. Thomas Moore

C. Hegel

D. Friedrich Engels

12. Marxist approaches to political theory emphasize against:

A. Feudalism

B. Capitalism

C. Democracy

D. Classical theory

13. Marx argued that the superstructure grows out of the:

A. Super Structure

B. Base

C. Middle Structure

D. Lower Structure

14. The ultimate goal of Marxist approaches advocate for:

A. Classless and stateless society

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B. Industrial and progressive society

C. Aristocrat and capitalist society

D. None of the above

15. According to Karl Marx, class conflict occurs with the emergence of:

A. Competition

B. Cooperation

C. Compartmentalisation

D. Class consciousness

16. Which of the following is not an aspect of alienation in capitalist societies?

A. Alienation from the product activity

B. Alienation from the products

C. Alienation from species

D. Alienation from wages

17. Who among the following authored the book ‘The Holy Family’?

A. Marx

B. Frederick Engels

C. Herbert Spencer

D. Max Weber

18. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State (1884) was a provocative and
profoundly influential critique of the:

A. Socialism

B. Monarchy

C. Capitalism

D. Victorian nuclear family

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19. Who described the work ‘The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State’ as one
of the fundamental works of modern socialism?

A. Max Weber

B. Marx C.


D. Lenin

20. According Karl Marx societies have along been divided between:

A. Corporates and Politicians

B. Farmers and Industrialists

C. Poor and Peasants

D. Rich and Poor

Module -II. Lenin

21. “The State is a special organisation of force: it is an organisation of violence for the
suppression of some class.” Who said this statement?

A. Lenin

B. Bukharin

C. Mao Zedong

D. Karl Marx

22. Who wrote the book titled “The State and Revolution”?

A. Karl Marx

B. Friedrich Engels

C. Lenin

D. Bukharin

23. Lenin was masterminded the Bolshevik take-over of power in Russia in:

A. 1919

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B. 1924

C. 1917

D. 1948

24. …… is the highest stage of Capitalism.

A. Communism

B. Fabian Socialism

C. Colonialism

D. Imperialism

25. Lenin’s approach was based on his observation of …. before the First World War.

A. American Society

B. Russian Society

C. German Society

D. French society

26. Lenin reached the conclusion that the disintegration of capitalism would begin in the:

A. Industrial heartland

B. Colonial periphery

C. Tsarist Russia


27. Lenin described ….. as consisting of “freedom of discussion, unity of action”.

A. Democratic centralism

B. Imperialism

C. Colonialism

D. Capitalism

28. Which Marxist thinker emphasized on the Central importance of tightly organised
‘Vanguard' party to lead the revolution?

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A. Stalin

B. Bukharin

C. Lenin

D. Karl Marx

29. ‘Vanguard of the Proletariat’ was meant to give leadership to …..?

A. Unemployed youth

B. Military

C. Elite

D. Working class

30. The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government was written by?

A. Lenin

B. Rosa Luxembourg

C. Bukharin

D. Karl Marx

31. Lenin said “We cannot imagine democracy, even proletarian democracy, without
representative institutions, but we can and must imagine democracy without …..

A. Capitalism

B. Parliamentarism

C. Socialism

D. Dictatorship

32. ….. according to Lenin is the first attempt by a proletarian revolution to smash the
bourgeois state machine

A. Commune

B. Capitalism

C. Feminism

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D. Bourgeoisie

33. Which among the following is the political task written in the book “State and

A. Creating working class state apparatus

B. Formation of new banks

C. Military intervention

D. Rebuilding Bourgeoisie state

34. Lenin found whose ideas as counter revolutionary?

A. Karl Marx

B. Engels

C. Kautsky

D. Alexandra Kollontai

35. ‘Vanguard ‘as a highly disciplined ….:

A. Federal party

B. centralized party

C. Military bureaucracy

D. Diplomacy

36. Identify the work not written by Lenin

A. The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution

B. The Right of Nations to Self-Determination

C. Once Again On the Trade Unions

D. The Accumulation of Capital: an Anti-critique

37. Who succeeded Lenin after his death?

A. Bukharin

B. Rosa Luxembourg

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C. Stalin

D. N. Khrushchev

38. Lenin considered which war as “an annexationist, predatory, plunderous war”

A. Second World War

B. Cold war

C. First World War

D. Crimean war

39. Who said the following “Capitalism has grown into a world system of colonial oppression
and of the financial strangulation of the overwhelming majority of the population of the
world by a handful of ‘advanced’ countries. And this ‘booty’ is shared between two or three
powerful world plunderers armed to the teeth, who are drawing the whole world into their
war over the division of their booty”?

A. Bukharin

B. Trotsky

C. Khrushchev

D. Lenin

40. Aristocracy of labor was theorized by?

A. Friedrich Engels

B. Jean Blondel

C. Lenin

D. Stalin

Module -III. Mao

41. The Cultural Revolution lasting from 1966 to 1969 was launched in order to:

A. Reduce the Chinese populace on the country's new, Soviet-style government

B. Purge China of “bourgeois” traits and Soviet-style “bureaucratism”

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C. Reform all art schools and cultural institutions in light of the rise of the Communist Party

D. Drive out all foreigners remaining in the country

42. The Long March is significant in Chinese history because it:

A. Ended Japanese occupation of China

B. Reinforced the concept of the Mandate of Heaven

C. Caused the Boxer Rebellion

D. Established Mao Zedong as a revolutionary leader

43. During China’s Cultural Revolution, a major goal of the Red Guard was to:

A. Revive traditional loyalty to the emperor

B. Promote trade and free enterprise

C. Enforce the teachings of Mao Zedong

D. Encourage cooperation with the Soviet Union

44. In China the terms Long March and Little Red Book are most closely associated with the

A. Economic policies of the Kuomintang

B. Expulsion of foreigners during the Boxer Rebellion

C. Foreign policy under Deng Xiaoping

D. Leadership of Mao Zedong

45. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) came into existence in 1949 under the leadership

A. Mao Zedong

B. Zhou Enlai

C. Deng Xiaoping

D. Chiang Kai-shek

46. By the late 1970s in China, the growing size of its population influenced the
government’s decision to:

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A. Encourage people to migrate to other countries

B. Force families to work on communes

C. Engage in wars to gain territory

D. Institute a one-child policy

47. The reformation of Marxism-Leninism by Mao in the late 1930s and early 1940s to bring
about Socialism was:

A. New Democracy

B. Communist Republic

C. New communism

D. Neo-colonialism

48. The Great Leap Forward was introduced in 1958 by:

A. Lenin

B. Mao Zedong

C. Deng Xiaoping

D. Syngman Rhee

49. Cultural-revolution was introduced and launched in China by:

A. Lin Biao

B. Chiang Kai shek

C. Mao Zedong

D. Sun Yat-sen

50. Little Red Book is associated with:

A. Autobiography of Karl Marx

B. Quotations of Lenin

C. Quotations of Mao Tse-tung

D. Communist Guide book

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51. In the Chinese Civil War (1945 - 1949), support for Mao Zedong’s Communist forces
came primarily from the:

A. Peasants

B. Landowners

C. Industrialists

D. Confucian scholars

52. Mao Zedong suggested that China:

A. Create a government under the leadership of industrialists

B. Give up its independence and become a part of the Soviet Union

C: Rely on the United Nations for economic aid

D. Join with the Soviet Union as a partner in communism

53. Mao Zedong used the ideas of:

A. Thomas Malthus

B. Adam Smith

C. Karl Marx

D. Chiang Kai-Shek

54. The Sepoy Rebellion was to India as the Boxer Rebellion was to

A. Russia

B. China

C. Japan

D. Italy

55. The Great Leap Forward in China and the five-year plans in the Soviet Union were
attempts to increase:

A. Private capital investment

B. Religious tolerance

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C. Individual ownership of land

D. Industrial productivity

56. Which event is the best example of imperialism?

A. The Opium Wars in China

B. The Spanish Inquisition

C. The Yalta Conference

D. The Hundred Years' War

57. Who among the following emerged as the leader and MVP of the Chinese Communist

A. Sun Yatsen

B. Liang Qichao

C. Mao Zedong

D. Chiang Kai-Shek

58. Communism is:

A. An economic system in which investment and ownership is controlled by private

corporations or individuals

B. A system of government that all economic activities are controlled by a single political

C. Commercialism

D. A government by the people

59. What did Mao create in countryside during the Great Leap Forward?

A. People’s Commune

B. Factory

C. Hospital

D. School

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60. Which place was annexed by China on 1951?

A. Hong Kong

B. Macau

C. Taiwan

D. Tibet

Module -IV. Gramsci

61. Who among the following theorized civil society as an ideological domain?
A. Karl Marx
B. Hegel
C. Antonio Gramsci
D. Noam Chomsky
62. Gramsci is best known for his theory of:
A. Ricardian socialism
B. Hegemonic stability theory
C. Cultural hegemony
D. None of these
63. What was Gramsci’s term for cultural consensus supporting capitalism?
A. Universalism
B. Hegemony
C. Discourse
D. None of these
64. Gramsci was one of the most important Marxist thinkers of the 20th century, and a
particularly key thinker in the development of
A. Academic Marxism
B. Western Marxism
C. Orthodox Marxism
D. None of these
65. Hegemony was a term previously used by Marxists such as
A. Louis Althusser
B. David Easton
C. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

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D. None of these
66. Gramsci’s theory of hegemony is tied to his conception of the:
A. Capitalist state
B. Republic state
C. Democratic state
D. None of these
67. Gramsci, like the early Marx, was an emphatic proponent of:
A. Determinist philosophy
B. Historicism
C. Metaphysical materialism
D. None of these
68. Which or who of the following is not associated with the cultural studies approach?
A. David Easton
B. Antonio Gramsci
C. Louis Althusser
D. None of these
69. What is Antonio Gramsci’s view of power?
A. It comes out of a barrel of a gun
B. It is a mixture of coercion and consent
C. It is purely economic
D. All of the above
70. Gramsci shifted the focus of Marxist analysis through which of the following ideas?
A. That consent for a particular social was produced and reproduced through the operation of
B. That consent for a particular social and political system was produced and reproduced
through the operation of hegemony
C. That consent for a particular political system was produced and reproduced through the
operation of hegemony

D. None of these
71. Gramsci adopts the Machiavellian view of power as “half beast, half man” implying that
power not only comes from coercion and dominance but also from achieving consent.

A. Half beast, half man

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B. Half man, half God

C. Dominance, virtues

D. None of the above

72. Gramsci is best known for which of the following idea?

A. Scientific Socialism

B. Socialism

C. Hegemony

D. Liberalism

73. Gramsci’s cultural hegemony reflects:

A. As a means of maintaining and legitimizing the Capitalist state

B. As a means of maintaining and legitimizing the Republic state

C. As a means of maintaining and legitimizing the Democratic state

D. As a means of maintaining and legitimizing the Socialist state

74. What is Antonio Gramsci’s view of power?

A. It comes out of a barrel of a gun

B. It is a mixture of coercion and consent

C. It is purely political

D. All options are correct

75. Gramsci was imprisoned in 1926 by whom?

A. Benito Mussolini’s Fascist government

B. Hitler

C. Stalin

D. Lenin

76. Gramsci accorded central role to which class?

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A. Students

B. Intellectuals

C. Women

D. Masses

77. Majority of Gramsci’s intellectual work is well elucidated in his:

A. Prison Notebooks

B. Newspaper Articles

C. Novels

D. Books

78. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Antonio Gramsci was a renowned Italian Marxist and social philosopher.

B. Antonio Gramsci was a renowned German social philosopher.

C. Antonio Gramsci was a renowned English thinker.

D. Antonio Gramsci was a renowned liberal thinker.

79. Which concept is considered as the original contribution of Gramsci to the theory and
practice of Marxism?

A. Concept of Class Struggle

B. Concept of Hegemony

C. Concept of Revolution

D. Concept of Classless Society

80. The word Absolute Historicism is associated with:

A. Kant

B. Bourdieu

C. Althusser

D. Gramsci

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Module -V. Contemporary Marxism

81. Althusser is commonly referred to as a:

A. Structural Marxist

B. Old Marxist

C. Instrumentalist Marxist

D. Socialist

82. The … functions as a unified entity (an institution) in L. Althusser’s theory?

A. repressive state apparatus

B. Ideological state apparatus

C. Military apparatus

D. Bureaucratic apparatus

83. According to Althusser which apparatus of state …. is diverse in nature and plural in

A. Repressive state apparatus

B. Ideological state apparatus

C. Military apparatus

D. Bureaucratic apparatus

84. In Althusser’s formulation violence is the function of:

A. Bureaucratic apparatus

B. Ideological state apparatus

C. Military apparatus

D. Repressive state apparatus

85. Althusser was not influenced by the works of:

A. Antonio Gramsci,

B. Sigmund Freud

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C. Schumpeter

D. Jacques Lacan

86. Which among the following is not the component of Ideological State apparatus?

A. The religious Ideological State Apparatus

B. The educational Ideological State Apparatus

C. The Military Ideological State Apparatus

D. The Cultural Ideological State Apparatus

87. Althusser’s essay, “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses: Notes Toward an
Investigation” was part of which book?

A. State and Revolution

B. Das Capital

C. Communist Manifesto

D. Lenin And Philosophy and Other Essays

88. Who among the following was influenced by the ideas of Althusser?

A. Antonio Gramsci

B. Lenin

C. Karl Marx

D. Nicos Poulantzas

89. “An ideology always exists in an apparatus, and its practice, or practices. This existence
is Material”. Who said this?

A. Althusser

B. Miliband

C. A.G Frank

D. Hegel

90. According to Althusser …. belongs to the public domain.

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A. Ideological State Apparatus

B. Repressive State Apparatus

C. Industrial Management

D. Industrial Production

91. According to Althusser …. belongs to the private domain.

A. Diplomacy

B. Bureaucracy

C. Repressive State Apparatus

D. Ideological State Apparatus

92. According to Althusser ….. is the ‘site of class struggle’.

A. Repressive State Apparatus

B. Ideological State Apparatus

C. Industrial Units

D. Bureaucratic Administration

93. Who among the following is not a thinker within Frankfurt school?

A. Horkheimer,

B. Joseph Nye

C. Pollock,

D. Herbert Marcuse

94. Which one was not the cause for the origins of Frankfurt school?

A. Rise of Saddam Hussein

B. Rise of Stalinism

C. Rise of Nazism

D. Failure of Communism in Western Europe

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95. Frankfurt School advocated …..

A. Hegemony

B. Racial superiority

C. counter-culture

D. Withering away of state

96. Frankfurt School questioned the Marxian doctrine of …..

A. Alienation

B. Dictatorship of Proletarian

C. Capitalism

D. Historical Materialism.

97. Frankfurt School’s central concern is:

A. Absolute Monarchy

B. Parliamentarism

C. Domination

D. Serfdom

98. Frankfurt School in its critique of Marxism paid more attention to:

A. Human Subjectivity

B. Materialistic subjectivity

C. Cultural subjectivity

D. Religious Subjectivity

99. Emancipation is associated with which school of thought?

A. Behaviouralism

B. Frankfurt school

C. Post Behaviouralism

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D. Chicago school

100. Frankfurt school is also known as:

A. Critical theory

B. Behavioural theory

C. Structural Functional analysis

D. Constructivist theory

101. Whose writings lay the foundations of ‘Critical Theory‘?

A. Max Horkheimer

B. A. G Frank

C. Miliband

D. Paul Baran

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1 D 33 A 65 C 97 C
2 C 34 C 66 A 98 A
3 B 35 B 67 B 99 B
4 D 36 D 68 A 100 A
5 A 37 C 69 B 101 A
6 A 38 C 70 B
7 C 39 D 71 A
8 D 40 C 72 C
9 D 41 B 73 A
10 A 42 D 74 B
11 D 43 C 75 A
12 B 44 D 76 B
13 B 45 A 77 A
14 A 46 D 78 A
15 D 47 A 79 B
16 D 48 B 80 D
17 B 49 C 81 A
18 D 50 C 82 A
19 D 51 A 83 B
20 D 52 D 84 D
21 A 53 C 85 C
22 C 54 B 86 C
23 C 55 D 87 D
24 D 56 A 88 D
25 B 57 C 89 A
26 B 58 B 90 B
27 A 59 B 91 D
28 C 60 D 92 B
29 D 61 C 93 B
30 A 62 C 94 A
31 B 63 B 95 C
32 A 64 B 96 D

Prepared by:

Dr. Rajeesh Cs
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
School of Distance Education

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