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May 11 2011 6pm
Ma y 8, 201 1
- Mother’s Day Sunday -
to P.C.M. (Pastor’s
— varied scriptures —
Care Ministry) for

“This NEWSLETTER is personally prepared by PastorJR with the intention to CONNECT with YOU”
O NE His Life Movement
Of fice: H is Life PARK staging a great event
Sta Clara Drive
Mandalagan, Bacolod City — RUN for LIFE!
HLM Admin 441-
HLLC School 709-

MAY 11, WEDNESDAY. This is

mentoring time with Pastor JR and
Trixie. All about LIFEGroups and the
Vision. Open to ALL current and
future LifeGroup Leaders. 6PM.
May 18 is
YX & His Lambs 6am-9am—
walking, stretching & coffee
SERIES 4pm-6pm—
X-MEN Tchoukball Exhibition
Mother’s DAY today! GAMES and a whole
for YX lot more @HLM PARK.
the Cinema
4 Robs. Prayer POWER every 31 DAYS till LTS
930am. Tuesdays & Thursdays OPENS 2011-2012
6pm at the PARK JUNE 8 — LTS
Teachers Orientation
AWANA Students Orientation
Clubs at ENROLL NOW!
Cinema 6
of Robinsons Bacolod.
AWANA EastView soon! 3,700 pesos only

USLS Coliseum
LIFEGroups at His LIFE Ministries December 4 SUNDAY
The KING’sMEN # 0918-281-7910
(1)KING’S MEN together with PCM celebrated a great RUN, dubbed RUN for LIFE yesterday a the
NEW Government Center. Hundreds came! It was a success! Lets get ready for PART 2, why not?
(2)KING’S MEN LifeGroup Leaders joins the May 11, Wednesday SUMMIT, 6pm at the HLM PARK.
(3)Praise the LORD for the on-going POST Encounter Sessions at the HLMPARK
every Fridays attended by Adults. We are seeing a new BATCH of SOL (School of
Leaders) enrolees soon! This is amazing! (4)Happy Birthday today to our KING’s MEN brother Danny
YEE! God is gooood! (5)King’sMEN WALKING at the New Government Center — WEDNESDAYS, 7pm,
walk with your wife, children and friends. No need to sign up … just show up … :-)

The WOMEN of DESTINY # 0922-872-1230

Our very own, Sister Juvy del Rosario will be our speaker at the EASTVIEW
Hotel (830am) and Robinsons MAIN (10am) for our Mother’s Day Sunday
Special. Hallelujah for WOMEN of DESTINY —- we are GOING for the
Gospel, for the Word, for the CAUSE as we are transformed for God’s Glory.
God is using our Women leaders to disciple more and more women coming to church. Our
FRIDAY’s Post Encounter Sessions are making our Women ready to be LIFEGroup Leaders! Go!

The YX—YOUTH XTREME # 0928-367-9571

(1)Today, YX [meets at Cinema 4, Robinsons, 930am] with the SE-
RIES on X-MEN (powerful stories of God’s saints in the Bible). (2)
TRIBO CAMP BORACAY May 23-27, 2011 UPDATE: 5 CERES BUSES ready; 280 delegates
excited; Manila, Cebu, Cagayan, Iloilo, Negros delegates could not wait! Few slots left for
Loser CAMP will be out next week. This Camp Workbook includes Session Outlines and
Guidelines of the entire camp. A powerful TRAINING tool to produce Quality Dreamers of
Multitudes! (4)FRIDAY XTREME nights started last April 29 with Pastor JR as their
speaker. It will be every FRIDAYS beginning June 2011. Getting ready for the HARVEST!

The HIS LAMBS Church # 0922-872-1230

AWANA Clubs every SUNDAY at EASTVIEW 830am soon! No
less than our sister Karleen will lead the EASTVIEW kids.
AWANA Clubs are also enjoyed in other HLM Sites. Our biggest
group is at Cinema 6 Robinsons Place. That’s at 10 in the morning! FUN,
FOOD and FRIENDS there for all our children — AWANA an excellent program to bring our kids to know
Scripture by Memory and Mastery. This is a WINNER!

The UNWIND HLMpros (singles) # 0917-942-1930

UNWIND His Life [single young professionals] meets every
other FRIDAYS — this is a NEW Weekend Celebration
schedule! Last Friday they met at L’Sea Resto with Pastor
Ranty. FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 13 and 27, UNWIND after
a hard day’s work … be filled with JESUS! Bring a friend.

RUN for LIFE His Life Runners —CIRCLE—

1st PLACER — Roberto Seballos. 2nd PLACER — Grover Allic.
3rd PLACER — John Eric Elevado. CONGRATULATIONS!
730 am CentroPlex Cinema B
830 am HLM EastView Hotel
9 am Centroplex Cinema B Project COST:
930 am YX, Cinema 4, ROBS
930 am Araneta 2nd Floor P 3.6 million
Cineplex Downtown CASH Given:
10 am HisLambsCine6, ROBS
10 am HLM Main Cine 5 P 1,080,688.77
Robinsons Place
1030 am South Ground Floor, PIC #1 >> FISHPOND from the Top. Praise the LORD for 10 KOI
Robinson’s Cybergate, Fish (quality) donated just this weekend ! PIC # 2 >> 2nd Storey
near the Old Airport Level started already at Phase TWO! PIC # 3 >> Building an
4 pm Hiligaynon, HLM Park ANNEX shade room at the far Right Side of Phase ONE.
Sta Clara
530 pm Lopues East, 3rd floor
530 pm FRIDAYS May 13, 27
UNWIND Young MAY 18 will be “GAMES
Professionals DAY” at the HLM Park. This
HLM-FCA (Fellowship of Christian
OUTSIDE BACOLOD Athletes) is being planned and
9 am Sagay City, nearLopues organized by Pastor Ranty and Nero.
9 am La Carlota City STARTS 6am-9am THEN 4pm-6pm only! LET D
9 am Manjuyod, Aroma GAMES begin! PRIZES awaits you!
930 am Silay City, near the
Old Hospital
930 am Iloilo City, Red Cross
Bonifacio Drive, La Paz The YEAR 2011 Projection Calendar
10 am Cebu, 21st floor
Golden Peak Hotel January Vision Sunday / Encounter / Lou Ann Lee Concerts / Church Launch CENTROPLEX
3 pm Cagayan de Oro February Week of Power / Carnival Themed 18th Foundation Day / Church Launch EASTVIEW
Mcdonalds Divisoria March HLLC 4th Moving Up Exercises / UNWIND / Planet Shakers Series / Encounter Series
4 pm Silay, City Health, April GO Series / LTS Graduating LifeGroup Leaders / Holy Week / Missions Summer
(near Old Hospital) Trips / Sports—Tuckball League — PANAAD / Encounter — His Lambs, Prayer Mount
4 pm Tigbauan, Buenavista May VBS for His Lambs / RUN for LIFE Event / SPORTS DAY / TRIBO Youth Xtreme CAMP in
Dreamer’s Valley Camp (BORACAY, Faith Village) UNWIND Vision of 12 Team Building
6 pm Manila, Boni Avenue, June Training and Recruitment for LifeGroups / Worship
New Horizon Hotel Conference / HLLC Opens from Grades 1 to 6 Levels
Campus Invasions / Renewal of Vows—Family Ministries
**Kabankalan & Talisay Sites July Campus Invasions / Fit for the Kingdom Conference / ENCOUNTER
are on LifeGroups. Major LifeGroup Curriculum Begins till September
August ENCOUNTER / LifeGroups September ENCOUNTER / LifeGroups Graduates
5th Anniversary October Musical with His Lambs OPEN — Missions Themed /
Hiligaynon Last Week HolyWIN Train for Thanks 2011
3rd Anniversary Cebu November Super Thanksgiving 2011
Next Week, May 15 December Jump2 2011 Victory Celebration / Christmas BLOW OUT
Scholars for Life is a ministry that aids our Campus Leaders to
finish school while being a CAMPUS Minister under our One His
Life Missions Program. We will be supporting some for Cagayan
(Liceo U), Dumagete (Siliman U), and Cebu (San Carlos U).
We need Partners for this. This is a noble cause — equipping FROM
students while they WIN the World for Christ!
GO Mom …
You are
For God’s
MORE Glory
CLASSROOM DREAM PROJECT As long as Jesus Christ is first
CLUB-40 — as of May 8, we have already more than place in your life, it's impossible
60,000 pesos for BUILD UP of 1 more classroom! to give your wife too much honor.
The more you appreciate her, the
ANNOUNCEMENT: HLLC is ready to ACCEPT enrolees for
more you love her, the more you
Grades 1 thru 6. Apply-Visit-Take the Entrance TEST at HLLC!
show affection for her, the more
NOW from Toddlers to Preparatory; From Grades 1 to 6.
she will mature in Christ.
Call 709-0131, look for Teacher Lissa for more INFO.

Pastor JR is believing God for completely You can learn to be affectionate.

FLOOR TILED classrooms at HLLC (school). Here are four ways you can
It would only cost 25 pesos per tile (12x12 size). show affection to your wife:
Will you give ONE or MORE Tiles for our 2 Existing
1. With YOUR WORDS --
Rooms? Please TICK Connection Slip. We need 380 to Every wife needs a steady
400 TILES per Classroom. As of today we have 8 donors na! diet of compliments. Keep
her emotional tank full.
How to CROSSover from 2. With YOUR ACTIONS --
DARKNESS to LIGHT? Plan actions that show
1) Recognize that you are a SINNER and need a personal relationship with God. you're thinking of your wife
2) Never trust in what you can do to earn the GIFT of salvation Christ has for you.
3) Submit to the LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST by Repentance and Faith in Him.
even when you're not with
4) Ask for His grace for you to serve, FOLLOW and obey Him for the rest of your life. her. Leave her a note that
she'll find in the middle of
the day. Call her up just to
6am / 9pm say you love her.
HLMtv & HLMradio will be 3. With YOUR TOUCH --
viewed & heard in different Holding hands is still a great
PARTNER Channels in thing to do. Hugs do
Kabankalan Area, Iloilo, Cebu,
Dumaguete SOON! It only takes
wonders, too.
200 pesos per hour to Broadcast. 4. Thru FOCUSED ATTENTION --
Look her in the eye when
she talks to you. Give her
NEXT WEEK GO make DISCIPLES your full attention.
15th of 830amEASTView with Doc Jimmy Pacete (copied from RW)
MAY 2011 10amRobinsons with Clifford Puen

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