Landicho Kaye Anne C. Bsba Fm3E

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Landicho Kaye Anne C.



Direction: Fill in the BLANK

1. The use of probability and statistics to model uncertainty, combined with optimization techniques,
to find good decisions in highly complex and highly uncertain settings
2. The measurements may be taken every hour, day, week, month, year, or any other regular
3. Data-mining approaches can be separated into two categories: supervised and unsupervised
4. A forecast is simply a prediction of what will happen in the future.
5. A time series is a sequence of observations on a variable measured at successive points in time
or over successive periods of time.

A. Enumerate the following:
1. data sampling – extract sample of data that is relevant to the business problem under
2. data preparation – manipulate the date to put it in a form suitable for formal modeling.
3. model construction – apply the appropriate data-mining technique to accomplish the desired
data-mining task
4. model assessment – evaluate models by comparing performance on appropriate data sets.

 Supervised Learning Approach – the goal is to predict an outcome based on the set of
variables (features)
 Unsupervised Learning approach – methods do not attempt to predict an output value but
are rather used to detect patterns and relationships in a data.
B. Identify the following:
1. The goal is to predict an outcome based on the set of variables (features)
-Supervised Learning Approach
2. Extract sample of data that is relevant to the business problem under consideration.
- data sampling
3. A sequence of observations on a variable measured at successive points in time or over
successive periods of time.
-time series
4. A set or recorded values of variables associated with a single entity.
5. Methods do not attempt to predict an output value but are rather used to detect patterns and
relationships in a data.
-Unsupervised Learning approach

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